Tag Archives: Rastafari theology

Vessels in New Waters: Lives after Deaths.

” FOUR QUESTIONS: How will integrity face oppression? What does honesty do in the face of deception? What does decency do in the face of insult? How does courage face brute force? Four Pillars, Integrity, Honesty, Decency and Courage. ” Let us not be confused that courage cannot be displayed by immoral people so look at the fortitude of a man or woman rather than courage for that is not enabling. Simply a thug can be courageous. Fortitude is the love inside of us that holds our own desire to confront fear and death. Only when we are prepared to die can we be ready to live fully. We are held back by fear, and that reverts and diverts us from the role and journey we are here to walk. Our fear to is actually love each other no matter what, knowing that we are a reflection of each other and Jah. Insults and deceptions cannot stop truth from coming forward.

Our ability to filter through others insecurities and inspire to be a force of good build ones own character. The Discipline to look out for the least including those harming you is what brings your character to maturity, that is fortitude. Someone who has been in chains doesn’t want anyone to be in chains, someone who has been in slavery isn’t satisfied with his own freedom, he can is only free when we all are free. His desire is to elevate himself and others by demanding that love is necessary for humanity and is the decency we all deserve.

When we unlearn to fear death then we can learn what is means to be truly a free person. Anyone who fears death is a slave. It is those who have found joy in truth that will be the truth that lives and requires love to do so. Love is not scared, Love is the fortress of fortitude. When you challenge the deception, rebel against the lack of sincerity, when they insult you, hold your countenance and celebrate that compassion is your foundation and listening and giving voice to those suffering most will of course bring ridicule and more truth in such a cruel society. Thats what is needed. Blessed are you who know that justice is an inner court where your judge will not care of how much you have acquired in wealth or what others say about you, but if you know your wealth is from your ability to be love and know love.

In this time it is difficult to see the state of the country and world, it is polarized and limited. We must be expansive and every pushing ourselves to use our lives in its fullest capacity to help others. Not succumbing to fear but ready to be vessels in new waters, that reminds us what it means to be human, rather than races, or political parties. Define yourself by your highest virtues, and dont let someone else define you, likewise let others speak for themselves rather than be prejudged. Jah Bless you all. Be the Best you can be. Rastafari.
Give thanks for the reminders and quote from Prof. Cornel West.

Lion Warrior by Ras Elijah Tafari

Lion Warrior by Ras Elijah Tafari


Fighting the Beast Within, The Competition That Fuels Capitalism

Fighting the beast within called competition that fuels capitalism.  After seeing it around and within myself I realize there is a sociopath jin or spirit that is encouraged in people globally. Some of it may be primal instinct yet other behavior is taught and fostered. This development of the idea of winners and losers goes right into the dynamics of religion and classism being another doctrine of set winners and losers, chosen and damned.The seed of idea of first and second class citizens that we as “progressives” seek to eliminate. I am going to speak on how things we all have seen around us concerning competition reflect  the global issue that is at the seeds of War.

Perhaps you have heard “it’s not about who wins or loses, it’s how you play the game.” This is absolutely true because it speaks about the integrity maintained, self worth and dignity, something when lost cannot be regained easily. It also serves as an example of conduct of what is considered goods sports conduct. In sports, where competition is refined, there are rules and behavior that is seen as becoming and that which is seen as arrogant. When someone thinks they are above the rules they are dealt a time out or foul. There are penalties for grievances. In the modern world, especially in business and politics, music industry to every day behavior it seems this concept is lost.  It seems that to the masses in a capitalistic thought pattern care only about winning, and do not care about who gets hurt on the way. The drive to succeed over shadows any drive to be compassionate.

Perhaps you have seen people put their business before friends and family, those who desire to compete makes it where they are never satisfied. It is linked to all kind of things, including not feeling good enough. One of the worst feelings is to be put down or mocked because you have less, and a spirit enters that wants to prove the person wrong, and be so successful you could mock them..I am sure we have laughed as actors do it in the movies..Still, what does it prove, what did it change, and is the exchange of mockery progressive. It is not kind in any way, it is a desire to be arrogant and standing above another so one could belittle another. It is to be the oppressor or the master. This inferiority complex often reflected to others as superiority complexes, over compensation and over confidence.  I could be describing someone we know or the USA government, and that is the point. This is about us, about Trump, and the history of the world and often nationalism at its worst hour. This is how the world works, by breaking rules and trying to profit no matter the cost to life, the planet, the future, or the soul. It is about a few winning, the rest losing and the winners thinking they deserve it because they have always been smarter than the rest..

This state of mind of competitive capitalistic views are interlinked with several subjects and by ones looking closely and humbly at how this related to racism, speciesism, tribalism, religious animosity and ethic divisions, ones can see that thinking we are better than others is at the heart of an inner and outer war, that leaves billions of dead bodies a year on this planet.  There is a constant “us” and “them” which is in the interest of governments, who do not represent everyone on Earth.  What governments try to be are the worst gangsters, meaning that competition leads who can dominate the other by any means. The is why the US has privatized the war as a utility for mankind. No matter who wants to prove they are better the US wins. They encourage wars as a way to profit off the weakest nature of man, competition for resources and control. They also teach it to the World as far as personal exploits and relationships. Their religious doctrines often are taught to think that there is a competition to get to heaven. I cannot go into all the religious or political avenues to show as demonstrations because there are so many and it is up to us to look and see when we are subconsciously driven to beat someone at something for the sake of winning, or more often to kill for the sake of killing. It goes from the food we eat, the books we look to for guidance and truth, to the way politicians use force over diplomacy without the desire to accept correction.  People don’t like to apologize, nor do governments, they want to carry an air of incorruptibility, which is at the heart of the issue. When rules its seems don’t apply to some, and there is no recourse, others will revert backwards and replicate those same methods against others. Not only does the cycle continue, but the eye for and eye concept still doesn’t prove what is more worthy than not in a logical manner, it is revenge based.

I wrote earlier about how Religious Theology clashes with Human Rights, and that it was more important how we react to set violations that the violators being violators. This is basis of African American Political Science when it comes to embarrassing your challengers by exposing the methods that they wished others didn’t know because they are unlawful and shameful by most peoples standards. Internationally and National Morality is a powerful. We know the success the civil rights movement had internationally because Africans and all collective races within the USA  were able to use non violent resistance against a brutal army and further the cause of peace. Likewise the resolve to not emulate the racists racism with racism, religious dogmatic thought with counter religious dogmatic thought, ect. is to study our own problem solving techniques. It is up to us to find new ways of reacting and speaking when it comes to how to reach each other  peacefully and respectfully on a stage where we share and listen. We shouldn’t be surprised, upset, and ostracize those who are bigots, racists, anti environment or sociopathic, it is part of the make up of how societies have operated for thousands of years. It is learned often beaten in psychology, a mind state, and attitude  we together must look at in order for us to hear ourselves.  Ask if this state is a form of domination without  boundaries or care to who or what is damaged.  When we pay attention,  the voiceless get noticed, and those who are helpless,  learn how to stand up to a bully, empowered not to be hindered by others insecurity or be a bully in return.

How do we get rid of the demon of revenge, that can boil and run deep in people and nations? This needs to be addressed from the start of any desire to reform and uplift a collective. Sometimes space is needed which why the respect of borders and sovereignty needs to respected, often we wish to attack a group because of the actions of their government or one person, sadly it is almost instinctual. To avoid bitterness to an entire group is to be clear who or what is the real issue rather than to chastise the whole. Collective punishment is asinine.  Many have had difficult issues with certain groups, let’s use Palestinians and Israelis to a point where they think all of one side is just wrong and evil. When the reality is that most people are pawns in a big chess game where they simply are trying to live and raise a family. The real offenders are usually blaming the others for what they have been accused of, and often are not to hard to figure out whether in front of or behind the curtain so to speak.

Here are stratagems in an effort to stay focused with resolve to find solutions and not be caught into diversions.

First, keep religion out of problem solving. Poverty and war make ones more religious and also desperate, and that is when it used to make the people feel they have a religious crusade to accomplish. When looking at religious tensions, look at the facts, look at the money. Look at the proportionality of the reactions, and victims. Look at the laws, and understand the history.

Second, avoid affirming or denying others religious bias in order to stay focused on the future. When finding resolutions neither encouraging or discouraging religious sentiments is the best solution because the purpose is creating harmony, knowing that others will bring their sentiments with them no matter. It is useless to offer a spiritual platform if one is a mediator, our ability to be non partial is our ability to be just.

Third, Transmutation. Look at how to make things that are negative positive. What can be learned, what is savable, what changes benefit new possibilities. Whether with a friend or on an international stage, nations that learn to adapt and make the best out of their hand create new avenues never before imagined. This process can be used to overt tariffs and sanctions and punish those punishing others by freeing themselves from an economic strongholds. This is a popular method of non violent protest using the free market and public opinion to have the power to not be bullied by those ones rely on financially dominion or thru trade. It can also be as simple as using the garbage around to assist in the plantings  of trees and the building of roads. Make bad shit, high grade manure, nutrient rich ready for any garden. It just a process, Transmutation.

Fourth, The Power of Breathe. It is instinctual to get emotional and want to react in a manner that wants to bully the bully. There are few exclusions, but for the most part it is an innate in the desire to achieve a set goal, to break through resistance. Social dynamics are not the same as hunting, and yet the way societies treat employees to how they act in every level is all part of the desire to use hunting instincts rather than dignified methods based on merit and virtue. The power to Breathe isn’t simply physical, its the power to take the time to think rationally. The faster we think, the more mistakes are made. People who react quick and jump on opportunities are often rewarded but are only tools to the sharks that employ them.  Mean while those who work and think on their own time, create the environment mentally and externally to have the proper time to look at the issues one by one and be fair to themself and their judgements. Stay vigilant but don’t rush, the same mistakes we make in our daily lives governments are making in policies.  People are not as dumb as ones think, they are just pushed and then asked to make a decisions in unfair conditions.  When we breath, sometimes we can beat the game by realizing we don’t need to play it.



In the Heavens does His Throne Reign

The 3rd Advent. Will Emperor Haile Selassie I return in flesh?

Love and Life. Honor and Glory to His Majestic, His imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. Pray thee well, Give thanks for Unity. On the subject of what some call the 3rd advent of Emperor Haile Selassie The First. I was asked about what were my thoughts on His Imperial Majesties Return in Flesh. I thought it was a good question to address, and I hope this offers some light on the different ideas I have heard and InI commentary. 

Excellent question with a deep subject at hand. There are many levels to this, I will say what I have learned first. From the start of many teachings of Rastafari, way before the internet, there was little importance to what happen to His Imperial Majesty after 1975 and His return. It was a non topic because it has nothing to do with Our Love and devotion to what has been Given. What more do people want from Jah, and what more could they been given than the solutions given to Us by the King of Kings. We were taught this isn’t about a body but THE Body of Christ and God in Us all. The teachings we received in the 90′s and early 2000′s, was that of learning everything about Emperor Haile Selassie I because His Cause and Position are symbolic of all Time. His plight and message is universal and His teachings are Just. His is the fulfillment of Revelations and of all spiritual books, because of bloodline, title, seat, and more importantly His Love for All. So we were taught never to speak on a so called death, because who He is, transcends beyond flesh. That is what We Glorify, We Praise HIM in the flesh because He is worthy, His deeds and thoughts are worthy of praises.  To simply this, If one expected HIM to return they didn’t get that He is the with Us because He is Us, like He lived and said and showed. That He has done His work will we do His. If He has to come again, and save us, then is it because we didn’t save ourselves.. after He showed Us how..These were the ideas InI was taught, that He is the Alpha and Omega, and that we are the new beginning. The New Earth and Heaven are in the making presently.  To not expect a return is to understand we have been given more than enough, and that His Word Has been said. Nothing more is required from Jah than our adherence.

Upon the subject of His Literal return, after the appearance of Abba Kedus more ones began spreading the ideas that this was HIM as a monk. I have heard good reasonings on both sides to support why this is and this is not true. We have also heard from ones like the Yogi that spoke in New York, speaking about how he met Emperor Haile Selassie in 1986 and that there were witnesses. This is the one story we can either debunk or verify by asking Crown Prince Zera Yacob Amha Selassie, the Current Crown Prince of the Ethiopia’s Crown Council. Which as far as I know hasn’t been done. I would love for someone to respectively present the witness and ask the Crown Prince if this is true.  There are also various sightings, some that the Ethiopian Church should also be asked to publicly acknowledge so that it can be meditated on. I am speaking on specifically the sighting of His Imperial Majesty surrounded by Fire and Lions on Mount Entoto.  Others both in and outside of Ethiopia have also said they have seen John Hoy in Flesh with their eyes. Who am I to judge. I have seen HIM in my dreams and what Has been shown to I is beyond InI comprehension. 

 The reasonings I have had from Mystics, whom I have spoken on previous. Ras Sadiki-I,  being one, who is set apart from most in His Calling to the Lord and His Divine Response in preforming the duties of Building the Temple for The Ark of Covenant, and in Divine Love was able to complete the task swiftly. This Chosen One asked I to paint the end of the World as we know it with HIM making mankind bombs fall on the place they originated. This was based on a vision he had had. That He would be in the sky, and that people who did not love Jah would attack HIM with bombs. I made a painting of this, and included the angels by His Sides surrounding HIM.  This apocalyptic vision has its own article. 

There are more thoughts and vision ones have shared with I that have validity, one being that the restoration of the Crown of Ethiopia will bring in the Holy Spirit of Trinity in the blood line of Emperor Haile Selassie I to make the Rightful Ruler have His Platform. That who ever it may be, that when Ethiopia accepts it Biblical King, then that One will be Earths Rightful Ruler again and Haile Selassie I’s Seed blossom. This belief system is based on the protocols of the Bible, Quran, and Judaism. It transcends Haile Selassie in flesh and then extols in Him in flesh by venerating their Son’s and Daughter that keep with Ethiopian Solomonic protocols. This was done with King David, His Imperial Majesty did mandate it for His Own Blood Line, making it mandatory all future Emperors must be of His and Her Imperial Majesties Blood Line. 

 I will conclude last with InI present thoughts… I can’t grasp what Jah will or will not do. I take seriously all that I have learned and do not come to conclusions based on my own understanding. This is a topic none can over stand. I also live and think about how I would be if His Imperial Majesty walked into my room, I try and be ready. I have had dreams where when I see HIM and I fall face down and surrender, other times He is teaching me about farming. There is an inner standing I have that The One we see as Emperor Haile Selassie I is with US always and forever, and has always been there. To think He needs to Return is to say He has left..He has never left us, He is and always will be Here.. It is beyond the Melchizadok order, because it was before Melchizadok,  He IS Jah. The idea of thinking we are absent of Jah Rastafari, anytime or anywhere is the illusion. Visible or Invisible, InI King is present. Immanuel I, King Sellassie I, Empress Mennen I, Jah Rastafari. He is and We are The Power of the Trinity Now and Forever.  

" Walking to the Light." By Ras Elijah Tafari

When governments blind the people.Every religion gets manipulated

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majestic. Emperor Haile Selassie I, and Empress Asfaw Mennen. Give thanks for The Royal Supreme Balance of Jah in Man and  Woman.  Give thanks for the Gift of Life and the Blessed abilities to share in this journey. Rastafari.

I would like to start this by expresses consciously the deep impact that global issues have on and in InI lives. Often as Rastafari we are silent when tragedy hits because of the spiritual realms that are significant and usually not spoken of. Realms of polarities, and expected extremes that ones seem not comprehend as being products of a toxic environment.

One of those tragedies are the two plane crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Both are important being they were preventable and due to lack of safety concern from Boeing. Many of us have traveled on Ethiopian Airlines and know it is not just an airline. It is the first Airline in Africa, the biggest, and started by His Imperial Majesty as a method to connect each other to ourselves for unity and  pride. Many amazing people where on board that flight, and we as Rastafari know that it could have been us . This is a reminder why safety regulations whether there are government shut downs or not,  should be strictly enforced for the sake of our lives and technological progress.

Next is the mass murder of Muslims in ChristChurch New Zealand, which Christians around the World should see as a collective attack.  The reason it is a collective attack is because the murdering of innocent men women and children is the opposite of what Christ taught. That murder, war and genocide are colonial methods of ridding the land of poor people who are of a different thought pattern than the desires of an occupier. Muslims are people, who have the right to believe what they want anywhere. I firmly know that the Teachings of Christ, from all True people of God is that Peace can be attained through dialogue and understanding. Fears about Muslims and refugees can be relieved when ones learn the facts about the times and reasons there is so much movement due to displacement. It would be wise for Europe to look at how Portugal approaches refugees and see that good people make a country stronger, no matter where they are from. These disgusting acts of violence made many of us throughout the world sick, the desire to show this slaughter live on net, and show no remorse, is a grim reminder of the danger of fear mongering movies, media, and leaders have on the masses. We should call out and reason with any one who has a desire to imply that Muslims or refuges should be seen as a threat.

In a World with 7 Billion people in it, ones will find those who profess a religion and use their faith as a way to make allowance for a medieval mind state. I will call out 5 of them now, so that it can be seen that this is not an exclusive issue.

1. The Vatican, it is good to see both US states as well as European countries start to lock up pedophile priests. It took far too long, and the protection of the crimes of the Catholic Church is still a global issue. Everyone should have the same law apply equally and non partially.

2. Israel, has been presented with the first of many documents that allege that the Israeli Government has been using snipers to shoot at handicapped and disabled people, medical personnel and journalists. These actions are classified as crimes against humanity. They have no response other than to insult the UN Human Rights Watch. The current leader of Israel,  Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicated on two counts including corruption. It doesn’t matter if your Jewish or not, he is a criminal and should be arrested and tried for war crimes, as well the government held to the same international laws and expectations, that are written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

3. Saudi Arabia, is a grotesque kingdom of oppression. The Saudi government has been complicit with a number of conflicts including Yemen where their ability to be held accountable for anything not happening. They are elitism plain and simple. The classism within with the structure of the country makes it so there are is only the law of the prince or king as they decide at the time. We have seen lie after lie from Saudi Arabia concerning the murder of the Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi Arabia also works closely with the 2 above mentioned in the selling of weapons. Regardless of the faith they profess they need to be held to the expectations of a world that desires peace and accountability, not the public murders of men women and children.

4. India’s Far Right government is using Hinduism to create a political conservative government that can use religion to breed intolerance. Human Rights violations are regular, the aggressive approach the government takes towards Muslims and Pakistan is a threat to a possible great cooperation in and out of the country. Both Muslims and women in India are murdered without any accountability due to a corrupt system. India is also a very racist and elitist country due to historical religious antidotes. People have been using Hinduisim for centuries to create discord, and it is still the excuse for thousands of human right violations.

5. Mayanmar, a Buddhist nation is one of best examples of using genocide and murder to acquire land by leaving the Rohingya people stateless and devastated. The U.N. has called it the group, the most persecuted minority in the world. Once again, a leader using religious theology to encourage persecution without accountability.

Notable mention: China, a communist government that feels threatened by religion in general. Also using the ideas of the current Chairman, as well as previous leaders that groups such as the Uighur (pronounced  Weegers )  have been put in prison camps where they are de-programmed or occupied in out air prison communities. They are Muslim and are heavily persecuted.

The reason I am writing this is to demonstrate that every major religion is being used to propel a colonial agenda to seize land and resources. That we shouldn’t believe the hype, that this isn’t about religion. Even the Chinese government that dislikes religion does it in the name of disliking religion. When we look at people and judge them based on their faith we play into the realms of persuasion without evidence. It is older the Scriptures and the strategy and diversion still works. If we are going to make the world a safer and more peaceful place, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights needs to be protected and enforced. It is up to Us to make that happen.

This has been a grim month when it comes to how many innocents have paid the ultimate cost. Through out the world, Our meditations of how to make the world better is the only honor and respect we can show that can be useful to their sacrifice. May Jah Bless their souls and families.


May Jah Bless you, and Keep you. May His Face Shine on you, Peace be with you.

Ras Elijah Tafari

Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Mennen.

Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Mennen.

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Asfaw Menen. Queen of Kings, Coronated by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I.



Today is the 88th Anniversary of the most important day in History. Many do not know about this day, and it is a joy for Rastafari across the Earth. Nov. 2nd 1930 marked a shift that was seen to come and was a moment of the accumulation of the ages. We have watched the Spiritual nature of man develop and reveal itself throughout time, however that nature in fullness had never been seen on the Throne of Zion and Leadership exalted in the way that confirmed and pivoted the reality of God in Man and Woman Internationally. Coming from an unadulterated source, this was the last free land left in Africa, She, Ethiopia, represented the African’s last strong hold. In 1930 Nov. 2nd for the first time, the Name, which is a New Name as written in Revelations was pronounced. Upon this pronouncement which was internationally witnessed and public, Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Menen were Crowned, King and Queen of Kings, That He is the Conquering Lion of Judah and the Earth would know, That This Ethiopian by Divine Right, Davidic Protocol, and in unity with Ethiopia that they are one and are Earth’s Rightful Ruler. Before this moment, no African Leader had been respected internationally, this was the beginning of a Mind State that would rebuild a broken world. First by Standing by the Traditions of Ethiopian Sovereignty as pronounced by the Scriptures in Her personnel relationship the One Creator. 2nd. By Crowning a Man and Woman at the same time to represent God in Flesh, which had not been done in any Coronation any where. 3. Reshaping Religious thought and Colonial perceptions founded on the Faith of Right and Wrong being inherit in Our desire to develop. 4. Creating a collective vision of World where international human rights would usher in the end of colonial exploits. 5. Defining the evils of Fascism and the importance of fighting against fascism with every drop of blood in honor of all that is right. 6. Being a Kingdom that loved Freedom and fought for the entire World to be rid of oppressive colonial forces. 7. Ushering in a time where White Supremacy would be replaced by the call to create a new race that does not owe its allegiance to nations but to the world at large. 8. Never denying His Divinity or the Divine in everything. 9. Showed the world how to merge ancient cultures in modern society, in situations that are incredibly difficult. 10. Promoted and pushed Education in order to be self sufficient and to off shoot the centuries of poverty of mind and nations by vigilantly promoting and creating schools and universities all over the planet. 11. To Give Name to a people who had been robbed of our homeland and a face to a Father of the Fatherless, and Mother to the Motherless, Those people are called Rastafari, and truly all those who wish to see the Face of God. 12. One of the Founders of the U.N. in order to bring in World Peace in the methods that are distinctly in line with His Imperial Majesty being the Rock that is the light of Christianity in Global law and affairs. fulfilling Scriptures 13. Would inspire countless leaders and revolutionaries to be who they are, such as Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela, as well as JFK, President Kenyatta, Bob Marley and countless more.. 14. Would inspire Jamaicans to create a new music, “reggae” that in latin means the Kings Music, this would later develop into Hip Hop which would give voice to the under privileged and ignited a whole other cultural identity internationally. 15. Would bring millions to the Bible to have a rational study of the Word in a manner that is Ethiopian and Orthodox in contrast to strictly Roman interpretations…16. Expanded the Trinity. For Millions of Us we seen H.I.M., His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty as the Almighty in Unison in HIM. His Name means the Power and Virtue of the Trinity. For those who are Trinitarians this is crucial in understanding and inner standing the relationship of God in Creation. Without being prejudice, The Trinity is far from a modern concept in which is 1000′s of years old and not a product of the Catholic Church. 17. His Imperial Majesty found value in all people and compassion. He is a Proud African Elder Head of State who wants want is best for Africa, and not what isn’t helpful and useful. He made it clear that black and white are not appropriate forms of describing a person. 18. He called for us to wake up out of illusions and to use that which is useful and beneficial for the All. Part of that is to realize all political systems are flawed and also can be integrated and used in a manner that best fits the people. There is not one size fits all, or a quick fix, He see’s Our Uniqueness as a valued quality that is what in part makes people the greatest resource the World has to offer. He has a faith in Us that we will bring out from within that which Jah put there to over come and stand up for the basics that make us Good, and caring people. For that and many other reasons we praise H.I.M., He saw the Power in Us and We See Jah Power in Him. Behold the Conquering Lion of Judah has Prevailed, Root of David, and Light of the World. 225th in the Linage of King Solomon, and Earth’s Rightful Ruler. Emperor Haile Selassie the First, With Empress Asfaw Menen, Holy Mother of Africa, Defender of the Faith, Order of Sheba, and the Embodiment of Earth in Flesh. To Honor this Holy Day, Let Us mediate on being a Royal Example of His Nature. Rastafari. To Give thanks in an artistic way, this is the first Oil Joy-ting I have shared ever, and it is of the King of Kings on His Throne. All Glory to Jah, Our Praises must never cease.



" Listening to the ancestors " by Ras Elijah Tafari

” Listening to the ancestors ” New Joy-Ting. Glory to Jah!

Want to know what I am thinking?  GLORY TO JAH. Want to know why I can’t stop making art? GLORY TO JAH. Want to know what coming up more..GLORY TO JAH. This piece about how good it feel to GIVE TO GLORY TO JAH.

Listening to the ancestors

Listening to the ancestors

This Joy-ting is 3 and half feet by 2 feet. Acrylic and Indian Ink. On Masonite. We have taken the Pain out of Painting. More Joy.

It started as an Angel and became a Man in Joy felt from the Collective Security of Being with Jah. Elephants are big on Collective Security which is one of the reason I joynt them. GLORY TO JAH.

Original goes for 450 plus shipping. Prints available soon. Inbox for a pre order.

Listening to the ancestors

Listening to the ancestors


HIM, The Son, and Man's demons

Understanding Why Emperor Haile Selassie I exalts The Son of God.

  In a blessed meditation: Knowledge increases, in this time more it seems is given than ever. We are in a time where the devil shows himself both as violent and savage and shrewd and scientific. Most endeavors that we witness are filled with hidden agendas in order to manipulate our feelings into thinking we are doing what is right or can be excused. Whether secular or spiritual, the importance of pondering deeply, and praying on subjects allows the right questions to surface. Its in these questions we search for the right answers rather than the illusion being sold to divert us from The Almighty’s Truth. Lets get to your Cross..The Emperor Clearly has a Cross on His Crown, to carry His Crown is to Carry His Cross and Christ. The lack of understanding of the Almighty Biblically is why we suffer, The lack of respect for The King of Kings in this time is WILLFUL SIN or Ignorance. We as people, have to develop often privately our own relationship with the Creator and see why He would send a Son to Us. We need to look at what Jesus Christ did in correlation to what His Imperial Majesty did. The importance of realizing why The Emperor did not boast of Himself but of the Son is that Jah knows Himself, and that you need to know Jah in Flesh. It is the Offering to All Nations Salvation of removing the sin and evil from a person or nation without killing the person. This is how Jah wants you to see like He does..I heard this yesterday and it seemed like something Akae Beka spoke on about how we are all still in the Garden on repeat. About why there is polarity and conflict and why it is at a micro and macro level. It is the same story of how the electron, neutron, and proton, interact. Why Akae Beka is showing us words backwards in order to show that there is are polarities in understanding. The human eye and brain see’s everything backward and upside down, the perception of what we hear or see is secondary to the actual biology of citing the interaction and reactions we personally experience internally as well as create personally and in societies. A form of friction that carries a momentum of perpetual motion. This is what I heard yesterday that put a few things more together.. Jah said the day you eat of this tree you shall surely die. Yet He made it so we would be disobedient and sin, He made both Good and evil. Jah knew what sin was and that He would have to show you, that you too love sin. Jah also knows you hate sin as well, you weren’t made to be just disobedient. Jah said to Himself, ” Now I will put what you hate into what you love. So if you kill what you hate you will have to kill what you love.” As long as what you love is here and what you hate is over there, you not in conflict. But if what you love is tied up with what you hate, now your in conflict. Sin puts God in Conflict. Because if He reacted to sin He would kill us all. This is the point of Salvation, God has to find a way to save what He Loves and still judge what He hates, without killing the one that He Loves, that is salvation and that is God’s problem not ours. It is His Right Arm and Right Hand is what gives God the Victory, not ours. He finds the way to tell the devil, you still aint got me..This is at the Heart of the Tabernacle, the Alter. Where Jah said, you would sacrifice the Right for the wrong, not HIM. In so doing this, and killing His Son to no avail, that evil can be seen in Jew and Gentile, and that sin need removal. Call it out for what it is, a demon. When choosing the God of Abraham, we choose to refuse the demons. You may have heard that you let the devil in..likewise we must let Jah in so He can use our vessel for His Glory and Victory. By hitting an extreme we are forced to look at the polar opposite. Like Abraham and Issac, Jah knew that if I give My Son as a sacrifice, The Devil cannot kill Me, For I am Life and the devil is the spirit of death.

By showing Himself as coming through a woman and as a child, He could remove the devils and bring light to open man minds from their mental and spiritual darkness by showing action and reaction. In John 9:3 Jesus Christ said, “Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” What does Christ mean they have not sinned…He is showing you that its all a set up, so We could see the Light of Jah through the Love of Jah, so Christ could be a beacon, and 2000 years later Emperor Haile Selassie I as the Lighthouse, so that works of God are made manifest in Him. To remove the slavery and war, to end the rule of white supremacy and usher in collective security. 1 John 4:15 If anyone confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. 16 And we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us. God is love; whoever abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 17 In this way, love has been perfected among us, so that we may have confidence on the day of judgment; for in this world we are just like Him.…”
We are just like Him..In Perfect Love..which is why the sin must be removed of hating the sinner. We could see it in the logic that is clear, better problem solving using compassion and faith in devotion to Jah, allowing room for the victory that only Jah can give. For the Salvation only Jah can give called forgiveness. With that Holy Power of internal and external reconciliation we as humanity will go forward. Christ was a warning to Rome and the Jews, for He came to His Own first and they received Him not. His message was for the World, where evil had dominion, to save them from themselves in ignorance of love. Emperor Haile Selassie I did the same, He warned them, they didn’t listen and the felt the Judgement. A new day has begun and likewise we are just like Him. Waiting for the World to realize that the only war going on here is whether to make peace with that we hate lest we kill the potential for redemption that we need and love. It is a set up, so ever knee shall bow, and tongue confess these basic truth, that universally stand, God is in us. Men and women, which is why He came through a Woman. Other wise we would not relate.
In closing this verse seems to touch on the subject as a whole of why Emperor Haile Selassie I is the Full filament of Christ and Christ the Son of Haile Selassie I.
John 14; 12-21 KJV
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Jah Bless One and All. In the Name of Jah The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. One Jah. Rastafari. The King of Kings, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Power of the Trinity. Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
HIM, The Son, and Man's demons

HIM, The Son, and Man’s demons

Triple Crown King


Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Power of the Trinity. King of Kings and Conquering Lion of Judah.

Each of those titles and His Name are very important in this reasoning. It will be for the clarity of the subject that we will reason on the importance of why understanding the Trinity is crucial and why H.I.M. being the Root of David which is what makes H.I.M. Imperial. It is also imperative that we understand that He is the King of Kings. It was and is His Official Title internationally recognized. In His Name we will find many answers that so many are looking for that will repair the breach that has been torn between Humanity and to Christianity.

There is a difference between “Christafarians” and Rastafari that are Christian, Orthodox or otherwise. The same issues can be found in many Christian churches in principle that can be seen in our different houses. That issue specifically being whether to exalt Jesus Christ above or as the Supreme Head and Father, or to Praise the Father who is the Creator of the Son and the Power Absolute…at the heart of both groups this essentially the same topic that creates a rift. In the Rastafari, we have some that see Jesus Christ above Haile Selassie I. ( some consider this a Christafari) While in Majority, Rastafari believes Emperor Haile Selassie I is the Supreme Head Creator and Father.  Churches have it as well, whether they are Trinitarian or not, and ones could include Islam in that as well in its own class of Christ as Prophet and God as separate and supreme, yet Christ will return and rule. These positions are not Trinitarian even if they may profess it. ( Islam obviously does not.) The nature of understanding who and why Jesus Christ is important in being one of 3 personalities of God is connected in general to why many will not say God is a man ever. Those who do believe in Christ as the Son of God will see God as a man, and that man is in oneness with God thru the union of excepting the message and example of Jesus Christ is Salvation. Those who do not see God in a man I will not address in this article at this time respectively.

That was a lot, and I will stay on topic when it comes to why the Trinitarian perspective is crucial in the understanding why Emperor Haile Selassie I is concise in being the Power of Trinity and why that is a Christian redemptive teaching in itself, to be applied presently with His Imperial Majesty and in the Holy Bible.  The Trinity, being God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit as One God. This Trinity is distinctly Christian and not understood by Hebrews though it is the God of Abraham, with Abraham, the God of Ethiopia, in Ethiopia, that is the Father of the old testament and the Trinity. This is important to understand, because the Trinity being a central concept that is at the heart of Christianity whether Catholic or Protestant, yet Judaism does not accept the Holy Trinity. It is part of the telling of the teachings of Christ. As it was part of His Teachings so it is in His Name of Emperor Haile Selassie First. Simply. The One God of Ethiopia, The One Son of God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit are The One God of Christianity is the Name “Selassie” in Amharic. To acknowledge H.I.M. is to acknowledge and hail all three in the Trinity.  Haile meaning the Power is to Glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit even more. To simply say His Name is to Glorify HIM. In the Movement of Rastafari, it is crucial to seek continual insight into the Bible and the difference of why The Son is The Son, and how The Holy Spirit different than The Father. If they are the same why a need to have specialized names so to speak. Likewise we must also see what makes it so The Father wouldn’t be under or over the Son or the Holy Spirit. Why the are One.

If it were not for Jesus Christ the Western World would only believe in an invisible God that was taught by a different region and culture. The reality of the Bible being a collection of  African Books, about Africans in Africa seems to pass people by, as well that Judah, aka Ethiopia, aka Kush, is the root of the Book as well the Redemptive factor in seeing the evidence of the fulfillment of the book in modern times. While the lack of true understanding of the Trinity varies from Church to Church, the duality and polarizing of the attributes of the Divine have left them in a space without balance. The Trinity is many things, including a balance of Oneness between the Three. Example: Some Churches frown on yelling, while others say this is the Holy Spirit, others frown on only talking about Jesus and how He is the Son of God, and missing the Power of the Love of the God that sent Him. Some get upset because they see people praising God and rarely mention Jesus. These same issues you can see in the Scriptures in the difference between Paul and James. One a foreigner and murderer, the other Christ’s Brother and Indigenous. Paul makes the subject about Birth, Crucification and Resurrection as the reasons He is God. Imagine for a second that we taught about Haile Selassie I, by talking only about His auspicious birth, and His Blood Line and His Titles and Disappearance..could you see as Rastafari we would be missing out the most important thing..The message! James taught about the Message of Christ, which is the message of His Majesty that goes into helping those who are suffering most and to have faith in God, to inspire us to not have fear but willingness to allow God to help us Free the captives from mental and spiritual bondage. In this article, we must look at both, the message and miracle. They are intertwined, in the purpose of revealing the Living God that is with us.

The Awareness of THE Holy Spirit or the The Spirit rather than spirits is important in understanding the position that Bible takes. The Holy Spirit is set apart and not a simple spirit, which we are taught to be careful of in order to not be possessed. Isaiah speaks about The Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirit of Wisdom in Isaiah 11:2 . He also makes mention of the Root and branch of Jesse, David’s Father will rise again. Crucial in understand the Root of David in Haile Selassie I, and the Spirit of the Lord that rests in H.I.M.. The Prophet Isaiah, who lived in the mountains of Ethiopia, knew the difference between the Holy Spirit and spirits. Let it not be confused, and also look at other old testament verses to understand why the knowing of the Holy Spirit is and was controversial. Many in the Western world have turned from the Father have no knowledge of The Son, and the Holy Spirit is what really is guiding them, it takes a certain eye to see what is not seen, to what is the Holy Spirit.

Leviticus 19:31‘Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.Deuteronomy 18:10-12

“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. “For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you.

When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Leviticus 19:31 ’Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 ”There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. “For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you.

This is a great place to move to the Son of God, and how many ones do not see the relationship to H.I.M. or the the Almighty when it comes to His Word and how there is One that came to put fulfill certain prophecies. Notably, that Christ came to offer Life after Death through understanding and believing that the Father and the Son are One. In a sense He brought God to Earth and Man by reestablishing our oneness. The importance of taking God out of the Sky and into your heart and soul is why Christ said many laws in the Old Covenant had to be broken to make a point of what is Melchizadok Order rather than Levitical Order. The Verse you see above from Deuteronomy 18:10-12 is Levitical and Christ by God’s Glory in His Son, Lazarus’s Faith rose him from the dead 4 days after his death to send Christ’s last message and miracle that He has come to reveal before Crucification. This was again to show that Melchizadok Order, The Order of Judah and the Trinity would be the new social structure ( the original that was forgotten) that the House of Jacob and the Gentiles knew not of in Flesh. It was theory before Christ, to the Jews and others,  some would say it was still ideology or theology Until Emperor Haile Selassie. The Emperor brought it All to Earth and now by being the evidence in Flesh of the Living God of Ethiopia, Father and Mother of Israel, by Being the Lion and Lamb By His deeds, thats mirrored the Bible.

Due to the lack of education that modern institutions give, their students in religion and ministry have not taught about THE KING OF KINGS AND CONQUERING LION OF JUDAH, they have not taken care of their flock. It is now up to every Christian to be at least be able to know something about the KING OF KINGS and ROOT OF DAVID that Sits on the Throne of Zion on Earth. This was Front page news for 50 years, and either due to ignorance or racism, the subject and fact of who Emperor Haile Selassie I is not even shown as being the answer to their prayers and faith that Christ will return. They say they believe, and when told, they jump to the conclusion before earnest study that, no it can’t be..Like how Christ saw the Gentiles and Jews of those days, of that the people look for a God in the sky, rather than the God and Kingdom Within and Around. When you tell them God is front of them and they would rather tell God who He is and what He will do, is what Christ dealt with. Emperor Haile Selassie I Is, and the World will have a test to rather they know His Message and Name when it comes to understanding why God,The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit are One. Why it is, that some lean to one more than others and by doing so are missing the keys the others offer in unison. When proper study of Emperor Haile Selassie I  is underway, We will see what Christ meant when He said Greater Works shall come..

John 14:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

As Christ is in Veneration of the Father, The Father, Emperor Haile Selassie I is in Veneration of Christ. Any one who has children they love and loves them will understand the “why.”  It stays though, that the Father is the Father and the Son is the Son, and this is why they are different personalities. Emperor Haile Selassie I was called and lived as King of Kings, Jesus Christ did not. Jesus Christ was never King of Judah or King of the Jews, others said that, He never did. Emperor Haile Selassie I is the King of Judah, and King of Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Masons by LAW and Protocol. Internationally recognized as The Conquering Lion of Judah, Ruler over Beta Israel.  Any Abrahamic faith has the same God Head, The God of Abraham, who offered one tenth of his spoils to the King of Salem, Melchizadok, who is a Trinity King. All concludes their book that Christ/ Messiah as a King shall return and there will be Judgement and Redemption.  In Islam it is similar. :

Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 43: Kitab-ul-`Ilm (Book of Knowledge), Hâdith Number 656: After the death of al-Mahdi, ( (lit. “the rightly guided one”) Jesus will assume leadership. This is a time associated in Islamic narrative with universal peace and justice. Islamic texts also allude to the appearance of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (known also as Gog and Magog), ancient tribes which will disperse and cause disturbance on earth.

If one is Rastafari, If one is a Christian, be aware that a Trinitarian Mind, Heart and Life is at the Center. That is a Haile Selassie Mind Heart and Life is the center by His Name and literal meaning. That the knowing The uniqueness of Each Attribute is to understand the fullness and completion of its counterpart. An example would be A Father and Mother would be incomplete without a child. All Three were One and in Jah’s Perfect way as they always have been, simply to revealed in its times as it was destined. It isn’t a competition and measuring match, each of the Three are cooperative and co-equal. They are reflections of the same Loving Truth, making them ONE.

There is no end to learning from the Bible or from The King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I.  It is a gift from Jah to have an infinite amount of Revelations given, though it is our choice and call to receive it. There are mis quotes of His Imperial Majesty against religion that couldn’t be more inaccurate with study, In truth, like the time of Christ, The Father was with them, but most, including religions were against H.I.M. It is our duty to be ambassadors of the Conquering Lion of Judah of the Power and Virtues of the Christian Trinity. There is a Cross on His Crown for a reason. To Carry His Crown is to Carry His Cross Our Cross and The Cross. It is up to ones who really have faith in Christ to study and research for themselves, to Pray, and seek the guidance of the Father, The Son and Holy Spirit. One God is One God. ONENESS is the Key. When you walk the walk Truth recognizes Truth talk.

There are many things that have relevance to this topic, like Ethiopia being the Oldest Christian Country, or about the Ark of the Covenant. It is up to you to find out more..though I will write more in time.This reasoning could go on and there is much about the personal experience of hearing the different voices of the Trinity. That isn’t for now, it is for you to find for yourself and in The Word. Some mysterious should not be revealed so openly. There will be lots more reasonings, and I pray this article opens up a view point of Trinitarian Thoughts that broadens horizons. I pray that the Lord Jah Bless you and keep you; Let His Face Shine Upon you,and be gracious to you. The Lord lift His Countenance upon you, and give you peace. In Name of God the Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. One God. Haile Selassie I.

Emperor Haile Selassie I Calling

Emperor Haile Selassie I Calling




Original 500.usd
36" x24"

“Lightening King” Original. First Collaboration Piece

The first Joy-ting I ever saw of Emperor Haile Selassie I was a mystic painting of HIM in the clouds with lightening coming out of HIM. It was done by a youth at the time named Dre-Z who had no idea that he was sparking a fire within InI. 20 years later, Dre Estrada and I are still bredren and in honor of his music and him, at his studio he helped I in our first collaborative Joy-ting. With that same image in my head from 20 years ago, I hope it lights a fire in some one today. Dre-Z, big up! This is just the beginning to another saga.                        ”Lightening King” 3ft x 2ft Special Original available for 500. prints are 25 plus shipping. Jah Bless the Motions.

Original 500.usd 36" x24"

Original 500.usd
36″ x24″

Selassie I Eyes.

Glory to the King of Kings. Through the ups and downs, through the despair and odds, Emperor Haile Selassie I Stands. He is there in the thick, and He Conquers and Conquered and is Conquering. God in Man. As it was, is and forever will be. This is a new piece, Selassie Eyes. It is representational of the period in Geneva in 1936 when His Imperial Majesty warned the world about forsaking small nations, and how war will follow. I encourage everyone to watch the videos of the Speech to the League of Nations if you haven’t already. Prints are 25.00 for 8×11 bagged and backed. Original is 500. Acrylic and Indian Ink. 26″x 22″.

Original on sale for 500.usd

Original on sale for 500.usd