Tag Archives: Ras Flako Tafari


NEW PIECE “Rastafari Pioneers”

In the last few Strongs, many of us prepare for the new year, and the celebrations for His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie First. It is a time of inner and outer travel often. In the last few Strongs, InI have reflecting on the Pioneers of Rastafari, those who led the way, and the impact they had and have. I feel that our collective experience cannot be fully drawn or painted, nor all the people represented, this is a part of a collective story and records of those who we know, there are those many of us don’t or will learn about more. The piece is to encourage ones to know more, to learn about the foundations of the Rastafari Movement. Some of these men we met, some taught us or our elders, and they are family to many as well. In full respect and reverence, this piece salutes the Fathers who gave their lives so we can know Rastafari as King, and Ourselves as a movement. Many of these men met the King of Kings, some sent by H.I.M., all of them emanated His Love.
In a time where many talk about disunity, let us project our unity and love for the many Houses of Rastafari, the growth and changes, the natural progressions that make up our Fathers Mansion. In a ministry of Reconciliation, May we reconcile with the most important of topics, including Love amongst bredren and sistren, where we come from, and where are we going.
This piece is livicated to all the Rastamen and Rastawomen that came so we can be here this day, the ones that have moved forward yet Itinue to nurture the Souls of Men and Women today.
Jah Willing, I will make a piece to show some of the Mighty Empresses that have given their lives to the people and movement, as well as those who were closest around the Emperor, such as Ras Kassa, and the Pankhurst family.
These are Names of those in the Joyting, ” Rastafari Pioneers”, Emperor Haile Selassie First, Hon. Vaughn Benjamin, Rt. Hon. Bob Nesta Marley, Sam Brown, Sir William Arthur Lewis, Ras Daniel Heartman, Mortimo Planno, Pa Shanti, Rt. Hon. Prince Charles Edwards Emmanuel the 7th, Bongo Rocky, Douglas R.A. Mack, Abuna Yesehaq, Prophet Gad, Shepard Robert Athlyi Rogers, Rt Hon. Marcus Mossiah Garvey, Father Joseph Hibbert, Dr. Malaku E. Bayen, Hon. Leonard The Gong Howell.
Give thanks and praise for the bringers, the ones that stood up and spoke out for the benefit of all InI’s. Special thanks to Ras Flako. To all those who stood for decolonization, freedom, redemption, repatriation, liberation and reparations, salvation, Africa, Ancientcy and self determination, and most of all for Our God and King, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Jah Rastafari. Itinual Praise, for the mercies and powers given to the Saints, Warriors and Priests, and the Loving Kindness shown by the Most High Egziabeher to and thru us all. In the Name of the Trinity, Jah Father, Jah the Son, Jah the Holy Spirit, One Jah. Amen.
This piece is 40″x28″, done with Acrylic and Indian Ink. Prints are 50 dollars for 11×17″ signed print in a hard plastic case, 8×11.5″ prints are 25 dollars, signed, bagged and backed. Whole sale options are available. The Original is for sale.  Get prints Here: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/rastafari-pioneers/ Give thanks again. One Jah.


Original Framed and Prints: Ras Flako Tafari

Art in support of Rastafari Ancients… Live the Creed.

It is a honor to present works in which 100 precent of the proceeds go toward Rastafari Elders through the Word Sound Power Collective with medicine and care. This group supports Rastafari elders worldwide and is an important collective for upholding the Rastafari Creed, Let the Hungry be fed, the naked clothed, the sick nourished, age protected and the infants cared for.

This piece is an original 11×17 pencil piece of the elder, Ras Flako Tafari, writer, organizer and roots man from Jamaica. There are several interviews with him on various subjects,  which can be found on YouTube. Ras Flako Tafari has also interviewed and documented many Rastafari elders so that their oral history is preserved.

The Original piece will be an auction that will start at $300. US dollars and let’s see what happens from there. It is Framed in glass. Leave a message with what you would like to offer and I will link you forward.

Prints are for sale for 30.00 for a 11×8.5 print, bagged, backed and signed. It will be 50.00 for an 11×17 print in a hard plastic case signed. Thank you for supporting the cause and the elders. The Link is to the prints are: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/ras-flako-tafari-wspc-fundraising-prints/

If you would like to learn more please visit: wordsoundpowercollective.org or to donate direct through PayPal: wordsoundpowercollective@hotmail.com

Give thanks and Jah Bless, and Protect you all. Rastafari.

The Original Art:

Ras Flako Tafari Original Piece. 11x17 Framed.

Ras Flako Tafari Original Piece. 11×17 Framed.

Prints: Ras Flako Tafari

Prints: Ras Flako Tafari


Original Framed and Prints: Ras Flako Tafari

Original Framed and Prints: Ras Flako Tafari