Tag Archives: New Mexico Hip Hop

red coals promo


Blessed Love, it is an honor to speak about music, and this album is a reflection of the times through InI. Each album I have made has a different vibe, due to the audience and sometimes the riddims. Making music for many in the Rastafari movement is not about selling albums or exposure, it is a prayer recorded. It is us going into a box (our body) and then going into another box ( the studio) and making our Temple alight the Temple outside to praise Jah and part of that goes into another box called a computer. It is a sanctuary for those who have no contemporary church, and have found freedom and liberation in the using the best equipment to create sounds of praise. By the Love of Jah, brother and producer Colin “Diles” of Visceral View Entertainment shared his knowledge and space to make this special album. All original beats from Diles, mixed and mastered at Central Root Studio. We had been working together for 6 years on the Green Chile in the Air albums, which are great and worth checking out. They feature classic underground artists, from NM to Chicago to Oakland.

Red Coals, is a album with a message and a mission. Haile Meditative and in a spectrum of sounds, it is a call to come to Rastafari and know the Powers of Emperor Haile Selassie I are with us. It is a mix of genres, and can’t be labeled specifically. Check out the description below..

The album has some great guests..Give thanks for the royal representatives of Right.

Back coverred coals promo


We also have an amazing show in Taos July 14th at Vagrant Heart Art Gallery. There will be  an article about that. For now here is the flyer.  Please let others know that we will have a special day, livicated to extolling the Most High Jah Rastafari, fully encouraging ones to learn more about why Emperor Haile Selassie I has freed our souls and ushered in a new dawning. In all we do, let Jah Guide us to Truth and Righteousness.  One Perfect Love.

JULY14TH 2018

Why the Father Haile Selassie and The Son Yeshua (Jesus) are One.

Emperor Haile Selassie I

Emperor Haile Selassie I

Blessed Love ONE and ALL. Got a great question from my elder  Abba Ras Anebana Tafari asking why worship Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah when He said in John 12:49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, He gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.” Mystically in all that I have learned I look to His Imperial Majesty for Guidance. Through H.I.M. I have seen Humility, one who likewise did not directly tell people to worship H.I.M. It is good to have some knowledge of the Emperor before reading this article.

Here is the insight, When the Burning Bush appeared to Moses in Exodus 3:2 The Bush is described as an Angel of the Lord. Before it is revealed that the Bush in Exodus 14 “And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.” going further that it is clear the voice is the voice of God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. My point here is that When Moses first met God, He appeared as a bush, then He was seen as an angel, and lastly told that He is “I am that I am” God. In the story of Jacob wrestling God, first It was simply a man in the night, then this man was an Angel and then it appeared to be God.

When we get to Revelations 19:10, Where we see John fall to feet of an Angel, who says see that you do not do that, I am your bredren. He says I have the testimony of Jesus Christ and that Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy,.The point is that there is a Trinity at work, from Genesis to Revelations where The Spirit of Prophecy is always present. That is Yeshua, the Spirit of Prophecy. To Bring to HIM who sits on the White Horse Haile Selassie I. He who makes War and judges the nations..see how He walks into League of Nations and Brings down the temple and rebuilds it as the UN. Or that He did the same for the Ark of the Covenant in Axum! My Lord. Do you see that His Word is Faithful and True, wearing many Crowns. Was He not baptized and crowned by the Testimony of Jesus Christ through the Men of Prophecy. Are we not men of prophecy?! Is He not the Fulfillment of Prophecy all over..The Fullfilment of the Son and the Father, and Holy Spirit as One God..and told the Church how things were to be..told the Earth as it must be..as humble as both Men are, they commanded the Church and it was done..also the World..This gets deeper, because who will Love God and Man..Who will see God in Man, and Be as the Spirit or Breath of Life.

John: 8:54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that He is your God” When that in Mind, listen carefully to prophecy and what His Imperial Majesty says. Look at what we stand for, THE END OF ROMAN COLONIAL RULE THAT LEAVES MEN AS Spiritual and literal SLAVES. The title “Emperor”, or Earth’s Rightful Ruler, or Root of David, already infers DIVINE RIGHT..and its not just a title.. It is the reminder that He doesn’t have to say it, it has been shown and said. Haile Selassie I is the King of Kings…why..beyond location and titles..because He is the evidence that the Son is in the Father and Father in the Son. For Both are True and Trustworthy. They are the way, because it is ONE. It because of True, of REALITY, because He Is-Real, not just Faith, the Defender and Evidence of Faith and things not seen..of Prophecy. This is why Ones worship Jesus Christ, because He reached the place of Ascension to Jah. Haile Selassie descended to Us.He bowed to the Love of humanity.

Lastly, “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.” In 1936 His Majesty also went to Jerusalem to where Christ ascended and it was the front page of the NY Times..Why.. To acknowledge that The King Judah, remnants of Israel, That the Highest Himself, welcomes Christ in through Conquering Death..Which Ethiopia and the World were doing..Lord of Mercy..Dying..to be resurrected and Ascend which happened. Praises to God The Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God. Power and Virtue of the Trinity.HIM The Conquering Lion of Judah, The Light of the World, Emperor Haile Selassie I.

New York Times 1936 May.


All Glory to the Most High King of Creation for the blessing to share another album with everyone. InI am excited for the World to Get the Vibe from the New Mexico High Desert of the importance of WISDOM in a Hip Hop styles. In combination with 4 countries the music and attitude is a witness to the power of Rastafari and Hip Hop Globally. Good for all ages, and something that grooves..check out a sample of pick up the album at…BLESS!





And it will be on Amazon Music any day..Hard copies will be available very soon, put a pre order in by messaging INI or email lionartproductions@gmail.com..A stayed tuned..Music Video on the way!  Jah Bless!

Wisdom Album Cover Ras Elijah Tafari

Dropping a preview! Dub Inna Wisdom by DJ Ras Zakarias.

LOOK WHAT JUST DROPPED…HERE IS COMES!! DUB INNA WISDOM..PREVIEW OF THE UPCOMING ALBUM! COMING OUT NOV. 2ND! LOVE TO I ELDER Abba Ras Anebana Tafari FOR THE INTRO SAMPLE. InI have started a Facebook Musician page that will focus on the music. So much is happening and its important to stay on topic. Please link up and see what happening first.  https://www.facebook.com/RasElijah/



Dub inna Wisdom ~ Soundcloud

Dub Inna Wisdom ~ Youtube.

Wisdom Back Cover

Wisdom Back Cover

Wisdom Cover Ras Elijah

Wisdom Cover Ras Elijah



In the times we are facing, the new album “Wisdom” coming out Nov. 2nd has a message that many business are ready to stand with. If you have a conscious business you would like promoted, we are looking for further sponsors for the New Album “Wisdom”. We can send you a preview copy and proposal. It works out so the sponsor makes profit and gets free advertising. Give thanks for the support. Please Inbox, or email Lionartproductions@gmail.com. Thank you and One Perfect Love.

Wisdom Album Cover Ras Elijah Tafariwisdsompromo1


Oct. New Mexico Rastafari Collective Newsletter is out!!!

This issue seemed to have international relevance so it is being published publicly this month. We would lIke to thank Prophet Justus of the E.A.B.I.C. and Empress Lindsy M. Solomon. It is also an update to last months article about going to Denver to meet with the Ras and celebrate the Ethiopian New Year. Blessed 2010! Hope you enjoy the articles and link anytime with thoughts or comments.


Thank you for reading, hope you check the next issue. ONE PERFECT LOVE.  HOLY EMMANUEL I KING SELASSIE I JAH. RASTAFARI.

Upcoming Event: ALBQ. HipHop and Reggae relief effort. Oct11th

Since Hurricane Maria touched the entire Caribbean it is hard for anyone who knows ones , lived or visited any of the islands to not care and be concerned. US citizens or not, the entire Carribbean has given the Earth a consciousness and connection to Africa and the Culture developed through each islands way of finding sovereignty and defending it.  Whether in the drum beats preserved, or the rich indigenous  history that proves our presence in the west before Columbus. The Caribbean has shaped world view through music and African awareness and reverence. The Word “Hurricane” is a Tiano word from the native people of Boricau aka Puerto Rico, the same natives that have given over 500 words we use regularly. Like BBQ, ( another Taino word)  it has transcended words, it is a link to how we used to relate and how many of us still do. Keep good relations and lets focus this year to helping out St. Croix, St. Martin, Dominica, Puerto Rico, do more than recover, but collectively realize that warming water is a result of rising temperatures. That this is man made to a heavy degree, a result of green house gases, majority are from THE MEAT INDUSTRY, AND THEN OIL AND GAS. The people of Caribbean have suffered massively for crimes that they have contributed and benefited least from. This is a bigger issue of how the Earth is treated, and whether we let the most murderous governments use the environment to spread a neocolonial agenda that only increases poverty and world suffocation.   I suggest that everyone see the speech made by the Prime Minister of Dominica to the United Nations about 2 weeks ago.

With that said, we are having a concert to raise awareness, and some money. It will be sent directly to a Ras in PR who is responsible and an honor to have in the community. I would like to send a warm hail up to Fikir Amlak and Brizon for putting out an album where 100 percent goes to PR. The link for that album is. https://iroots.bandcamp.com/album/fikir-amlak-brizion-we-live-on-dubplate-for-charity

Here in New Mexico we have a show on Oct. 11th at Burt’s Tiki Lounge.  There are a lot of good performances, and with Third, as the host it will be a good event. Any live artists who want to paint free up and come. We will have a box for donations at the door and there will be no cover. SO DONATE> Big performances for GOOD EARTH, RAS ILLY, LEGEND JAMALSKI (BDP) BLUNT TRAMA, STEEZ JOBS, RAS ELIJAH, DJ KRON JEREMY,  WITH A SPECIAL GUEST DEF-I AND MORE. YUP, DEF-I THE ONE AND ONLY.

HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE. Hip Hop and Reggae for Progress.





Its been a long time in the making and the Hip Hop Album “Wisdom” will be released on Nov. 2nd 2017- Unless if your in Denver this Sept 10 Celebrations! For a special occasion, coming out tomorrow is a 16 page Book, of thoughts, lyrics, art, of the times and Emperor Haile Selassie I. It will a limited series, and will only be available through select outlets.

The Scheduled Release of the album officially is November 2nd, 2017 to Honor the 77th Anniversary of the Crowning of the King of Kings, Jah in Flesh, Emperor Haile Selassie I along side with Empress Menen Asfaw and Royal Youth. The Root of David and Conquering Lion of Judah as Earth’s True Rightful Ruler.


This album wouldn’t be possible without the great strength of Jose of Light Worker Productions, Jah Ivan of Good Over Evil Productions, DeeZee of UnderDog Productions, By the River Productions along with Brother Immanuel from TSHIHION IHIYHTHZH Music, Brother Diles of Visceral View, Brother Charles X and K-OTIC, Robby from Underwater Productions, Brother Mark Seville, and some O.G.’s that always stay hidden. You know who you are.


The Books are 15.00 and come with the CD, that will be available from a select few, inbox INI if you want to have one put on hold. We also have a lovely Music Video Coming soon from Brother Lucas of THICITY Productions! Thank You King!  The album will be all over and widely available Jah Willing, Let ones know and I pray that it is a strength in the world, where there is so much information and so little WISDOM.

21078659_1642077975803787_4866292764575163899_nWisdom Album Cover Ras Elijah Tafari

All Praises due to the Jah the Father, Son and Mother of Creation. ONE JAH. Rastafari!

Art Show and Celebrations in Denver! Come join us Sept. 10th!!

Blessed  Love One and All, we are getting ready for Colorado! Ras Zakarias and InI and Empress are taking this show on the road. This may be the biggest display of Original Art and Prints We have ever taken out of New Mexico. There’s so much happening its nearly hard to say…Here is a flyer with the details! Give thanks for the Colorado Ras, Sean Bookman, as well as Ras Elbow, for hosting and organizing at the “Da Base Camp” in the Lakewood area of Denver. Really looking forward to citing everyone for a one day mini-festival of cultural reverence. Haile Selassie I.

Sept. 10 Ethiopian New year Celebrations 2017 Denver

Here’s a sneak peak at a piece that I’m finishing up this morning before InI Head forward…



New Mexico~ Rastafari~ Collective~ NewsLetter Sept. # 2 is out!

Blessed Love to One and All, Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty. Emperor Haile Selassie I. Give thanks for the royal warmth that was shown in the making and sharing of issue 1 of NMRC newsletter, this issue has so much pertaining to greater unity that it is important that it is public. I hope you enjoy it, and this has been a progressive month. We love any news that ones could add, thoughts and articles from New Mexico Ras in order to fully Itribute to the community near and far. Please send submissions to lionartproductions@gmail.com. Feel free to share and get involved! Jah Bless! Rastafari Present.


Thank you for reading, and please link with any questions, comments, articles and artistic submissions. This is about getting to know each other, no matter how far we are physically, it is the Spirit that moves us together. Peace and Blessings with you all!! Thank you for everyone in the community, stay strong. “Duces up!” as my brother Charles X would say. Peace. Hail Selassie I Every Day.

Ras Elijah Tafari. Editor in Chief.