Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majestic, Emperor Haile Selassie I. The Power of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. One Jah. Give thanks for Life. The Lion Month has been a great journey, with much to report. It has been renewing and invigorating to be in this time on a holy mission. There has been immense learning and dynamics to true inner-standing. As much as I would love to go into the details of mystic transformation, it may be quicker and simpler to share the photos and video’s made on the Oregon Tour and with Akae Beka. I would like to take a moment to thank the entire band and crew for years of diligence in a tone and message that has healed and nurtured so many. We have been fed by his insight and his poetry is a witness to the power of the King of Kings, vocalized and seen in this time, right now. The importance of words spoke, especially a certain number of them demands a reply, it issues correspondence. As long as We know we are of The Word the more clearly we can see ourselves in the Words and Spirit of others. Prolific words of truth requires attention, it is an honor to be at attention. In Praise of the King of Kings, behold the voice in the wilderness. The Kingdom is at hand.
Aka Beka has a new album, ” Nurtured Frequency” that is great and there are NEW T-shirts with Ras Elijah art available on his website. It is an honor to be a part of this series. The shirts are a great quality, please check it and support.
Here are some of the Highlights..
This is the Original photo that was the inspiration. Many of us now want to know where exactly is this Tree. Emperor Haile Selassie I in the Redwoods..
in the mix,.. I was reasoning with Akae Beka, and he said, ” Elijah you don’t make paintings, you make Joytings.” Hope you enjoy the Joy-tings, Rastafari relieve you of your pains… Big Up Chrissy aka Ummah for being a strength. Love to the whole Oregon Massive. Thinking about ya!
These are some additional great experiences.
“Going to see the Lion” Symbolic the inner and outward journey to see the Lion. This was done in Eugene, Oregon for a good brother, it is about 13 ft tall and was a spiritual piece. Everyone gave a strength, with ideas and feeling. Hope you feel it, and check the video if you have a chance. Heart of Creation and Reverence.
Estimated at 13 ft tall, this is a painting about ascension. About going to see the Lion. Honor and Raspect to Adam for the wall, Ed Avina for the call. The Mystic Spirit made it so by Jah Grace, all things were in motion. Thank you Eddie and Helina for making this happen in so many ways. Give thanks for Akae Beka for being the Master over Ceremonies and Shepard of a Mighty Flock. For Brother Jacob and Chrissy thanks cannot be uttered that can express our gratitude. 13 Pure Hands Productions. Big Up to One named Tobias Herskind Sorensen, aka Rocker T and Bill Bill DeWitt inna de mix. Bless everyone who InI was Blessed to cite, Oregon, Royal Salute. Lastly Big Up Diles, aka Colin Diles Hazelbaker, for the producing the tune on the video. ONE JAH.
This Next on was done for the Pizza Research Institute in Eugene. Give thanks Ras KarrI and the Royal Family. Check the video as well! Give thanks for Bringers. Jacob and Chrissy!
Enjoy the Time Lapse Video!
some more from the Trip. This one is Called ” Zen Lion”..
This is the final piece of the trip. 3 in 1. One man three personalities, in the Son. Father, Grandfather and GreatGrand Father. Michealzadok order…