The Trod of Emperor Haile Selassie I.

There seems to be a space outside of time when I think of The Emperor. A feeling that everything we do, everything we feel will be written in history and perhaps shape it. A strange affirmation that to be present and balanced, to be solemn and dignified will precede us as did the His Imperial Majesty. That the nature of God follows us, leading us into perils unknown, to realize over and over Good conquers. That Jah is with Us. It seems we are a odd moment of truth. Where humanity is being ushered in by the divine to evolve. To progress in terms of mental and spiritual alignment. To realize that all governments are systems and therefore illusions, that even the idea of a King that thought themselves better than others is illusion. Emperor Haile Selassie I in every way opens thru His teachings and Life, that sadly, we are not there as a whole,.. that we dont have peace, nor do most respect the Universal Laws of Right Ruling. To have true peace, to have everlasting peace, the nature of a man must change. The battle between the lazy, selfish “self” and the Working harder for everyone including “self” will conclude. It is the ultimate choice if we will be savages, or rise above angels. We also see in The Emperor’s Life that tragedy and pain are teachers, cold elders, that wait for us to understand their old school. That His Majesty also received His Honorary Doctrine in Struggle, Pain and Sorrow. Still, now in this day they deny HIM His place in countless books and movies, altering and denying this and future generations. Malcolm X, J.F.K., NIXON, Selma, The Butler, The King of Scotland, Mandela..movies…,Robert Kennedy movies, even Mussolini got his own movie. countless WW2 movies, the history books are all missing the greatest mind to ever live.The Light Of World, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Even in this time we are lacking, while illusions continue, recess ended. All but a few haven’t stopped playing. We must become still greater than we have ever been, and to learn that which we were not educated in. To answer questions that have never been asked. It is the time. Sometimes it may seem like we are alone, however who ever made up this word was also trying to tell us something. How can one be “alone” and at the same time All-One?.. Even in a foreign land, know that the King of Kings has walked there before you, and has paved the way, for a better today and tomorrow. I cannot imagine Life without His Example, without evidence, one based just on the faith that One day…Yet today we are here in a greater Light and Darkness, asking each other if we can have faith we can be better than we have ever been. Until that day..and On that day. One Perfect Love. Jah! Rastafari, Haile Selassie I IS. My Lord. R.7.

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