Tag Archives: United Nations


A Rastafari view: Matisyahu Reprimand. Why he is out of order.

Greetings in the Name of the Conquering Lion of Judah, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Power of the Trinity and Light of this World. Rastafari Greetings to the World, and Greetings to the Reggae and Rastafari Community World Wide.

In this turbulent time it is important that the  Rastafari Movement speaks in a manner that opens doors, and doesn’t close them and be honest with one another. Get some tea, and lets do some real soul digging today without emotional rhetoric. Mr. Matisyahu, you have come into the Rastafari community and you know who His Imperial Majesty, Qedamawi Haile Selassie is. You know we as Rastafari are here to bring a unique and holistic manner of communication called reasoning, this is what I hope will occur, so that the journey may continue in the virtues of that which makes the mystics spiritual kinsmen. We refer to His Imperial Majesty in our ideas, where the summary of our words and message reflect on the wise mind of The Conquering Lion of Judah, The King of Kings, Emperor Haile Selassie I in the words He has spoken.

Mr. Matisyahu, you have sat with our great teacher the Rt. Hon. Vaughn Benjamin, Akae Beka, and you have listened to his music. You say you listen to him before the shows you perform. The prophetic fire that our teacher shares, carries upon our shoulders now to Itinue. That also entails blunt honesty, and as the Emperor said, ” We must speak out on major world issues, courageously , openly and honestly, and in blunt terms of right and wrong. If we yield to blandishments or threats, if we compromise when no honorable compromise is possible, our influence will be sadly diminished and our prestige woefully prejudiced and weakened.” H.I.M. Haile Selassie I May 25, 1963.

We understand that currently many people in the world feel threatened and scared, angry and emotional, our desire is that rational thinking be achieved. Still, this is something that we must take into consideration, that you and many around the world feel defensive, and again, lets take a breath, and know that what we will achieve must be bigger than ourselves and our feelings. We are just reflections of many, so let us acknowledge that neither one of us are the problem. The subject matter is the greater point, not simply individualizing the topics at hand.

We have never met, and one day, Jah Willing, we can reason and hopefully on the topic of reconciliation, and what is reconcilable. In the Torah and in the New Testament, this topic is one of the major subjects, in which we have to identify the power of forgiveness for ourselves and for the redemption of a people. There is difference though between the ignorant and those who know they are serial criminals. And there are systems of governance agreed on that criminals, even if they repent will have to face accountability for their actions. Both to man and The Creator. Once again, the Law, international, scriptural, and in the name Judah will be addressed. On this topic of accountability and responsibility let us remember mankind highest values and reflect the virtues of our mentors.

We as the Rastafari Community have been a resistance movement against colonialization no matter when or where. The principals of being against colonial rule, and oppression by European domination has stood in line with our Ethiopian cultural traditions at home and abroad. We stood as Ethiopians, and as Rastafari Globally in the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa, and spoke loudly against the policies of the Apartheid regime.

There are many forms of Zionism, and InI am not going to assume what kind of Zionism you personally may believe in, I will even say that the ideas of Zionism aren’t the issue, the belief that a people should have state and homeland doesn’t bother I, its how such an idea has shown its policies and the impacts on the region based on the polices.  The  Balfour Declaration ( The first British Zionist Declaration on creating a state), called for safeguarding the civil and religious rights for the Palestinian Arabs, who composed the vast majority of the local population, and also the rights and political status of the Jewish communities in other countries outside of Palestine. The British government acknowledged in 1939 that the local population’s wishes and interests should have been taken into account, and recognised in 2017 that the declaration should have called for the protection of the Palestinian Arabs’ political rights. I am bringing this up because I want the reader to understand that in original Zionists agreements, that the contract includes between Israel and England, that safeguarding of civil and religious rights ( though political was purposely left out) was part of this agreement. Why is it that these rights have never been as defended as part of the Zionist platform when it part of its foundation? Further still, let it noted that many Jews do not support Zionism, before the occupation in 1948, before the Balfour Declaration in 1917, and still dont support Zionism. So it isn’t anti Jewish to be against Zionism, nor is it anti Semitic. Even your good friends who are Zionists, The World Jewish Community In August 2018, WJC President Ronald S. Lauder called on “Israel’s government to listen to the voices of protest and outrage” and uphold the country’s democratic and egalitarian principles against the threat of dominance by restrictive Orthodox influence, from what he called ‘a radical minority.” That many Zionists are still weary of radical minorities within Israel’s right wing that do not have the interest or ability to govern responsibly. Further there are many Orthodox Jews that are against Zionism as it is currently implemented. So how it is implemented..

To be pro- Israel mean wha? Does being pro- Israel mean denying 2.5 million people food water and fuel for 37 days, or bombing 9 hospitals, the oldest Christian Church that was running, with a US Congressman’s family inside? Is being pro Israel mean killing 101 United Nations workers and dozens of reporters? Or dropping thousands of bombs on dense populations to try and find militants underground? Does supporting Israel mean supporting white phosphorus dropped on children? Because I think it’s supporting war crimes by a failed Israeli Government.  I don’t think it has anything to do with Zionism, or for the safety of Israel, that it is illogical, as well as being a War Crime with the intention of Genocide. Mr. Matisyahu, I find it hard to believe that you would deny power to a child in an incubator or actually deny water to 85,000 pregnant women, however your government is doing it in your name. How many innocent lives lost is enough, before it is clear that thousands of innocent children dead is a crime against humanity? I say this with seriousness, and these questions I leave open for you to answer. Could it be, that the different perspectives of many Jews are being ignored and politcally used as a monolith for how the World should respond?  Is hindering real solutions and proper representation helping or hurting the Jewish people themselves? These questions we can see to when you respond Jah willing.


We have more that needs touching on, this post with an image of a lion with a Star of David chasing a wolf, with the title, ” Did you think that you would kill and steal our babies and we would not come after you.” Lets look at this, as people who want to speak on part of the victims.. defending the babies… The argument has been made that the Oct. 7th Hamas attack was Israel’s 9/11 when considered in proportion to its population. With this logic, Gaza, who population is less and has suffered the loss of 11,000 lives, ( with less than 100 being Hamas) which would be more than 100 “9-11′s”  for Palestinians. 4000 have been children, meaning more than two real trade towers full of babies have been killed by Israeli/ American bombs. Has this achieved anything and where is it going except the death of more innocent lives? That is if you believe there are innocent lives, in which the Israeli government has expressed the people of Gaza are all animals and there are no innocents in Gaza.

If you need to refill your tea thats fine, this isn’t a thing we gonna just summarize.. This is a serious subject my lord. We gonna touch on this next line which Mr. Matisyahu also begins with and finishes with. The Conquering Lion of Judah.. We as Rastafari hold this title in a special reverence in regard to the Ethiopian Beta Israel tradition that the Conquering Lion of Judah will prevail. It is on the Imperial Flag, and it was a proclamation of the Emperor’s of Ethiopia until Emperor Haile Selassie I. Up till H.I.M. it wasn’t a title, During His Imperial Majesty’s rule it became a title, and this is historically evident and factual. So, for InI as Rastafari Haile Selassie I is the Conquering Lion of Judah, and this is historically accurate. As far as many Christian’s, Jesus Christ is the Conquering Lion of Judah alone, and they do not agree with us a Rastafari, and many are offended by us speaking on what we say is just reality, and prophecy fulfilled. The nature of the Rastafari – Christian relationship is that Rastafari through the Book of Revelations that the marriage of the Lion and Lamb, is that of the Father and Son, and the Lamb is Christ, and Our Father, Atse Haile Selassie Is the Lion and this reflects the same unity as Christ and The Father in the past and present and forever more. For Rastafari, Emperor Haile Selassie I alone is the Power of the Trinity, and The Almighty One, and it that is the same relationship and oneness of Christ and with the Menfes Kedus ( the Holy Spirit) is embodied and actualized. For those who are Jews, they do not believe in Christ, and so they never accepted or could accept Emperor Haile Selassie as the King of Israel, or King of Judah, or Conquering Lion of Judah, because it would suggest they accept their King is Christian to say the least. Instead many Jews consider the nation of Israel the Conquering Lion of Judah and if I am mistaken please let InI know. For the adoption of a passage from Revelations, in direct reference to the second advent of Christ, the idea that an Orthodox Jew would adopt this phrase is a mystery to InI and that we as Rastafari say anyone calling themselves the Conquering Lion of Judah blasphemy. Let alone a Christian phrase like break every chain, which is Mr. Matisyahu ending to the post.Matisyahu instagram post

” The World is Splitting in half. We shall see where you land. Speak up, we see you. We know you. Though it might feel strange for this generation our blood knows this predicament well. We know what it is to be hated. We know what it is to be murdered,”

Coolya man,…This quote from Mr. Matisyahu this here is unnecessarily divisive in manner that is threatening, we shall see where you land.. we see you.. we know you… all this is a form of intimidation. It seems it is raising a cry for hatred, and challenging people to say your either with us ( all Jews he suggests through the blood line comment)  or you hate us. He goes on with this idea of saying ” To everyone who is with us, good. You should be. We’ve given you the greatest gifts to mankind. To everyone who is against us. Thank you for showing us your true colors and reminding us who we are.”  Here we are watching the assumption that everyone should be with Israel without criticizing its actions, and that they the Jews have given Mankind the greatest of gifts. This is quite a statement! Everyone is entitled to their views, however we have to slow down here, and express some facts perhaps we don’t address often. Ones can argue both ways, in which I am open to hear, that Judaism is a religion not a race, personally I think it is both and that some do have genetic links some don’t . That people convert to Judaism, and that doesn’t make them any less Jewish. It is true some Jews have a lineage they can record that take them to Jewish ancestors, but what makes a Jew is does He believe in the Torah, the God of Abraham, the Ten Commandments and that Moses held a stick that turned into a snake. If one doesn’t believe this, they aren’t Jewish too many. I am not here to say who is and who isn’t a Jew, however to put them all in line with being descendants of King David is far off. History and genetics will show signs of the conversions of  Kazars to Ashkenazi Jews and also semitic blood lines.  The lumping of all Jews together, encouraging entitlement to land and the right to proclaim they brought the world their greatest gift is declaring that world should be grateful for this State of Israel right now, this is manipulative and inaccurate. ” To Those who are against us” he writes, implying  the grouping all those who stand for Geneva Conventions on War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, the United Nations, Amnesty International, as against him, and Israel, when in fact we are for the safety and security of all people especially in war no matter who is doing it. Truly we should be equally thankful for everyone in the region for their contributions to human development and protect them, not feel indebted to this policy because Jews are the bringers of the Torah. No Sir.

Israel governs over several illegal settlements and ongoing occupations, where Palestinians are kept in an open air prison, denied access to leave, their pay or taxes, able to freely travel, or a military, and are just as semitic as any native Jewish person. The government of Israel, and Zionists do not currently have a desire for peace, democracy, or 2 states, nor have for a long time. The Emperor, Haile Selassie I, said unless Israel withdraws from conquered territories that there will not be peace in the Middle East. That is Rastafari Sound. Emperor Haile Selassie I stood against the occupation of Palestinian land and for the UN to come in with peacekeeping forces. (UNSC resolution 338,339, 340) Rastafari sound for one and all, we can’t accept a man who calls himself Rastafari and supports Apartheid. Nor can we dwell in the council of the ungodly. Man can’t be in the Rastafari Movement or in the Hip Hop movement, if someone supports Right Wing Racist, fascist policies, that include war crimes with no accountability then they go against the very principals of a music meant to liberate the mind and hearts of the oppressed. They can culturally misappropriate the music, but they can’t be the movement.  We stand for the Icepts of Let the Hungry be Fed, the Naked be clothed, the Infants be cared for and the Elders protected. We stand for Human Rights not against them.. and before we start with the what about Hamas part, we are talking about Israel’s creditability and your legatimacy Mr. Matisyahu. We can see that we have a problem here bigger than individuals, you didnt start this war, nor can you finish it, you didnt create this doctrine of Zionism, we get that. However in order that Israel’s and your own personal trauma can be healed, they have to be aware of the trauma they are afflicting on the world in the blatant disregard of human life because they are scared and operating in a mode of fearful thinking.

Your HollyWood Life interview you say “And to the people that are too afraid to speak up, or the people that are putting up posts and then taking them down because they’re afraid they’re going to lose followers — and [that] they’re going to lose some of their fame or their standing — I have to say, I’m sorry for you. It’s bigger than your brand.”

How many people are losing their jobs for supporting Israel? How many tanks do the people of Gaza have that 14 Billion dollars for Israeli weapons isn’t enough? How much media time does Gaza get and accurate reporting compared to Israel? How many celebrities have been attacked for speaking against blanket bombing of civilians? I am concerned that the reality that it is very dangerous to critique Israel and its policies, and that the censorship of Americans by Israeli super pacs are a very real danger too many states. When there is one voice in Congress calling for a ceasefire who has been censured, I would say that the danger for most people and fear many have is to speak against Israel’s actions, where in some countries they have considered it anti-semitic to criticize a government policy. Social Media outlets have also heavily censored pro-Palestinian voices in contrast to pro Israel offensive videos and messages. Lets reason in this…

Anti Semitic, has a percieved meaning, and defined definition and is a political tool for cry-bullying. First the perceived meaning, That Anti Semitic is to be anti-Jewish, The Defined Definition is to be prejudiced to a people who speak semitic languages, which include Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, Aramaic ect.. That Semitic, isn’t a race is a language family. You might wonder what is this word Cry-Bullying..it is someone is becoming emotionally irrational with a purpose to deflect the topic of fairness and accountability. We are seeing this more and more, and in some ways is the epidomy of ” Woke-ness.” Where no one can criticize Israel and should walk on their toes so they dont cry anti-semitism. On the streets we call this “bitchshit” similar to a girl crying in order to make everyone feel sorry for her. Its a form of crying wolf and insults real Jewish victims of real hate crimes.  Haffi keep it real fire man…

So this Cry-Bully thing, is what is happening when we keep hearing about Oct. 7th when the world has condemned the Hamas attacks on innocent civilians. What about the Millions of people being starved in Gaza, how does it help Israel by collectively starving and punishing men women and children? How does it make the security of Jews around the world safer, and how is it not a war crime? We commend all the Jews that have been arrested and spoken out against these War Crimes, and here in the USA we risk not just being arrested for demanding Human Rights Laws be defended, but also we risk our lives as radical right wing domestic extremists and terrorists want to shoot and drive over us. Its very dangerous for people in the world to stand up against tyranny when western governments are profiting from them. “I feel sorry for them, its bigger than your brand.” To quote you Mr. Matisyahu. Its bigger than the brand of Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Coke a Cola, or your brand of using reggae and hip hop to encourage a pro Israel stance. Palestine doesn’t have a super pac, it doesn’t have multi billion dollar companies supporting them. Acting like Israel is a victim of companies and celebrities who are overwhelming leaning towards a Free Palestine is a farce, quite the opposite, the voice for peace nearly silent.

What will happen more, is that the fear of being called anti-semitic will be a small price to pay when it comes to explaining criminals can say what they want, however what they do  are war crimes, and those who participate in war crimes, collaborate with war criminals should be held accountable in an international court of law and in world public opinion. That these Israeli leaders and ideas be considered Fascists, separatists, exclusionary, who sight that their birth right makes them entitled and supremacists over others as ” Chosen People.” This is already seen as a religious form of elitism ingrained with religious extremism, which most countries reject.  Religion doesn’t give anyone the right to commit war crimes or think that they are superior to another. I cannot believe Mr. Matisyahu that you dont see these bombings as war crimes, no matter who is hiding in a tunnel, maybe… That there is no weaseling out of justice, and accountability, that those who commit war crimes, as soon as possible we hope will be convicted and jailed. This is international human rights law, which Israeli governments have never respected. We hope you are not as callous or arrogant as your leaders.

As the Elder Vaughn Benjamin said, Natty watching you… what are your true colors, because right now, many fans are listening to your music and seeing that your perspective isn’t for peace its using music and your influence for war mongering. Rather than coming to conclusions please speak for yourself, and answer these questions, unless it is that you think you are better than us as Rastafari. You can make your own video or post, you dont have to talk to InI, but please explain how it is you want to encourage more death and destruction of innocent people so you can build the temple of Solomon..please explain why its good to starve and deny water to the sick, wounded and babies.


We seen in the past how you dont respond to calls or answer questions, rather call you friends in different Anti defamation leagues to then defame honest organizers. We have seen you call them anti-semitic and pressure their governments to force them to put you on their festival. ( Rototom Sunsplash 2015)  I am a small fish, and Israel already controls our politicians, no need to call Babylon. You already have Babylon, what you don’t have is the approval of Rastafari, and that if you want to make doors open and people really admire you, speak for those who are innocent being murdered by the rich and powerful no matter what land they live, no matter what religion. Go beyond the barriers of religion and look and see from Sudan to Ukraine, innocent people are being stuck in the cross fire with no where to go. From Capetown to Cairo, Africa is yelling Ceasefire. Stop thinking you are the Conquering Lion of Judah, and as Vaughn Benjamin, Akae Beka taught, Conquering to Conquer, and Conquer the need to Conquer. Are you going to profit off singing songs supporting the misery and destruction of a people because of your minority groups interpretation? What vision of peace do you have to offer, what are goals do Israel hope to achieve, and if this right wing government gets all they want will it be at the expense of their influence, prestige of all Jews woefully prejudiced and heart weakened?

 We are listening, in this cry for justice, as a voice in wilderness, what will be your response. Will you repent or will you be stubborn, what example will you bring for reconciliation of peoples, or will self pity leave you stuck in the cage of nationalism? Are you with or against Freedom, for both Israel and Palestine, or just Israel alone?

This is how Akae Beka, would reason, so it really gets in there. Time is no barrier to substance, mind and matter as one. We stand for One Love, even though we have been beaten and murdered. That we as Rastafari and Black Liberation movements, know the plight against colonial forces and still stand for peace and human rights for all. Injustice anywhere is assault to humanity, and we hope though we have different opinions about the Scriptures that humility and reverence for the gift of Life be present in all our deliberations, mediations and words.

Reflect on these words as my closing, what the The Conquering Lion of Judah stood for, and stands for, as I and I do stand with HIM, on the question of human rights and how humanity should live as one. And that HIM would have never approved such talk as made in your posts . That we as HUMANITY should “We must look, first, to Almighty God, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in Him, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He created in His image. And we must  look into ourselves, into the depths of our souls; We must become something we have never been and for which our education and experience and environment have ill-prepared us. We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”

May the Most High Grant you the inner strength to know right from wrong, and good from evil. To speak for the rights of all and not a few, and think and act in a manner that reflects rational solutions for the betterment of the world. I hope you realize that the right wing conservative radical government that is in control in Israel is not working for the benefit of Israel or anyone else. Please reconsider you position supporting a massacre that is the product of years of bad leadership internationally. When anyone chooses peace, over war, when they choose life over death, they and the world will be better off. We hope you can make that step, and many more to be the best you can be.  Thank you for reading. Feel free to send comments and messages on the link. Mr. Matisyahu please think about what has been written and Jah willing we will talk one day.

With a Heart of Reverence, Egziabeher Qedamawi Haile Selassie I Jah Rastafari.

Ras Elijah Tafari








R.U.N.N. Article, Ethiopian Government with the African Union.

Greetings everyone, Global Citizens, Rastafari, Pan-Africans, Ethiopians, R.U.N.N. Members and those who are interested in Reform the United Nations Now.

We are proud to announce the publishing of our first group article about the current developments in Ethiopia and how it relates to the power of collective security. Collective security both from Africans within Africa and those abroad who see the advantages of working together with what is best for Ethiopia with nations that understand the geo-politics and history of the area.
This is the first of a series of articles and letters that we are sharing that will help in counteracting the disinformation war and encourage peace-making and unity in Ethiopia. The current issues with the United Nations make the importance of Ethiopia’s relationship with the African Union more important than ever, while long term solutions are addressed, both with the UN and through the Ethiopian Constitution.
We hope this public article of encouragement promotes the dignity and foresight of the Ethiopian Government to find like-minds within the African Union. We hope to see them expand and create a new dialogue on a world platform about how Ethiopia and other nations can overcome tribalism and succession. Ethiopia can be a higher example when aligned with the wisdom of others that respects the sovereignty of Africa.
This article will be published on multiple websites today, and if it seems sensible to you please share and pass it on. Ethiopia is close to many of us, and we look forward to seeing a new horizon.
One Ethiopia, One Africa, One God.
Representing R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.
Ras Elijah Tafari
R.U.N.N. article Ethiopia and A.U. pg1R.U.N.N. article Ethiopia and the A.U. pg 2

Mankind's Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari The Urgent Need To Reform The United Nations

Intro to R.U.N.N. Why we need organize to reform the UN.

As we all are in the winds of the whirlwind of the times, I wanted to slow down and give thanks. First Give thanks to for Life and the Opportunity to share this moment.

I wanted to give thanks for those who are excited about the book and organizing, it is a joy to be able to organize publicly and gather strength internationally. We are opening up a dialogue with both Rastafari and human rights/ environmental justice advocates about why we must push for reforming the United Nations. Many are already likeminded, how to remove the veto power from the UN Security Council is the beginning uniting in the name of Collective Security. Without removing the veto power of the UNSC, the lack of environmental justice, the lack of human rights, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons will continue. We address this as an urgent matter, and have created a new group to address it from an all age, international and pan African approach. As we explore and journey into this endeavor, the guidance of those around us is crucial. In many ways, whether one is very educated or not, the simplicity of the topic will arise the more as is it directly approached. It is also complex, which allows us all to look at multi faceted solutions that are creative and beneficial for all. Having polarized positions are a hinderance, and as the truth comes out, the truth reveals exactly what is helpful and what is hurtful.
No nation will be able to assure its own survival or freedom without the commitments of their neighbors. That is a reasoning I am happy to elaborate on, however, ones can support local, be a patriot nationalist, and think internationally about threats faced globally and strengths that happen with Global solidarity. Beyond rhetoric this movement is about actualizing and having the will power and determination to make change by any means necessary. It is important for Africans together with the Caribbean to take the lead in presenting the importance for UN Reforms, that our representation can be accounted for by our own leadership and example. Looking at solutions with a Black Liberation theology ingrained, allows a special advantage.
Working with social movements and bridging different groups builds on the message that this will take a global effort. I hope that this resonates and is something you’re interested in learning more about building. It is the duty of everyone to work for our collective survival over collective extinction. Many have expressed the desire to bring their spiritual education higher to build for real peace and security. Logically and Spiritually the United Nations represents the greatest body for peace keeping in human history, it therefore has the greatest potential that need those who believe in justice, human rights, dignity, and environmental protections to push for those principals. Thank you for reading and I hope you will want to join us and build as One. Learn more and register at www.reformtheunitednationsnow.com and you can order the book for there as well. Jah Bless the whole Earth. Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari
Founder of R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.


In the Spirit of Fredrick Douglas, speak today about liberty.

I would be unjust to not speak today about liberty. To address you in the spirit of Frederick Douglas, and ask where is liberty for Puerto Rico on this day of celebration. Why are United States citizens denied the right to vote, or to be represented in Congress on this day of Independence. Where is their independence… There is a tide of intolerance today that demands the scorching irony be addressed. It is not light that is needed, but fire, when we see the blatant hypocrisy of this United States has created worldwide, by demanding injustice be the status quo and that in their celebrations they mask their adornment of dictators. It is no secret that the National anthem itself is racist, as well as the Fourth of July, when we as Africans in bondage, shackled and beaten were asked to celebrate freedom, and liberty..for over a hundred years while enslaved, it was and is a very sick reminder of the disconnect and mockery of African Lives, and Natives Lives, Mexican Lives and indeed life itself. I dare say it is ungodly and savage to revel in a dream that is a nightmare for the masses of Africans that have stood watch as you boast of democracy, when to this day it is washed in elite corruption. Don’t delude yourself into thinking your free, when our grand mothers are insulted who were torn from their children to breast feed the slave masters. Who today our Fathers and brothers are torn from their children to work for pennies in the US correction system. It would be unjust not to speak of Life, Liberty and Justice for all, in this cruel joke of a nation in denial of their addiction to depriving the poor and to this day refuses to address their own human rights violations internationally. The World watches the savagery of the US and awaits its accountability and attendance in the subject of Racism or Human Rights. The U.S. is no party to Liberty and Freedom internationally or nationally. All of Nations known as the United Nations, await to see when the USA really believes these ideals for all, or a select few. In the Spirit of Frederick Douglas I speak, a patriot and voice of the voiceless, not to debate. To speak of the irony, that perhaps has been hidden by pool side bbq’s, and religious and nationalistic rhetorics, and fireworks, that freedom isn’t free. What will we do for Freedom…?

Free Puerto Rico

Great Reasoning with Ras Sadiki-I, Rastafari Visionaries Review.

Greetings in the Most Holy Name of Emperor Haile Selassie the First. The Conquering Lion of Judah, Supreme Head of Humanity and the Sign and Seal of these times. The thoughts that have been inspired are for the benefit of international salvation. Today wasn’t a day like any other, it was the first time I was able to reason with Ras Sadiki-I, whom The Almighty chose to build the New Temple for the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia. This is a man that I have long felt was a vessel of The Most High on epic and prophetic levels, that his calling was a blessing to Rastafari internationally. He was chosen to humble everyone, by being himself, and allowing himself to be used to bridge the East and West. I will not go into his history, I will allow the reader to learn for themselves of the under and inner takings it took for the Temple to be completed, and how symbolically it represented and represents a change in the presence and importance of Rastafari spiritually for the redemption of the World and Ethiopia.

We reasoned on many things and contextually came to the same place of where and why we as Africans abroad are stuck in a social construct of pagans. We believe that the workings of the pagans have the same basic objective, which is the subjugation of the majority and especially the true children of Israel. We also believe that colonialism is the foreign and domestic policy of the devil. The historical advances of humanity in different regions really show that The Scriptures and the God of Israel are relatively new and foreign to most of the world to this day, and whom most culturally continue the practices of those that are polytheistic, local and often full of demons. In many areas of the world, reading is new to masses, and until recently information in general was controlled by those who control circulation.  We shared similar thoughts on the advantages and dis-advantages of Christianity and how it has also allowed a Gentile philosophy be introduced since the teachings of Paul. I hope you are following.

The blatant contrasts of seeing the battle that is part of the Biblical context is reflective in the confusion of how and why Rastafari is misunderstood and still overstands. Europe has controlled the Bible as well as education in general which has made it so that a Euro-centric perspective has made the Scriptures both widely available and widely misunderstood. It is difficult but this is the method in the madness.

It was prophetic, and divine destiny that Iyesus Kristos be born from before the Creation of Humanity. It was prophetic and divine destiny that has Emperor Haile Selassie I with us as a fulfillment of set Prophecies. It is divine prophecy that Africans Unite and lead humanity into a peaceful co-existence. Starting there, we have the Vision of Jah from Jah, and the adversary is all that stands in the way of this Vision complete. Understanding that this destiny was not up for discussion, there were Angels that resisted the importance of Christ as a Man and Son of God, to be over them as angels. The attack against the least was already underway before we were created. The Earth is the Most Highs, and not the playground for angels and demons to dance, it is the foot stool of God and is here to embrace His Children. In His Fatherly Love, the desire to first try and explain to satan ( an angel),  why that Jah has made Christ to lead men, made satan disagreeable. Jah shall make Himself known as a God of Love, Protection, Righteousness, and Non-partiality. To be just, this didn’t get thru so well either. 

From the first books until the last, we can see that satan has a certain amount of freedom and attention from the Most High, which is partly what separates the God of Abraham from other deities. The God Of Abraham has a Fatherly Love to create understanding even in the face of stubbornness…It was destined that Christ come for the Gentiles as well as the house of Jacob. There has been a Unity factor at work from the beginning, despite the known obstacles that were also pre-destined. This is moving from before man to present, to understand why from a Scriptural point of view why we are here now, and the importance of The Root of David, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I’s work in the cause of peace and co-existence.

Being in the west, we haven’t learned that spiritual atonement is about listening more than telling…that it is about reminding and learning over converting and outward affirmation. We do right for right sake, not for a reward in the after-life. We as Rastafari have a Livity, which is to say we do not divide the spiritual from the material. Religion is like a college, what you show reflects only your diligence, not that of the school. In short it is not about the outcome, it is about the attempt, and experience in the work to make it as good as it can be, to study for ourselves and build ourselves in education…Hence, what comes forth is not to be seen as doom, but of the repercussions from set behaviors. We can either choose to stand far from destructive ways, or with them. The Knowledge of the times that we live through and the lens of secular and spiritual leads to the journey of Rastafari in a new phase.

In this modern time, Rastafari is in the Third and Fourth generations of H.I.M. We have seen the space and distance ones can go when not listening to the Word of the King of Kings, and the example of Iyesus Christos. The United Nations, in which man’s last hope will be for world peace and collective security has great power. The importance of representation by the Ethiopian World Federation in the U.N. is that we have a public, and constant view and statement for the world on behalf of the diaspora. It is to bring a people who share the identity of African Heritageat home and abroad into the discussion. What has been labeled as a “Pan African” perspective needs to have international ears and representatives working together internationally. The United Nations in InI’s view is a crucial player in the re-working of a system that has been designed to give voice and reason on behalf of Peace Loving Nations, most notably Ethiopia, its thirteenth founding member. We as Rastafari, must do our best to be ambassadors against nuclear proliferation, and for human rights and justice as so set by The Root of David, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. Our goals are common goals for most nations and people.

  There are those that stand in the way, and this is why the restructuring of the U.N. is essential in order that permanent members of the security council do not have the ability to override or overtake the majority. It is also essential for enabling the cause of peace and implementation of collective security.It is appropriate, in due time, and is spiritually a duty for Rastafari as children called by His Name, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie Ito have a permanent space at the UN and to have a voice in international issues, for the benefit of all humanity at large. Africans in the diaspora who do not have a government other than that of Ethiopia, as a World Federation, must see the E.W.F. is the avenue for representation and a world voice. These are some of InI thoughts shared on the purpose of what we must do, in order to try and encourage a future where we do not bring on a nuclear war or other reckless and unnecessary dangers that are posed on each one us.

We have a duty internationally as those who follow in the example of Christ and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. We are here to Love Ethiopia as Zion, and to also show how nationalism in Ethiopia encourages redemption and love to all the world, for Our Creator is not localized, He sits set apart. We have an Ethiopian Perspective of God, the same perspective that was taught to Moses and would create what are ” The Children of Israel.” The same God, that “Arabs” would embrace as well as Europeans in their congregations. It is the God of Ethiopia, from Genesis to Revelation. it is a North and East African Our-story. We have reached a time when saying you’re a Christian means little, and this goes for most faiths, including ours. What is important is the action of doing and showing, and if the judgment does hit tomorrow, our voices were not silent. As much as many of us would like to make it a better world, it may not happen, it may get worse. With this in mind, remember this isn’t about an outcome that is pre-destined, it’s about your part to play. It is about your conscience, which both Ras Sadiki-I and I agreed is Jah, and let your conscious guide. Jah’s Evidence is an inborn inception that is why all of humanity has the potential, it is up to us to have faith even through the illusion of death, for we have faith in Jah, The Ruler above and below.

The Importance of Global Redemption by the God of Israel is about getting closer to the God of Ethiopia, of Abraham, Isaacand Jacob. We see Zion as Ethiopia, and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie Ideclares that He sits on the Throne of Zion. Jah Loves the Gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. (PS. 87) The Blessings in the Bible differ from the Blessings of the Church, the organization as a whole is not the Word. BEING THE WORD INDEED, IS IN DEED BEING THE WORD. We see Rastafari as a Word Event, beyond a world event. We See Rastafari as the repairing of the breach and Judge. In that judgement and from His Throne we cite the modern need for African Unity and Redemption, Repatriation and self-determination. We reasoned on the importance of repatriation, and how Caribbean governments are becoming more welcoming of having Rastafari in governmental positions and with the opportunity to expand within the government. The ushering in of Africans abroad into Africa is a vision that is happening, but the challenges of community remain an issue. That issue has at large to do with the state of the identity of Africans in the diaspora and the importance of African sovereignty and representation in the future. We see Africans leading, but few African leaders, and as those who have seen the corruption of the West, we can help our brothers and sisters not to be fooled by state of the art corruption which is Babylon in the East.

We agreed that we have a duty to see that the influx of information and the privilege to learn of His Imperial Majesty and African History has changed rapidly and that the difference of exposure to education has set us on a new course. Highlighting the importance of encouraging ones to read in order to have an understanding to African problems and solutions is crucial including the learning of Amharic. The learning of Amharic is offering of God, to speak in His Kingdom as a Free, emancipated, and un-colonial being. Self-appreciation of our culture can benefit the world and be an example to others of a rising sleeping giant, embracing itself. Africa is what makes Blackness have relevance. Without Africa the western construct of the idea of Black is void. Black and Black identity is at its heart based on African Unity due to the loss of language, land and culture, making the collective bond.It is revolutionary because of the importance of African Unity, without a love for Africa, Blackness becomes the reaction to European dominance and social designs through allowed stereotypes. Our roots cannot be that of the United States ( as well as other nations) conquest for our bodies, but the Soul of Africa that preserves us and calls us forward to Her.

Our reasoning of why Africa is where we as those loyal to the Word should go is because of the Bible and the end of times. That Nuclear states will war with each other and those nations that do not participate in satan’s nuclear war will survive. That due to the ignorance and greed of satan’s colonial ways, the world will follow in the reckless example of a heartless bully disguised as whichever country puts its trust in nuclear weapons. That we have not yet seen how the Anti-Christ will try to subject us into bondage in this time, it has yet to happen. That it will get worse and many will try and leave at the last moment to no avail. Whether or not we like it, it has looked that way in many regards since the day I was born. That the warning continues, and cries, we need to move toward a more civilized society as Rastafari and humanity at large as quick as possible.

We reasoned on the Crown Council of the House of Solomon, and the Monarchy in present times. After hearing Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie I speak in Chicago about how we may have to accept that HIM Haile Selassie I is the last king we may see, the importance of working together in every ability for the betterment of mankind is what is needed in a world that is in a state of emergency. We found that the building of African Unity, and Ethiopian Unity is more pressing than restoration of The Monarchy. Ethiopia needs strength and leadership on a ground level, with the clarity of equality, human and environmental rights in an Ethiopian way. The importance of Rastafari as a common bond throughout most Ethiopian tribes is important but the social politics makes it that trust and understanding is build by Ethiopians for Ethiopians, a result of hundreds of years of not trusting foreigners.The best thing we can do is to be watchful, supportive to positive change, and to learn Amharic.

  The new phase was started in 2012 when Ras Sadiki-I was told by Jah via the Guardian Monk in Axum to launch the building and to set the stones for the New Temple For Ark of Covenant. As a collective, we were asked to build a new temple and work to repair the dome (head) of the St. Mary’s of Axum Church, the House and Temple of the Ark of Covenant built by Her Imperial Majesty Empress Menen Asfaw and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. The literal and symbolic healing and bridge began there. It was also when the internet and the abilities to have access to worldwide Rastafari and African current/past events increased, a new time where those who use technology can speed up the ability to educate themselves and others. Allowing more perspectives and broadens a bigger view of reality. Due to that, and the generation Ras Sadiki-I is in has allowed the process to be filmed and shared with the world through the internet.  For the most part, especially those who have studied Rastafari for years, remember when getting Black books was hard, and many were made illegal by Jamaican governments and South African governments, as well as seen as contraband in the United States.Most of us were getting oral accounts, passed through years and across miles. We had photocopies in the west of H.I.M. Speeches, and that’s because there were photocopier machines. I still have InI large manila folders full of copies from the “Beat” magazine of the one page in each issue with a new speech from the Emperor. We saw very few videos, in contrast to today. Still new videos and photos are posted of His Imperial Majesty every day that have not been seen. We are in an infant age of learning, and the ability to really research is like never before. The generation that has become computer literate will benefit from the expansion of African thought and history like never seen before on this planet. Likewise, our ability to find out, be involved and come out of the mountains has increased to the level where the building of a larger and more international audience in unity is at our fingertips.

The challenges we face in this time are several, first being the damage done by the lack of mature meditation on the Scriptures. Many Rases have had the experience of being at odds of having a biased perspective of the Bible, due to etymology and interpretation. Many are not aware of the controversy of the teachings of Paul and that the first Christians had issues with the doctrine that Paul was preaching, and its place in the furthering of understanding. Both human understandings as well over a thousand years of theological reasonings have occurred where the dismal of the entire book was not an option. Neither should it be for us, who also should have active reasonings about esoteric and clear meanings in the different books of the Bible individually. The importance of understanding the pagan mind and the difficulty of foreigners,to comprehend the depth of the Word is not something for us to look down on western prespectives about but to realize how their environment has ill prepared them to look at their actions in a moral way. When reading the word and looking at Rastafari through a prophetic and Biblical lens, It brings African Liberation to the Children of the One Jah, and the breaking of the bondage of Babylon in modern times. Liberation theology is redemption and salvation theology at its heart, which is why putting God back into the process is key, internationally for success in being truly liberated. Our expansive awareness of God in Flesh, and in the Body of Emperor Haile Selassie I, not only affirms Christ and the faith held in Him, but also calls us to heal and share with the masses a Creator that has chosen to be with us, as one of us, for all of us. When Ones stop telling God how He should be, we can open up to the mysteries that we still are called to have an open mind to matters that are beyond human comprehension, like Angels, Ark Angels, and the devil.  It is wise to walk softly in order to learn something no book or the internet can show you, the Spiritual World that is running all of it. We need to gather in reverence of that which we can’t explain away which has called us to reason on these heavenly matters. We can call it the Holy Spirit that need Us to heal together and rise together.

Ras Sadiki-I shared some experiences from the Panama gathering of Rastafari, and the importance of Panama logistically for the continual spread of Rastafari through South America and the World. It still has held the flame that helped shape Marcus Garvey and Leonard Howell. There have been continual gatherings and meetings there for decades and it is a hot spot for the Rastafari community. I was pleased that Ras Sadiki-I spoke to a congregation in Panama and would encourage ones to link with everyone from colleges, churches, and Rastafari festivals who have a vested interest in the works he has done and is here to do. I think men like Ras Sadiki-I should have the proper respect and audience given and elevate him to be a representative teacher and example of how the Most High is using us here and now. That like ones like Akae Beka, the word, sound and power of the truth from a holy plateau should been widely heard and prayed on. These are teachers first, musicians second. We have Kings amongst us, we have a duty to listen and heed when the conscious speaks.

These are just a few of the topics that were touched on, and the Mission Itinues. I thank you for reading and hope the topics mentioned move us to take to heart the great responsibility to preserve, expand and implement the Teachings of His Imperial Majesty in a sure and courageous way. In a legacy of Ethiopians that have lived and given their all so that we could stand today. For the Children of the Diaspora, to show them the promised land, and to help get home. For Humanity to see that its destruction is its own fault, and it is up to us become something bigger than we have ever been. Members of a new race. This is a new day, let’s take a moment to see what Garvey would have done if there was an internet, what would Emperor Haile Selassie I say or watch. What would the King do..? .let’s do that. We give thanks for the opportunity and blessing to be here today, We thank You Jah for all the Love You have shown humanity, may our works be acceptable and fruitful in Your Sight and for Your Namesake. Give thanks for the presence of the Conquering Lion of Judah in these last days, that we have seen the face of Jah. We Thank You and pray for the renewal of humanity and the birth of an age of Righteousness in Your Perfect Way. In the Name of Jah the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. One JAH. Be Seme Ab, We Welde We Menfus Kiddus, Ahadu Amlak Amen.

Judgement Day. Inspired by Ras Sadiki-I

Judgement Day. Inspired by Ras Sadiki-I

Special thank to Ras Kabir for editing this article. How good it is when bredren can dwell in Unity.  Jah Bless, inna Heart of Love.