Tag Archives: Vision of Judgement Day

"Judgement Day" 4ft x 2.5ft Acrylic and Indian Ink. Ras Elijah Tafari

Vision of the Judgement/Reflections on the last days of Babylon

A heavy and blessed mediations was given to InI on a phone call from Ras Sadiki-I. First, Ras Sadiki-I is a man I have long respected and feel is an authentic messenger and vessel of the Most High Jah. Those of you familiar with his work and mission of building the New Temple for the Ark of the Covenant know that the Almighty speaks and achieves mighty works through this brother.

We reasoned on many things and one subject was on the Judgement. We have all been around those who think the end of the world is coming, and some are scientists..there has always been a host of thoughts, some logical, some not about how the World will have a reckoning for their actions. Some ( most ) believe it will also happen through the passing of the body and the meeting of their maker inevitably.  The personnel experiences one has is what creates the faith they carry, our experience is in the Scriptures. We have see The Most High reveal Himself already through Emperor Haile Selassie I as the Conquering Lion of Judah.  When we look at the Greatness of the works accomplished by the King of Kings, one asks what more can Jah do for man that man cannot do for himself. His Imperial Majesty left certain works for us to accomplish. One of those is end the use of Nuclear weapons and testing. Emperor Haile Selassie I spoke many times about how this is imperative to our collective survival. Nuclear weapons are also a unique weapon for what we believe is Satan to use in order to break down the achievements of peaceful evolution. It is the lowest of blows, because it makes no sense, even from a capitalist, pirate perspective. The idea that destroying the food supply and contaminate the air for the whole planet due to a dispute as an option is insane. It is total madness, and has its root in a satanic ploy to destroy mankind. What I also find interesting is that most people are most inherently worried about a Nuclear War as mankind’s ultimate stupidity and downfall. The whole “Doomsday Clock” if you have heard of it, is totally based on the number of Nuclear weapons and likeness of use current to the present.

The audacity to decide to spit an atom, is beyond symbolically evil, it is evil.  It is the key to why they are divided in themselves. That the plot is to make you implode, as well as a bomb. It is also evidence of that which smaller than you can see, that which is invisible, has the ability to burn and destroy for thousands of years..It is the evidence that there is more than an unseen world, that this unseen world, that we get peaks of, contains evil, as well as good.

I could go on about how nuclear weapons changed foreign policy and the potential for collective security internationally, that the Nuclear arms race was planned in order to return to a method of a nation with the biggest weapons rules the world..but instead I will speak on guilt.

I was reasoning with my daughter who is now 13 about how we are born into this, and we are guilty by association. I didn’t want to take it to the Garden of Eden when we live in a beautiful, and highly radioactive state. Both naturally as well as unnaturally, due to the high amounts of Uranium as the massive storage, development, building and waste, we have more than 2000 Nuclear weapons in the Mountains as well as leaking nuclear waste. Our State is so ignorant that we have a baseball team named the Isotopes, and museums celebrating Nuclear bombs. Its sick, and if we, if bombed by a country that the US was threatening with Nuclear weapons attacked, we would be somewhat guilty of our own demise because we live next to the mountain full of nuclear weapons. She understood, that together with many others, we didn’t choose it, but we are all in it, accept a few nations, who may seem poor now, but if all the bombs blew up where they were, only the nations that collectively said no, and heeded The Words of Rastafari would make it..

This is where the vision starts.. The Most High promised Noah that He would never destroy all of Mankind again, and that never again would a flood wipe out the Earth. (Genesis 9.) He also sent the sign of the Rainbow as a covenant, that is what the Ethiopian Flag stands for.  When in the book of 2nd Peter chapter 3, liken to what Ras Sadiki-I said, that the Most High does not want to destroy mankind, that is there doing, and choice, that we could repent..2Lukechpt.9  ”The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

It goes on in the same chapter to say that a great fire is coming that will make a New Heaven and New Earth. We reasoned that many Ras also think He will come again, and Ras Sadiki-I agreed there will be one more advent, a third advent. He said we haven’t seen the anti Christ yet,..things will get much worse.. He asked I, what do I think the nations would do if they saw Jah come out of the clouds with His Ark Angels? I said they would attack, he said “yesI,” They would war and bomb God.. Being that we have a Lovely and Caring Jah, knowing what is pre-destined, would permit Justice, though it was man’s choice, to also reap the repercussions. The Nuclear bombs that are launched will be sent to the same place they were launched. Each Nation will reap what they sow, those who dug there their brothers grave will fall in it. Those who try to attack Jah will only attack and destroy themselves.  The painting shows how the bombs returning to their origin, and the only nations left are those that don’t have nuclear weapons. As a continent, Africa will be only one that will make it. A New Earth and New Heaven, will begin then in its next stage. This was the vision, and I began painting…

"Judgement Day" 4ft x 2.5ft Acrylic and Indian Ink. Ras Elijah Tafari

“Judgement Day” 4ft x 2.5ft Acrylic and Indian Ink. Ras Elijah Tafari

I thought to myself what does it all mean, as far as application..Should I save and run to Africa, should I make bold moves to alert and organize in the fight for a Nuclear free world? Or is there an even deeper message..I thought and I realized I have been here mentally before. There is a way of Living that consists of reckoning within ones self to make atonement for the future through present doings. Making Jah your friend and sticking with HIM knowing there is no doubt to whom I serve. Knowing its not about being perfect, but striving for perfection, knowing our imperfections are just a place for us to have faith in the pursuit of Perfection. Live every day like its Judgement day tomorrow. Ready to embrace the inevitable. If this is pre-destined, then what should we do?  Well nothing has changed, other than we may have to accept we won’t win, and it isn’t about winning. Its about what did you do, and say, how did you live, when it simply about accounting for whether you found what a full life means. Did you grow in Love, or hide in fear. We are eternal beings, so the attachment to the body is demeaning to the Soul. What is important is doing what the Soul needs to do to get closer and closer to Jah, in Perfect Love. Whether we are shot down, or arrested isn’t as important as did you do something that stood for Righteousness in the battle. How you look at yourself, and how Jah see’s you is what matters..because that is what we take with us. Whether is a Nuclear fallout, or a car accident tomorrow, did you do what Jah asked you..? Did you learn how to be ONE.? Have you Guarded yourself with the Armor Jah has provided? He has given Us, Children of the God of Ethiopia, the God of Abraham a New Name, to be written on Our Head. That He would have a New Name that is the Word of God. Rastafari is who we are, Haile Selassie I is His New Name.  Haile meaning Power and Virtue, of Selassie meaning, The Trinity, Jah the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. As ONE Jah. First. The Root of David has given us a mission. The Conquering Lion watches and weeps.

"Judgement Day" 4ft x 2.5ft Acrylic and Indian Ink. Ras Elijah Tafari

“Judgement Day” 4ft x 2.5ft Acrylic and Indian Ink. Ras Elijah Tafari

Give thanks for the Holy reasoning, which left many seeds of thoughts that have yet to be pondered. Give thanks for the Mystic, Ras Sadiki-I. Most of All Give Thanks to The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, for allowing us to be, and to experience the Love and Salvation that prepares for now and for ever.  In the Name of Jah the Father, Jah the Son, Jah the Holy Spirit. ONE JAH. Amen.