We have heard of the Nazarite Vow ( Numbers:6), and vows of celibacy, but there is nothing like Akae Beka. It is an Oath, One between the Most High and Micheal the Ark Angel as written in The Book of Enoch in chapter 68. verse 20-24.
20. Its name is Beka. He spoke to holy Michael to discover to them the sacred name, that they might understand that secret name, and thus remember the oath; and that those who pointed out every secret thing to the children of men might tremble at that name and oath.21. This is the power of that oath; for powerful it is, and strong.22. And he established this oath of Akae by the instrumentality of the holy Michael.23. These are the secrets of this oath, and by it were they confirmed.24. Heaven was suspended by it before the world was made, for ever.
This is the Oath in that is forever and all that is unchanging is. Unlike vows, this Oath of Akae is the affirmation of One in still and solid from whence the Waters where called into creation, and the Darkness commanded into existence. Vows are for a time, this oath is before and after time. The Oath of Akae is that of giving all free will up, so that there is nothing but a vessel clean and fully for and of Jah. InI start this article saluting The Rastafari Elder and Spiritual Father to so many of us for speaking these hidden secret trembling words. To speak of an undying oath to forever be with Jah in all of the souls eternal journey. To Live in a fashion that has already raised ourselves and children into a higher resonance of feeling and thanks giving. In Heaven singing our prayers is of up most importance. He that was known as Vaughn Benjamin, He that has been revealed as Midnite, has been renewed as Akae Beka for us to know Jah in His Strength awaits those with unwavering commitment to fully surrender for all time, and follow only His Command. This the offering of the Heart and Soul to Our True Home, The Right Kingdom Heaven where the Most High dwells, both above and below. An Offering to the Spiritual not of the material.
Thru making this Oath, Akae Beka, This prophetic and powerful healer, will do more than sing and new song. He will make us read, hundreds of thousands will read the Book of Enoch than never would have, and many will read it again whom have heard its name again in the spiral. Perhaps we will be able to reason together on all the powerful words that are written before Noah, and thru the instruction of Our Father and His Angels, that from the viewpoint of Heaven, Earth and the World are but a day in which the beginning and end is set and done. Where there is a divine order that stretches across multi-verses, and this experience is but one of many to see what we are made of and to who we truly belong. With that let I expand on the Ten Heavens in this new piece.
The best plan is to read The Book of Enoch for there is a reason I painted it rather than re-told it. With that said, Many will ask many questions. Including who is the woman at the bottom. Let I first begin with, while meditating I asked about the nature of all the male figures. It was revealed to I, that in Heaven, we are souls, we are not bodies, we are seen through our conduct, that angels are deeper than we see them and so are people. There is one man in the picture, every thing else is bigger than the material bodies and based on the souls absolution before the King of Kings. The figure in the bottom right is Babylon the Harlot and is a replica of the image used in a mural to describe Babylon in St. Georges Cathedral for Emperor Haile Selassie I in Addis Abba. She is as she was painted before, praying for mercy when her judgement was self created and inevitable. In the eyes of Heaven the Flood and the Fire, Genesis and Revelations are closely connected. Ones will see the Ark symbolized with Noah, whom is the Grandson of Enoch. The Seven Mountains represent that which is called Mixed-Mineral Demons. The are forces that fallen angels that went into the mountains so that they could tempt man when unearthed. Such mixed-mineral demons are tin, and steel which energetically let men to make weapons. Another is gold, in which we have seen can make people act to this day immorally and very evil sometimes, any one who has been around a lot of gold will tell you there is a change in vibration in odd ways. In the left bottom is the words, ” The Beginning and the End ” written in Arabic, which seemed to be the only language that flowed with the art and waves. There is another story that is also being told with animals as symbolism and there are references to that, such as the Eagles carrying away the lambs and the Black Bull ( 8th heaven) which is serving two symbolic purposes. One being representing the exact age in the time of the Egyptian Zodiac that would remind viewers of the Greek Zodiac and a reference to that which is older, ( though Egypt wasnt born yet as we know it in this book). The second is to refer to: LXXXV-XC. The Second Dream-Vision of Enoch: the History of the World to the Founding of the Messianic Kingdom.
The First Heaven, a place of many wonders and teachings that greatly resemble international beliefs about keepers of snow, rain, hail, seeds ect. It opened InI to the many names ones have for similar ideas. An Atmospheric Heaven, with Etheric Elemental Angels dancing and singing as they disperse and rain on the World/Earth. There is a difference and that is why Enoch is taken up, because he see all this and knows that the Earth is a planet and the World is corruption. It is the corruption that is to be wiped away and the Earth that will be given Homage. Water is an important element of the painting and from Earth, to the great sea of the First heaven to the Tenth. In the different ascensions there are some that can go up and down, few can go down after rising. The Ark Angels have a special trust and place, and Enoch with Uriel as well as Gabriel, and many elder angels, guard and guide Enoch as he writes and acquires wisdom in the rapid transit of the heavens. Enoch goes up and see’s how hell is in heaven. That there are polarities, and places that are also for a time. A place we place ourselves until our prayers are refined and our voices uplifted. The second Heaven is one of the most interesting judgements, a place where those who cannot control there mouths go for a while. Those who cannot stop the noise within nor be still. Those who blame others for everything and think they are right, for those who do not listen. For the arrogant and rambling gossipers, there is a place for them to talk to themselves. It is not a great spot, it is where ones have to humble themselves and be still, to clear the voices out of their head of confusion. This is a place that Angels dislike being watchers in.
Each Heaven is wonderfully designed and it is up to everyone to read the book for themselves. It will make ones ask very hard questions as well, about this world and the eternal life that we have thru the powers of the Most High Jah. I was struck by the beauty of Third heaven, a place for children and colors, a place of fruit and trees, and how the most ugly also dwell at the further gates.
The Book will make ones see that the the mission of purity of blood was for the Earth to witness the Original Man in Perfection as the Son, and the Father as the Conquering Lion of Judah. The plot to destroy man has been evident since before man was created. Angels there in Heaven were jealous that We as mankind would be given heavens of our own and free will. The history of much of the Scriptures is that of a mixed people with fallen angels. That the Torah and the Books we have been given in the Jude-Christian faith largely are from those that are neither all fallen angel or original man. They are of a people chosen to be a symbol of the world as a bridge of both the fall and rise of humanity in mixed race of ages. Noah was glowing white, eyes, mouth and hair, and this was a subject of concern to Enoch. It was then, he was shown so that he could answer his son Methuselah in his worry. In Heaven most have place, it has everything to do with there is no where to run to, Jah is there waiting, and has the next step. The soul is never done giving praise, as so it is not a place for reunion, more so communion. How and who we are is much more important, it about sorting the soul out.
That is the place of the Fifth Heaven. The place of Grigori, soldiers that are giants from wars across time and history. From all countries and regions, those who were warriors to those who where police. These huge being’s have to enter and stay in there uniforms they had previous, as they are shown all the injustice and horror they were complicit in. They were not aware that they fought wars over a lie, and murdered the innocent. There they are shown what have done and weep. There they have to sort of their soul knowing now what they did not then. Seeing and feeling everyone they have hurt and inflicted without intentionally doing it. It is a place to pray, cry and work out the turmoil within. Two Angels visit daily with two trumpets each to tell them its time to sing and give praise! They do, though it is the worst singing every heard.
As we climb higher, Enoch will eventually speak to Jah and witness the Most High speak to others, Enoch will change clothes given to him by Uriel and join the High Chief Guardian Angels. Many have to stand in fire as they praise Jah in that closeness, we left in the early Heavens all that which is negative. From the sixth Heaven, the keeper of the seasons, and all is being recorded. The keeper of the seasons looks all directions at once, and holds each of the season appropriately. It seemed to have a queenly energy and InI wanted to show a hint of elegance.
The Seventh Heaven is where the Most High visits and has a place there. He reveals Himself as on a Throne as a man without a crown, as well as a elder with white hair. He travels around as so chooses with different appearances that are attractive and close to the nature of a Man of Righteousness. It is remarkable that the vision of Christ was so clear then, On the Seventh Heaven, Jahshua The Messiah, Sits where bands of angels giving praise as the Most High occupies that stage. The Seraphim s, and Cherubim s, surround and are painted in a traditional Ethiopian manner.
The Eight and Ninth heaven describe the place of the waters and the Zodiac. Each month as presented in an African fashion to describe the vibrations of each month and age, the movements of the sun and all the rotations.
The Tenth Heaven Is the dwelling place of the Most High Jah, Rastafari. Who sits in a Crystal Fyah Throne with multi forms of Angels around HIM. In the Fire, Ones must stand and be unmoved. The Power and Glow, the extreme immensity of The King of Creation is one that is hard to look at. It was painted in a different fashion in order to make it so the detail could not be seen due to the surge of virtue and love that is beyond that anything man can behold. When one’s look into the eye’s of Jah, and hear His Voice, those who are worthy, are still spiritually blinded by His Face and ears deafened by His Venerability. In Majesty, there The Almighty speaks of How Light was created and solidified to become the water, the water to become the land. It there that the 7 Ark Angels are, and Enoch is redressed. Where The Highest of Ark Angels Michael makes his Oath, and lead the people into total surrender to the Omnipresence and Omnipurpose of the Supreme Creator. It is under the Seven Stars that The Word Sound Power was uttered, ” Akae Beka! ” a Oath, a Command, a Seal on the Heart that has become Flesh. That is a man of Right embodied. No free will, only total surrender to Jah Alone. As we were made By His Word, As in the Beginning was the Word, and it manifested, so in this time those who look for a sign will see no sign. The will only see a sign of the Prophet Jonas. The sign of repentance, and surrender and in His Majesties Mercy We R saved. That we never stop climbing and in this time he that was Vaughn Benjamin has inclined and climbed. He has revealed to us all what This Oath is and that this is the living embodiment as the Mission for the Soul.
I am eternally thankful and filled with gratitude to be able to work with Midnite and now Akae Beka Project. In Perfect Love I thank everyone who has listened and shared Midnite over the years, and together we have been humbled over and over by this Spiritual Father. Over whelmed with Joy and Happiness, InI have grown and am starting a new phase of life. It is a Blessings beyond words to be able to help bring the Book of Enoch, The Ten Heavens for the Earth. I hope it will help all grow and read, that it will spark reasonings on our greatest purpose.
Psalm 86:12KJV
I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.
Psalm 52:9 Aramaic Bible in Plain English
I shall confess to you for eternity what you have done, and I shall proclaim your Name to a generation of generations before your righteous ones.
Psalm 30:12 Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Therefore I shall sing praise to you and I shall not be silent. Lord Jehovah, my God, I shall confess you for eternity!
Power and Virtue of the Trinity.
One Jah.
Jah Rastafari, Emperor Haile Selassie I. King of Kings.
Ras Elijah Tafari.
Yes I FarI! Higher Heights!! Love, Strength and Resilience!!
Thank you for Bro. Tafari for the reasoning.
why can’t I copy these words of Love and paste them around to teach the children of Jah how to identify the circumference?
Jah Bless! Not sure why it cant be copied, other than the art has codes on it, please send an email address and I will copy and send it. Jah Bless, Rastafari!
Blessed Love, If the I would like a print of the Ten Heavens of the Book of Enoch Let I know, they are 40.00 signed. I will do 2 for 60.00. They are 11×17. Pray the I is having a lovely day. One Jah. R.
Hi and Blessing, I am interested in buying a poster of the 10 heavens of the book of Enoch. Please emailed me back and let me know.
Blessed Love,
Thank you for linking up.
I would love to get you a poster. Please send an email to lionartproductions@gmail.com
and I can get your info and send it out. BLESSED LOVE> Rastafari. Ras Elijah Tafari.
How The Creator WAS and BECOMED by Himself before FIRE…, Seeing Us as We can’t see atoms. Multiplying galaxies and galaxies, actions and actions, events and events for times and times til the last VIBRATION.
Bless The most COMPLEX
from Senegal West I-FREE-KA
Enoch, The Righteous Scribe.
Blessed Love
I would like to know best to say this mantra. Ah-key Becka, Ah-kay Becka, or Uh-Kigh Becka? Please advise, bredrin.
Give thanks for the Meditation. It is pronounced, Ah-key-Bek-Kah. Rastafari.
Love it.