Tag Archives: Resurrection of Christ

" The Father and The Son" By Ras Elijah Tafari

3times each,The Lamb and Lion Wept. Supplicating Tears For Peace.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I the First. Power and Virtue of The Trinity. In the Name of Jah The Father, Jah The Son, Jah The Hola Spirit, One Jah. First. Amen.

In this time of deep meditation and World Tribulation, I wanted to share the importance of  why Emperor Haile Selassie I Wept, and how it is intertwined when Iyesus Wept.  The shortest sentence in Scriptures, shares more than words can say. When one’s think of God, The Almighty Ruler of all,  too often the emotions of The Creator seem unreal or a human invention. As creations or inventions of Jah it is relevant that We and Jah weeps, that as great as Jah is, that it isn’t just The Word that reaches Our Heart, it is the feeling, which is why this sentence, “Jesus Wept.” John Chapter 11:35 goes deeper than words.

Without knowing the past, the present and future will not be understood, To get the fullness we have to go to Scriptures and see the pretext to The Emperor Tears. When reasoning on this topic it is important for the reader to know that We as Rastafari see both Iyesus Kristos, Yeshuah the Messiah, Jesus Christ, as the True Vine to God and Jah’s Son. His place is in Our Father’s Love which He can not be separate. He knows what is to come because His Father has told Him, and allocated the Power of Salvation into Christ Trust. Emperor Haile Selassie I, The Conquering Lion of Judah is the Root of David and King of Kings. This is fact not and opinion, rooted firmly historically and agreed by all nations. In looking at His Life, we cite witnesses, and times and places, to record His Steps that where given to the Earth to witness why we exclaim, He is the Almighty Father of Fathers and Head Creator. His Life is the sequel that Christ referred to when He sat on the donkey  John Chapter 12:14 ” Do not fear, Daughters of Zion, see, your King is coming, sitting on the colt of a donkey.” , This is a reference to Zechariah 9:9 which speaks of How Jah is the likened to the leader of Judah, and a King. Iyesus Christos, never called Himself a King, that was the confusion of the Pharisees and the fear presented to the Romans. Likewise when He was on the donkey,  Iyesus was speaking about the Future King, and who is the King of Zion.  Keep this in mind, because we will forward to this later. Lets go into why Jesus Wept and what does that mean, as we lead up to His Crucification and Resurrection.

In Hebrew the name of Lazarus is EL’azar, meaning “God has Helped.” and he was a good friend of Christ and believed in him as the Son of Jah and loved him. He was one of the few men that Yeshua felt comfortable staying the night, and it was well know Jesus loved him as a bredren. (John11;3 and 11:5) His sister was the women that washed Christ’s feet with her hair, and anointed Christ. So when Christ didn’t come when He got the message that El’azar was sick, and waited purposely for him to die, it raised suspicion. In fact it didn’t take long for the Disciples to be worried about being stoned just walking with him to El’azar house now he had died. It was 4 days after Lazarus died until Christ went to see his family, and they blamed him for his death, simply because they know He can heal the sick. After being let in and Jesus saying to them that El’azar is sleeping and He will wake him up, they were still skeptical. Because it wasn’t clear is this literal or symbolic, but when Christ said, ” Where have you laid him” it became real. Where is the place where he was decided dead by the people. It was when Jesus arrived at the tomb, followed by a mob that He wept. He felt their loss, and hopelessness, and wept. He related in that These tears were     ” for the things that were made for peace.”  When he wept,  the mob saw a man, and related to his tears, and remembered His Power and what He had done. They felt the human-ness of God and felt a sense of peace. It was in stark contrast to the strength they had seen, and yet was strong in its cords to bring forth the Scriptures, such as ” Blessed are the Peace makers for they will be called the sons of God.” He would also bring to mind  that He is a Prince of Peace.  The Book Isaiah 53, speaking that the Messiah would be a man of great sorrow and grief, also a man of peace, who rejects violence.  That He was born to carrying Our Grief and be an offering to peace. He would speak these same words shortly after getting off the donkey, “ Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” which is the beginning of Isaiah 53.

When Christ cried the first time it was written in Luke 19:41-43  ”41  As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it,  and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.”  His tears are interlinked to What would bring Peace.. After Lazarus was had been risen, his purposeful place on the donkey was representative of the Holy Spirit of Jah. To speak again, of what would bring peace.

The donkey itself it s a key and code. I donkey is much different that a horse, and is original in its genetic making, horses are bred. Donkey’s aren’t very “nice” they are sure and stubborn. Jah has used donkey’s through out the Scriptures, and what they do is defend. The are protectors, of horses, cows and Lambs… and people.  They will chase away dogs and be loyal to the meak… The importance of peace and defending the meak are interlinked.

After weeping the second time, then asks Martha to push the boulder out the way. And tells El’azar the Come out!

Everything being done would be a preview of what was to come in His Resurrection as well as the set up for why the State would want to kill Him. By raising the dead on the fourth day, He would make believers and enemies like no other time, and knew He would be giving His Life so that the dead would live. So that they could come out of the shadows death and their vanity.  This is relevant to us all, in knowing that no matter how dead you think you are, or how smelly the cave, that The Almighty can raise us up. Through Our Oneness with Him, Awaits the Peace of Eternal Life. When Lazarus was arisen it was on the fourth day it was so the Priests couldn’t deny that Lazarus was dead. His flesh was rotting and was then renewed. Jesus and he also would be marked men.  In John 11:50  the same priests and pharisees saw and said, that if people believe in the Christ, and that Lazarus was risen from the dead then they would have no power, and lose their nation to the Romans. The priests decided to sacrifice Iyesus Christos, to ” save their entire nation.” not seeing that they were fulfilling the prophecies Isaiah 53 again.

The last time it was written that Christ Wept was on the Cross. For the Third and last time He would cry would be to Jah, written in the book of Hebrews 5:7. “ Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared.”  The word “feared”, in that He was heard in that he feared, is also cited in the NIV as Christ was heard because He submitted, and therefore was peace. “because of his reverent submission.” His tears here also show His prayers and supplications, which would be for our trespasses and blindness. For us all to see, Once again He cried for us, for our humanity to arise and be resurrected as well as our divinity. Silently calling for us to Come out and fulfilling the last part of Isaiah 53. 11  ”He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”

As we witness, the boulders would have to be moved again, for there to be another resurrection. This would be the finale Word, that the Son and Father are One, and that neither death nor captivity can hold captive Jah, for He Conquers Death and is the Life Giver. That those who believe would know the gift of Eternal Life is here and now. As it was written, Jah gave Him His Portion with the Great, and He divided His “spoil”, His Gifts to those who are Strong of Faith. This is also when the Holy Spirit is unleashed on the Earth. Christ taught that He had to go in order that His Spirit could be fostered within you, His Words would bring a lot of meditations when it came to John chapter 16:6 and would be the prelude to His Imperial Majesties presence to come.  ” 6 But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart.

7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;

10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

16 A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father.

Remember these words, spoken that “He” The Father of Creation would glorify Christ and that He will show you all that is of His Son to you, and that Christ would do likewise. That the Word of God the Father would be the Son and The Word of the Son would be the Father.

These are the Tears and Teachings of The Lamb, Let us move to meditate on the Tears and Teachings of The Lion.

3 Times Iyesus Kristos, Jesus Christ Cried. 3 times it was noted Emperor Haile Selassie I The Lion of Judah cried.

Emperor Haile Selassie I on the Donkey

The Book of Zechariah 9′s prophecy, the one that Christ reminded the people when He sat on the Donkey to proclaim the King is Coming, He speaks on He that is coming to declare Peace to all Nations.  ”Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

10 And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the battle bow shall be cut off: and he shall speak peace unto the heathen: and his dominion shall be from sea even to sea, and from the river even to the ends of the earth.

11 As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.

12 Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;

13 When I have bent Judah for me, filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and made thee as the sword of a mighty man.”

It is clear Zion is real place in which a war against Greece would also come, which is the Books Of Maccabees. In this Prophecy The Most High through Zechariah Has Declared the King of Zion would come on a Donkey as did Christ, and in this prophecy The Lord also declares that Judah is His.

Let Us remind the reader, that Ethiopia is seen as the Garden and Zion to the people historically until present. It is also considered Zion on Earth by the Oldest Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia and has its roots of being seen as Zion in the Psalms of David. (Psalms 87) The Love of that God has for Israel is compared to the Love He has for Ethiopia in Amos Chapter 9 verse 7:Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the Lord.” So it is of upmost importance to realize the seriousness of Emperor Haile Selassie I official titles being ” King of Zion.” and Jah’s Love for Ethiopia.

We start on the Donkey 1936 in Ethiopia, with The Conquering Lion of Judah. The Blood of the Covenant. When Italy betrayed their treaties made with Ethiopia and the League of Nations, They Betrayed the Holy Trinity, and attacked Zion.  This marked the beginning of WW2 and much more.

In the prophecy spoken by Zechariah, in the same sentence where he speaks about He rides on donkey he says ” He is Just, and He has Salvation.”  What Emperor Haile Selassie I said before the League of Nations is that He is here for Justice for His People, and that if His warning if listened to could achieve salvation,  instead they ignored HIM and WW2 and Europes destruction was the judgement. “..My people and give Europe a warning of the doom that awaits it, if it should bow.” This was the most prolific speech of 20th Century as the only Head of State to address the League of Nations ever. He spoke about The Kingdom of God, and the Christ Covenant that no nation was above the any other, apart from His Kingdom. That God and History would remember their judgement. He spoke Peace to the Heathen but they choose to try to Crucify His Imperial Majesty in the name of Appeasement and racism.  Before speaking to the assembly He was attacked with jeers from fascists , a stand was made then and there. It went dark 3 times on floor while Police arrested and ejected the racists and heathen. Speaking about Deadly poisonous rain that was brought forth by Italy, with the blessing of the Vatican, it became clear that Only The Almighty Could Save Ethiopia from the cruel hands of death that Italy had already brought.

The Book of Revelations would reveal chapter after chapter what happened, but that’s not where I am going, it is to when He would weep. You see, When His Imperial Majesty left Ethiopia in 1936 in Exile, He first went to where Iyesus Kristos Rose from the dead outside Jerusalem. At The Church Holy Sepulcher, He re-enacted the resurrection of Christ with Monks and Priests on the Roof of the Church in the late night hours. His Christ Like Energy and Appearance was shared across the world. For the First Time it was also public that Ethiopia had the Ark of the Covenant. The Blood of David and the Ark of Covenant, The King of Kings, for all to see as He proclaims the Power of the Resurrection of Christ. Haile Selassie I in Jerusalem Easter.maxresdefault

He would arrive in Bath, in the United Kingdom where He would spend 5 years in exile. It was during that time that we saw Marcus Garvey and many others feel that they had been betrayed. That Ethiopians were dying and His Imperial Majesty could save them but didn’t come. This was the Lazarus moment, where no one knew that by leaving Ethiopia He would save the World and become the voice of consciousness of the Earth for decades. No idea that He would light the fire liberate all of Africa and Asia. They didn’t understand for they knew not what Made Peace.

It was in the remarkable documentary ” In the Footsteps of the Emperor ” that I first heard of the first time He was seen weeping before others. His Imperial Majesty loved children, and in 1924 when He first went to Jerusalem He adopted 40 Armenians children that were left orphaned after the Armenian Genocide committed by Turkey. These children were be taking of as well as the 8 ( 7 Grand) children He had living at the FairField House in Bath. All had to be taking care of as well as many others abroad in school. His Imperial Majesty had a Church on the grounds as well as 3 Ethiopian Orthodox Priests that were always dressed in Black . It was at this same time as this article is being written presently, “The Feast of the Passover” That the Nanny of the Children of FairField House, Ruth Haskins, recalled The Emperor would wash the Priest’s feet as Christ did before His Crucifixion. She also witnessed that she saw HIM weep.

The House had a good radio and they were able to get a recording of what was going on in Ethiopia, and when it began to play, the sounds of bullets and screams filled the air. It seemed to never stop, recalls Ms. Haskins, before all the family as He sat upright, Head straight. ” …Everyone looked very solemn, the Emperor sat with His Hands on His knees.. very relaxed, His Hands at the back I already noticed were very badly popped, pocked, he had been umm,..sometime the children told me He had been in a battle, and the Italians had used Mustard Gas, and some of it had got on the back of the Emperor’s Hands, and so He had these quite sizable dents. And I suddenly realized that the tears where rolling down His Face, and splashing onto these damaged hands, and although I was only 16 I thought that was terribly sad, and it was of Great Significance, and I think that memory of The Emperor’s Tears will always stay with me.”   This spoke about in the documentary.In the Footsteps of the Emperor. Documentary and account of Haile Selassie Weeps.

She was right in its Significance. Once again why Christ Cried for Lazarus is multiplied by the Emperors Tears. There sadness still is even when there is the noblest of death. That through they have Life Eternal that there smiling face would be missed, that there voice wouldn’t be heard. He knew that though Resurrection was near, countless Ethiopia patriots where today not with us, so that we could be here today. Like how many children had to die for Christ to be born, so it this moment, tens of thousands of first born sons died so that  The Coming of the Lion and the Lamb could be full filled. Not only did they not die, but live forever both Here on Earth and Heaven, and their sacrifices are still bearing fruit. For because He as God and Man are Related to every one is who fighting for what is Righteous, Just and True, He feels their sorrow and pains. So much so that tears collect on that which brings every mind to the sacrifices that Jesus Christ made for us on the Cross. There is not greater Sacrifice anyone can give than that themselves in full, it is why Christ spoke and was heard when was on the Cross, being remembered because, ” reverent submission” and His peace. The Emperor sat with His Hands on His Knees Still, and His tears are His Supplication. His Power and Comfort in His ability to relate and be one in the valley of Death. Having been resurrected, yet still waiting for the moment that would resurrect the World, Africa, His Throne and Ethiopian Nation as ONE.

That moment of resurrection would occur in 1941 When His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Itege Menen once again ascended the Throne. It was 5 years to the day, and like the five wounds that Christ had been inflicted with, Emperor Haile Selassie I lead a people who had been resurrected and whose wounds were still visible. He brought the Power of Jah’s Mercy by His Proclamation of Mercy where He teaches forgiveness, and reminds the people of Love. This speech, ” The Proclamation of Mercy ” is beyond prolific, it serves as message of the Fortitude that Ethiopia and Conquering Lion of Judah have for being examples of Christians. Ethiopia was the First to be Freed by the allied forces in WW2,  but it took far too long for the World to heed The Emperor’s warning, and now the fate of Ethiopia was unleashed globally. He had come with Mercy and Judgement with a tongue that could smite the nations. “Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.” Revelations 19:5.  His Imperial Majesty carried both the scepter and a rod of iron during His Entire Reign and would often be seen with the Rod of Iron publicly.  His Imperial Majesty would be the only Head of State to regain His Country and once again rule.

Emperor Haile Selassie I with a Rod of Iron.

Emperor Haile Selassie I with a Rod of Iron.

In the decades to come The Emperor showed the World How to Make Peace. He immediately started working on a replacement for the League of Nations and together with President Roosevelt and his wife from the USA, and Organized and Founded the United Nations. His and Her Imperial Majesties worked both locally and internationally to free the minds and bodies of people from the colonial past. He Founded the Organization of African Unity and worked tirelessly to free nations non violently from occupation and colonial empires. He also was willing to train soldiers from across Africa and teach them to fight for freedom. Nelson Mandela was one of these men.  There is so much I could write on, however I want to go now to when His Imperial Majesty weeps again, and what He said.

On the Passing of Empress Itege Menen. Feb. 15 1962

We are pleased with the speech Our Prime Minister delivered yesterday on behalf of Our Ministers and Our people concerning the demise of Her Imperial Majesty Itegue Menen in which he adequately described her kindness and virtues.

All of you knew her well but she was more intimately known by I. She was devoutly religious and did not lose her faith even in the time of hardship. During the memorable days of Our companionship We never had differences that needed the intervention of others. As Sarah was to Abraham, so was she obedient to I. Our wishes were mutual until we were separated by the Almighty. Her assistance for the good of the young, the old and the needy requires no testimony for they are greater than thoughts and words.

We have been extremely pleased to live long enough in the perfect union that enabled us to see our offspring, our grandchildren and our great grandchildren. We are thankful to the Almighty for having vouchsafed to us that long uninterrupted union which is not very common in the world today: There could be no more profound prayer for I to utter.

In spite of Our utmost efforts efforts to save her life in her time of illness, she was overtaken by the fate of Adam and passed away.

We cannot fly in the face of the Almighty, nor can We afford to be idle. Now that the time of mourning has come to an end, the public and our officials must attend to their duties. As idleness is injurious to the welfare of the country, as from Monday everyone should return to his work.

A large number of people have come from the Provinces to take part in Our mourning. Since We do not wish them to continue because this will disrupt normal life, it would be better for them to send two or three representatives with letters.

We are deeply touched by the expressions of grief both on the part of Our people and the foreign communities.

This is not the first time that Our people have joined Us in Our mourning. When Our beloved son, Prince Makonnen, passed away they expressed their grief in no less measure that We ourselves. They have even contributed of their own free will to erect a monument in his honour.

We pray the Almighty shall recompense you for your deeds.

When Itegue was sick the general public, following the events through the radio, shared Our anxiety. To the doctors and her personal attendants We owe a debt for their untiring assistance. May these tears We shed be accepted by God as price for peace in Ethiopia and in the world.”

In the closing Words HIM says once again in that which was echoed when Christ Cried in Jerusalem, and on the Cross. Luke 19:41  ”As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it” 42 and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.”

His Tears He Prays be accepted as a price for Peace in Ethiopia and the World, that which was hidden from ours eyes. Not only is international peace hidden, but also the peace a Man and Woman share which He notes is ” not very common in the world today”.

It is because of Her that He weeps, and pronouncing it publicly, shares that which was hidden  ” We have been extremely pleased to live long enough in the perfect union that enabled us to see our offspring, our grandchildren and our great grandchildren. We are thankful to the Almighty for having vouchsafed to us that long uninterrupted union which is not very common in the world today: There could be no more profound prayer for I to utter.” True Peace. While in anguish He is still at Peace, and longing to share it with the World so that we may know The Almighty Power of Peace.

While calling death ” The Fate of Adam” He shows both His Divinity and Humanity at once. His Peace, therefore His Oneness.

The Third Time and last time it was recorded that The Root of David, Emperor Haile Selassie I wept was in Jamaica. It is there we see the Resurrection complete. It was there that He saw His Children, those who are called by His Name, Rastafari, after being massacred stand strong in the thousands without fear of death. The very presence of a Dreadlocked Rastaman in the city was punishable by a death sentence. Rastafari were the lowest of society and seen and treated terribly. They knew they may be murdered as they had in Coral Gardens a few short years before.

David Katz wrote: “ When the Imperial plane landed and Selassie appeared at the door, there was sheer pandemonium as hordes of Rastafari stormed the plane; after failing to calm the crowd, the Emperor wept, and retreated back into the aircraft, until Rasta leader Mortimer Planno finally achieved calm, allowing the Emperor to disembark.”

Here we see that in Great Joy The Emperor Wept, visibly there for all to witness, was the answer to the Prayers of both Christ and His Imperial Majesty,  sought as a supplication, that we may know what peace is made of. It was made evident by Mortimer Planno achieving ” Calm.” The Emperor disembarked and walked with the Rastafari and all the people.

“That experience is something I will never forget,” says promoter Copeland Forbes, who was chosen to be Selassie’s official car door opener. “I don’t know if you want to call it a miracle, but it was raining heavy, and when the plane popped over the clouds, the sun came out. When the plane touched down on the runway, the pilot pulled the window (open) and put out an Ethiopian flag, and the plane was surrounded by hundreds; I saw people leaning up by the plane wheel, smoking a chalice, and drum beating, so the official welcome party had to be abandoned.”

Rastafari showed no fear, just Rejoicing and Praise of the Almighty, while knives pointed at their throats, and jet fuel in the air, RASTAFARI charged forward and lit a fire on their chalices. They had already be martyred and returned.  Some speculate that if the Emperor hadn’t come to Jamaica, there wouldn’t be surge of Rastafari in the world today and that Reggae may have never become what it did. His Coming in Flesh, gave birth to an International Movement that would bring the Truth to Earth and Proclaim the Glory of Ethiopia, Beta Israel, Tribe of Judah. That He is both the Lion and Lamb. In His Resurrection we are Resurrected. To Be Peace, is to know Peace, and it Biblically Important to realize The King of Peace, was there in Genesis, and in Revelations. In the Order of Melchizadok, the King of Peace, His Imperial Majesty was Crowned 1930 while reciting Psalms 110. It is known that Melchizadok, is the first appearance of God in Flesh in the Scriptures, as the       “King of Salem”, As it is Peace that Emperor Haile Selassie I, The King of Kings Brings.

There are many speeches about Peace spoken by HIM that need study and sharing, and it is interlinked to that His Great Hope is that we can create a peaceful future, that is why it is so important to know what it is that makes peace occur. For so many have wept, that it wasn’t known how to achieve the peace needed for all mankind to be at one, and truly be righteous. His Imperial Majesty once said, ” Men were supposed to be the equals of the living angels who unceasingly sang praises before the eternal God. Had this been so, peoples of the world would not have been divided along lines of enmity. In truth there is no legitimate reason or good cause which justifies war.” page 40, of the English translation of My Life and Ethiopia`s Progress  Volume Two: Addis Abeba 1966 E.C

He also said on that same Christmas message: ” When He sacrificed himself at Golgotha for the atonement of our sin, He prayed with His last breath for the forgiveness of those who had tortured Him saying, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’. Shame on those of us who are Christians and do not follow the way of the Savior of the World, whose life was filled with kindness, humility, and martyrdom! If we lived by the laws he gave us and were worthy of being called Christian, peace would have reigned on this earth.”

Indeed in this time, the shame is on those who didn’t listen to either Iyesus The Christ or His Imperial Majesty, for they co-exist in The Power of the Trinity. Imagine what the Earth would look like if we had… There would be no more nuclear weapons, and human rights would be seen as God Given. That the Earth and its environment would have the respect due, and the World would be united in a common goal of working together to build hospitals and uplift society in general.  His Imperial Majesty being able to share those deeds through out the world, allowed ones to not just imagine but see it happen to a degree. His Example showed the same strength needed by Christ and Ourselves to be Good people, a life filled with kindness, humility, and martyrdom. He proved likewise as Christ did, that martyrdom isn’t the end, in fact both conquered death and have Resurrected! They have showed it isn’t about the flesh, but the Spirit, and what does a body mean when The Lion and Lamb lives in the Hearts of All. Waiting for all to know themselves as ONE. We all have the Holy Spirit in Us!  We  people are the Resurrected people, and in every Christian it should be evident in our lives that Our Lord and Savior Lives! That the King of Kings, and Conquering Lion of Judah lives, Within all of Creation, it is up to us to see HIM within. The Powers of the Holy Spirit has shown itself true by His Inspiration, Rastafari and Christians across the Earth have witnessed the Almighty Break their chains and deliver them. We See Christ within Ourselves, and Ourselves within Our Father and King, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Fulfilling the Power and Virtue of the Trinity. In His Name and For His Name was, is and forever will be, a pursuit of Peace for all. For in the name of the Nazarene, Yeshua, or Jahshua, is the extolling of Jah the Father, declaring that Jah is Salvation as the meaning in Hebrew. In the Name of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I,  is the acknowledgement that the Power of the Jah is in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Unified.  They do not speak of themselves but each other, they complete each other, as mankind and God complete each other. Like how man and woman complete each other, which the Emperor and Empress Reminds us Our Unity is the most profound prayer we could ever offer.

Thank you for your time, and contemplation. These are the topics and subjects that are most important in our life times, simple soul understandings. Why are we here, and what are we here to do. The answer of where are we and where is God is for us to see in the lives and teaching of the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God. How their tears are reflections of Our greatest hopes and dreams, to know would bring you peace. Peace be with you all, may we Rise from the dead together. Mighty in Our Deliverance and Comforted by His Peace. Let us bring peace into this world, through the knowing what brings peace. One Perfect Love.

Jah Rastafari. Atse Haile Selassie I. Power of the Trinity.


In The Name of Jah The Father, Jah The Son, Jah The Holy Spirit. One Jah. Amen.










The Resurrection: Of Christ in Haile Selassie I, Africa and INI.

We are in a remarkable time, and at this moment where many in the World celebrate the Resurrection of Christ let us share the continuation of the Glory of God through the personality of Emperor Haile Selassie I Resurrected and the fulfillment of Christ, the Prophet John of Revelations,  Enoch and Ezekiel.

I will be showing the links of collective and spiritual importance of The Emperor’s impression on the nature of Resurrection.  In The King of Kings We can see the resurrection of Africa, of Freedom and Self Determination for 100′s of millions that had been deprived by colonial powers. We see publicly His Resurrection on the Throne, Where He is given a New Name; as well as Empress Menen Coronated at the same time which had never happen. He is the resurrection of the African Male Female and Child adoration through the act of the Coronation of 1930. The capital Addis Abba, meaning “New Flower” being where 72 nations where called to witness the Crowning of the King of Kings, and where Organization of  African Unity would set up as the first body to create Independent African Nations. It was erected and was to resurrect others nations from the yoke of foreign minority rule. Lets go back though, to the 30′s..

From the late 1930′s The Earth saw  the Emergence of Ethiopia upon the World Stage and the only Free African Nation Internationally lead by Emperor Haile Selassie I. Later betrayed as the League of Nations allowed the dropping of Poison Gas on the oldest Christian Nation by Roman and Italian forces member to the League. This dismemberment and crucifixion would echo as Christ and Osiris were betrayed,  and then sent to the slaughter. His Imperial Majesty would show that unlike Christ and more like King David, fighting against extreme odds is the way to leave a lasting memory and testimony to history and self in Ones faith in God. Still the results for Ethiopia and The King of Kings were the same, His Imperial Majesty would suffer burns in His Hands from the Roman Bombs, The modern nail, Chemical weapon called Mustard Gas. Ethiopia would suffer terribly.

His Imperial Majesty would start His Exile in Jerusalem in which is liken to the Death of Christ. His Majesty’s exile began on the 5/5/36 and would last until 5/5/41 exactly 5 Years . And as Christ died for the sins of the World,  The Conquering Lion of Judah, Haile Selassie the First would go to where Christ was murdered and join the Ethiopian Monks at the Holy Sepulcher. In the eyes of the World, Haile Selassie was often reported dead, and see as a “King without a Kingdom” and that He and His People would pay for the lack of moral action by the World. In the issue of the American Magazine Liberty as well as Newsweek ( couldn’t find the magazine online)  it was written that they did not know if the Emperor was alive when the article was published. Mystically that one of The Root of David on a white horse.

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There in Jerusalem He and the Monks by moonlight would enact the Resurrection of Christ. In what is described as strange, The King and Ethiopian Monks would search for The Body of Christ to find HIM risen in the morning. They would enact the Resurrection, using the instruments of Ancient Egypt to ward off evil. This can be read in this article by H.V. Morton. morton_cutting

“If It’s God’s Will..Then I shall some day once again sit upon the Throne of Solomon.”  One may think these were words of Christ spoken in Jerusalem, however they are of the Conquering Lion of Judah, Haile Selassie I in 1936 in Jerusalem. Up until 1930 most people in the world neither had the ability nor desire to know about Africa, In this remarkable moment of the printing press, radio and film, for the first time ever, people were being introduced to Ethiopia through the Emperor, who stood for justice and Christ and was persecuted on the world stage. Tragically the World would pay for betraying HIM and God at once through WW2 which would be the result of lack of accountability, prejudice and appeasement by Global leaders. At the same time,  Haile Selassie I would show them by faith, courage and action that Christ and God are real.

maxresdefaultHere is some examples of the cartoons of the time…10376922_10202589600197278_5937751051404368638_n

He would also be a sore reminder to this day..f896ce90e4365f0f1d19c256a34ffba8

“Even in the 20th Century, With Faith Courage and Just cause, David will still beat Goliath.” Emperor Haile Selassie Upon arriving at His Palace.

Five years later, Ethiopia Regains Her Throne and King. For the first time in history an acting Head and King of State is back in Power. His Imperial Majesty now in His Rightful Seat watches as the world goes into world war. Bringing to fruit and warning to bear for the Earth to feel, “it is Us today, it will be you tomorrow.” The League of Nations is meaningless and His Imperial Majesty starts to look at a new endeavor. Presented in 1936 to the League of Nations He expressed the need to end Superiority complexes. This will lead to the founding of the United Nations and the unified actions to rid others of colonial invasion future and past.  ” Apart from the Kingdom of the Lord there is not on this earth any nation that is superior to any other. Should it happen that a strong Government finds it may with impunity destroy a weak people, then the hour strikes for that weak people to appeal to the League of Nations to give its judgment in all freedom. God and history will remember your judgment.” HIM Haile Selassie I at the League of Nations 1936

It was remembered and a new day was announced. One in which the resurrection of a people collectively and personally are one.  This movement would spread across the Earth freeing many nations throughout Asia and Africa from European Oppression.

Excerpt from H.I.M. Haile Selassie I speech on entering Addis Ababa on May 5, 1941:

“No words of thanks spoken by human tongue are sufficient for that the good God has vouchsafed me this day to be in your midst, a thing that could be known or conceived neither by the angels of heaven nor by the hosts of earth. What I want to tell you all and to convey to you before everything, is that this day is the opening of a new era of history for a new Ethiopia: and in this new era there will begin a new task which it will be for all of us to perform. . . .People of my country Ethiopia,This is a day when Ethiopia, stretching forth her hands to God in Jubilation, presents her thanks and declares her joy to her children. This is the day in which the children of Ethiopia are liberated from the grievous yoke of the foreigner and from eternal slavery; it is the day when we are vouchsafed to be reunited, after a full five years of separation, with our beloved and longed-for people; therefore this day is honored and sanctified, and one on which there shall be held every year a great Ethiopian holiday. On this day we shall call to mind our heroes who shed their blood and shattered their bones in sacrifice, refusing to betray the strict trust passed on to them from their fathers – the freedom of the country they loved, and the honour of their Emperor and their flag. The history of Ethiopia shall be a witness for these our heroes. If we are to learn from the sufferings and agonies we have experienced in the past five years – endless to relate and to reckon in detail – the principle lesson to be drawn is that you should have inscribed in your hearts industry, unity, fellowship and love, that you may be helpers in our plans for Ethiopia. Hencefoth in the new Ethiopia we want you to be a people undivided, who have freedom and equality before the law.”

In 1958 Africa Independence day was established at the first African Independent States Conference. The Emperor in 1963 said on Africa day,  APRIL 15th  the following excerpt.

“For several years in the past, as must be remembered, a large part of the African continent was under colonial rule. In the course of that time, colonialists have stripped the Africans of their freedom and natural rights, and used their resources for the benefit and prosperity of their own country. Even today, colonial masters speak ill of Africans by exaggerating their poverty in the press. Africans are also blamed for the aid they receive. This aid cannot fill the needs of their peoples overnight. From under such humiliation, Africans rose up to safeguard their right and started to struggle to obtain their independence. This struggle began to bear fruit after World War II. The first African Independent States Conference was held in Africa in 1958. The independent states at that time were only eight. Nevertheless, the freedom fight in Africa continued with more vigour and fervour and today the number of independent states has reached 32. This is four times the size of those independent countries which participated in the Accra Conference. Last year alone Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, and Algeria achieved their independence and became members of the Independent African states. Although it had been duly extended at the appropriate time, we will again venture to express our congratulations to these friendly countries.”

In 1963 The Organization for African Unity was formed and head quartered in Addis Abba. By this point, His Imperial Majesty had already founded globally the United Nations. He would speak on the importance of Equal representation and the end of racism and superiority complexes. This was a resurrection of The Word, and the World. For an ideal that had not be defended and would represent the future of peace and security. Coming from an Emperor, Head of all Abrahamic Faiths and Masonry by protocol, the end of classism, injustice and superiority complexes. Once again Haile Selassie I was ahead of His Time and willing to fight against those who had stood in the way of independence. He was the first to address and arm The People of the Congo, and South African Freedom Fighters and many others.

He spoke of the identity of Us as a people today and tomorrow. A people reborn. He would continue to free people to this day. Emperor Haile Selassie I reminds us where we come from and where to go after being left in the desert, and left to die, a now born again.

“It is no less important that we know whence we came. An awareness of our past is essential to the establishment our personality and our identity as Africans. This world was not crested piecemeal. Africa was born no later and no earlier than any other geographical area on this globe. Africans, no more and no less than other men, possess all human attributes, talents and deficiencies, virtues and faults. Thousands of years ago, civilizations flourished in Africa which suffer not at all by comparison with those of other continents. In those centuries, Africans were politically free and economically independent. Their social patterns were their own and their cultures truly indigenous.

The obscurity which enshrouds the centuries which elapsed beteeen those earliest days and the rediscovery of Africa is being gradually dispersed. What is certain is that during those long years Africans were born, lived and died. Men on other parts of this earth occupied themselves with their own concerns and, in their conceit, proclaimed that the world began and ended at their horizons. All unknown to them, Africa developed in its own pattern, growing in its own life and, in the Nineteenth Century, finally re-emerged into the world’s consciousness. The events of the past hundred and fifty years require no extended recitation from us. The period of colonialism into which we were plunged culminated with our continent fettered and bound; with our once proud and free peoples reduced to humiliation and slavery; with Africans terrain cross-hatched and checker – boarded by artificial and arbitrary boundaries Many of us, during those bitter years were overwhelmed in battle, and those who escaped conquest did so at the costs of desperate resistance and bloodshed. Others were sold into bondage as the price extracted by the colonialists for the ‘protection’ which they extended and the possessions of which they disposed. Africa was a physical resource to be exploited and Africans were chattels to be purchased bodily or, at best, peoples to be reduced to vasselage and lackeyhood. Africa was the market for the produce of other nations and the source of the raw materials with which their factories were fed.

Today, Africa has emerged from this dark passage, Our Armageddon is past. Africa has been reborn as a free continent and Africans have been reborn as free men. The blood that was shed and the sufferings that were endured are today Africa’s advocates for freedom and unity. Those men who refused to accept the judgement passed upon them by the colonisers, who held unswervingly through the darkest hours to a vision of an African emancipated from political, economic and spiritual domination, will be remembered and revered wherever Africans meet. Many of them never set foot on this continent. Others were born and died here. What we may utter today can add little to the heroic struggle of those who, by their example, have shown us how precious our freedom and human dignity and of how little value life is without them. Their deeds are witten in history.”

To this day Africa becomes a United Nation inside and outside the continent, finding our friends in those who share the same values of respect and integrity. Building publicly and privately and as His Imperial Majesty or Christ, we are asked to look at where ones allegiance resides, not the color of their skin. Making the defense of  Human Rights His Mantle, The message of Freedom and Liberty brought inspiration and Law that would be the highest in the land, known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Collectively written, collectively imposed to be collectively safeguarded.  He resurrected all of us by acknowledging we are one body and that the mechanisms of peace are the organs for a healthy system. In a modern world He complimented his advances with Ancient wisdom and vision, inviting all to share and see.


Emperor Haile Selassie I, The Conquering Lion was like a ghost of the past, Returned to haunt the conscious of the world..”

On this day 59 years ago, Africa Independence Day was established right before the Western Judea Christian Easter celebrating the resurrection of Christ. Interesting.. With that known by HIM, When I See the Resurrection of the Lamb as prophecies to be in marriage and spiritual Oneness as the Conquering Lion of Judah, declared Worthy to be Praised by Merit Globally and freeing the masses through confidence in Moral Justice,.. I see the ripple in the time. I also hope that one day the Life and Times of His Imperial Majesty can rightly be taught into the international historical psyche, being the Inspiration and Guide to so many that are known to be inspirational. His influence on so many needs to noted, for even His Inspiration has created Heads of State. (Jomo Kenyatta, Kwane Nkrumah, JFK are just a few) and how will His Inspiration, His Spirit inspire you or the future generations? It can only be seen when they are shown truly of who Emperor Haile Selassie I is.

In the Rastafari Trod there is a call for Redemption, and Repatriation. This is part of Resurrection. The giving of Oneself to being the embodiment of the Highest thoughts is to become them. With the thoughts and actions of the King in Mind, the Balance of Christ and  Haile Selassie I usher in the time and place for self defense and cooperation, of Judgement and Mercy. His teachings are the Crown of God given to the people to take care of. These teachings include the importance to immediately hault Nuclear testing and weapons development. We are in a interesting time.

In closing, the so-called death of HIM will not be discussed. Because there is no evidence of  death, particularly of the Soul. In the specifics of His Majesties Physical Body there is no evidence that has been presented and its all therefore speculation. This subject of His sightings and such are for each person to consider and also whether it carries as much importance to what His Imperial Majesty did. We know HIM as the bridge of Heaven and Earth. That He is the finale evidence that We are with God and the Books are there for all to read and to theologically figure out if they have been completed by Haile Selassie I.  Most Importantly, This is about Resurrection, which is about submitting so one can be reborn. His Imperial Majesty does not replace who we were, He renews us so that we can be more than we think we could be.  On this day we give thanks for the Blessing of rising from the death and seeing the resurrection of Africa, the World and ourselves.  In this journey our rising is our surviving. We are in a time of new beginnings, let the Wisdom of the Emperor Guide us to Eternal Truth and Life. 17883955_1102810029825612_1765091131276044989_n

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. John 12:23-25

“This then, is the ultimate challenge. Where are we to look for our survival, for the answers to the questions which have never before been posed? We must look, first, to the Almighty God, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in Him, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He created in His image.

And we must look into ourselves, into the depth of our souls. We must become something we have never been and for which our education and experience and environment have ill-prepared us.
We must become bigger than we have been : more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”

Haile Selassie I
4 October 1963
United Nations, New York.

In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One Jah. Haile Selassie I.

Forward Ever. Give thanks for the Rising.

Ras Elijah Tafari