Tag Archives: Ras Elijah Fine Art

Selassie I Eyes.

Glory to the King of Kings. Through the ups and downs, through the despair and odds, Emperor Haile Selassie I Stands. He is there in the thick, and He Conquers and Conquered and is Conquering. God in Man. As it was, is and forever will be. This is a new piece, Selassie Eyes. It is representational of the period in Geneva in 1936 when His Imperial Majesty warned the world about forsaking small nations, and how war will follow. I encourage everyone to watch the videos of the Speech to the League of Nations if you haven’t already. Prints are 25.00 for 8×11 bagged and backed. Original is 500. Acrylic and Indian Ink. 26″x 22″.

Original on sale for 500.usd

Original on sale for 500.usd

Monk in Orange Hat

Keeping it African in the South West..Artworks and reflections.


With More Art happening this is just the beginning to a new time. Here are some of the recent works, and I look forward to hearing thoughts and comments. I hope they speak to you and inspire, lots of things to say, however I paint so I don’t have to…

A few days ago we had a very large moon, that is called the “flower moon”, happens every other year at the end of May. Here in NM it was very bright and orange, with the most amazing purple aura. I was staring at it and driving and saw others who had pulled over just to look at the moon. I looked and saw a lion roaring in it, and said, “Yea, I haffi paint dat” This piece is called, “Lion inna New Flower Moon.” With His Imperial Majesty walking thru the desert. 20×16″ acrylic and indian ink. This piece has been spoken for however prints are available. Jah Bless!

Lion Flower Moon.

Lion Flower Moon.

I call this one, “Monk in a Orange Hat.” 24×18″ 250.00.Indian Ink and Acrylic. This piece is of an Ethiopian monk praying as he comes out of a cave. Inbox for art anytime. Prints coming soon, make a preorder today. BLESSED LOVE.

Monk in Orange Hat

Monk in Orange Hat

“Tangled” 8×10 Acrylic and indian ink. 150.00 inbox for info or a print for 20.



Give thanks for checking the new pieces, there is so much happening. So I hope you keep checking in. Big things, big shows and big paintings..and thats just the start. Inbox for questions or prints.  Heart of Love, to each and everyone. Jah Be Praised.



Desert Warmth. Acrylic, Indian Ink. 20x24"

The Desert Flower Series. New Paintings from the SouthWest.

Desert Warmth. Acrylic, Indian Ink. 20x24"

Desert Warmth. Acrylic, Indian Ink. 20×24″ 300. solo



"desert mesa"

“desert mesa” 12×18 Acrylic and indian ink. 200 solo


“Cacti” Acrylic and Indian ink. 8×10″ 150. solo

If you would like a print, inbox InI and you can get the first running. Thank you for viewing, more art coming soon! Jah Bless. One Perfect LOVE.


"Princess and Royal Daughter"

African Queen Series. Princess,Queen and Empress,New Fine Art

Give thanks for the Glory of Africa. Heart of Love! I have Been really enjoying working with Reds, Black and Gold. These pieces have a royal presence, that seem to echo stages of divinity of the Lioness.. Of young, young and pregnant and the other a Mother. I love the way the look together and though 2 have been seen, showing these three together is to show the inter relationship. We could call it, Princess, Queen and Empress. I would love it if the pieces would stay together, so there is a discount on getting all three together.  all 3 for 800.usd. This new piece is of the Princess, “Royal Daughter.”

24″x 20″ Acrylic, Indian ink and Gold.

"Princess and Royal Daughter"

This next piece is of the Queen Pregnant. 250.00 alone.

"Royal Mamma." 26x16" Acrylic, Gold, and Indian Ink. 500.00

“Royal Mamma.” 26×16″ Acrylic, Gold, and Indian Ink. 500.00 alone.

Empress. 250. alone

Empress. 250. alone 8×10″ acrylic, indian ink, and Gold. 

Give thanks! Lots of new art coming your way soon! Link anytime with questions or comments. One Perfect Love. Rastafari.