Tag Archives: Orthodoxy and Rastafari

Work to be done:Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Rastafari Movement.


Many ask why we are different than the Ethiopian Orthodox Church or why we do or don’t join the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Here are some crucial points. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church was given freedom from The Egyptian Orthodox Coptic Church By His Imperial Majesty and Alexandria in 1959. Both previous and later, The Ethiopian Orthodox Church worked against His Imperial Majesty on several matters, that the Church though very old is still in an infancy when it comes to self governance in accord to their Ethiopian Patriarch, The King of Kings. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has created turmoil during and after The Emperor, and participated in the “DERG coup” by the issuing a pre-cursor of excluding the Emperor from daily prayers in 1974, for this sin, the Church lead the people to the God-less Red-Terror that would starve and humiliate Ethiopia and Her historical greatness. This is a major reason why the Rastafari movement has made the call that remission of sin of the Church is to return to their set mandate that Haile Selassie I is the God Head, and that songs and prayers should be continued to The Conquering Lion of Judah and the fulfilling of Ethiopians divine legacy. From the 80′s and after, we saw the infiltration of gentile christian faiths that started to change the ancient relationship of Man to God by integrating thoughts and paintings of a Gentile Jesus and a White Mother Mary. This is another massive sin. In the historical context of an unconquered people, the oldest Christian Kingdom, and House of Israel, The thought that it would allow Roman white-washed images with a foreign language to express the spirituality of African People is absurd. Further to defend any picture that depicts anyone from the Scriptures as being from Europe is treason. Why? Because the Scriptures is about Africans when ones realize that there is no middle east, that this is Africa, full of Africans as it has been for Hundreds of thousands of years. Anyone that would do this is selling out Africa. People choose their Faiths, but we didn’t choose to be African. God made it that way, for a reason. He made us as people from Her, for us to ever make her achievements that of outsiders or some romantic rendition is selling out our ancestors. We are African First, that is our State, Our Faith is personal and should not trespass against Our African foundations for collective progress. The Scriptures known as the Bible are reactions or active African historical perspectives and parables. To look to Rome for interpretations or images, is idol worship. When there is no longer a White-Jesus and Mary in a Church, then they would not be starting service by insulting ALL African People. The truth cannot be insulted and be revered at once. It is our Duty as Rastafari to visit and reason with the Orthodox Church, in order so that they may grow in their loyalty to God, Emperor and Africa. We have much to learn from each other, let us sit in true reverence of the Creator with out idols and foreign gods. May Our daily lives reflect the Oneness with Jah, and Our Words be in-tuned With Earth’s Rightful Ruler, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Jah Rastafari.


It was brought up to me that blaming the Church is unfair when it is leaders and clergy are the ones that have lead the flock. To this I agree, that the guilt is on the leadership,  sadly all of the World suffers for their decisions. Like any army or school, it is only as good as its teachers.  When describing the Church I purposely didn’t write EOTC, because it is an Orthodox Christian issue at heart. Also it is important to note, that this not an attack on Christianity, it is a call for Restoration of Divine Order. If it doesn’t happen in Ethiopia first then the rest the Abrahamic Faiths will not follow.  Thank you for reading, and for sharing your thoughts. One Jah. R.7.
