What a special day in-deed. Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Ethiopia from Italian Fascist occupation. On this day 75 years ago, Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and the House of David, was seen as the first and most important country to be freed by the allied forces at the start of World War 2. His Imperial Majesty was the first King to return to His Position and Kingdom that He Himself never relented or redacted from. To be fair this bit of history could and has been afforded books of important information that will give a great glimpse into effort, works and sacrifice that the Ethiopian people and the Emperor went through so that this day could be.
What can I add in all modesty, perhaps one of the most important things is to reflect that after a terrible war, where loyal subjects fought for years without pay, barefoot, and through chemical weapons and modern tanks, survived to live to see Their King honor and crown them with the respect to be remembered and uplifted for generations. That against all odds the people themselves could unite in their Ethiopian Identity and common desire to progress Ethiopia and the World. Many will think fondly to that time, where Ethiopian Unity was so strong and their relief so great, they knew together they could collectively do anything. Here is a video that is great: The Truth About May 5th – The Day That Changed The World Forever!
At this point of history, The Words and Warning of Conquering Lion of Judah was fresh in the ears of the west, and it was clear that Haile Selassie I was correct. Europe was not ready, especially when the Gulf of Eden being controlled by Nazis or Fascists would result in the famine of Europe. Across the world to nearly ever family at least one would go because the plea of the Emperor was ignored. As a Bloodbath ensued globally, The Emperor ascended the Throne and began to repair, and plan. He would have a great message in an interview with ” The American” magazine 1941, where He is noted as a prophet and asked on what else was to come..He mentioned the founding of the United Nations. Ethiopia would become the 13th Founding Member years later. When I hear the name United Nations, ( as bad as they have become) I still hear, Ethiopia’s Vision for the World. His Imperial Majesty would likewise scold the UN later in order to make them remember, and prepare for its challenges in moral standards.
In 1941, May 5th Prayers were answered, they were answered by the personage and place of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie, On the Throne of Solomon. Globally Africans fought for Ethiopia, as well as sympathized and organized. This was a day that Our Prayers for Freedom was answered. It was also day that a very special speech was made. In this Speech, the King of Kings would speak of reconciliation and how governments that lead the people poorly are the criminals not the common people. That forgiveness is crucial and as a people we must show what makes Us as Christians. No other nation forgave the countries they were at war with in WW2, and to this day most dislike each other because of that. This was the first time that both Ethiopia as well as the World witnessed a King that did not seek revenge. Just Progress, Kindness and Love. The Speech is Called, “Triumphant Entry – Victory Day” This is the closing paragraphs.
A New Day
People of my country, Ethiopia!
Today is a day on which Ethiopia is stretching her hands to God in joy and thankfulness and revealing her happiness to her children.
This day, on which the people of Ethiopia are freed from oppressive foreign yoke and eternal servitude and on which I am enabled to rejoin my people, whom I love and have longed for, will be honored as a holiday to be commemorated annually as a Great Ethiopian Anniversary. On this day we shall remember those heroic warriors who, determined not to surrender the great charge passed on to them by their Father, became sacrifices, shedding their blood and breaking their bones for the freedom of the land they loved and for the honor of their Emperor and their flag. The history of Ethiopia will be witness for these our warriors.
The tribulations and afflictions which befell us during the past five years and which cannot be recounted and numbered in detail will be a great lesson to us all, and with industry, unity, co-operation and love engraved in your hearts, will be a great incentive to you to be my helpers in the affairs of Ethiopia which I have in mind. In the New Ethiopia I want you to be a people undivided and endowed with freedom and equality before the law.
You will have to join me in my efforts for the prosperity of the country, for the riches of the people, for the development of agriculture, commerce, education and learning, for the protection of the life and resources of our people, and for the perfection on modern lines of administration of the country.
It is my firm wish and purpose to merit the blessing with which God in His mercy has visited us, first, by showing our gratitude to our Allies, the British, by the release of the Imperial troops to fight the common enemy on other fronts, and by supplying them with troops whenever they may be needed; secondly, to do work beneficial to the people and the country by establishing in our Ethiopia a Government which will protect the Faith and cause it to be respected, and by guaranteeing liberty of the people and Freedom of conscience.
What I would finally announce to you, my people, is that today is a day of rejoicing for us all. Today is a day on which we defeated our enemy. Therefore, when we say let us all rejoice with our hearts let not our rejoicing be in any other way but in the spirit of Christ. Do not return evil for evil. Do not indulge in the atrocities which the enemy has been practicing in his usual way, even up to the last moment.
Take care not to spoil the good name of Ethiopia by acts which are worthy of the enemy. We shall see that our enemies are disarmed and sent the same way they came. As St. George who killed the dragon is the Patron Saint of our army as well as of our allies, let us unite with our allies in everlasting friendship and amity in order to be able to stand against the godless and cruel dragon which has newly risen and which is oppressing mankind. I charge you to consider them as a brother and a friend and to show them kindness and consideration.
H.I.M. Haile Selassie I
Celebrate with Us that Good conquers Evil and that Ethiopia may stay as a symbol of Freedom for the World for years to come. On This Day of May 5th 2016, I hope we all read more about the Emperor, and read more of our Scriptures, because we cannot know one with out the other. Jah Bless and Keep You, May His Face shine upon You, Peace be with you.
Ras Elijah Tafari