Had a good reasoning with a Swiss Ras yesterday and it opened up the subject of how diverse and varied we are due to the influences of where we live and how the revelation of Rastafari reached us. In the case of Ghana, South Africa and Kenya, the movement has a different luster and has its own unique views of the Emperor that reflect years of local development so that there is a cohesive element that embraces their inborn African development. From New Zealand to New Mexico, the Indigenous First Nations have a strong love and attraction to Rastafari, the devotion to the cause has helped countless families and tribes find the importance of resisting colonialism and to look to HIM in a way that His Words guide and rise up the Nations to care more for the environment and the dignity they must carry in order to have a sustainable future.
We have Ras in Italy that have been organized for decades am have contributed internationally to encourage education and understanding of Ethiopic Studies and His Imperial Majesties importance in the Christian Faith. We have Ras from Japan and Germany that have used the music to inspire and unify the Nation, in a very unique way. Of course the Ras of the Caribbean have carried the torch and lit the movement with a fire of Biblical reasonings and Jamaican culture has merged with the movement in so many ways it is hard to not see West Indian influence in the movement everywhere. Because of the massive number of witness out of JA and St. Croix, St. Lucia, Antigua, Barbados. Rastafari and the Islands have been interwoven in the minds of the general masses. Rastafari is a movement where we can see how some communities prosper and have a cultural understanding of unity and togetherness. Sometimes we see the opposite when it comes to how we handle situations and that can be regional more than based on the actual issue at hand. The Ras in Chile have shown an excellent representation of humility and devotion and that has brought an awareness world wide of togetherness. We have seen entire islands and countries choose Rastafari officially to be representative of their ideals, such as Malawi and Antigua and St Thomas. Our development is beyond a phenomena and is still very alive.
The Rastafari moment on the East Coast has been strong for decades, New York continues to be a stronghold as well as Florida and North Carolina, all of which have influenced and uplifted the whole. All these Ones are different, have different approaches and callings, some of which may be controversial, California has become the Reggae capital and yet it is important to hail the Ras that remember that Rastafari is a spiritual trod, not a money making venture. We have seen how millions of dollars can be made by sharing the music and it is a duty to remember music is prayer and should be honored as a gift to offer praise. The Rastafari movement in the UK is one I would love study, thank you for being strong and protecting the Fairfield House.
Finally the Rastafari Movement in Ethiopia, the center of it all. This is where many of us will meet, and realize how diverse we are, how much we have to build on, and what we never knew is helping or holding us down. Ethiopia, is a place of purpose and potential, everything is in your face and unlike most places, everyone has heard the name of the King of Kings, ( how much they know or what they think is a whole other topic) it is evident that to start from Ethiopia in a offering of the soul, is the Holiest of Holiest. Ethiopia will bring to life the importance of what happens when we do or do not listen to the Emperor. To Understand that classism is the enemy, and Our God and King, Loved Us All without Partiality.
The Ethiopia Rastafari Houses, are built, how we maintain them will be seen.
I haven’t spoken about race because in this article, because in each location there are varied backgrounds and languages, so many that it cannot be simply generalized, we are a collective. We are everywhere, even in Canada! Every Color working for the King in our own unique way. It brings a great joy and also awareness, that we should see our Iverse Backgrounds, as a strength, and tool. Our lack of knowing should increase our desire to know. I am proud to be part of this trod, and I pray that we can come close as children of His Imperial Majesty to Honor our King and Queen’s Vision and work to Achieve that peace world wide. I pray we see and learn from each other and realize that we are our nations greatest resource.
From the High Deserts of New Mexico I salute you all, and pray the Almighty Creator Protect and Guide Us to Do His Work. Keep Building together. Hail Rastafari. In His Perfect Name, Negus Nagast, Qedamawai Haile Selassie I.