Tag Archives: Rastafari theology


All Glory to the Most High King of Creation for the blessing to share another album with everyone. InI am excited for the World to Get the Vibe from the New Mexico High Desert of the importance of WISDOM in a Hip Hop styles. In combination with 4 countries the music and attitude is a witness to the power of Rastafari and Hip Hop Globally. Good for all ages, and something that grooves..check out a sample of pick up the album at…BLESS!





And it will be on Amazon Music any day..Hard copies will be available very soon, put a pre order in by messaging INI or email lionartproductions@gmail.com..A stayed tuned..Music Video on the way!  Jah Bless!

Wisdom Album Cover Ras Elijah Tafari

New Mexico Rastafari Collective Newsletter Nov. issue is out!

Blessed Love and All,  a Special Coronation November issue is out. Give thanks for the warmth of Rastafari in New Mexico, we are joyful to share the meditations and unity together. Thank you for everyone that contributed, both near and far. Heart of Joy.

NMRC newsletterNov1


In the times we are facing, the new album “Wisdom” coming out Nov. 2nd has a message that many business are ready to stand with. If you have a conscious business you would like promoted, we are looking for further sponsors for the New Album “Wisdom”. We can send you a preview copy and proposal. It works out so the sponsor makes profit and gets free advertising. Give thanks for the support. Please Inbox, or email Lionartproductions@gmail.com. Thank you and One Perfect Love.

Wisdom Album Cover Ras Elijah Tafariwisdsompromo1


Art Show and Celebrations in Denver! Come join us Sept. 10th!!

Blessed  Love One and All, we are getting ready for Colorado! Ras Zakarias and InI and Empress are taking this show on the road. This may be the biggest display of Original Art and Prints We have ever taken out of New Mexico. There’s so much happening its nearly hard to say…Here is a flyer with the details! Give thanks for the Colorado Ras, Sean Bookman, as well as Ras Elbow, for hosting and organizing at the “Da Base Camp” in the Lakewood area of Denver. Really looking forward to citing everyone for a one day mini-festival of cultural reverence. Haile Selassie I.

Sept. 10 Ethiopian New year Celebrations 2017 Denver

Here’s a sneak peak at a piece that I’m finishing up this morning before InI Head forward…



Ras Elijah Tafari All rights reserved 2017

“Emerald Glow.” Haile Selassie I Light.

Give thanks for the Emerald Judah King, For the Guidance and Mercy of the Emperor. This piece is inspired by His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I and His ability to resonate a Power that is so Strong and Humble. The Feeling of Life itself inhaling. The Color of the Rock of Judah is Green, and often you will see InI paint Green as the Aura of the Palace or His Throne. Judah Emerald. The Cross symbolism is to remind ones of the Prophecy of Christ’s Kingdom which is seen through the Line of David. The Conquering Lion is wearing His signature cape as He warned the World of Fascism and WW2 to come as well as the solution being collective security. The Painting is based on a photo taken in 1936 in Geneva, with an influence of Orthodox Coptic Christian Art.

Ras Elijah Tafari All rights reserved 2017

Ras Elijah Tafari All rights reserved 2017

(20”x 24″) Mixed Media.  Spray paint, acrylic and Indian ink.

As I was painting I decided to stop here because His Imperial Majesties face reminded I of His Father in flesh, Ras Makonnen Wolde Mikael. Sometimes when painting someone you can tap into the ancestors and something comes out, grandma, sometimes our children. I said I hope you can see Ras Makonnen, left it there and put the brush down.
The original is for sale and as well signed prints. The piece is also available for use, so let me know if you need an album cover. Prints are 25.00 plus shipping, email or inbox InI. Just one of the many painting cover to Denver this Sept. 10th Ethiopian New Year show. At The BaseCamp on Sunday!


This is a picture of Ras Makonnen Wolde Mikael, Father of His Imperial Majesty.

RAS Makonnen Wolde Mikael

RAS Makonnen Wolde Mikael



New Mexico~ Rastafari~ Collective~ NewsLetter Sept. # 2 is out!

Blessed Love to One and All, Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty. Emperor Haile Selassie I. Give thanks for the royal warmth that was shown in the making and sharing of issue 1 of NMRC newsletter, this issue has so much pertaining to greater unity that it is important that it is public. I hope you enjoy it, and this has been a progressive month. We love any news that ones could add, thoughts and articles from New Mexico Ras in order to fully Itribute to the community near and far. Please send submissions to lionartproductions@gmail.com. Feel free to share and get involved! Jah Bless! Rastafari Present.


Thank you for reading, and please link with any questions, comments, articles and artistic submissions. This is about getting to know each other, no matter how far we are physically, it is the Spirit that moves us together. Peace and Blessings with you all!! Thank you for everyone in the community, stay strong. “Duces up!” as my brother Charles X would say. Peace. Hail Selassie I Every Day.

Ras Elijah Tafari. Editor in Chief.

Rastafari perspective on current USA and its impact on the World.

It seems that it isn’t natural to continue as last week, when we are in a different reality today. The events of the last few days has altered the consciousness of the World, let alone the USA. Never before have I witnessed a “leader’s” words be more destructive than a terrorist attack. Though Trump has empowered white supremacists he has also brought many to have study the foundation of the USA and realize that both race and racism are interlinked to the future and the past of the USA. Further, the study and refusal to accept Fascist behavior is what internationally the world has been calling for and often has the USA to thank for lack of democracy and current Fascist governments, specifically that of the Philippines, Egypt and Israel. The change and tide may be the saving grace for billions of the Earth’s population if the USA chooses to reconcile with its past and present monsters. The only way to deal with any sickness is to recognize it so it can be addressed.

Both racism and fascist behavior is so systematic that it is older in form than the USA, and has been corrupting everyone on this planet since before birth. Since the day most were born they have been taught to be white supremacist, all colors, all nations. Internationally the darkest and most indigenous people are hated- why are the Roots of all nations hated by their children? It is because all modern media was created to encourage and continue imperial colonialism and white supremacy. Even before the camera’s and radio, libraries and information were published and controlled for masses in amounts to simply hold a monopoly and authority over knowledge. Books not approved by the Church from a long time have been looked at as not authentic..this is white supremacy in the form of inquisition style fascism, where the Catholic Church is the dictator.

In this time it is no different, here in NM we have the terrorists known as conquistadors that are honored. We have streets and schools all honoring men that no doubt murdered millions of people collectively, and this before George Washington, so the USA doesn’t feel that there is any responsibility to repair the Spanish terrorism that is still reminding us of injustice. The basic insensitivity of thinking life is based on war and conquering, that the victors have a right to create class warfare with whomever they wish is the foundation of modern capitalism. All of this is based on white supremacy in different forms. This started before the English arrived and is collectively the World’s issue when we look at the class warfare that it used in every country through drug wars to basic beauty standards. Now things have changed and here is why…

For the first time, in the name of ” freedom” the USA president has said that there are good and fine people in the KKK and who are Nazi’s. The USA who was never invaded during WW2 and never cared to help for years, profiting off of Hitler and Fascism, has no clue what it means to be invaded or bombed. It has no idea what war looks like at home. Those who have, know that Nazi’s and Fascists are more than mis-intentioned, they are lead by a vision that has no respect for human life. In Germany it is illegal to wear or wave a Nazi flag. If the Taliban or ISSL wants to have a march would it be excusable? The KKK and Nazi’s have been considered terrorists organizations for 3 decades, and still they are having rallies. It has often been noted that when Europeans commit acts of terror there is a double standard. Both African and Europeans are more likely to be murdered in the USA by white supremacists than any other terrorist organization.

Since President Truman the USA has used Nuclear weapons to bully the world and has consciously choose to in a similar way make human life not sacred but expendable and blood profitable. This foreign policy has revealed to the World for years its true motives, which is far from spreading democracy. It has used weapons as its currency for votes and approval. With the hypocrisy of the office of President and the USA people, her citizens are at odds with the dream of the country. It seems that the shame of the USA being looked at as a place for fascists and nazis has finally reached the general public. For years we have expressed our biggest “fear” is being attacked by a white supremacists, and now Europeans are realizing that it is also their biggest threat. This is deeper than the masses have realized because the long relationship the USA has had for Nazi’s and how many were hired by the US government and allowed to enter after WW2. This obsession with WW2 has a special meaning to Rastafari, being that the call to fight fascists came from Emperor Haile Selassie I after Benito Mussolini invaded of Ethiopia. He warned the world, that it may be HIM today but it will be you tomorrow. It came to pass then, and it is coming to pass now. Rastafari connected Fascism and colonialism as the same ideology and this is the conflict with US policy and European foreign policy.

Right now, people in the US have been confronted with the terrorist next door, with the real domestic enemies that have killed more Americans than any foreigner, the legacy of the Confederacy. What they are also having to deal with is that they have made room for this evil by allowing fear-mongers to push the Drug War, Minimum/Mandatory sentences, pro-Israel bias, and being absent on any conference on racism let alone human rights courts and laws. The USA has been a rogue state for a long time, and now the population has noticed that some people don’t care about anything decent when it comes to international expectations. Donald Trump has done something that has never been done, he has encouraged White Supremacists and has also given space for a reasonable rebellion from the population and those who face tyranny by a Nazis.

381463_2381401490513_658247963_n-1After I heard the “president’s” comments or lack of, I wanted to write Marvel comics and Hollywood for constantly making Nazi’s the bad guy and the KKK the enemy of dignity. I thought it was being over done for years, but that programming came out when it came to resisting and refuting the KKK and Nazi sympathizers. Its like we are back in the 1940′s and when it comes to simple logic, if any other terrorist organization walked down your streets threatening the citizens the least most would have is a baseball bat ready. This is not the 1960′s where mobs can attack people with pepper spray and fists and not expect to get  it back. Self defense is a God given reaction. For years non violence has been used and fascists think they can walk over the people. We as Ethiopians and Rastafari are as Anti-fascist as it gets, and when it comes to fighting against fascists it is a duty to the cause of freedom to erase the notion of dominion over another thru violence and terror. We can see that the police when confronted by those with guns will run and it is simply ourselves collectively that is the only government that will operate. Collective Security then as well as now is the solution, and maybe the USA will be able to actually do the same with the World Community as they combat similar psychopaths that threaten the world’s peace.


Right now, we are being confronted with a new issue. One that as Africans we have noted for years, that due to the program of White Supremacy, it is up to Europeans to decry white supremacy as a theology based on hate and subjection without any supreme thoughts included.  Europeans (and most of the world) have been programmed to only listen to Europeans. We have said, and warned the world, ” That until the color of a mans skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes..there will be war.” Emperor Haile Selassie I. Now is the time where true reflection is needed from all of the World about who are their leaders, and if there are none, then now is the time to be one.

I thank all those who in any way have publicly spoken out in order not to create disunity, and I would hope a closer study of the subject continues so that we can look at how to change to future of the USA to what its greatest potential is, to have a renaissance within that defines a vision to be rather than a dream for some and nightmare for others. We thank all those who made a stand for peace in Charlottesville and through out the world, respectful of the multitudes who given their life for human rights and dignity.

I leave you with a Word From His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I. “Throughout History, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”
May Jah Protect You. Rastafari.




Friday night Aug. 4th, 6-8pm at the Sector in Alb.,  Ras Zakarias, InI and DuttyBookMan will be sharing Roots and Culture  Empowerment Reasonings and Paintings and Books. This is a preview of the new art that will be showing from InI. ” Stretch forth Our hands to Jah!” is a painting series celebrating Salvation thru King David’s Psalm 68. Verse 31: ” Princes and Ambassadors shall come out of Egypt, and Ethiopia Kush shall stretch out her hand unto Yah.”  This is one of the Most Holy Psalms to Ras in and out of Ethiopia. We are in that time where we must embrace Our Father with knowledge of who we are as Ethiopians and full fill Our duty. Holy Emmanuel I King Selassie I Jah Rastafari.

1.  Mountain of Bashan. Psalms 68:15.  Indian Ink/ Acrylic. 350.00 Signed PRINTS AVAILABLE. 25.00


2.  The Narrow Door: Jah Makes a Home for the Lonely. Psalm 68: 6. Indian Ink, Acrylic: Original 300.00 Signed Prints available 25.00.


3. ” Jah Gave the Word; The women that proclaimed it was a great company:” Psalm 68: 11, Indian Ink/ Acrylic. Original 500.00 signed prints 25.00.


prophet Elijah



Give thanks for Life ,The Living Word and Works. Haile Selassie I The Lion Of Judah Embodiment and fullfillment.

in exile



Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, and Her Imperial Majesty Empress Menen Asfaw.  Give thanks for the Life Giver , The God of Ethiopia, the Father of the Fatherless, Jah Rastafari.

It has been brought to InI attention and has been a subject of reasoning for years that it is important to organize and centralize in a way that can work with the people in the community. New Mexico is very spread out and for years it has been difficult to get us together, we have thought about how to extend the communication and heartical joys to each other regularly even if we cannot chant together as much as we would like. As a start, several members of the Rastafari Community in New Mexico have agreed that a news letter would be a start to grow closer with the Ras that are here, and those who would like to know and learn.  We would like to include as many articles and Rastafari events as possible and look forward from hearing from members of the community that we rarely hear from.

We would like for any interested to contact Ras Elijah Tafari at lionartproductions@gmail.com who like to receive the news letter ( it is free) and contribute thoughts and articles to the monthly publication. Artwork submissions are welcome as well. PLEASE SEND YOUR EMAIL SO I CAN GET YOU ON THE LIST.  We can build together even if we are are miles apart, and build with those who desperately need community and knowledge of the Mission and Purpose of InI, Rastafari in this time.  Anyone of any faith can subscribe and are encouraged to. All articles will be New Mexico relevant in the cause of Rastafari and how we can organize and promote Human Rights Internationally and African Dignity. There are so many lovely minds and hearts here, I think this will be a great thing.  Different perspectives and views help build a healthy discourse, and no matter what house we look forward to hearing your thoughts! One People from New Mexico to Zion, I look forward to getting reports to share from Ethiopia where many of us have found Our Peace.

Give thanks for the Salvation, Redemption and Order of Rastafari. Please send a message and we can start the link. Perfect Love, From the High Desert of the Land of Enchantment.


“We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”
King of Kings, Conquering Lion of Judah, Root of David, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Power Of the Trinity.



The Law was Written before a book was.

Give thanks for the day. With Love in the meditation, when it comes to “The Bible” in which I it call the Scriptures. We have to see from the start a pagan has given the book a pagan title. A Title that marked the start of European interpretation by Greeks and Romans of African Thought. Just in case ones don’t think that the words inside have been tampered with even the word Bible comes from Phoenicia and Egypt in which they were cities, “Byble” and Byblis, a female diety and grand daughter of Apollo, well known Sun-diety of Greece. You won’t find this on wikipedia and the many online sites because there is a concerted Babylonian plan to use the Scriptures as a tool of slavery. Source: W.H. Roscher in Ausfuhrliches Lexicon der Griechischen und Romischen Mythologie vol.1 pp.839-840. and “Come out of Her My People” C.J. Koster pp. 76.
When Ones make their decisions entirely from the interpretation of the Scriptures they place themselves in dangerous waters if they miss the Golden Rule ( words of the Messiah). Do unto others as you would have them do to you. With this in mind, would Slavery be something that we stand behind because the Torah allows it, or child sacrifice. We do not, and we do not because we know what is Right within where the Law was written before a book was. Using the Scriptures to be the absolute on moral issues can lead to clear hypocrisy of which many prophets within the scriptures saw contemptuous. Examples being the Prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah to Jahshua the Messiah. InI know that the Scriptures have Mighty teachings, but that comes from Jah in I telling I that is a Mighty teaching. If ones can speak to Jah, why look to strangers telling you a story about other men who talked to Jah and just accept it. If you Know Jah you know what pleases HIM and does not. Hence why I say, that if you would not want it done to you, why do it to another? This question breaks to the heart of Oneness, and makes you think for yourself about how would you feel,…When anyone asks you something before you try to recount and regurgitate verses, think about how you would be feel being in the other persons situation and use understanding. That awareness and connection is how we build together. I have been guilty of it using the Scriptures to condemn swiftly, and I thought about what Dem-mok Warcloud said about how I don’t believe in the Bible…upset me and made me think,…because I love the Scriptures, and in truth there is no doubt I pick and choose what is good and not, and some things just ponder on.. I think we all do whether we accept that or not, and if we do follow the Scriptures word for word, then I question whether that makes a good person. His Imperial Majesty said, perfectly, was, “In pondering over the life, the goodness, humanity and sacrifice of the Savior of the World, in looking at the laws which He gave us, how much should we be ashamed to call ourselves Christian people, and yet not to follow His footsteps. Had we been Christain people, had we been worthy of the name, peace would have reigned on all the face of the Earth, and would have risen to the level of the immortal angels who always glorify the Eternal God, and the peoples of the world would no longer have remained divided into hostile camps. In very truth there are no interest or reasons, however legitimate they may be, that can justify war.”
We have all fallen short and its not because of the Bible, or Scriptures, its because of our lack of interest in PEACE.
Peace and Justice is the aim and religions are supposed to help and be the tool to achieve that aim. Is it working..perhaps we need to ponder over LIFE, THE GOODNESS, and HUMANITY. And of course Sacrifice in fullness. We have approached the Subject of God collectively as a war, not realizing that it can be won without fighting, that the aim is the mission. That the tools do not need force to be used correctly, that gentleness, faith, and understanding will sew good seeds for cooperation and be pleasing to Jah and Man.
