Tag Archives: Rastafari commentary on Ethiopian Airline Crash

" Walking to the Light." By Ras Elijah Tafari

When governments blind the people.Every religion gets manipulated

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majestic. Emperor Haile Selassie I, and Empress Asfaw Mennen. Give thanks for The Royal Supreme Balance of Jah in Man and  Woman.  Give thanks for the Gift of Life and the Blessed abilities to share in this journey. Rastafari.

I would like to start this by expresses consciously the deep impact that global issues have on and in InI lives. Often as Rastafari we are silent when tragedy hits because of the spiritual realms that are significant and usually not spoken of. Realms of polarities, and expected extremes that ones seem not comprehend as being products of a toxic environment.

One of those tragedies are the two plane crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Both are important being they were preventable and due to lack of safety concern from Boeing. Many of us have traveled on Ethiopian Airlines and know it is not just an airline. It is the first Airline in Africa, the biggest, and started by His Imperial Majesty as a method to connect each other to ourselves for unity and  pride. Many amazing people where on board that flight, and we as Rastafari know that it could have been us . This is a reminder why safety regulations whether there are government shut downs or not,  should be strictly enforced for the sake of our lives and technological progress.

Next is the mass murder of Muslims in ChristChurch New Zealand, which Christians around the World should see as a collective attack.  The reason it is a collective attack is because the murdering of innocent men women and children is the opposite of what Christ taught. That murder, war and genocide are colonial methods of ridding the land of poor people who are of a different thought pattern than the desires of an occupier. Muslims are people, who have the right to believe what they want anywhere. I firmly know that the Teachings of Christ, from all True people of God is that Peace can be attained through dialogue and understanding. Fears about Muslims and refugees can be relieved when ones learn the facts about the times and reasons there is so much movement due to displacement. It would be wise for Europe to look at how Portugal approaches refugees and see that good people make a country stronger, no matter where they are from. These disgusting acts of violence made many of us throughout the world sick, the desire to show this slaughter live on net, and show no remorse, is a grim reminder of the danger of fear mongering movies, media, and leaders have on the masses. We should call out and reason with any one who has a desire to imply that Muslims or refuges should be seen as a threat.

In a World with 7 Billion people in it, ones will find those who profess a religion and use their faith as a way to make allowance for a medieval mind state. I will call out 5 of them now, so that it can be seen that this is not an exclusive issue.

1. The Vatican, it is good to see both US states as well as European countries start to lock up pedophile priests. It took far too long, and the protection of the crimes of the Catholic Church is still a global issue. Everyone should have the same law apply equally and non partially.

2. Israel, has been presented with the first of many documents that allege that the Israeli Government has been using snipers to shoot at handicapped and disabled people, medical personnel and journalists. These actions are classified as crimes against humanity. They have no response other than to insult the UN Human Rights Watch. The current leader of Israel,  Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicated on two counts including corruption. It doesn’t matter if your Jewish or not, he is a criminal and should be arrested and tried for war crimes, as well the government held to the same international laws and expectations, that are written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

3. Saudi Arabia, is a grotesque kingdom of oppression. The Saudi government has been complicit with a number of conflicts including Yemen where their ability to be held accountable for anything not happening. They are elitism plain and simple. The classism within with the structure of the country makes it so there are is only the law of the prince or king as they decide at the time. We have seen lie after lie from Saudi Arabia concerning the murder of the Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi Arabia also works closely with the 2 above mentioned in the selling of weapons. Regardless of the faith they profess they need to be held to the expectations of a world that desires peace and accountability, not the public murders of men women and children.

4. India’s Far Right government is using Hinduism to create a political conservative government that can use religion to breed intolerance. Human Rights violations are regular, the aggressive approach the government takes towards Muslims and Pakistan is a threat to a possible great cooperation in and out of the country. Both Muslims and women in India are murdered without any accountability due to a corrupt system. India is also a very racist and elitist country due to historical religious antidotes. People have been using Hinduisim for centuries to create discord, and it is still the excuse for thousands of human right violations.

5. Mayanmar, a Buddhist nation is one of best examples of using genocide and murder to acquire land by leaving the Rohingya people stateless and devastated. The U.N. has called it the group, the most persecuted minority in the world. Once again, a leader using religious theology to encourage persecution without accountability.

Notable mention: China, a communist government that feels threatened by religion in general. Also using the ideas of the current Chairman, as well as previous leaders that groups such as the Uighur (pronounced  Weegers )  have been put in prison camps where they are de-programmed or occupied in out air prison communities. They are Muslim and are heavily persecuted.

The reason I am writing this is to demonstrate that every major religion is being used to propel a colonial agenda to seize land and resources. That we shouldn’t believe the hype, that this isn’t about religion. Even the Chinese government that dislikes religion does it in the name of disliking religion. When we look at people and judge them based on their faith we play into the realms of persuasion without evidence. It is older the Scriptures and the strategy and diversion still works. If we are going to make the world a safer and more peaceful place, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights needs to be protected and enforced. It is up to Us to make that happen.

This has been a grim month when it comes to how many innocents have paid the ultimate cost. Through out the world, Our meditations of how to make the world better is the only honor and respect we can show that can be useful to their sacrifice. May Jah Bless their souls and families.


May Jah Bless you, and Keep you. May His Face Shine on you, Peace be with you.

Ras Elijah Tafari

Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Mennen.

Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Mennen.