Blessings, The soul will prove itself more than worthy.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. This Life of Rastafari adds the spiritual dimension of focus that has the power to build nations and monuments. It is within all people and life to exceed expectations or even comprehension by looking to what can be achieved with faith, courage and a just cause.

In this journey, InI know I am more than just an artist or musician, that my very being is only because of inspiration. That there is a important healing necessary and we are to be ever ready medicine men whom are vessels of Everlasting Life and Purpose. In the meditations that have revealed through our journey to and from Puerto Rico, the elements of worthiness came into thought. Who and for what reasons are rich rich and the poor poor. How does comfort come into play and at what time do we realize that what must be done is a long term commitment to build on a spiritual foundation a New Earth. There are test tubes within test tubes and there are masters and grand masters. We are living in an age of Orwellian Propaganda and controlled information. So what have I learned….


Voices of concerns over the spraying of NALED over the Island and the lies of where and when they were planning on spraying the people, then the actual spraying of it, brought a vivid disturbing vision. This is after the people had voiced concern, surrounding the CDC as well as blocking the Federal Courthouse, after marches and petitions, We saw the commencement of toxic fumes and the silence of the birds and frogs. This later would happen to Florida and South Carolina where Millions of Honey Bee’s where killed and untold effects on all the life in the area. In these times where We are warning the people, and the lack of care and dignity is so that we must plan for a new day. Where we understand that the masses are being controlled and trust their controllers so much that we collectively must plan a whole other way not looking for the approval of authority but revealing true authority within the frame work of what is the best for the public and land with justice and transparency. In short we have to be better than them, in every way. Who are they and what is better. “They” are the elites that have no care or accountability. Better is self sustainable, and producing for the collective good.

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Now we are in New Mexico, where the sky is covered with Chemicals that are part of a de-population program of weather modification aka weather weapons. This is happening to the entire planet. It is also blatant evidence of evil,..lets transmute that.. and it is the key to the awakening of mankind to the out of control “leadership” that has overrun almost every political system. From ZIKA virus to Spraying it is the same corporate sponsor. From the Atomic weapons of yesterday to the Nukes of today, it is the same. We are in time where Globally the World needs Independence from the evil legacy of eugenic nazi derivatives. In short this is what I have say, Have faith in the Infinite one within, that the soul will prove itself more than worthy to be the Vessel of The Most High and a new day.  Study of how things should and could be and who and what is getting in the way. What is going on in North Dakota fighting the oil pipe line is a great example. People from all backgrounds and beliefs putting into action the greater good for the Earth and the people.
In this journey, I also have realized not to limit ourselves, we must realize we can do it all, don’t waste time and there is mass amounts that can be achieved. What we want and need always needs to be looked at and whether it hinders total progression. We have a mission, and in conscious steps we can align multiple works to be surgical cuts into the cancer that it running the world amuck.
We are now back in New Mexico, Painting, making Tracks and Organizing  with farmers of Right. Online, so link. More to Come. Trust that. For Now, May the Most High Guide You to be absent of fear and joyful of Eternal Life that we are forever One With He that is the Alpha and Omega. In HIM. Jah Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari.

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