Tag Archives: Reggae Album covers


Announcing The AFRIKIN Art Exhibit, February virtual show!

Grateful to be included, AFRIKIN, a non profit organization based out of Miami, Florida, has lead years of events to help educate and innovate African Culture across the globe. For the month of February it is a privilege to share an art exhibit brought by AFRIKIN to the world virtually.

This is the first virtual show I have ever had, and it is set up the same way as if you were walking around a gallery. There will be 24 pieces on show and some will be accompanied by poetry. Others will have explanations about the painting and an insight into the process.  The pieces were chosen special for this show, and are a mix of new and old pieces, some that are published and some unseen. I hope you enjoy, and if anyone would like to work on a project and collaborate please feel free to link. lionartproductions@gmail.com

Tune in starting February 1st: https://store.afrikin.org/ras-elijah-tafari/

Jah Bless, and Give thanks.




New Reggae Music Releases and Album Art!

Wanted to Give a warm salute to the singers and players of Instruments. Lionartproudctions is proud to announce NEW RELEASES of music that InI have helped in the visual productions.  All the artists and companies are true to the teachings of His Imperial Majesty and strive to teach and educate the world through praises and song. I give thanks for the Almighty for Bringing these Royal Warriors to the microphone to guide us in our doings.

1. Is Arkaingelle: Tru Da Fyah! Zion High Productions http://zhpreggae.com

19366058_10212814800543409_2366609236982896935_nhttps://www.facebook.com/zhpreggae/?hc_ref=OTHER&pnref=storyArk Aingelle + Zion I Kings #Herbalist now playing @ Ark AingelleSoundCloud… Check out a sample of the album at https://soundcloud.com/arkaingelle/herbalisthttp://

BUY THE ALBUM AT:  Ernie B Reggae and Support Rastafari Businesses.       https://www.facebook.com/ernieb.reggae?fref=mentionshttp://


#TruDaFyah album release coming July 21 @Apple Music and worldwide everywhere… cds available via Ernie B Reggae

ArkAngel fin.

Original Design.  Pencil and Computer Graphics: Prints 25.00 for a signed print. 8.5 x 11.

2. Next album is one in the works but the first of the Mad Lion Riddim artists has released his BIG tune. Big up Misael González Joey A. Oyola Bravo Benjie Fuentes for a Musical anthem for a Right Boricau! Honor to be involved. ONE JAH. Justice and Freedom for Puerto Rico! Listen to the track: https://soundcloud.com/joeydema/mad-lion-riddim-ft-misael-gonzalez?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook


Original Art Below:


Mixed Media. Copper and acrylic, indian ink and a little computer clean up. Prints are 25.00 Inbox for info. It will be in the catalog soon! BLESS. Titled: ” MAD LION.”

3. Last and definitely not least is the most recent release ” From Zero” from Indubious. The album has a fantastic orchestration of music and variety of reggae that is very well made. The Song writing is both deep and poetic, well written and keeps the audience enjoying. It is doing very well on iTunes and is a refreshing cross over and still roots. Authentic and from the Heart the musical sound and message is excellent and smooth.  I didn’t design the cover but I did do the inside art. It is a painting of the musicians and elders of some of the artists. Each artist are all souls that are interlinked to the soul of souls, the King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I in a cosmic accompaniment. Hear is a teaser and video of the album:https://www.facebook.com/indubiousmusic/videos/10155391106077641/?hc_ref=OTHER&pnref=story


Purchase on Itunes:https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/from-zero/id1242583120

Purchase on bandcamp: www.indubious.bandcamp.com

also on Spotify and Amazon Music.

The Album Features: Sizzla, Akae Beka (Vaughn Benjamin), and Zahra.

Once again, it was an honor to be included and a beautiful display of unity in the cause of moral persuasion.  Check the display and art below! DSCN5782DSCN5784indubDSCN5777


Please support the Rastafari movement and spread the message, by picking up some music and checking what these artist have already done. Enjoy and learn of the continuing teachings of His Imperial Majesty as experience by His Children. Of Course read and be diligent in the Word of King Selassie I Himself, so that we too can hear and see the King within.  Prayers of Peace and Power and Patience.

Ras Elijah Tafari.







Blessed Love One and ALL. Whats up..

Give thanks for the Life Giver and the Blessing Jah has brought on Us. We are engulfed by His Presence and when alert can easily see the Hands of Jah in Our Lives. There is really so much to say, and I look forward to presenting poignant points for the benefit of humanity.

commentary on the relationship in Africa between her oldest and newest theologies and traditions. And the work it takes to get along.

commentary on the relationship in Africa between her oldest and newest theologies and traditions. And the work it takes to get along.

Been painting steady and there are so many new paintings coming out. Under wraps, but look out for new works with musicians that we all love. Lots of new music projects as well, finishing an album together Visceral View, and a Hip Hop project with Jah Ivan out of Spain, as well as Underwater out of Belgium.  Some singles that will be released soon and there’s another album finished… All I can say is that this will be a great Summer.


InI will also be publishing books, something that ones can carry in their pocket. The style will be publishing a political cartoon “Zine” as well as collected essays about Rastafari and Black Liberation. I encourage others to link and to do the same. The importance of education in creative forms that are personal speak more than quoting others sometimes. Though, His Imperial Majesty stands alone, we each have a perspective that is important to the fullness when focused. Honor to the publishers of the Word of Jah, Frontline Books, distribution and Publishing, Ras Sakuo,  Ras John, in Chicago, royal salute.

in progress, part of a trinity series.

in progress, part of a trinity series.

Quick sneak peak at a painting to coming soon, it has already changed since this photo was taken, I will follow up with the progress.  If anyone is looking for Album Covers, Original art or prints. Please inbox InI and we will get to you quickly. If you are interested in collaborating same way, please don’t hesitate. Unity is strength. Give thanks for the Almighty Creator, The One that is The POWER and Virtue, The Trinue King who rules the Heaven and the Earth. Adoni JAH Rastafari. Haile Selassie the First King Alpha. Empress Mennen the Finale Queen Omega.

Blessed Love to One and All.

Ras Elijah Tafari.