Tag Archives: Reggae Album Cover Art

*High Grade Canvas Prints Now Available*

Greetings in the Name of the Almighty King, Qedamawi Haile Selassie. 

It is a joy to now be able to offer canvas prints that are large and the highest grade. This is the first series of joytings (paintings) that are available, where each one will be numbered and signed.  Made with the highest resolutions images, each canvas is crystal clear without pixelation.

The canvases are on a 2 inch wood frame, and are available at the following sizes are prices. 18″x24″(inches) – $300, 24″x24″ (inches)-  $350, 2ft x 3ft (feet) – $450 and 3ft x 3ft for $500.  Shipping and handling not included.

The titles of the pieces are below the image, let InI know which one speaks to the I.  Due to the size and shipping differences it would be great to receive an email or message letting InI know where you are located so I can figure out an estimate of how much shipping will be.  You can send an email to lionartproductions@gmail.com or call 1-505 203-5614.




Ten Heavens of the Book of Enoch

Ten Heavens of the Book of Enoch

In Awe

In Awe



Color of Sound








Living Testament

Living Testament

At the Alter.

At the Alter.

Mystery River

Mystery River

Who Will Go For Us

Who Will Go For Us




New Album Cover Art: Winter Releases


There was an huge release of fantastic music: Here are the covers and the originals for this Winter and new year of 2023-2024. Give thanks to all the production companies and producers that included InI in the works. Glory to Jah, and Bless the publishers of the Word. Special thanks goes out to Go A Chant Productions, Trinity Farms Music, Akashic Records, Dre-Z Melodi, Ras Teo, Joseph General, Toho Sanders, and Neil Mangicaro, Army, Ras Danny I, JahDan Blakkamoore, Yeza and Medisun. Selassie I Salute to the Elder, Akae Beka. Please check their tunes and support their music, all of which is truly a labor of love. Honor and Respect!

Akae Beka's "Living Testament"

Akae Beka’s “Living Testament”


"Living Testament" Original Art by Ras Elijah Tafari

“Living Testament” Original Indian ink and Acrylic.

Akae Beka and Joseph General "At Stake"

Akae Beka and Joseph General “At Stake”

" At Stake "

” At Stake ” Acrylic and Indian ink


Danny I " Another Day "


"Savanah Love"

“Savanah Love” Acrylic


” Jah is an Ocean ” Indian ink and acrylic.

"Roses of Sharon" Acrylic and Indian ink

“Roses of Sharon” Acrylic and Indian ink

"Watermelon Smile" acrylic and indian ink

“Watermelon Smile” acrylic and indian ink

Akae Beka "Who will go for Us" Single

Akae Beka “Who will go for Us” Single

Isaiah's Coals, "Who will go for us " Single Akae Beka. Living Testament Album.

Isaiah’s Coals, “Who will go for us ” Single Akae Beka. Living Testament Album. Acrylic and Indian ink


Victory Front Cover

Victory Piece

Victory Piece

Praises Joseph General

Praises Joseph General


Praises Joseph General

Praises Joseph General


Need Not Apply Single Art

Need Not Apply Single Art