Tag Archives: Who is Rastafari?

"Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch," Acrylic and Indian ink painted on wood.

“It is in His Faith He is Justified” Selassie Meditation.

A moment of praise, a meditation, a  Reasoning. Remember that many want to tell the World about How Great Emperor Haile Selassie the First is, and we tell them about His Deeds, and we exclaim His Words, and the results of His Visits, however these are not the Highest Credits in the Eyes of Men or God. It is in His Faith He is Justified, as ones debate the actions, or question some of the translations, their is no question that The King of Kings was the Defender of the Faith. A title that even the Orthodox Church acknowledges and vested on His Imperial Majesty. Let us reflect on His Faith, that He openly prayed before the Earth, that He quoted men of Faith, and proclaimed that by Faith He would Conquer.

Romans 5:1 “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” The Subject of Faith would come up when ones would ask the Emperor about Rastafarians, and the words of, ” Don’t disturb their faith,” or ” No one should question the faith of others, for no human being can judge the ways of God” – Haile Selassie. The Conquering Lion of Judah spoke of Faith from the perspective of God and not in the usual manners. This is what many who criticize the Rastafari faith don’t understand, that the Emperor does want us to have faith in HIM and He doesn’t question the faith of others for He too has Faith in Us that We can do more than we think we can. For Jah is with Us.

We have heard the famous scripture, Hebrew 11, ” Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. … And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” This is what Christ spoke of, The Ancients like Abraham, and Noah who were not perfect men, they had faith. In the Book of Mathew, Christ said you have to become like children, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No matter what ones think, a child’s faith reminds I of many Rastafari in their jubilee, who Exalt Emperor Haile Selassie I! Many who can’t read, or write, and that doesn’t matter to Jah. It was because of Faith, Hebrew 11:5 tells us “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death:”
No one is getting close to Jah because of intelligence or because of deeds, or how much Scriptures you read, your actions are separate from your Heart. In the Heart is where there is a voice that you listen too, or don’t. When you do, that is the Holy Spirit, that is there to see if you will earnestly seek with faith from the Heart which overruns the mind, and please the Father.
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” – Romans 10:17, listen not in your head with your ears, listen to your heart through the unseen ears that listens to your Soul and God speaking. The events that brought His Imperial Majesty here were not like the usual ways that people come, it was from unseen, unforeseeable powers that only Jah could manifest. He calls us to understand the difference of fear in our head, to the fear in the Heart when the soul knows Jah Is. Like Noah had, Enoch and Job. It is Reverence in the Highest to the True Head. The True Head is the Almighty, and Fear of Him is the beginning of Wisdom. Ras is a word for Wisdom and for Head, Tafari means in Amharic, Fear or Reverence. Ras Tafari, ” Head worthy to be feared.” The Man and Message of Wisdom, Gave us by acknowledging us by His Name, His Name. “Make Prophecy realized” as Hon. Vaughn Benjamin sang. When we see The Emperor Display Wisdom as His Crown, He is Feared and Revered because He knew who He was before we did. We beheld His Words Come to pass. In Reverence our Spirit Is caused to move. When He and the Orthodox Church told Us He is the Power of the Trinity, as Revelation said He would, in a Name that only He would know, He Is. Emperor Haile Selassie, before the world, was seen on His White Horse and it was as He went to war..Revelation 19 “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.”
Our Faith isn’t in a Roman Construct of a Deity, it based on the Faith we saw actualized, the Prayers made and answered, Witnessing that against all odds, Good conquers over evil. The Results of Loving The Emperor Loving and Being The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The One God. He is a Living Bible, that has allowed us to be here, today, now, ushering in a new testament of the Word and Scriptures. We are that evidence of His Faith. And He still believes in Us, whether we believe in HIM. As sure as the Power of the Trinity is Everlasting, Haile Selassie I is here, to renew your spirit so you can feel the peace and righteous and blessed assurance of Jah in Your Heart. That As the Defender of the Faith, Emperor Haile Selassie I showed that even in the 21st Century, with Faith, Courage and Just Cause, David will still beat Goliath.
Give thanks and Praise to the Almighty One, Egziabher, Qedamawi First, Haile Selassie I, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Root of David. King of Kings. Power of the Trinity . God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God.

"Selassie I and Priest" Acrylic and Indian ink. Original Available

“Selassie I and Priest” Acrylic and Indian ink. Original Available. Go to shop section to check out prints and originals for sale.


Celebrating Emperor Haile Selassie I Being. July 23rd 2020.

July 23rd 1892- 2020:Celebrating Emperor Haile Selassie I Being.

As many of you know, today is a special day for Rastafari World Wide. It is day Our God and King was Born, 128 years ago. Many may ask, how can God be born? The answer is that in actually affirming that God is Everything and in Everyone, That which is unseen creates all that is seen. That birth is a manifestation into flesh from the unseen where the soul and God forever is. He is the same that was, is and will forever be. When we see HIM and we see Ourselves and God, that which was previously unseen, and now seen. It is the meeting of the original self, and all of history embodied in One, paraphrasing Nelson Mandela description meeting Emperor Haile Selassie I. That He is time itself, and yet Greater, He is mortal and immortal. He also propelled Humanity in a new direction, ushering in a greater cry for justice and peace than had ever been. In a Great Oneness with the Creator We have been invited into the Power of the Trinity, (Haile Selassie I) which teaches about the relationship of God and Mankind. It is in this African Emperor, that clarity and compassion is used wisely and for all. So that the expanding of Our relationship, and duty to The Almighty and Each Other, He has crystalized and capsulated the communion of Oneness.
This is a day of prayer and reflection, a day to give praises to be called by His Name as was prophesied in Revelations 22. ” 3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.”
The term ” Ras ” means Head in all Semitic languages, and to be called Ras Tafari is a Holy and Magnificent Honor. This is why we are not ” Rastafarians” or “Rasta” We are called by His Name. Ras Tafari. We also can see the Unity of the Lion and Lamb without confusing the two, In their Oneness, also is the knowledge of distinct properties, all of which are displayed in the Life of His Imperial Majesty.
On this day, We reflect How Mankind was and is graced with perfection, and strive toward it, now it has been seen. The owning of the times, is the acceptance of the King and Queen of Kings. That Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Asfaw is who they say and really they are. This is Reality, He is the Conquering Lion of Judah, that is officially recognized by every world government, how we see it, is your choice. For InI, it is the affirming that the Bible is living itself out in Our Time. Will we remember the Garden, will we remember who we still are? Rastafari, and the New Name Haile Selassie I, is an assault on the lexicons of Europe. It transcends definitions, because of its multiple forms of jubilation in its expression. “Haile Selassie First” in it’s meaning, is both mathematical, a symbol, an expression of the Energy of God in Man, A Supreme Authority of Human Inclusiveness, He that sits on the Throne of Zion, Modern David and Greater Solomon, and this and much more, simply in the Name of Emperor, Haile Selassie First. He represents Order in Chaos, Defense of Faith, Freedom and African Sovereignty. He is the Father of Africa and Humanity, yet also is the Ushering of in of a ” New Race ” as He put it. Nothing and no one compares to what the World witnessed in the Life and Teachings of Emperor Haile Selassie I. He has saved Billions of Souls from a World that could have been in subjugation, and He has Restored the Souls of Millions who have felt His Love, and share His Peace.
Thank you for reading, and in  2020, We Give thanks for the Highest Call, That of The King of Kings. It is a Joy and Honor to give thanks, To His Imperial Majesty on this Good Day. One Perfect Love. Let His Name Be Praised. Emperor Haile Selassie the First. Negus Negast, Jah Rastafari!

Emperor Haile Selassie I and African Liberation Leaders. Can you find Nelson Mandela!

Emperor Haile Selassie I and African Liberation Leaders. Can you find Nelson Mandela!

Our Emperor Speaks:
It is a matter of bitter disappointment to Us, as it must be to all Africans, that in [Zimbabwe], in South Africa, in Mozambique, Angola and Portuguese Guinea racist regimes continue to oppress our brothers and to deny them the basic human rights to which they are entitled as free men. New ways must be found and new techniques must be devised to bring these governments to their knees, if not their senses. The alternative is the use of force, and however abhorrent this course may be, Ethiopia stands ready to act if this be required.
- H.I.M.Haile Selassie Nov.4, 1967