Tag Archives: Reggae Music


Why Reggae listeners should boycott Rastar Records

Greetings Rastafari and Reggae listeners worldwide,

One of the best things that can be done is to stand up and take some action to rebuke the wicked. In general I try to reserve judgment and learn from my own experiences, which I have done. From my own experiences,  ”Ebna Al Hakim Makonnen”  or Gaimon Bonitto  of Rastar Records is a liar and a thief.  He has lied to I and stolen from I as well as many others in the Rastafari and music community. He continues to threatens those in the community and has put out 2 albums that were not authorized for him to release. Both have InI art on the cover, one I gave permission and one I specifically did not. I did not know at the time of the first album what kind of person I was working with nor that the music was taken without consent. The first album is Akae Beka ” Defend Jah ” and the second is Akae Beka  ” La Corona Ship St. Mary of Tsion “. He also used my art on ” Black God Riddim” album without compensation.

From personal experience I have watched him encourage misinformation and spread rumors, and I am sure he is still doing it. If I hadn’t heard with my own ears that he was using me, I wouldn’t have imagined I was dealing with someone so disturbed.  Whether disturbed or not, his actions, threats and accusations warrant repercussions. InI want to make it clear on my website that Rastar Records specifically Gaimon Bonitto is an instigator that is mentally disturbed. Boycott Rastar Records, and if he steals from you, or threatens you, or anyone does, speak up and burn them out.  I choose to learn for myself what a devil he is, and that is why I present what I have seen. Not heresy and not others peoples issues. Judgement will come, whether in court or elsewhere.


New Reggae Music Releases and Album Art!

Wanted to Give a warm salute to the singers and players of Instruments. Lionartproudctions is proud to announce NEW RELEASES of music that InI have helped in the visual productions.  All the artists and companies are true to the teachings of His Imperial Majesty and strive to teach and educate the world through praises and song. I give thanks for the Almighty for Bringing these Royal Warriors to the microphone to guide us in our doings.

1. Is Arkaingelle: Tru Da Fyah! Zion High Productions http://zhpreggae.com

19366058_10212814800543409_2366609236982896935_nhttps://www.facebook.com/zhpreggae/?hc_ref=OTHER&pnref=storyArk Aingelle + Zion I Kings #Herbalist now playing @ Ark AingelleSoundCloud… Check out a sample of the album at https://soundcloud.com/arkaingelle/herbalisthttp://

BUY THE ALBUM AT:  Ernie B Reggae and Support Rastafari Businesses.       https://www.facebook.com/ernieb.reggae?fref=mentionshttp://


#TruDaFyah album release coming July 21 @Apple Music and worldwide everywhere… cds available via Ernie B Reggae

ArkAngel fin.

Original Design.  Pencil and Computer Graphics: Prints 25.00 for a signed print. 8.5 x 11.

2. Next album is one in the works but the first of the Mad Lion Riddim artists has released his BIG tune. Big up Misael González Joey A. Oyola Bravo Benjie Fuentes for a Musical anthem for a Right Boricau! Honor to be involved. ONE JAH. Justice and Freedom for Puerto Rico! Listen to the track: https://soundcloud.com/joeydema/mad-lion-riddim-ft-misael-gonzalez?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook


Original Art Below:


Mixed Media. Copper and acrylic, indian ink and a little computer clean up. Prints are 25.00 Inbox for info. It will be in the catalog soon! BLESS. Titled: ” MAD LION.”

3. Last and definitely not least is the most recent release ” From Zero” from Indubious. The album has a fantastic orchestration of music and variety of reggae that is very well made. The Song writing is both deep and poetic, well written and keeps the audience enjoying. It is doing very well on iTunes and is a refreshing cross over and still roots. Authentic and from the Heart the musical sound and message is excellent and smooth.  I didn’t design the cover but I did do the inside art. It is a painting of the musicians and elders of some of the artists. Each artist are all souls that are interlinked to the soul of souls, the King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I in a cosmic accompaniment. Hear is a teaser and video of the album:https://www.facebook.com/indubiousmusic/videos/10155391106077641/?hc_ref=OTHER&pnref=story


Purchase on Itunes:https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/from-zero/id1242583120

Purchase on bandcamp: www.indubious.bandcamp.com

also on Spotify and Amazon Music.

The Album Features: Sizzla, Akae Beka (Vaughn Benjamin), and Zahra.

Once again, it was an honor to be included and a beautiful display of unity in the cause of moral persuasion.  Check the display and art below! DSCN5782DSCN5784indubDSCN5777


Please support the Rastafari movement and spread the message, by picking up some music and checking what these artist have already done. Enjoy and learn of the continuing teachings of His Imperial Majesty as experience by His Children. Of Course read and be diligent in the Word of King Selassie I Himself, so that we too can hear and see the King within.  Prayers of Peace and Power and Patience.

Ras Elijah Tafari.
