Give thanks for the breathe of Life, Give thanks for the Life Giver who allows us to sing to HIM, O Jah Rastafari. The Power of Music is such a blessing, and to be able to hear new music and gain inspiration is a true joy. Here are some new albums that are now out or coming soon with InI art work. Give thanks for the ones that move in harmony where we can express the same thing in two different art forms. One frequency. Let Jah Be Praised!
There is more album art to come, Give thanks for viewing. In each piece the music is the message that pushes the visuals. If you like or want to know more about the art, check out the music. All the music and artists are on all musical platforms. Seek it out, its worth it! I will soon have a collection of the music videos and interviews that feature art as well. Peace with you all. Hail Selassie I First, The Word made Flesh. One Jah.