Tag Archives: Rastafari Puerto Rico

Join in, protect the beaches of Puerto Rico and have fun too.

Its winter time and many have gone south to get away from the snow, others already live in Puerto Rico and also will have time to this season to do more than the daily rituals.  This is a complicated time all over and definitely for Puerto Rico, and why not have fun and protect the turtles and beaches at the same time.  Often ones think that doing good works aren’t enjoyable, while others dislike taking time off when they know they could be doing something. Honestly some of the most fun anyone can have is when they know they are helping a bigger cause and meeting people that care for real. 15181214_10157955569890151_7554014006328395192_n14991803_10154255800459032_8517512612476508590_n

” Campamento Rescate Playuelas ”  Encamping to rescue the beach has worked and is working. Committed lovers of nature that are from all backgrounds, organizing shows, interviews, locals surfers and international surfing communities,  coming together for a clear cause; to prevent a massive clearing of pristine land and beaches into a giant hotel. The island is full of empty hotels and this is land grab due to the recent ” Promesa” bill that installed a corporate oversight Junta with no respect to democracy. The hypocrisy of the previous government and the United States bonds and banking schemes is a whole other subject and what it important to note is that we have been occupying beaches for years and it works. This is the newest site, in Agaudilla P.R., and there are others.




The 5 acres protected by so many in San Juan, has saved the last piece of un-constructed beach, from developers like the Marriot Hotel. They have planted more native plants, and educated the island about how giant hotels are stealing  protected lands from the people. Livicated environmentalists, protesters, Rastafari, and young peoples, have held down the camp for over 10 years. With laws disappearing, it is more important than ever for Puerto Rico to have the community support and environmental support it needs to protect the beaches, animals and future accessibility.




Here are some articles about what is going on and has happened at the Aguadilla camp and some of the beautiful people that are there, building and creating, having fun and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Particularly the turtles, which are threatened, and have the right to also exist. Here is the rare opportunity to protect and help, while soaking up sun and waves on the beach. If your going to Puerto Rico or LIVE in Puerto Rico, please put some time aside to stand for something that we all love, THE BEACHES!  Here is where its happening in Boriqua.


We also need musicians and organizers that would be interested in putting on events that will help the people gain awareness and support the cause. Several events have happened and this is a great time to put the words into action. For contact info and to information check: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1854253408127243/

For articles about ” Campamento Rescate Playuelas” check: http://www.surfingmagazine.com/news/help-save-puerto-ricos-waves/#1JIt1suGsfy5QH3C.01http://





Blessings, The soul will prove itself more than worthy.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. This Life of Rastafari adds the spiritual dimension of focus that has the power to build nations and monuments. It is within all people and life to exceed expectations or even comprehension by looking to what can be achieved with faith, courage and a just cause.

In this journey, InI know I am more than just an artist or musician, that my very being is only because of inspiration. That there is a important healing necessary and we are to be ever ready medicine men whom are vessels of Everlasting Life and Purpose. In the meditations that have revealed through our journey to and from Puerto Rico, the elements of worthiness came into thought. Who and for what reasons are rich rich and the poor poor. How does comfort come into play and at what time do we realize that what must be done is a long term commitment to build on a spiritual foundation a New Earth. There are test tubes within test tubes and there are masters and grand masters. We are living in an age of Orwellian Propaganda and controlled information. So what have I learned….


Voices of concerns over the spraying of NALED over the Island and the lies of where and when they were planning on spraying the people, then the actual spraying of it, brought a vivid disturbing vision. This is after the people had voiced concern, surrounding the CDC as well as blocking the Federal Courthouse, after marches and petitions, We saw the commencement of toxic fumes and the silence of the birds and frogs. This later would happen to Florida and South Carolina where Millions of Honey Bee’s where killed and untold effects on all the life in the area. In these times where We are warning the people, and the lack of care and dignity is so that we must plan for a new day. Where we understand that the masses are being controlled and trust their controllers so much that we collectively must plan a whole other way not looking for the approval of authority but revealing true authority within the frame work of what is the best for the public and land with justice and transparency. In short we have to be better than them, in every way. Who are they and what is better. “They” are the elites that have no care or accountability. Better is self sustainable, and producing for the collective good.


Now we are in New Mexico, where the sky is covered with Chemicals that are part of a de-population program of weather modification aka weather weapons. This is happening to the entire planet. It is also blatant evidence of evil,..lets transmute that.. and it is the key to the awakening of mankind to the out of control “leadership” that has overrun almost every political system. From ZIKA virus to Spraying it is the same corporate sponsor. From the Atomic weapons of yesterday to the Nukes of today, it is the same. We are in time where Globally the World needs Independence from the evil legacy of eugenic nazi derivatives. In short this is what I have say, Have faith in the Infinite one within, that the soul will prove itself more than worthy to be the Vessel of The Most High and a new day.  Study of how things should and could be and who and what is getting in the way. What is going on in North Dakota fighting the oil pipe line is a great example. People from all backgrounds and beliefs putting into action the greater good for the Earth and the people.
In this journey, I also have realized not to limit ourselves, we must realize we can do it all, don’t waste time and there is mass amounts that can be achieved. What we want and need always needs to be looked at and whether it hinders total progression. We have a mission, and in conscious steps we can align multiple works to be surgical cuts into the cancer that it running the world amuck.
We are now back in New Mexico, Painting, making Tracks and Organizing  with farmers of Right. Online, so link. More to Come. Trust that. For Now, May the Most High Guide You to be absent of fear and joyful of Eternal Life that we are forever One With He that is the Alpha and Omega. In HIM. Jah Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari.

*Rastafari and the fight to end Geo-Engineering/Weather Weapons*

We as Rastafari need to unite for various reasons. We must Unite with our communities to address a subject that effects us all, that is GEO-ENGINEERING, poison aerosol that is being inhaled and going into our blood stream for the purpose of depopulation. The weather modification programs that media and many others are afraid to talk about, is the single most important issue of our time.


Being in Puerto Rico and seeing how extreme experiments have been done on the people and land, and what are in the works currently, revealed a bigger picture of a global assault on humanity and the environment. Coming out of New Mexico we saw massive spraying done that had a strong effect on the people and is increasing the forest fires across the south west. These chemicals being dropped are flammable and are being released across the Earth and Oceans. They absorb water and are the real reason behind many of the global droughts, floods and fires. This is a well researched topic that many of us have been reasoning on for years. it is up to us to reflect on why we are here and learn as much as possible about how GEO-ENGINEERING is destroying the Earth and part of a bigger plan. We have many issues in the World, and when it comes down a the White Supremacist agenda and depopulation plans, Weather/Climate control is their main weapon.


We as Rastafari are blessed because Our Culture includes many subjects that build the importance of sustainability and justice. It is the Hall Mark of His Imperial Majesty, The victory of a people versus a European Empire with supreme weapons and technology lowering themselves to fight with poison gas to their own shame. He has shown us personally that we can over come chemical attacks through collective security and maintenance of faith and nationalism. Human Rights as well as the Environment is something that All Rastafari should defend, most know the importance of farming organically and being farmers, but with skies looking the way it does, what will we do?

Where weather weapons are causing turmoil like drought and fires in California, many have had to leave, This experiment, US/UK/Canadian Governments will tell you, is in the name of combating Global Warming, this is a front. It is like most of the things the governments of the world tell us, not true and a con in order to trick us into accepting their solutions which are at the expense of human/animal and ocean life. As well as something that the elite can get rich off of and control/tax the masses thinking that this is for their protection. It seems that we are in a terrible age of deception and media propaganda. What is clear is in front of our faces, that they are spraying the people with large amounts of poisonous particles without a debate, research, public insight or oversight. That we are more than guinea pigs in a test-tube, they know this spray is dangerous and hope we die. Many Rastafari know this and some are active in the fight. Already starting is the organization of Rastafari and all other groups fighting Weather weapons and Climate Control/ Geo-engineering/the fascists that operate it. We will be encouraging others to reach out and get educated so we can educate others and share solutions of what to do about it.

We as Rastafari have a duty to see that Africa and the Earth are being assaulted by outside forces that have clearly no morals and threaten life itself. We as a people already aware have seen His Imperial Majesty show the way to step on their bombs and overcome. It is a serious time where what we want is not important, what we need is. Make time to think and meditate on what we can do as a children of the King to create a more Just world, and to save humanity itself. As children of Jah, we also have the duty to work with those of other faiths to ask them to join in a spiritual battle, summoning the courage to be unafraid and confront the devils spraying us. It is the same test that Christians all over had to take when they saw the Vatican and pope bless bombs to be dropped on other Christians, just because they were free and black. People every where need to ask what kind of person are we and what kind of Christian are they. We have seen as people of color white supremacy take on many cloaks, often that of Church and now Science. We have been diverted by the media and politicians so that we do not see the real Elephant in the sky. Let us remind and renew the Law of Jah, including that of gravity, and bring them down. Start locally with people who care and want to learn and help, lets be inventive and unify with each other. There are many good groups to keep up with and share knowledge. One of them is http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

We have already started to join with Rastafari in various states in the USA in the fight against Geo-engineering, InI would love is to hear from Rastafari and all/any others from across the Earth. We want to hear from Latin America about efforts and thoughts of how we will slew this dragon above our heads.


This message has been focused on the Rastafari Communities world wide because we are a unique people that is built on Liberation struggles and victories. We are every where and have brilliant minds in our midst, many of us are very good with media, leadership and history. Let us apply these and other talents for the benefit of all Life to simply continue. We are a people familiar with being set apart and mis-understood, I will tell you there are more of us than we would imagine. In truth we speak for many who have not found their voice yet. Together let Us join the greatest battle mankind has ever faced, confident in the teachings of The Conquering Lion of Judah and the example of Christ to stop Geo-engineering / weather weapons.

Contact InI anytime, Ras Elijah Tafari Lionartproductions@gmail.com


In the Mist of the People a King is Crowned to Mark a New Age.


In the splendor of His Imperial Majesty , The Lion Awakes. Haile Selassie I marks the pivotal moment when He would take the Throne of Zion and usher in the end of colonialism and Human Rights to be the pinnacle of Spiritual entrance. He showed the World what it meant to be an Ethiopian Christian who would and does embody the Name and Power of the Father. His Name being given to us and to be called by, Is that of the Trinity. More so, the Virtue of the Trinity, The Power it creates. The Great actions and words spoken and shown, brought hope to Millions of Africans and humanity by revealing that Justice and Peace is worthy of aspiring and living for. That we have from the Highest Himself a completion of Prophecy, a completion of Man and Head of State, to be Love in Flesh, The Creator Manifest, and the Father of Humanity. It is written in every holy book that He would come, and that some would call HIM Prince of Peace, Some would call HIM Almighty God, Some would call HIM a wonderful counselor, He would be called Immanuel, that Jah is with is,  and it is self evident that the Government rests on His Shoulders. His and Her Imperial Majesty are the faces of Africa’s Great wisdom that we would be fools to not know and love. Lion Time. Hola Emmanuel I, King Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.DSCN2003
This piece is available, and the image open for ones who may be interested. prints available as well, for 20.00

Rockefeller=Monsanto.Aerial Spray/ Zika. Atomic Unholy Alliance.

I was not aware the US Government via the  Manhattan Project hired Monsanto to help build the first atomic bombs in 1943. Nor was I aware that the Zika Virus is created/ patented by The Rockafeller Foundation and family in 1948.  Rockefeller Funded various German eugenics programs, including the laboratory of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, for whom Josef Mengele worked before he went to Auschwitz.


ZIKA  Creation and Patent :source

Put these two together on an Island famous for experiments on the locals and you see an unholy wedlock of terror over a territory, a colony. Right now there is a battle in Puerto Rico over the future of everything. Especially the health of the people, land and bee’s. The media is now covered in Monsanto lobbyists trying to use the Zika Virus as an excuse for aerial spraying that will last weeks if not months, and destroy/alter all organic matter. The proposed use of NALED which is toxic without evidence of working against mosquitoes effectively is made by Monsanto and subsidized with US dollars. Against the will of the Puerto Ricans, after harsh austerity measures, has the  US government wanting to spray toxic gas that has been documented as is illegal in the USA, and was stopped more than 20 years ago.



I will present evidence that this aerial spraying is part of an ongoing DE-population plan for the benefit of the elite to gain total control over the Island and resources and kill as many locals as possible.

Eugenics by the US government is real here, “Operation Bootstrap.” secretly sterilized the women of PR from the 70′s to 80′s at one point reaching 39% of the female population in 1981.


In 1948, on the Island of Vieques US NAVY commenced bombing exercises which continued for 55 years. Over the course of their stay, more than 22 million pounds of military and industrial waste was deposited on the island. The island was bombarded an average 180 days per year and in 1998 the Navy dropped 23,000 bombs on the island. As a result of all this, the cancer rate in Vieques is 27% higher than in the mainland. Most of the elements and toxic compounds dumped in the island were arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, depleted uranium and napalm. Studies show that the ground water in Vieques is contaminated by nitrates and explosives. Testing done in the Lcacos Bay showed concentrations of cadmium in crabs 1,000 times greater than the World Health Organizations tolerable ingestion maximum dosage. Heavy metals have been found in other species of fish.

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As a result of all this, the cancer rate in Vieques is 27% higher than in the mainland. Most of the elements and toxic compounds dumped in the island were arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, depleted uranium and napalm. Studies show that the ground water in Vieques is contaminated by nitrates and explosives. Testing done in the Lcacos Bay showed concentrations of cadmium in crabs 1,000 times greater than the World Health Organizations tolerable ingestion maximum dosage. Heavy metals have been found in other species of fish.

Pedro Albizu Campos declared he was being radiated while imprisoned, In 1994, under the administration of ex-president Bill Clinton, the United States Department of Energy disclosed that human radiation experiments had been conducted without consent on prisoners in Puerto Rico during the 1950s and 1970s.

Dr. Cornelius Rhoads was an American doctor and pathologist that became infamous for performing several objectionable experiments with human beings. In 1931, sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute, Rhoads deliberately infected several Puerto Rican citizens with cancer cells. Supposedly, thirteen of the patients died. Dr. Rhoads once said in a written document: “The Porto Ricans [sic] are the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever to inhabit this sphere… I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several more… All physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.” An investigation done in 2003 by bioethicist Dr. Jay Katz found that the accusations were well founded and documented.

In the early 1950s the Puerto Rican women were used for experimentation in the making of the first birth control pill. The Pill was invented by Dr. Gregory Goodwin Pincus but strict laws in the U.S. didn’t permit full scale experimentation. In 1955 Dr. Pincus and his colleague, Harvard obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. John Rock visited Puerto Rico and then decided it was a perfect place to test out their pill due to the lack of anti-birth control laws. The trials began in Rio Piedras but quickly moved throughout the poor sectors in the island. The experiments was based on poor and working class women; these women were not told the pill was experimental and were not told the negative effects the pill could have on them. Three young women died during these experiments and no investigations were conducted to determine cause of death.

Using Economics to force the people out is another story in which people have gone from their farms to the city to then be pushed out to the USA, where they will hope not to live in poverty while on the island another banker picks up his birthright for pennies on the dollar. There is and has been an assault on the people of Puerto Rico for decades, and  now laws are being enacted that lower the EPA, (Environmental Protection Agency) Guidelines so that havoc can be released in the air and water which is no longer being tested.


What we have seen is that there has been ongoing experiments that have been documented and discovered decade after decade, why would they stop now when they have successfully made 1.5 million Puerto Ricans leave in less than 10 years? It seemed the Politicians both in Brazil as well as in Puerto Rico weren’t done selling out the poor so that the rich could take it over in the name of “Debt” or the Olympics which is usually accompanied by gentrification scandal. What do they have in common, using chemicals to harm the people and then blame it on GM mosquitoes that they created in a lab.



The debt that has been imposed on Puerto Rico is owed to Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers own the Federal Reserve who are not happy that they are not getting the vulture interest and debt massed by Puerto Rican political insiders. Further more, how are they going to get there money, they are going to charge it to the US taxpayer, and get the government to buy from Monsanto agents to kill the people and increase their agenda. but why, is it because they are, Xerox, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, International Paper, Pfizer, Motorola, Monsanto, Union Carbide and General Foods. Thats right, Rockefeller Family owns Monsanto, as well as 25% of all assets of the 50 largest US commercial banks and 30% of all assets of the 50 largest insurance companies. They are planning on taking it all. Its not that they are working together, it is that since the 1940′s this Nazi Scientific Eugenics Ideology is doing the same work from different sides of the world. Owned by Rockefeller. At its worst, they have brought the World, Atomic Weapons and a Massive Nuclear Weapons race. One company, are all the companies. One family using local corrupt politicians to sell what isn’t theirs and control the media/debate/education.



And its on, Monsanto has released there lobbyists to take over the google search engines and bombard the media with threats and scare tactics, mocking anyone that proposes the dangers to the environment. This is because of the outcry of the people that still hasn’t been loud enough, but is organized and pushing for action. Whether educating others or calling the Governor, CDC, or going there, actions are amplifying to every major town in Puerto Rico.



I hope this investigation will help others realize that the US Government and there military agenda is based on Economics, which is the Rockefeller’s as well as the Rothschild family business, aka Banks and Federal Reserve. Monsanto is just a wing of their military branch and have committed crimes against humanity. We as the future and people of the Earth need to address them for what they are, Monsters. Nazi, racist human hating monsters.

The evidence is clear and been build up for decades, and we have to realize it is a Military effort aligned with international business to destroy and take over. Right now there is only two people that can call off the spraying, The Governor of San Juan, Alejandro Gracia Padilla, (787) 721-7000

and CDC Director Tom Frieden. 404-639-3286

It is important to call them, email and visit to let them know, that the risks are too high and the people will not tolerate blatant lies coming from their offices. NALED is not safe, we cannot gamble with the future of the Island or the planet by listening to those who profit off its misery.


The People vs The Banks/Fumigation. Protests in PuertoRico. pt2

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As the word was send out that the Puerto Rican Island was going to be fumigated by toxic chemicals “NALED”, activists, organizers and union leaders approached the “CDC” Center for Disease Control and voiced their concern. Though the bill had not yet been passed they saw it coming. Many Groups were well organized as they formed a strong coalition showing its not about numbers of people present but numbers of people organized and mobilized. Farmers, Bee Keepers, Environmentalists, as well as Water experts called and are calling still for EPA guide-lines NOT to be lowered as the bill mandates, and the people not to be sprayed by harmful cancer causing agents.  A group called the United Front Against Aerial Spraying was celebrating this weekend that a spraying of Dibrom insecticide, also known as NALED, was not carried out Friday and called for a demonstration in front of La Fortaleza in Old San Juan. The group, composed of various organizations and activists agreed to take their concerns to the governor’s mansion Wednesday after 4 p.m. and expect “broad participation of the working class.” They are calling for a mass mobilization and want it to be known that these aerial spraying must be stopped by any means necessary.

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Among the organizations supporting the demonstration were Nada Santo sobre Monsanto, Coalition of Organizations Anti-incineration, Boricua Organization of Eco-organic Agriculture, the Josco Bravo Agroecological Project, Aibonito without Herbicides, and the Eastern Beekeeping School.Also backing the protest were the Borikén Beekeepers Association, Agrojíbaro Agroecological Project, Worker Youth, UPR Garden, Jayuya Gripiñas Farm, La Ceiba Agroecological Project and the National Environmental Law Association (ANDA by its Spanish acronym).The Ecological Cooperative of Permaculture for a Self-Sufficient Puerto Rico (CEPPA COOP) and Tierra de Luna.


When InI heard about about the planned spraying and the news that the Water would no longer be tested as a way for the “Government” to save money, a few friends and I started off for San Juan from the West side of the island. I felt that as difficult or discouraging that it may be, that we needed to do something. I grabbed my spray paint and was off.. All the while hoping to hear something on the radio while I caught up and reasoned on the history of Puerto Rican Uprisings. This long and continual fight is fantastic and also deeply sad. With anger and concern within, we arrived at the Capitol Building, (ironically) where the words of  “Liberty, Justice and Rights above all else” is written on the marble above the massive columns below.  A line of police watched and blocked the door as San Jaun’s Art Community staged many artistic renderings of the situation. As a artist, I saw the brilliance, however the mood of the gathering was one I was not used to. I have been to many protests from Europe to Washington DC, and I have seen a lot of moods. The intellectualism and essence of the Puerto Rican protesters seemed far out compared to the savagery of the situation and degrading of the dignity.  I saw many emotions, mourning, song, dance, miming, and die-ins, but not anger, not rage. Mock Caskets only seemed to emit defeat when as a Rasta-Man the mission is empowerment and no surrender. I felt that symbolic resistance was not enough, though I applauded many of those who came forth to support any resistance frankly. I am new to the culture truly, and would only learn more as the night continued of the unique and wonderful spirit of the Boriken people.

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I was able to be meet briefly with the only Independence Party Senator, Maria de Lourdes Santiago, Vice President of P.I.P. ( Puerto Rico Independence Party)  and share with her my support for independence and appreciation for her bravery. She was friendly and kind, and was with the people as they voiced artistically their dissent.


I spoke to an elderly woman who had no idea what had happened, only revealing that many people has no clue what is occurring. It was devastating being the one to tell her, and not to be frightened of the odd group of artists being artists.  Then it was off to the Federal Court Building where there is underway a occupy encampment in front of the entrance gate to the facility. It was a joy to see Rastafari, artists, activists and a lot of young people together to make a continual stance against the “Junta” (government).

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The scene was joyful and musical, giving the people a way to unite and learn. The richness of the people exploded when the Bomba drummers arrived sounding ancient riddims from West Africa with new songs explaining what has happened and what to do, and to who.. As the Federal Agents watched from behind the iron bars, they tapped their feet uncontrollably, instinctively. The Unique dance of the people spoke more than words could say, about identity, pride, and beauty.

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Spray cans rattled and where passed around as slogans of resistance where painted on signs, walls and streets. It the midst of it all, was this thing, called                               “Independence Day” something foreign to Puerto Ricans as it was for the millions of Africans still enslaved when The Americans won the Revolutionary War. The bitter irony was that no one was coming to work, and it would be days till they did. Meanwhile the US and much of Puerto Rico sadly because they have the day off, literally are not paying any attention to what may interrupt their precious payed vacation. With marches and protests planned for this upcoming week, it seems that Governmental Powers will most likely hope that the people will steam off and that they can come down on the resolute die- harders  after the holiday weekend. Amnesty International sent a warning to the PR Government and Federal Agents that they will be watching and documenting what will follow with full awareness of the history of repression by the government of protesters.



I am in love with the Puerto Rican people though I wonder if comprehension of the evil that runs most of the world via banks and vulture companies/ firms is fully grasped, and that I have become disillusioned with standing and holding a sign. More direct and intelligent actions are needed, which I expect to see later this strong (week). I was asked if I wanted to paint a mural, for the first time in my life I didnt. I said there are so many paintings saying the same thing, I think the point has been made. We need more than Art, art is Our Culture, The US Government doesnt deserve our art, nor do they deserve the Puerto Rican resources.


This debt crisis is very similar to many through out the world, and it is clear how and why banks do it. Many want to blame PR and likewise feel guilty of its own corruption, it still must realize this is a continual international assault using economics. We saw it Jamaica with the World Bank and IMF and you can see it Spain today.DSCN2121

There will be more to report. Count on that. Ras Elijah Tafari in Puerto Rico signing out for now. Hail the King, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Jah Rastafari.




Rastafari Reflections: what WE can do.

There is a lot of work to be done, and many have brought some great ideas to the table. In this moment I would like to send out an invitation to collaborate as well as nurture the Rastafari Movement thru art. Rather than goes off about how important art is, let us reflect on how important We are. That we make our own soundtracks, grow our own food and build our homes physically as well as spiritually with the teachings of the King of Kings in Mind.  We have a duty to feed the community, and many artists have been doing this for years. Ras Zacharias, Mike 360, Ras Terms, Natty Rebel, and so many more have brought the Holy Powers of Ethiopia to the streets thru art. Making t-shirts as well as meditations. This is a movement, and it is about Education.

Selassie and Son on bomb

As a Movement we are still very young and each of us has the ability to be there as it unfolds, hand in hand with the restoration and upliftment of our collective history. This is a Mighty African renewal and we are in the process of getting free, in this process many have contributed and shared, fought and bled for Ethiopian/ Human Redemption from all corners of the Earth. Likewise, Ethiopia and Africans have fought and built up people and nations across the Earth. We have shown and keep showing that we can maintain Our culture while respecting the dignity and history of all people. We are rooted un-apologetically in Africa, and Our acceptance and Love of Africa has revealed the Scriptures as well as History in a very different and deep manner. Together, here and now we are deep in the trenches together whether we know it/ like it or not.  As His Imperial Majesty once quoted Benjamin Franklin, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”, it is something to realize, “when the rain pours it dont rain on one mans house”…its raining now, and we must hang together, sacrifice and be bold together.


Some simple things we can do is Support Rastafari Elders, ( and Elders period) Take care of the Children and Families that have lost a parent, Help support Orphanages, and get involved with the community. Help Adonijah’s Family in EthiopiaRastafari Elder and Incient Fund, Yahwenta Childrens Center in Shashamene, http://rootspeople.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/englishleaflet.pdfhttp://

In a time where frustration and mis-leaders are lending its hand to division and bigotry,  I pray that we remember that we are the Children of Jah, Mighty and Blessed to be called by His Name and be Made in His Image and Likeness. Be Love and be True. There is plan for us all, and it includes Justice. Go get it, get it for all, and may common sense be the GPS and right governance be and the destination.


Every decision nearly could use a voice of the King, Rastafari as a movement does not like politics, make it more, make it about being a Leader and showing true leadership. We have been pushed aside and discounted for too long, now is the time to step up and speak out. No matter how dire it may look, never forget Africa, and work unceasingly to finish the last lap so that we can actually emerge free and strong. Be bigger than opposition could ever be, Show them The Fatherly and Motherly Powers of Jah. In the Name of The Trinity. Haile Selassie I. One Jah.




“Today and Tomorrow” New Painting on the essence of H.I.M.

Selassie and Son on bomb

There is so much that His Imperial Majesty has left for us to ponder and meditate on. Each photo of HIM is a postcard from Jah hoping we see something that will brings out the divinity in Man, simple and complex. When I say “Man” I mean Man, Woman and Child, the more ones see HIM they realize that same beauty in the Trinity of Life which is everything. This piece was one that came about as InI thought about HIM and all the photo’s taken, and still being revealed. Of all the photos, which one would He want InI to paint and why. I thought about it and thought….13095982_10206354308312628_2786287264731331871_n

I came to think about HIM as an elder looking back and seeing the History that had been made for Us all, for Right over Wrong. Of His Dreams and Sorrows. The Victory of Good over evil. The Image of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I standing on the bomb that just been dropped in HIM, His Son and troops, was a statement of that simply. But there was another picture..that of HIM and His Son on the Bomb, whose name is Prince Mekonnen Haile Selassie, His second son and first born of the Empress Mennen Asfaw. His Son was a pride that was evident in His Imperial Majesties Life, and His tragic passing was a loss to the World.


He symbolized the future dreams and hopes of the King of Kings, He was the future. The oldest linage/ lionage while under attack Held The Faith and Collective Security as its Cry in the Wilderness. In this time as Fascism rises again and Ethiopia spirals into more turmoil, The Dream of  Lasting Peace and World Citizenship remains a fleeting illusion, pursued but never attained.

raselijah art in process1

We believe and know Haile Selassie I The Conquering Lion of Judah is the Heart of Good over Evil, The Heart of Humanity, and the Beat of the masses who work for Justice.  Who still have faith, that even with bombs dropping on Us that, racism and classism, inferior and superior complexes will diminish and that we will heal from the disease and poison that has been used to destroy us. This piece is to remind us what His Imperial Majesty wanted us to See, who said take this picture and send it to the World. Let nothing stop you, take your sons and daughters to war with you if need be, and know that Eternal Vigilance and a Prayer for Freedom in placed in Our Hands by the King of Kings Himself, forever confident in the Victory of Good over Evil.

Selassie and Son on bomb “TODAY AND TOMORROW”  Let Jah Be Praised. Rastafari.

We would like to thank Reggae Festival Guide for featuring this painting. Perfect Love! This piece has been sold, however the image is available as a CD cover or as a Print                  (8.5″x11”) for 20.00 plus shipping.  For details Please Email.    Lionartproductions@gmail.com

Music Agawn! The Cool Bus Experience.

Wanted to say it was a huge blessing to link with the Cool Bus Experience STR8 Outta California, Rastafari vocalist Mr. Majestic from JA is so seasoned and rich in sound and texture, it takes you back in time. The Guitars are great and what a pleasure to be able to sing with three guitars likewise, dont get me started on the Drummer.  While smiling the whole while, never misses a beat..Give thanks for coming forward, Puerto Rico has a real joy coming there way. Rincon at Cafe 413 was very cool and I hope every one enjoyed the set. We got more shows coming up, Isabella, Rincon again TOMORROW!, and San Juan. Details below. InI hope I can get some footage for everyone, its great to be able to do an opening set, before Mr. Majestic. Check them on Youtube. We will try and get more footage soon.. Big Up Edgardo ” Poncho”! Rastafari Love!




SprayPaint Pieces.

  Archive of a few Spray Paint Pieces, Enjoy, I know I did. Rastafari. Give thanks.

Jonathan Simms with the cool photos. Rastafari Way on Youtube check it…


Worked with a lot of great artists. Love to all, Selassie I.

I am not sure what my son is doing… this is a piece for a lawyer who knows The Law.


This eventually became the back cover of the

Rock Climbing Doc. Chalk Life, check it on youtube.  STR8 Media. “Transcend.”

Puerto Rico Piece..and my car…