As a servant of the Most High and vocal remember of the Rastafari Community I greet you in the Most Precious Name in Creation. Behold the Lion of Judah Emperor Haile Selassie I. As InI sit in awe of the Most High and this present time, many thoughts of redemption enter into thought. Allow InI to start before beginning where it really all got sparked off. Creator is ONE, One with all, all the time. The Soul that carries our bodies are Eternal. We were given Eternal Life the moment Life was given before time, that it is all a continuation of The Most High’s Power. The Soul does not just contain intelligence but wisdom, and as we grow and expand eternally, we learn collectively and uniquely, experiencing over and again the birthing pains of the ever- growing soul. With this cycle in mind, let us begin with we are all here together forever. That no one dies, that we are here for eternity learning to be fully embrace our selves which is all of Creation. That acquired Oneness is the basis of Total Love, Eternal Love, the Love of The Almighty, in which We are.
Our Community of Rastafari Internationally has varied beliefs and ways of expressing itself, and is a bit of a mirror of how diverse both Jamaica and Ethiopia is within their cultural developments respectively. What is the bond and foundation is that we are built from the ancestors of many cultures, that we have not dismissed them and have built on that which marks the Life of His Imperial Majesty to be Holy and Significant, Historically and Spiritually. Because we are a ” Way” of Life and not a religion doesn’t mean that His Imperial Majesty didn’t prove that religions are also a way for people to remember their ever lasting link to the Supreme Creator. He also is the evidence that works of Love and Human Rights are a Holy Duty to be fulfilled by every person as the moral pretext to existence. There is a pre-established understanding that we all have a soul in which the law of Right and Wrong has been written. He is a teacher that the Power of the Most High is within and we need simply to focus and clearly communicate. Deep within all Life is what is called Inspiration, simply ready to bud. Let us be inspired…
There comes a sober awakening when we realize that we are stuck with each other for eternity, also an ability to see that our relationships with each other will travel on and we will inevitably have to find the voice to speak to one and all in non partial clarity. It is with that clarity we can say every knee will bow to the force of self examination and realization. That this moment is simply another moment to help the collective in which we are. We are made to be servants to service. As we are served all day by the water and air, the immune system and the brain. All we are is due to the care of the eco system and The Mercy of Jah daily. So we are liken to the warmth the fire created, here to be as the fire has been, an echo of warmth non partially. To be as close to the Most High’s Flower that we are the scent it produces. To be the virtue to the Trinity. The Father and Son, and Mother of Creation. To be the Darkness, Light and Waters from the Deep. To be solid, liquid and the gas of the total origin. Itinued Energy. Itinued Power. Haile Selassie I. The Power and Virtue of the Trinity First. Emperor Haile Selassie I showed us this and more from His Throne in Zion Ethiopia. In Eternal Life and existence we celebrate in the expulsion of fear and the knowing the Jah is Love. We are the building of the best of humanity to explode into a better here-after. As The Lion of Judah is the David of the future and Greater Solomon, He is The Truth of Moses and the Example of Christ, so we are to embody His Imperial Majesty. He has been the evidence and the crowning of He that is before and ahead of Time. The Alpha and Omega. In the Soul of Souls, we are ONE with HIM, and ALL. When and what we do with it is only a matter time. Rather than look at time as limited, realize that this reality we live, is a world without end. No reason to fear, every reason to Love. Be Love for that is who we are centrally. It is also where we must start when looking at the present situation. So many are in bondage, so blow the trumpet and gather the lost sheep, and see the Lion come out of us all. Free the souls of men from the fear of death, and they can do anything. When we look at how to introduce a new Earth without war, how to reboot and upgrade, we need to start with that no one can ever rid the earth of anyone. They existed and will continue to exist, for us to insure a better existence we need need to look at becoming something greater than we have ever been before. Members of a new race. Creators of a New Earth, and Conquerer’s of exploitive ideology.
Jah Marcus I, Holy Emannuel I, King Selassie I-Jah Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari.