Tag Archives: Ras Elijah Album art

Bobby Hustle ” Proof of Concept ” About the music, man and art.

Bobby Hustle " Proof of Concept " Album now out!

Bobby Hustle ” Proof of Concept ” Album now out!

Bobby Hustle album ” Proof of Concept ” is out and worth supporting. He is someone who sings what he lives and lives what he sings. I’ll be real with ya, I only heard his music last year, and as usual seemed late to the game, none the less, after seeing him live, and meeting him, I realized that he wasn’t a typical Cali-roots reggae sound.. far from it. His approach to the music is unique, and he shares the journey in way that embraces others while respecting each ones unique shared vision of Right. Brother is deep, and the tunes catchy. In keeping with the Lion Order, he celebrates positivity in a manner that embraces Rastafari Livity. Rather than being cliche he shares with you his challenges and overcomings. Bobby Hustle includes a host of guest artists which sheds light on who he is inspired by, while proudly exclaiming Jah Love is Taller than a mountain in harmony with Mikey General.

When planning out the cover for the album, it was important to really get to know Bobby, and make something that would speak to his voyage. The theme of water and boats are regular on this album, and Biblical references to boats felt like a good place to start.  As someone on a ship, having his friends present was important in reality and in the painting, so we wanted to have a diversity of people, with a highlight on the guest artists and the sound system. Lutan Fyah, Mikey General, Koro Fyah, and Perfect Giddamani are all in the background, with a general feeling of ” Free Up” like the tune. From linking with Bobby Hustle, I noticed he seems to be introverted, though he is out going.. and this is why he is sitting alone, with a serious look. Much of Bobby’s voyage in life has been spent, thinking, waiting and being separated, for many reasons, including awaiting a verdict on a case which left him in limbo for years in Costa Rico. This stage of life, sequences of waiting for justice is in the water under Bobby in the painting. ” I had to hold my head up above the water, Won’t a lamb to slaughter, gotta keep that Lion Order always ”  from the tune ” Rock my Boat”

The Purple Lion shirt, reflects how reggae and hip hop have covered Bobby since his youth and the “S” on his hat symbolizes Seattle, his home town. His appreciation and love for those who helped him on his journey is regularly expressed, ” Love me like you do ” directed to a woman, isn’t a sappy tune, it lends a hand to a love tune that is simply appreciative. There are tunes that party feeling, just like the painting, and the humor and clever lines that have countless Jamaican references give a smile that any Reggae lover can relate to. Enjoy your Soursop juice and your spliff, Bobby is.. “Right Now” and on his “Day Off”.

Thank you for more than the inclusion, thank you for the heartfelt communications that help everyone. Respect. Jah Bless.

Big Up Loud City for a great production and more, Big Up Steve Topple from Reggaeville, who has a superb review of the music, check it out. Here are the links to where you can get the PROOF OF CONCEPT album:  https://hustle.smmlinkup.com/proofofconcept?fbclid=IwAR0NvKYGTG7zqjhOebWoimeGpXXpkRBhctdCWEUV_-tPObf-rv6kwLpIirI

Official Bobby Hustle website: BobbyHustle.com

Bobby Hustle and Ras Elijah Tafari at the Oregon Reggae Fest.

Bobby Hustle and Ras Elijah Tafari at the Oregon Reggae Fest.

Tunes on the album:

1. Rock My Boat
2. Reggae Days
3. Mountain (with Mikey General)
4. Right Now (with Loud City)
5. Loyal To The Soil (with Lutan Fyah & Loud City)
6. Lifeline
7. Love Me Like You Do
8. Mash Up (with Loud City)
9. Day Off
10. Stay Ready
11. Lightning Strike (with Loud City)
12. City Lights (with Koro Fyah)
13. Free Up (with Loud City)
14. Stay High (with Perfect Giddimani) (ft. Loud City)
15. As Good As It Seems
Bobby with Original Piece.

Bobby with Original Piece.

Ras Ceylon feat. Timbo King and Tragedy Khadafi : Frontline Generals

New Reggae Albums and Art!

Give thanks for the breathe of Life, Give thanks for the Life Giver who allows us to sing to HIM, O Jah Rastafari. The Power of Music is such a blessing, and to be able to hear new music and gain inspiration is a true joy. Here are some new albums that are now out or coming soon with InI art work. Give thanks for the ones that move in harmony where we can express the same thing in two different art forms. One frequency. Let Jah Be Praised!

Akae Beka: Need Our Love to Talk

Akae Beka: Need Our Love to Talk

Ras Biblical : Ameseginalehu

Ras Biblical : Ameseginalehu

JahSon featuring Last Disciple: 7 Times

JahSon featuring Last Disciple: 7 Times

Chalice Row: Chant Riddim

Chalice Row Records: Chant Riddim

Mister Kali: Father of the Fatherless

Mister Kali: Father of the Fatherless


Ancient King: Seh Selassie I

Ancient King: Seh Selassie I




Pacific Vibration featuring Akae Beka: Truth

Pacific Vibration featuring Akae Beka: Truth


Ras Ceylon feat. Timbo King and Tragedy Khadafi : Frontline Generals

Ras Ceylon feat. Timbo King and Tragedy Khadafi : Frontline Generals


Ras Teo: A Luta Continua

Ras Teo: A Luta Continua

Fikir Amlak meets Brizion: Medhane Alem

Fikir Amlak meets Brizion: Medhane Alem

Jah Myhrakle: Rama Dub

Jah Myhrakle: Rama Dub

Jah Myhrakle and Bigga Haitian: What We Need.

Jah Myhrakle and Bigga Haitian: What We Need.

Sebastian Franks: Consequence of Reward

Sebastian Franks: Consequence of Reward

There is more album art to come, Give thanks for viewing. In each piece the music is the message that pushes the visuals. If you like or want to know more about the art, check out the music. All the music and artists are on all musical platforms. Seek it out, its worth it! I will soon have a collection of the music videos and interviews that feature art as well. Peace with you all. Hail Selassie I First, The Word made Flesh. One Jah.









Super Mathematicals Album: Help the Youth learn Math.

This is a tight project made for the youth by youth to learn math. InI am truly honored to be a part of this project with living heroes of Shamou Pusey and family. Super Mathematicals is a great way to help teach the youth multiplication and much more from this Ras and math teacher. Check out the commercial and support the education of Our Youth People. Blessed Love. Rastafari. Super Mathematicals

Super Mathimaticals

Super Mathematicals CD

Super Mathematicals CD

and you can buy it here and now right…here..https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/skip-counting/1353130080