Tag Archives: Scriptures

“Painting for the Crown” Rastafari Art Exhibit in Taos. July14th!

Wanted to share the space and some of the works that are coming together for July 14th at Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery. This is an amazing spot, that has more space than any art gallery in Taos. They feature at least 9 artists at all times, and have only been open a short time. This is a politically aware, streetwise, and spiritual centered Art Gallery. The man in charge is a brother named “Scriptures” who is an amazing painting in many mediums. Here is a glimpse of his work and the gallery…

Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery

as you can see there is Heart in every inch of the spot…Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery

This will be a special event worth coming forth for. We will be showing art that has never been shown publicly. “21 Diamonds” piece will be one painting from Midnite’s Standing Ground, as well as the Cover from Midnite and FifthSon Records “In Awe”. The Cover art of “Current” and “New 1000″ will be there Lots of Special pieces, including Artist Ras Zaharias showing new Rastafari art, that is all part of a presentation, “Painting for the Crown.” Its just part of a whole day of events. Check it out, with a Sound System from Sgt.Remo Ortiz with lots of musical artists coming forward. Mister Kila Kali, Dre-Z Melodica, and much more..All ages, free, Taos NM, July 14th.”

JULY14TH 2018

Jah willing we will see many there of all ages and backgrounds, as well as a video made. One of the most insightful elements will be bringing in over 25 magazines from 1928-1974 about Emperor Haile Selassie I. This reasoning will explore journalism and its relationship to Revelations and prophetic undertones despite its partiality, based on the times and ignorance of the media. It should be a very exciting day, and enlightening as well. Give thanks for everyone involved. Glory and Praise to Our Majestic God and King. Emperor Haile Selassie I.

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, "Standing Ground" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, “Standing Ground” by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album cover for Midnite and Fifth Son Records "In Awe" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album cover for Midnite and Fifth Son Records “In Awe”
by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album Cover for Midnite and Mystic Vision Collaboration "New1000" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album Cover for Midnite and Mystic Vision Collaboration “New1000″ by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inbox about questions or if you would like a print of anything you see.

Much More to come, Heart of Love. Rastafari.





The Law was Written before a book was.

Give thanks for the day. With Love in the meditation, when it comes to “The Bible” in which I it call the Scriptures. We have to see from the start a pagan has given the book a pagan title. A Title that marked the start of European interpretation by Greeks and Romans of African Thought. Just in case ones don’t think that the words inside have been tampered with even the word Bible comes from Phoenicia and Egypt in which they were cities, “Byble” and Byblis, a female diety and grand daughter of Apollo, well known Sun-diety of Greece. You won’t find this on wikipedia and the many online sites because there is a concerted Babylonian plan to use the Scriptures as a tool of slavery. Source: W.H. Roscher in Ausfuhrliches Lexicon der Griechischen und Romischen Mythologie vol.1 pp.839-840. and “Come out of Her My People” C.J. Koster pp. 76.
When Ones make their decisions entirely from the interpretation of the Scriptures they place themselves in dangerous waters if they miss the Golden Rule ( words of the Messiah). Do unto others as you would have them do to you. With this in mind, would Slavery be something that we stand behind because the Torah allows it, or child sacrifice. We do not, and we do not because we know what is Right within where the Law was written before a book was. Using the Scriptures to be the absolute on moral issues can lead to clear hypocrisy of which many prophets within the scriptures saw contemptuous. Examples being the Prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah to Jahshua the Messiah. InI know that the Scriptures have Mighty teachings, but that comes from Jah in I telling I that is a Mighty teaching. If ones can speak to Jah, why look to strangers telling you a story about other men who talked to Jah and just accept it. If you Know Jah you know what pleases HIM and does not. Hence why I say, that if you would not want it done to you, why do it to another? This question breaks to the heart of Oneness, and makes you think for yourself about how would you feel,…When anyone asks you something before you try to recount and regurgitate verses, think about how you would be feel being in the other persons situation and use understanding. That awareness and connection is how we build together. I have been guilty of it using the Scriptures to condemn swiftly, and I thought about what Dem-mok Warcloud said about how I don’t believe in the Bible…upset me and made me think,…because I love the Scriptures, and in truth there is no doubt I pick and choose what is good and not, and some things just ponder on.. I think we all do whether we accept that or not, and if we do follow the Scriptures word for word, then I question whether that makes a good person. His Imperial Majesty said, perfectly, was, “In pondering over the life, the goodness, humanity and sacrifice of the Savior of the World, in looking at the laws which He gave us, how much should we be ashamed to call ourselves Christian people, and yet not to follow His footsteps. Had we been Christain people, had we been worthy of the name, peace would have reigned on all the face of the Earth, and would have risen to the level of the immortal angels who always glorify the Eternal God, and the peoples of the world would no longer have remained divided into hostile camps. In very truth there are no interest or reasons, however legitimate they may be, that can justify war.”
We have all fallen short and its not because of the Bible, or Scriptures, its because of our lack of interest in PEACE.
Peace and Justice is the aim and religions are supposed to help and be the tool to achieve that aim. Is it working..perhaps we need to ponder over LIFE, THE GOODNESS, and HUMANITY. And of course Sacrifice in fullness. We have approached the Subject of God collectively as a war, not realizing that it can be won without fighting, that the aim is the mission. That the tools do not need force to be used correctly, that gentleness, faith, and understanding will sew good seeds for cooperation and be pleasing to Jah and Man.
