Tag Archives: Puerto Rico Rastafari


In the Spirit of Fredrick Douglas, speak today about liberty.

I would be unjust to not speak today about liberty. To address you in the spirit of Frederick Douglas, and ask where is liberty for Puerto Rico on this day of celebration. Why are United States citizens denied the right to vote, or to be represented in Congress on this day of Independence. Where is their independence… There is a tide of intolerance today that demands the scorching irony be addressed. It is not light that is needed, but fire, when we see the blatant hypocrisy of this United States has created worldwide, by demanding injustice be the status quo and that in their celebrations they mask their adornment of dictators. It is no secret that the National anthem itself is racist, as well as the Fourth of July, when we as Africans in bondage, shackled and beaten were asked to celebrate freedom, and liberty..for over a hundred years while enslaved, it was and is a very sick reminder of the disconnect and mockery of African Lives, and Natives Lives, Mexican Lives and indeed life itself. I dare say it is ungodly and savage to revel in a dream that is a nightmare for the masses of Africans that have stood watch as you boast of democracy, when to this day it is washed in elite corruption. Don’t delude yourself into thinking your free, when our grand mothers are insulted who were torn from their children to breast feed the slave masters. Who today our Fathers and brothers are torn from their children to work for pennies in the US correction system. It would be unjust not to speak of Life, Liberty and Justice for all, in this cruel joke of a nation in denial of their addiction to depriving the poor and to this day refuses to address their own human rights violations internationally. The World watches the savagery of the US and awaits its accountability and attendance in the subject of Racism or Human Rights. The U.S. is no party to Liberty and Freedom internationally or nationally. All of Nations known as the United Nations, await to see when the USA really believes these ideals for all, or a select few. In the Spirit of Frederick Douglas I speak, a patriot and voice of the voiceless, not to debate. To speak of the irony, that perhaps has been hidden by pool side bbq’s, and religious and nationalistic rhetorics, and fireworks, that freedom isn’t free. What will we do for Freedom…?

Free Puerto Rico

Join in, protect the beaches of Puerto Rico and have fun too.

Its winter time and many have gone south to get away from the snow, others already live in Puerto Rico and also will have time to this season to do more than the daily rituals.  This is a complicated time all over and definitely for Puerto Rico, and why not have fun and protect the turtles and beaches at the same time.  Often ones think that doing good works aren’t enjoyable, while others dislike taking time off when they know they could be doing something. Honestly some of the most fun anyone can have is when they know they are helping a bigger cause and meeting people that care for real. 15181214_10157955569890151_7554014006328395192_n14991803_10154255800459032_8517512612476508590_n

” Campamento Rescate Playuelas ”  Encamping to rescue the beach has worked and is working. Committed lovers of nature that are from all backgrounds, organizing shows, interviews, locals surfers and international surfing communities,  coming together for a clear cause; to prevent a massive clearing of pristine land and beaches into a giant hotel. The island is full of empty hotels and this is land grab due to the recent ” Promesa” bill that installed a corporate oversight Junta with no respect to democracy. The hypocrisy of the previous government and the United States bonds and banking schemes is a whole other subject and what it important to note is that we have been occupying beaches for years and it works. This is the newest site, in Agaudilla P.R., and there are others.




The 5 acres protected by so many in San Juan, has saved the last piece of un-constructed beach, from developers like the Marriot Hotel. They have planted more native plants, and educated the island about how giant hotels are stealing  protected lands from the people. Livicated environmentalists, protesters, Rastafari, and young peoples, have held down the camp for over 10 years. With laws disappearing, it is more important than ever for Puerto Rico to have the community support and environmental support it needs to protect the beaches, animals and future accessibility.




Here are some articles about what is going on and has happened at the Aguadilla camp and some of the beautiful people that are there, building and creating, having fun and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Particularly the turtles, which are threatened, and have the right to also exist. Here is the rare opportunity to protect and help, while soaking up sun and waves on the beach. If your going to Puerto Rico or LIVE in Puerto Rico, please put some time aside to stand for something that we all love, THE BEACHES!  Here is where its happening in Boriqua.


We also need musicians and organizers that would be interested in putting on events that will help the people gain awareness and support the cause. Several events have happened and this is a great time to put the words into action. For contact info and to information check: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1854253408127243/

For articles about ” Campamento Rescate Playuelas” check: http://www.surfingmagazine.com/news/help-save-puerto-ricos-waves/#1JIt1suGsfy5QH3C.01http://





Emperor Haile Selassie I Coronation Fine Art Digital Expo 2016

It is a Honor and Pleasure to share the Meditations Of Our August Emperor  whom has Granted Us this Day to Celebrate the Union of Heaven and Earth in the Personality of His and Her Imperial Majesty. Presented before the Earth in 1930, Emperor Haile Selassie and Empress Menen Asfaw of Ethiopia was Crowned in a Triple Crown and Presented with the Scepter and Orb. He was pronounced Globally as the King of Kings, Root of David and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. It was the First time an African King and Queen had been recognized and given total authority to claim the Earth as Rightful Ruler. In the midst of colonization at its height, Emperor Haile Selassie I had the World witnessing Sovereignty from origination and entered the world stage. This would transform and elevate the Earth and World to answer a moral question. One we have yet to answer collectively, and a question that will either answer the future problems or explain the failures we accumulate while trying to avoid international human rights concerns.

While African Unity is the Crown Jewel and Mission of The Emperor, His Word speaks of the pains and concerns for all of Humanity. We still echo the need for Nuclear Proliferation and Global Citizenship and We all seek International Morality, and as His Majesty said,                The stake of each one of us is identical – life or death. We all wish to live. We all seek a world in which men are freed of the burdens of ignorance, poverty, hunger and disease. And we shall all be hard-pressed to escape the deadly rain of nuclear fall-out should catastrophe overtake us.”

DSCN2807                                                                       ”Waiting and Watching”

His Imperial Majesty saw the World and Time as One. That problems are solved together and made worse together. There is so much to say about the King of Kings, The Father of Fathers, and many will give witness to His Ability to Guide and Lead Us Today. His Depth is without end and His Meaning to History and Humanity has yet to be appreciated. In this Offering of Art and Feeling I hope we can go beyond words and to the Heart of Hearts. Where the Zeal meets the brush and history is being made and also remembered. Where a revolutionary African Art presents itself as modern, future and ancient culture. Rastafari Art to inspire as We are inspired, By The Most High as a Living Man, The Most High as the Fullness of Earth and All those who dwell in it. A Cosmic King who Holds Universal Truth. 86 Years ago today, was the greatest moment of Human History. One no one has or will ever live up to that day, and why HIM Haile Selassie I stands Alone. Still widely unknown, and misunderstood, yet He has ushered in Time and Space as we know it. On this special occasion InI Thank The Creator, Almighty Jah Rastafari for Bringing this Life for I, and filling Our Vessels with His Love.  Thru the Power of Trinity, Haile Selassie I. One In His Everlasting Kingdom.

DSCN2370                                                                           ”Addis Coronation” 

DSCN2813                                                                      “Planting for the Future.”

13555818_10206683857831160_1557657047_o                                                                                 ” Rastafari fillin in. “ 

14875047_331140503927578_1267934441_n                                                                              ” Pinnacle Gong “

A piece for Pinnacle and Dub Iration to bring forth awareness for the preservation of a Sacred and Holy Historical site, where the Rastafari Movement Began. Soon come, Prints will be available with all proceeds going to Pinnacle. Jah Bless The Hon. Leonard Howell on this Coronation!  www.dubiration.com/TheGong

Haile Selassie I Reading1                                           “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”

modern Selassie Coronation                                       ” Look To Africa For the Crowning of A Black King! “

onthebomb!                                                                            ” On The Bomb. “

in8ras1                                                                                        ” In 8.”

This piece is one that is about The Creation of Man as a Galactic Occurrence as The Lion Constellation Meets the Sirus Star System to pull together the polarities of Man and Woman, Sun and Moon, and the Portal of Above and Below into a Golden Arc of infinite relations as one of the feet stands on the Earth and another above. Center is the North Star and within the body is another portal. A Trinitarian Painting to express the Union and Formation of Heavens in the Flesh By King Alpha and Queen Omega. The personality in the middle is purposefully both man and female.

DSCN2299                                                                  ” Four Pillars and Tassel “

Selassie and Son on bomb                                             ” Selassie I and Son, Today and Tomorrow “

InI wrote previously about this piece, done this year and Standing For All Time.

Selassiestairsand door

 ” Selassie is the Door and Stairs.”


“Keeping the Cubs Safe.”


“Bleeding World on My Back.”

First I Thank The Most High Jah Rastafari Emperor Haile Selassie I for Giving I Everything. Year after year He sustains I and InI Family and Friends. Many of these paintings were painted in Puerto Rico and My Heart Bleeds for the Island as its lasting impression intensifies the passion for Justice and Human Rights. Their Love of Rastafari is beyond measure. I would like to thank many others who allowed in the experience of sharing these pieces, many of which will be used for future projects.  InI look forward greatly to sharing and contributing to the Global Community. This is not all the 2016 works, just some that High Lite the Emperor’s impact on this day 86 years ago. Many of these images will be cleaned up and will be available for purchase at a later day. Some Originals are still available, please inbox for info. Nov. 2nd In Albuquerque NM, InI as Well as Ras Zakarias will be showing Rastafari Fine Art and hosting a celebration in Honor of Coronation Day. 6pm-1am at 3901 Central.

 For Now and forever, Let Us Learn and Build on what His Imperial Majesty has taught, and Give thanks for Us to Bear Witness and Behold, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Jah Rastafari Haile Selassie I.


“ When I spoke at Geneva in 1936, there was no precedent for a head of state addressing the League of Nations. I am neither the first, nor will I be the last head of state to address the United Nations, but only I have addressed both the League and this Organization in this capacity. The problems which confront us today are, equally, unprecedented. They have no counterparts in human experience. Men search the pages of history for solutions, for precedents, but there are none. This, then, is the ultimate challenge. Where are we to look for our survival, for the answers to the questions which have never before been posed? We must look, first, to Almighty God, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in Him, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He created in His image. And we must look into ourselves, into the depth of our souls. We must become something we have never been and for which our education and experience and environment have ill-prepared us. We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”

Emperor Haile Selassie I 1963 New York U.N.


The force of self examination and realization.

As a servant of the Most High and vocal remember of the Rastafari Community I greet you in the Most Precious Name in Creation. Behold the Lion of Judah Emperor Haile Selassie I. As InI sit in awe of the Most High and this present time, many thoughts of redemption enter into thought.  Allow InI to start before beginning where it really all got sparked off.  Creator is ONE, One with all, all the time. The Soul that carries our bodies are Eternal. We were given Eternal Life the moment Life was given before time, that it is all a continuation of The Most High’s Power. The Soul does not just contain intelligence but wisdom, and as we grow and expand eternally, we learn collectively and uniquely, experiencing over and again the birthing pains of the ever- growing soul. With this cycle in mind, let us begin with  we are all here together forever. That no one dies, that we are here for eternity learning to be fully embrace our selves which is all of Creation. That acquired Oneness is the basis of Total Love, Eternal Love, the Love of The Almighty, in which We are.

In Awe no wordsA

Our Community of Rastafari Internationally has varied beliefs and ways of expressing itself,  and is a bit of a mirror of how diverse both Jamaica and Ethiopia is within their cultural developments respectively. What is the bond and foundation is that we are built from the ancestors of many cultures, that we have not dismissed them and have built on that which marks the Life of His Imperial Majesty to be Holy and Significant, Historically and Spiritually. Because we are a ” Way” of Life and not a religion doesn’t mean that His Imperial Majesty didn’t prove that religions are also a way for people to remember their ever lasting link to the Supreme Creator. He also is the evidence that works of Love and Human Rights are a Holy Duty to be fulfilled by every person as the moral pretext to existence. There is a pre-established understanding that we all have a soul in which the law of Right and Wrong has been written. He is a teacher that the Power of the Most High is within and we need simply to focus and clearly communicate. Deep within all Life is what is called Inspiration, simply ready to bud. Let us be inspired…


There comes a sober awakening when we realize that we are stuck with each other for eternity, also an ability to see that our relationships with each other will travel on and we will inevitably have to find the voice to speak to one and all in non partial clarity. It is with that clarity we can say every knee will bow to the force of self examination and realization. That this moment is simply another moment to help the collective in which we are. We are made to be servants to service. As we are served all day by the water and air, the immune system and the brain. All we are is due to the care of the eco system and The Mercy of Jah daily. So we are liken to the warmth the fire created, here to be as the fire has been, an echo of warmth non partially. To be as close to the Most High’s Flower that we are the scent it produces. To be the virtue to the Trinity. The Father and Son, and Mother of Creation. To be the Darkness, Light and Waters from the Deep. To be solid, liquid and the gas of the total origin.  Itinued Energy. Itinued Power. Haile Selassie I. The Power and Virtue of the Trinity First. Emperor Haile Selassie I showed us this and more from His Throne in Zion Ethiopia. In Eternal Life and existence we celebrate in the expulsion of fear and the knowing the Jah is Love.  We are the building of the best of humanity to explode into a better here-after. As The Lion of Judah is the David of the future and Greater Solomon, He is The Truth of Moses and the Example of Christ,  so we are to embody His Imperial Majesty. He has been the evidence and the crowning of He that is before and ahead of Time. The Alpha and Omega. In the Soul of Souls, we are ONE with HIM, and ALL. When and what we do with it is only a matter time. Rather than look at time as limited, realize that this reality we live, is a world without end. No reason to fear, every reason to Love.  Be Love for that is who we are centrally. It is also where we must start when looking at the present situation. So many are in bondage, so blow the trumpet and gather the lost sheep, and see the Lion come out of us all. Free the souls of men from the fear of death, and they can do anything. When we look at how to introduce a new Earth without war, how to reboot and upgrade, we need to start with that no one can ever rid the earth of anyone. They existed and will continue to exist, for us to insure a better existence we need need to look at becoming something greater than we have ever been before. Members of a new race. Creators of a New Earth, and Conquerer’s of exploitive ideology.

Jah Marcus I, Holy Emannuel I, King Selassie I-Jah Rastafari.

Ras Elijah Tafari.




Blessings, The soul will prove itself more than worthy.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. This Life of Rastafari adds the spiritual dimension of focus that has the power to build nations and monuments. It is within all people and life to exceed expectations or even comprehension by looking to what can be achieved with faith, courage and a just cause.

In this journey, InI know I am more than just an artist or musician, that my very being is only because of inspiration. That there is a important healing necessary and we are to be ever ready medicine men whom are vessels of Everlasting Life and Purpose. In the meditations that have revealed through our journey to and from Puerto Rico, the elements of worthiness came into thought. Who and for what reasons are rich rich and the poor poor. How does comfort come into play and at what time do we realize that what must be done is a long term commitment to build on a spiritual foundation a New Earth. There are test tubes within test tubes and there are masters and grand masters. We are living in an age of Orwellian Propaganda and controlled information. So what have I learned….


Voices of concerns over the spraying of NALED over the Island and the lies of where and when they were planning on spraying the people, then the actual spraying of it, brought a vivid disturbing vision. This is after the people had voiced concern, surrounding the CDC as well as blocking the Federal Courthouse, after marches and petitions, We saw the commencement of toxic fumes and the silence of the birds and frogs. This later would happen to Florida and South Carolina where Millions of Honey Bee’s where killed and untold effects on all the life in the area. In these times where We are warning the people, and the lack of care and dignity is so that we must plan for a new day. Where we understand that the masses are being controlled and trust their controllers so much that we collectively must plan a whole other way not looking for the approval of authority but revealing true authority within the frame work of what is the best for the public and land with justice and transparency. In short we have to be better than them, in every way. Who are they and what is better. “They” are the elites that have no care or accountability. Better is self sustainable, and producing for the collective good.


Now we are in New Mexico, where the sky is covered with Chemicals that are part of a de-population program of weather modification aka weather weapons. This is happening to the entire planet. It is also blatant evidence of evil,..lets transmute that.. and it is the key to the awakening of mankind to the out of control “leadership” that has overrun almost every political system. From ZIKA virus to Spraying it is the same corporate sponsor. From the Atomic weapons of yesterday to the Nukes of today, it is the same. We are in time where Globally the World needs Independence from the evil legacy of eugenic nazi derivatives. In short this is what I have say, Have faith in the Infinite one within, that the soul will prove itself more than worthy to be the Vessel of The Most High and a new day.  Study of how things should and could be and who and what is getting in the way. What is going on in North Dakota fighting the oil pipe line is a great example. People from all backgrounds and beliefs putting into action the greater good for the Earth and the people.
In this journey, I also have realized not to limit ourselves, we must realize we can do it all, don’t waste time and there is mass amounts that can be achieved. What we want and need always needs to be looked at and whether it hinders total progression. We have a mission, and in conscious steps we can align multiple works to be surgical cuts into the cancer that it running the world amuck.
We are now back in New Mexico, Painting, making Tracks and Organizing  with farmers of Right. Online, so link. More to Come. Trust that. For Now, May the Most High Guide You to be absent of fear and joyful of Eternal Life that we are forever One With He that is the Alpha and Omega. In HIM. Jah Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari.

*Rastafari and the fight to end Geo-Engineering/Weather Weapons*

We as Rastafari need to unite for various reasons. We must Unite with our communities to address a subject that effects us all, that is GEO-ENGINEERING, poison aerosol that is being inhaled and going into our blood stream for the purpose of depopulation. The weather modification programs that media and many others are afraid to talk about, is the single most important issue of our time.


Being in Puerto Rico and seeing how extreme experiments have been done on the people and land, and what are in the works currently, revealed a bigger picture of a global assault on humanity and the environment. Coming out of New Mexico we saw massive spraying done that had a strong effect on the people and is increasing the forest fires across the south west. These chemicals being dropped are flammable and are being released across the Earth and Oceans. They absorb water and are the real reason behind many of the global droughts, floods and fires. This is a well researched topic that many of us have been reasoning on for years. it is up to us to reflect on why we are here and learn as much as possible about how GEO-ENGINEERING is destroying the Earth and part of a bigger plan. We have many issues in the World, and when it comes down a the White Supremacist agenda and depopulation plans, Weather/Climate control is their main weapon.


We as Rastafari are blessed because Our Culture includes many subjects that build the importance of sustainability and justice. It is the Hall Mark of His Imperial Majesty, The victory of a people versus a European Empire with supreme weapons and technology lowering themselves to fight with poison gas to their own shame. He has shown us personally that we can over come chemical attacks through collective security and maintenance of faith and nationalism. Human Rights as well as the Environment is something that All Rastafari should defend, most know the importance of farming organically and being farmers, but with skies looking the way it does, what will we do?

Where weather weapons are causing turmoil like drought and fires in California, many have had to leave, This experiment, US/UK/Canadian Governments will tell you, is in the name of combating Global Warming, this is a front. It is like most of the things the governments of the world tell us, not true and a con in order to trick us into accepting their solutions which are at the expense of human/animal and ocean life. As well as something that the elite can get rich off of and control/tax the masses thinking that this is for their protection. It seems that we are in a terrible age of deception and media propaganda. What is clear is in front of our faces, that they are spraying the people with large amounts of poisonous particles without a debate, research, public insight or oversight. That we are more than guinea pigs in a test-tube, they know this spray is dangerous and hope we die. Many Rastafari know this and some are active in the fight. Already starting is the organization of Rastafari and all other groups fighting Weather weapons and Climate Control/ Geo-engineering/the fascists that operate it. We will be encouraging others to reach out and get educated so we can educate others and share solutions of what to do about it.

We as Rastafari have a duty to see that Africa and the Earth are being assaulted by outside forces that have clearly no morals and threaten life itself. We as a people already aware have seen His Imperial Majesty show the way to step on their bombs and overcome. It is a serious time where what we want is not important, what we need is. Make time to think and meditate on what we can do as a children of the King to create a more Just world, and to save humanity itself. As children of Jah, we also have the duty to work with those of other faiths to ask them to join in a spiritual battle, summoning the courage to be unafraid and confront the devils spraying us. It is the same test that Christians all over had to take when they saw the Vatican and pope bless bombs to be dropped on other Christians, just because they were free and black. People every where need to ask what kind of person are we and what kind of Christian are they. We have seen as people of color white supremacy take on many cloaks, often that of Church and now Science. We have been diverted by the media and politicians so that we do not see the real Elephant in the sky. Let us remind and renew the Law of Jah, including that of gravity, and bring them down. Start locally with people who care and want to learn and help, lets be inventive and unify with each other. There are many good groups to keep up with and share knowledge. One of them is http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

We have already started to join with Rastafari in various states in the USA in the fight against Geo-engineering, InI would love is to hear from Rastafari and all/any others from across the Earth. We want to hear from Latin America about efforts and thoughts of how we will slew this dragon above our heads.


This message has been focused on the Rastafari Communities world wide because we are a unique people that is built on Liberation struggles and victories. We are every where and have brilliant minds in our midst, many of us are very good with media, leadership and history. Let us apply these and other talents for the benefit of all Life to simply continue. We are a people familiar with being set apart and mis-understood, I will tell you there are more of us than we would imagine. In truth we speak for many who have not found their voice yet. Together let Us join the greatest battle mankind has ever faced, confident in the teachings of The Conquering Lion of Judah and the example of Christ to stop Geo-engineering / weather weapons.

Contact InI anytime, Ras Elijah Tafari Lionartproductions@gmail.com


In the Mist of the People a King is Crowned to Mark a New Age.


In the splendor of His Imperial Majesty , The Lion Awakes. Haile Selassie I marks the pivotal moment when He would take the Throne of Zion and usher in the end of colonialism and Human Rights to be the pinnacle of Spiritual entrance. He showed the World what it meant to be an Ethiopian Christian who would and does embody the Name and Power of the Father. His Name being given to us and to be called by, Is that of the Trinity. More so, the Virtue of the Trinity, The Power it creates. The Great actions and words spoken and shown, brought hope to Millions of Africans and humanity by revealing that Justice and Peace is worthy of aspiring and living for. That we have from the Highest Himself a completion of Prophecy, a completion of Man and Head of State, to be Love in Flesh, The Creator Manifest, and the Father of Humanity. It is written in every holy book that He would come, and that some would call HIM Prince of Peace, Some would call HIM Almighty God, Some would call HIM a wonderful counselor, He would be called Immanuel, that Jah is with is,  and it is self evident that the Government rests on His Shoulders. His and Her Imperial Majesty are the faces of Africa’s Great wisdom that we would be fools to not know and love. Lion Time. Hola Emmanuel I, King Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.DSCN2003
This piece is available, and the image open for ones who may be interested. prints available as well, for 20.00

*July 23rd HIM Earth Light Celebrations in Puerto Rico 2016*


Give thanks for the opportunity to celebrate The Birth of The Emperor! We make a call to Puerto Rico for a gathering in Rincon July 23rd, for Rastafari to Sing Praise and Drum to His Imperial Majesty, Negus Nagast, (King of Kings) The Conquering Lion of Judah, Haile Selassie the First. The Power of the Trinity.


There will be from early a Fire lit, Ras Martin will lead the Nyabinghi Order and begin the day. Service, Psalms reading and reasoning will Itinue through out the day, where then at 6pm, Prophet Luis, E.A.B.I.C. Bobo Ashanti Melchizedek Order, will read and lead the evening service.  Drumming, and the reading of Psalms will ring throughout the night. Service will be in both Spanish and English. All Who Love Rastafari are welcome, All House of Rastafari are Honored. Unity is Strength.


Protocol: This is an Official Rastafari Event, If possible, please dress in white. We ask that Ras dress modestly, Men in pants, Women in dresses. We ask that alcohol or meat products are not present. This is a family friendly event. If able, please bring food and drinks to share. It is a joy when we can celebrate together with Clean and Natural Foods and Fruits!

For RSVP or Directions Please Call:


(Spanish) Prophet Luis 787 567-7933

(English) Ras Scatti and Empress Nicole at 619 536-9033

or email at lionartproductions@gmail.com



” Hold De Faith.” Remember King Selassie I. New Painting.


In this time of pressure,turmoil, and fascism remember Our Mission. Indiscriminate  bombings by un-manned drones, and millions trying to escape corporate elitism, I pray we remember King Selassie I. In all the perils He faced it always seemed that the odds were gravely stacked against HIM. It always seemed like Africa would be Conquered by Military Might, only because of the Will of Jah that we make it. The Right would show it self evident and permanent.  Lift your heads, and know that no matter what the enemy throws at Us if We Hold the Faith, God will Judge Justly. Jah is real, it is that Force of Truth will eventually overcome and inspire, as We are called by His Name in Every Nation, creating a global community and ideology. Step on the Bombs, and raise your children to do the same. For the Lion in Man, the Son of Man, and King of Kings is within Us all.  One Jah. Rastafari.           Haile Selassie I Forever and Ever. Amen.


Indian Ink and Acrylic.  16×18 inches. This painting is for sale, as well as the use of the image. please link any way that works for you, Lionartproductions@gmail.com / Or Ras Elijah Tafari on Facebook, or on this site.

Lightening Strikes.Puerto Rico,from a Rastafari perspective pt.1

We are in a time where serious people make history, and it seems so many have distracted themselves or hid themselves at the dis service of society. No matter where, and perhaps I am guilty as well in not helping as much as humanly possible.


A few days ago, I heard the news that the Beaches in Puerto Rico are going to be sold and laws were being passed to facilitate it. I have been to the Occupado “occupy” movement beside the Marriott in San Juan and saw the last 5 acres of the open and wild beach being defended by a hand full of environmentalists and the Local Rastafari Movement.  As they set up Solar powered sound systems and planted indigenous trees, I felt a feeling of hope, though surrounded by hotels that had encroached on the beach, essentially stealing public property. Puerto Rico is the home to huge numbers of Turtles that nest and migrate here, the beaches are not just wonderful for the people, they are the life source of huge numbers and kinds of turtles. When I heard of these laws being changed in order to sell the beaches it was slap in the face to those who have occupied the beach at great personal cost and risk for over 10 years as well as Puerto Ricans as a whole. It was also the feeling of the beginning of the end. Four days ago now seems like a lot of time… https://waragainstallpuertoricans.com/2016/06/26/beaches-of-puerto-rico-are-sold-to-us-billionairesby-puerto-rican-government-traitors/


On Wenesday, June 28th, The “Promesa” bill was passed, NJ Sen. Bob Menendez & Sen. Bernie Sanders called it “Colonialism at its worst.” Since that moment the very real threat of Monsanto fumigating us became a rumor, that made many of us nervous and un-prepared. I realized then, that it doesnt matter what you are doing or had planned, that when that time happens where you are ripped out of your ” bubble” to look at the bare fact that the US government aka BIG BUSINESS is forcing rush decisions to make it’s lasting blow. This has been really a hundred years in the making, 1898 The US forced the people to trade in their money at a 40% loss, and make farmers pay land taxes while allowing rich Americans to not have to pay any tax, local or federally, it spiraled to where the farmers sold the land and moved to the city, and 80 years later, the city is the mainland US. where millions of  Puerto Rican people have gone, in epic proportions. There has not been this many Puerto Ricans gone since the genocide of the Native Taino by the Spanish. Economically forced out or banished, and the land laid to waste until a foreign investor comes around.



Now let me come in here, and say what many of you may be thinking, am I a foreigner, who wants to start a Rastafari Community, buy land, ect… the answer is yes, but that doesnt mean I want to see anyone’s land devaluated, or cultures disrespected or societies where second class citizenship is acceptable. There is no respect for the man who enjoys how much his dollar can get him in a country that has been systematically robbed for hundreds of years. We represent Rastafari, a movement that believes in preservation of Native Culture, Human Rights and the end of Colonization. We are mostly farmers and feel that liberation and liberty is a Spiritual Movement. It is the point of Life, and seeing it denied to anyone is like being in a crime scene. AND that is what Puerto Rico has become, a giant Crime scene in which many are confused, or have built a false hope that justice in America actually exists.


I have had to have to serious reasoning’s with many, and I want to remind people what the USA has done its poor citizens as well as other nations, no matter the color or background. About the Depleted Uranium they used on Iraqi’s, leaving mutated children and also creating gulf war syndrome. About Flint, Michigan and Detroit. About Crack-Cocaine in California that spread across the hemisphere by the USA Government and  openly taught in University. Crimes that get covered up only to be revealed and the people refuse to hold anyone accountable. This dis empowerment and control of the people is global, where the people dont feel like they can reach these criminals and bring them to justice. Here is why, and it is important for Puerto Rico to know too, THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY OR GOVERNMENTS, ITS ALL ILLEGAL, IT IS AN OLIGARCHY. THIS IS RUN BY THE BANKS FOR THE BANKS…HOW DO YOU ARREST A BANK? AND WHO HAS…that is another subject for a different day. Back to Puerto Rico…

whole piece

It seems we are out of time, that Big Business is here and says they own the spot.. That we are power-less, Well I dont accept that. Being an artist, a friend and I I hit the streets with a mural, which was on an abandoned school, in Aguadilla. The painting was inspired by a cartoon I has seen on this great blog and website, War on All Puerto Ricans (titled after the book). As I painted it , it seemed to go into its own world, where the neighborhood wanted to be included. Hence ” Real G 4 Life.” perhaps a local gang or just a motto, it seemed relative. We need heroes, we need the Real G’s for Life to stand up. No one see’s that real shit coming, but that is what it takes, and when everyone stands up then we have power.. in the next few days, I would realize that the people here could all stand together and it wont change a thing for them, for us it is good and important, but for the big money and power, they dont care, thats why they have politicians so you can blame them and they can lie and write stuff and the people will think change has happened.


This is the back ground, this drama is under way and there is a lot to report, right now things are getting worse and it looks like it will get incredibly bad unless something changes quick. The UN had a meeting on Monday, sponsored by Cuba with the support of many Latin America Countries for Puerto Rico to have equality and justice in some way, whether as a full fledged state or as a Independent Country. Ones can see the details for themselves, what needs to said here, is that relying or hoping for justice for a country that is founded on injustice and is married to a military industrial complex is a disaster.  Can we not see that The United States is a nation that profits from war and turmoil? Naomi Klien in “Shock Doctrine” speaks perfectly about this.


Rastafari has another way, and to Conquer this suffering must be looked at as a Spiritual Movement, based on the precepts of Christianity, for Human Rights and Sovereignty to be respected and protected. We need to look at all Caribbean and surrounding Islands to Latin America to seek out the commonality of not being under the thumb of US laws that prohibit our trade, ports and movement. We Must Arise the Love of God within the People to Love the People whom are the Children of God. Puerto Rico needs to see positive change as a mission from God to save and protect this Island, its people, rivers and future generations. I hope this turmoil makes the desire for independence come forth, but we as Rastafari must do our best to lead from all over the world to help communicate and form a union that can collectively bring security for this whole region, and the Earth. We have received the news that we are going to be gassed with ” NALED ”

NALED is supposedly an insecticide…but it is actually a “leading edge clinical trial drug.” The DBCP experimental derivative called NALED is now produced by Valent USA, which has a global collaboration agreement with Monsanto. NALED is technically called Dibromo-2-Dichloroethylphosphate. This is a derivative of Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (also known as DBCP), which farmers in all 50 states stopped using as of 1985.



They say its to fight mosquitoes but evidence shows it doesn’t work on mosquitoes. It does kill bees and will mix into the water supply. In truth, there needs to be an independent investigation into whether Zika virus has been a media weapon and excuse to use mosquitoes to spray everyone with toxins that are known to cause cancer and birth defects, ( only to blame the mosquitoes). Brazilians say the area that has the most birth defects are the places that were sprayed 18 months ago. Is this a depopulation experiment? It wouldn’t be the first on the island, which has been bombed and sprayed for over 50 years in US experiments.  Today I saw a pregnant woman, it took me a minute to realize I haven’t seen many here, and it is now on every news tv channel, the government saying don’t have children or get pregnant. It seems like from every direction they want the population to go away here, and if the native wont leave, The USA will tax, rob, and slash him until there is only the defiant in which will be gassed, denied doctors,  and left to die. Unless something changes, Unless we change as well, things will not improve. There is so much more, I look forward to sharing and learning, This is Ras Elijah Tafari from Puerto Rico signing out for now.  Pray for the Earth, Pray for the People, Pray for Courage in the face of evil.Pray for Puerto Rico and May All Nations be able to have a Right Government, for the People and by the People.



In the Name of Jah The Father, Jah The Son, and Jah The Mother of Creation. One Jah.

Emperor Haile Selassie I Negast Negus I, Jah Rastafari.