Tag Archives: Shiprock paintings

More Lion Art and Meditations.

In this journey it is a blessing to see how art speaks for so many. In a time where everything seems like its muddled up, often art makes the bridge that words haven’t yet. Words are funny, leave a few out and the story changes, with art, if there is something missing you can tell. The composition is off, the feeling is confused..with words the feeling may be on but the story is incomplete. When I see people get high on art it really hypes me up, there is something about being understood that is priceless. Here is the next batch of work. Many different subjects, I hope you enjoy. One Perfect Love.

"Tangled 2 You" 8x10" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 175. Prints available

“Tangled 2 You” 8×10″ Acrylic and Indian Ink. 175. Prints available

"Shiprock" 8x10" Acrylic and Indian Ink, only $120!

“Shiprock” 8×10″ Acrylic and Indian Ink, only $120!


 "Woman in white." 4ft x 2.5ft Spraypaint, acrylic, indian ink. 700. prints available!

“Woman in white.” 4ft x 2.5ft Spraypaint, acrylic, indian ink. 700.00 and prints  are available!


"Cbow the Blue Maasai" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 8x10 only 130.

“Cbow the Blue Maasai” Acrylic and Indian Ink. 8×10 only 130.

"Pueblo Monk" 8x10" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 150.

“Pueblo Monk” 8×10″ Acrylic and Indian Ink. 150.

8x10" acrylic and indian ink, " Lightening over the mountain." only 150.

8×10″ acrylic and indian ink, ” Lightening over the mountain.” only 150.


"EarthLion". 8x10. Mixed media. Sold already. Prints available soon.

“EarthLion”. 8×10. Mixed media. Sold already. Prints available soon.

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So many works in the mix, I have enjoyed doing some landscape pieces, of NM, feels like giving homage. Give thanks for the Life Bring, Preserver and Comforter, The Most High Jah Rastafari. Give thanks for the Inspiration,  I pray it inspires further goodness. All for the One. Haile Selassie I.