Tag Archives: Reggae Puerto Rico

New Reggae Music Releases and Album Art!

Wanted to Give a warm salute to the singers and players of Instruments. Lionartproudctions is proud to announce NEW RELEASES of music that InI have helped in the visual productions.  All the artists and companies are true to the teachings of His Imperial Majesty and strive to teach and educate the world through praises and song. I give thanks for the Almighty for Bringing these Royal Warriors to the microphone to guide us in our doings.

1. Is Arkaingelle: Tru Da Fyah! Zion High Productions http://zhpreggae.com

19366058_10212814800543409_2366609236982896935_nhttps://www.facebook.com/zhpreggae/?hc_ref=OTHER&pnref=storyArk Aingelle + Zion I Kings #Herbalist now playing @ Ark AingelleSoundCloud… Check out a sample of the album at https://soundcloud.com/arkaingelle/herbalisthttp://

BUY THE ALBUM AT:  Ernie B Reggae and Support Rastafari Businesses.       https://www.facebook.com/ernieb.reggae?fref=mentionshttp://


#TruDaFyah album release coming July 21 @Apple Music and worldwide everywhere… cds available via Ernie B Reggae

ArkAngel fin.

Original Design.  Pencil and Computer Graphics: Prints 25.00 for a signed print. 8.5 x 11.

2. Next album is one in the works but the first of the Mad Lion Riddim artists has released his BIG tune. Big up Misael González Joey A. Oyola Bravo Benjie Fuentes for a Musical anthem for a Right Boricau! Honor to be involved. ONE JAH. Justice and Freedom for Puerto Rico! Listen to the track: https://soundcloud.com/joeydema/mad-lion-riddim-ft-misael-gonzalez?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook


Original Art Below:


Mixed Media. Copper and acrylic, indian ink and a little computer clean up. Prints are 25.00 Inbox for info. It will be in the catalog soon! BLESS. Titled: ” MAD LION.”

3. Last and definitely not least is the most recent release ” From Zero” from Indubious. The album has a fantastic orchestration of music and variety of reggae that is very well made. The Song writing is both deep and poetic, well written and keeps the audience enjoying. It is doing very well on iTunes and is a refreshing cross over and still roots. Authentic and from the Heart the musical sound and message is excellent and smooth.  I didn’t design the cover but I did do the inside art. It is a painting of the musicians and elders of some of the artists. Each artist are all souls that are interlinked to the soul of souls, the King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I in a cosmic accompaniment. Hear is a teaser and video of the album:https://www.facebook.com/indubiousmusic/videos/10155391106077641/?hc_ref=OTHER&pnref=story


Purchase on Itunes:https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/from-zero/id1242583120

Purchase on bandcamp: www.indubious.bandcamp.com

also on Spotify and Amazon Music.

The Album Features: Sizzla, Akae Beka (Vaughn Benjamin), and Zahra.

Once again, it was an honor to be included and a beautiful display of unity in the cause of moral persuasion.  Check the display and art below! DSCN5782DSCN5784indubDSCN5777


Please support the Rastafari movement and spread the message, by picking up some music and checking what these artist have already done. Enjoy and learn of the continuing teachings of His Imperial Majesty as experience by His Children. Of Course read and be diligent in the Word of King Selassie I Himself, so that we too can hear and see the King within.  Prayers of Peace and Power and Patience.

Ras Elijah Tafari.







*July 23rd HIM Earth Light Celebrations in Puerto Rico 2016*


Give thanks for the opportunity to celebrate The Birth of The Emperor! We make a call to Puerto Rico for a gathering in Rincon July 23rd, for Rastafari to Sing Praise and Drum to His Imperial Majesty, Negus Nagast, (King of Kings) The Conquering Lion of Judah, Haile Selassie the First. The Power of the Trinity.


There will be from early a Fire lit, Ras Martin will lead the Nyabinghi Order and begin the day. Service, Psalms reading and reasoning will Itinue through out the day, where then at 6pm, Prophet Luis, E.A.B.I.C. Bobo Ashanti Melchizedek Order, will read and lead the evening service.  Drumming, and the reading of Psalms will ring throughout the night. Service will be in both Spanish and English. All Who Love Rastafari are welcome, All House of Rastafari are Honored. Unity is Strength.


Protocol: This is an Official Rastafari Event, If possible, please dress in white. We ask that Ras dress modestly, Men in pants, Women in dresses. We ask that alcohol or meat products are not present. This is a family friendly event. If able, please bring food and drinks to share. It is a joy when we can celebrate together with Clean and Natural Foods and Fruits!

For RSVP or Directions Please Call:


(Spanish) Prophet Luis 787 567-7933

(English) Ras Scatti and Empress Nicole at 619 536-9033

or email at lionartproductions@gmail.com



Music Agawn! The Cool Bus Experience.

Wanted to say it was a huge blessing to link with the Cool Bus Experience STR8 Outta California, Rastafari vocalist Mr. Majestic from JA is so seasoned and rich in sound and texture, it takes you back in time. The Guitars are great and what a pleasure to be able to sing with three guitars likewise, dont get me started on the Drummer.  While smiling the whole while, never misses a beat..Give thanks for coming forward, Puerto Rico has a real joy coming there way. Rincon at Cafe 413 was very cool and I hope every one enjoyed the set. We got more shows coming up, Isabella, Rincon again TOMORROW!, and San Juan. Details below. InI hope I can get some footage for everyone, its great to be able to do an opening set, before Mr. Majestic. Check them on Youtube. We will try and get more footage soon.. Big Up Edgardo ” Poncho”! Rastafari Love!




Singing at Capital Building for “420″ San Juan Puerto Rico *2016*

What a joy and strength to see and sing at the Freejuana 420 Event in San Juan Puerto Rico. I-man had never attended a march in PR and it was a great experience. As a Ras, I was very thankful to see decades of Rastafari teaching manifest in many forms and facets. All evening I heard the name of King Selassie I and Justice echoed thru the pillars of the Capitol Building. The organizers and journalists can tell you more details, for now, I will post photographs of the event and let it speak for itself. Hopefully the videos will come out as well! DSCN1672Ras Elijah Tafari Live In San Juan 420 Event.

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From the moment we arrived we were photographed and filmed by the police, but that dont bother us….
Ras Martin, official Nyabinghi Representative for Puerto Rico, with the Elder. Royal Salute.
Reggae Vocalist Bongo-I! Performing Jacob Miller’s ” tenement yard” https://youtu.be/zNAAFVG5LHI
Amazing Roots Vocalist Gomba Jahbari!!!DSCN1677

Rastafari Art and Cd’s, if you want a chalice let InI know! Rases around with amazing skills.

New Tune from Misael released 4/20/16, special!

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” Nos Vamos Por Ahi” Achete Music. Roots Reggae Puerto Rico. 420 Live on the steps of the Capital Building. Hector “DE NEGRO” Reyes on Bass! I gotta learn everyone’s name…chale.

Here is a video! https://youtu.be/R1DR7rM-lEI

Organizers speaking….many people were arrested and this was worked out..hablo espanol es de question?420 FREE JUANA RALLY 2016

Here are a couple more videos, and I hope where ever you are, you are fighting for the Rights for all people to access the food and medicine the Most High Gave Us for Our benefit. Legalize the Herb. For Jah made it, and who and what is man that he can disagree with His Maker.

Wendell Daddy & Macka Blaze “Mr.Babylon/Fuego A Babylon” @ “El Capitolio” San Juan, PR 4/20/16

420 Freejuana PR. San Juan


THE PRINCE, 50 Year Anniversary of Haile Selassie Arrival in JA.

It seems Most Important to Reflect on April 21st, 1966 and 2016, for it is The Arrival of the House of David in Flesh. Not just for the Rastafari Community but the World Community, not just for the Spiritual Community but Our Shared Collective History. We are Blessed to be here in this time. Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.13092039_221395424900948_6530326591326877554_n

As a Ras, in the Movement of Rastafari, this will be an editorial, and also an opportunity to speak to what many of Us feel about the importance of Emperor Haile Selassie I’s arrival in 1966 and consequential His Grandson’s Arrival to the day 2016, April 21st.  selas

I am sure that there are many around the Globe that had we known of Prince Ermias Sahl Selassie I was going to come to Jamaica, would have been there, when I heard, it was a most pleasant surprise! I learned from a Bobo Man that was telling InI that H.I.M. Grandson was at the Bobo Camp, 9 Mile Bullbay, at that very moment. Aware of the timing, InI was immersed in a Royal Feeling that only Rastafari could provide. Our joy of The Ethiopian Royal Family is the Joy of Our Reunion with Our Living History, Shared Father, Our beloved most missed continent and of the Word of Jah. The Bible, or Scriptures, still unfolding and writing itself on the streets of Kingston.  This amazing History of a truly Wise King that changed Human Destiny, being from the foundation of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, (Ethiopia) to emerge as a figure with foresight and incomparable  dignity, to have graced the Island of Jamaica and many other places, would be the teacher and guide for the forsaken and poor as well as generals and heads of state. 13051489_1163406967037928_2147414114609730073_n

He Would be a beacon of the God in Flesh, God in Thought, in HIM and in Us as His People. Among the actions His Imperial Majesty initiated in Jamaica in 1966 was the building of Haile Selassie I High School, as well as an Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Both of Which H.I.H. Prince Ermais Sahl Selassie, His Wife Princess Saba Kebede, would visit. It is Spiritually Important for an African People enslaved mentality and spiritually by the West to have ways to educate themselves from an African Perspective, His Majesty knew this. Further Emperor Haile Selassie I freed Our existence as Rastafari peoples to exist physically. 3 years after a bloody massacre in Coral Gardens where Rastafari communities were attacked by police, The King of Kings requested Our Presence. The Government of Jamaica at the time hoped that His Imperial Majesty would denounce His Divinity, as the Colonial Government had formally requested twice previously. When He did not, and instead awarded and met the different branches of Rastafari, History was made.


RACQUEL PORTER Observer staff reporter wrote:

Prince Ermias and his entourage also made stops at the University of Technology, University of the West Indies, The Micro University, and Jamaica College, where he was greeted by former prime minister Bruce Golding, who attended the school.

Golding, who said he remembered vividly Emperor Selassie’s visit in 1966, said the spiritual leader visited at a time of great significance when Rastafarians were oppressed and ostracized by society. He said Emperor Selassie’s visit created a platform on which Rastafarians were able to command the respect that they deserved.

Prince Ermias, in his response, thanked the Jamaica College family for the warm reception.

“You are the future …very bright people who would become future prime ministers, future scientists; but the important part of education is that you also have morality that goes with it that distinguishes what is right from what is wrong; what is just and what is unjust. Too many times today …we turn against what may seem a challenge because it doesn’t seem to resolve anything. What makes the difference and what makes leaders [are] principled commitments and if you work hard there is nothing you can’t achieve,” Prince Ermias told a group of Jamaica College boys.selassie5

As The Prince and Princess arrived, on a Thursday just like 1966, the air was alive in a way many never would thought would happen again,  many of the people there whom were there 50 years ago, in the same spot, looked into the sky longing to see the House of Israel. When The Royal House Solomon arrived, surprising the crowd of Ethiopian Flag waving patriots, They came from among-st the people shaking hands and touching as many as they could right away, for many it was like touching the hand of God, and seeing the Son and Father as One. In a Purple shirt with a Purple tie, an air of Ethiopian Warmth and natural African homage was present to the young in celebration of Haile Selassie I. Seeing the children there with their fathers and mothers, with the children of the Emperor restored a bond that will last generations to come. Jamaicans, whom earlier was have seen and sat with the Children of Marcus Garvey, it seemed fitting and very humble of the Royal Family to officially lay a wreath and pay respects to one who loved Ethiopia and Jamaica, one who laid the way for Black Awareness of Self to arise, Marcus Mossiah Garvey. Seeing the Grandson’s of these great men arise in this time, and go out there way to honor and love InI the Rastafari community is a gift and sign from The Creator.  13062447_1163406807037944_1577143076425751309_n

Rastafari as a movement in its many forms showed up to greet and listen to Prince Ermias Sahl Selassie during his trip. From around the World,  in debt to what His Family and what His Grandfather has given, had an opportunity to build. We will no doubt see the seeds germinate and blossom in the future, In a gracious gift for the betterment of the young and old, HIH Prince Ermias Sahl Selassie, official Spokesman of the Crown Prince Zere Yacob, of the Crown Consul of Ethiopia, gave to the Haile Selassie I High School 600,000 dollars for the further education of Jamaica’s future.68fc6889-038b-4453-b763-dc497d593498

I was moved seeing the footage of hundreds of cars with Red Gold and Green Banners waving, I am proud of Our Collective Ethiopian Identity, of Our longevity and reach, and of Our Survival. Thousands of years thru indigenous ties, to scriptural ties, sown together in a Liberation Movement that encompasses Our Essence itself…and still unfolding.13062236_1163409597037665_3121447384477445158_n

As I finish, I reflect on the rain that washed over the island in 1966 and allowed Us as a people to flower, I reflect of the sacrifices made by countless Ethiopians in defense of Her freedom, I reflect on loved ones lost by the Royal Family and inspired by their strength and wise guidance. The pain of Black Nations and African Continent is a birthing pain, Our Survival is the testimony to those who stood for Freedom before us. I thank the Royal Family for their kindness and steadfast unity for the cause to better humanity. InI thank the Elders in the Rastafari Faith who stood then, now and forever, for the King of Zion, the Conquering Lion of Judah, Elect of Jah, and Earth’s Rightful Ruler, the Root of David, Light of World, His Imperial Majesty Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I. Let Jah Be Praised!13083091_1163407093704582_5442402343188649222_nselassiedrummingLove! More to come soon, look out for further articles. Organize and Centralize Jah People.

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Thank you Claude Sinclair for the videos and record keeping.


The New Day has Begun.

It has been nearly 4 months of being on the Island of Puerto Rico, the colors and smells, breeze and ocean leave much for an artist who wants more nature and life in his life. I am very thankful for this experience.  Lots has been happening and the meditations are deep. I have been preoccupied with the adjustments and things are coming into focus. With Rastafari as the Head more Livity and Art is crucial. We are working for self sustainability through collective security and farming. Organizing and learning with ones has been a hola privilege. Our Eyes are still and forever on Ethiopia, and as the time arises we look forward to contributing as strong group to the preservation of Ethiopian History and Culture, and of course returning. We have much to do and making more powerful art is at the top of the list. I have some very exciting art coming out for some fantastic artists, as well as paintings from the soul for the soul. As an artist, we like to get deep and on another post I will have some comments about artistic revelations, now here is the update…12783682_1815141518713278_4677643401808664640_o

Lots of stuff is going on, including a real roots album that we have been making in Boricua. There are alot of very good artists here, Itege Castro, Misael Gonzalez, Bongo-I, Fikir Amlak, and it is an honor to be in the company of such powerful humans and voices for the King and Queen of Kings. Hector De Negro, producer, and bassie has been a powerful instrument of Rastafari, teaching and laying down tracks for the future with a powerful VI Roots Puertoricano Touch.  A band is forming and we look forward to touring and playing live shows. The album will be my first All Reggae Album and its right on time. For info link at lionartproductions@gmail.com.  12507219_10153333502807742_8193543130609707712_n
The S.O.S. Album, Ras Elijah and Charles X Collab.  Has sold out in its first printing and we look forward to making some more, ( it can still be attained digitally). Give thanks for Blessed Fire Creations, Glass Blowing and more, for the strength. “Occifer” From the S.O.S. album with Sgt. Remo will be coming out on his new album, (SGT. REMO AND FRIENDS). He has three projects coming out soon so look out from him. “Forward MOVEMENTS” EP, plus a vinyl.  Charles X is on tour and doing great, look out for his new album, ’Sounds of the Yesteryear’ and video, ” Can you do it?” just released!! Lots more to tell you about but for now that is it. Give thanks for Life, and Give thanks for supporting the Arts. A New Day has Begun. Bless up all the corners of the Earth, know we are One People in His Likeness and Image. In the Power Of the Trinity We Are. One Jah.