Tag Archives: Miles Davis


31 pieces/Spring Art Collection,2024

   Greetings one and all, and thank you for checking the new art works! Lots happening and in this post there will be a touch of music, spiritual mediations, and focus on international morality.  It is a great joy to bring forward the works in tuned with music in our community and in our journey to uplift man and woman kind. Give thanks for the Gift of Life, the Power and Essence that allows us to share and experience together, We say,  Almighty Jah Rastafari, Qedamawi Haile Selassie I.

” Faith ” Acrylic and Indian ink, 28″x36″
This piece is inspired by Neil Mangicaro of Roots Works by his new single ” Faith “. This song moved InI deeply and is focused on His Majesty and being, all that which is InI. Being the Soul’s Soul, and in this piece we express what that feels like to us. In the midst of the hustle and rain, InI’s have a different light on us, a light also within. That within the ones who know themselves, find the Emperor, and within the Emperor we find His Christ. In that we find the links of sacrifice and suffering to overcoming and conquering, we find the Power, The Haile, The Lion, and We find the Humble, The Lamb, Rastaman, that doesn’t need to seek shelter from the rain. In that piece and light, we welcome InI Ingels, and ancestors to guide I trod. The song will be out soon everywhere. Produced by Jallanzo. Prints available soon.




One of things that touched I about Airman Aaron Bushnell was that he smiled while he lit himself on fire. How he stood like a solider for Jah and smiled. I have a video talking about his courage and the power of martyrdom as I create this painting: Thank you Aaron for making the cry for resistance to genocide and for defense of Palestine and basic human rights. The video time lapse link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgnewjQVDLc
The piece is $350 plus shipping and is 16×22″. Inbox if interested, prints are available as well.


“Timket, In the Epiphany”. 24″x20″ acrylic on canvas. Glossed.  original sold.



Brand New! “Fractal Lion” Indian ink and acrylic, 16″x22″ $350 for the original.

Fractal Lion

Fractal Lion

New Piece! “Miles Blowing His Trumpet.” Acrylic and Indian ink, 30″x18″ and it can be mailed easily. This one I would let go of for $400 plus shipping. Prints available. Inbox if interested!
#milesdavisart #milesdavis #raselijahart#RasElijahTafari#raselijahtafariart

Miles Blowing His Horn

Miles Blowing His Horn

Pray everyone is safe and sound. Lots of art to come forward soon, right now here is one of three new pieces. Titled, “Miles in his style”. A piece to honor Miles Davis’s music and life by making a painting that combined him older and young, and in the versatility of flavors that he brings over the decades. I also painted it in a style that leans on Miles Davis’s art and paintings. If you didnt know he was a visual artist, check his work. ” Miles in his style” is 3ft x 2 1/2ft and can be mailed, in the medium of acrylic and Indian ink. The asking price is $800 for the original. Prints are available, Inbox if interested. #raselijahart #milesdavisart#milesdavis

Miles In His Style

Miles In His Style

Fresh off the easel …. ” BBoy Elephant ” Acrylic and Indian ink, 16″X22″ and the original is going for $250. Inbox if interested! Give thanks and hold your BBoy Stance.




Massive new elephant piece, “Emerge” has been completed! Its is 4ft x3ft in the medium of Acrylic and Indian ink. The cost is only $650, because its too big to mail. If your in Albuquerque area and you want a big piece for the house or office, and you feel this, let InI know. It is a combination of Elephant pieces I have done in the past, with a twist. ” Emerge ” prints available. Inbox if interested. #raselijahart #RasElijahTafari

Water Elephant


16″x22″ ” “Faluka On the Nile” Acrylic, $400 for the original. Prints are available. Inbox if interested.

Faluka 24

“Faluka on the Nile”

“Freedom” a Piece of inner peace and joy when able to read the Scriptures in Zion. Original has been sold and is being used for a Reggae Single.




Freedom Single

Freedom Single

Very inspired by the Terence Blanchard Concert last night, and it was the push to finish this piece of Blues Legend, B.B. King. Its done with acrylic, spray paint and is sold. Respect to the Blues artists, to the Jazz artists, to the Reggae artists, and Hip Hop producers.. the peoples music expands!



“Crow in the Snow” number 2! Celebrating the cold winter and the way some can simply be unattached to the chill. This piece, like the first portrays the simplicity of a life thriving in an atmosphere of death. The Crow being a scavenger, and one that isn’t a killer, has always taken my attention. This piece reflects New Mexico and the season we are in, highlighting the sunset on a crow. It is 16×22″, acrylic. The Original is 400, inbox if interested. Prints available. Give thanks always! #raselijahart#raselijahtafariart #RasElijahTafari

Crow In The Snow #2

Crow In The Snow #2

“Building The Nest” Acrylic and Indian ink. 16×22″ This piece highlights the mission of getting the home or nest right for what is to come. I love the face of the crow, and how it is both serious and relatable. It is a study piece from CES, and was a joy to create a rendition. The Original piece is $450. please inbox if interested. Prints are also available. #raselijah#raselijahart #raseljahtafari#raselijahtafariart

Crow Building the Nest

Crow Building the Nest

“Winter Lion” this piece is a bit different, however it had a quality that I wanted to preserve. This Lion is both cosmic and has the colors of winter here. It is 16×22″ and is $250. Let I know if it is something you would like. Inbox for prints or the original. Blessed.
#raselijahtafariart #raseljahtafari#raselijahart #raselijah

Night Lion

Night Lion

KVJ Isaiah 66:14 And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb: and the hand of the Lord shall be known toward his servants, and his indignation toward his enemies.

15 For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.

16 For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many.

17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.

18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.

” The Lord will come with Fire ” 24″x18″ Acrylic on Canvas. SOLD. Prints available. Message if its not on the product page.

Selassie On Fire

Selassie On Fire

“Beside Still Waters” Exquisite Morning Echo. Acrylic and Indian ink 16″x22″ Original has been sold.

"Beside still Waters"

“Beside still Waters”

New Piece! ” Lion Drinking ” 16×22″ Acrylic. $330 plus shipping. Prints available, inbox if interested! Bless!

Lion Drinking

Lion Drinking

” Explosive Times ” New Piece showing at the opening for Breaking Hearts Art Exhibit at Mother Ship Alumni Art Gallery.This piece is 36″x24″ and is Sold,  Acrylic, Indian ink, Spray Paint, molding paint. Prints are available. Inbox if interested.

Explosive Times

Explosive Times

“Sunrise in Gaza” 16″x20″ acrylic on canvas. Sold. Please inbox if interested in a print. Study piece.
Sun Rise In Gaza

Sun Rise In Gaza

Michael the Arc Angel. Acrylic and Indian ink. 16″x22″ and is $350 for the original.

Michael the Ark Angel Red

Michael the Ark Angel Red

“Crow in the Snow #1″ Acrylic and Indian ink. sold. 16″ x 22″

Crow in the Snow

Crow in the Snow

” World Cry” Acrylic and Indian ink. 16″x22″ Single cover and inspired by the song by Chezidek and Sgt. Remo coming out June 28th.  Original available for $550.

World Cry

World Cry

“Bird Eating Grapes” 16×22″ Acrylic and Indian ink. $350. Study piece. Inbox if interested.

Bird Eating Grapes

Bird Eating Grapes

“Cracked but not broken, The Heart of Gaza.” New Piece. 18×22″ Acrylic and Indian ink. Inbox if Interested in the Original, would love to find a good home for it. Prints are available.

"Cracked But Not Broken"

“Cracked But Not Broken”

” Lion on Fire ” Acrylic and Indian ink. 22″x22″ on canvas. This piece was started last year and I thought it was done, however there was something off. After talking with bredren, we realized the color of the mouth was off, and it threw the whole image off. This is with a new mouth, and the whole lion seems to flow. It no longer looks like he is wearing a blue mask lol. Asking price is $450. for this piece plus the shipping. Inbox if interested! Give thanks!

Lion On Fire

Lion On Fire

Give thanks for the Powers of Jah, in Our Life and in the Lives of those around us. Prayers of Protection and Peace in this time. First piece of 2024 of the Emperor, Qedamawi Haile Selassie. Sold. Prints are $25. plus shipping, or $50 for a large 11×17″ print. More Love, keep it simple. Rastafari.
#haileselassieart #rastafariart#raselijahtafariart #RasElijahTafari #rastafari#haileselassie

Opal King

Opal King

Dropping May5th in Honor of “Liberation Day” When Emperor Haile Selassie I returned to the Throne after expelling the Italian invasion with the Allied Forces. ” In The Spirit ” featuring Rastaman Rob, Ras Elijah Tafari and in his musical debut En Hakkore, produced by Juice and mixed and masted by Precision Time Studios. Released under the label TSIHION IHIYHTHZH Music single available on all platforms! Check it out and if you dig it, add the single to your music collection. Recorded in Yuma AZ. Studio Video recorded and edited by Precision Time Studio also coming forward on May 5th. 2024. Hail the King. Rastafari.

Inspired by the recent Gathering of Nations and Gathering of MC’s, This new piece is livicated to all Tribes working together to persevere culture while maintaining integrity in this modern world. ” Blue Iroquios Warrior ” . There is no integrity unless ya get in te de gritty. The piece is 16″x12″ and is going for $350. Inbox if interested and prints are available.

Blue Iroquios Warrior

Blue Iroquios Warrior

It was in the beginning, is now and forever will be, Jah Kingdom without end. One Black Love. Before “out of many nations we were one”, Out of ONE came many nations. This is beyond humans all coming from the African continent, it is about where your Creator comes from. The Jah that is Love isn’t a recent event, isn’t a race, it is from the source, deeper than words. That Black Love, That absolute power is supreme. Black Supremacy is Love Supremacy, for only Love can be supreme. We Know Jah is Love and Let Us Be Love, seven words of Love of King Emmanuel the 7th, the Black Christ, we know Our love is not the superficial love of satan’s queendom. In Our Love, there is no fear, no fear of Black, no fear of White. In Our Black Love, We are those who have resurrected, and survived, We are the remnants and left overs, we are the despised and scorned. Our Black Love wants each one to be with his vine and fig tree, not to control the fate of others. In One Black Love there is justice for all and not for some, there is not a desire to forget and forsake. One Black Love. One Black God, in a Black Christ Salvation Order. Holy Emmanuel I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.



This piece 15″x15″ Indian ink and acrylic. Sold to LionTrod of  Lion Trod Roots Station. All Rights Reserved, digital and otherwise 2024. Give thanks for the support my lord. If anyone would like prints please let InI know. Honorable.

"Wide Eyed"

“Wide Eyed”

” Wide Eyed ” New Lion piece, just completed. 16″x12″ Acrylic and Indian ink and the original is only $175. Inbox if interested! Give thanks.

"The Emperor In the Evening"

“The Emperor In the Evening”

“The Emperor in the Evening.” 16″x12″ Acrylic and Indian ink. $175 plus shipping for the original. Inbox if interested. #raselijah #raselijahart #rastafariart #RasElijahTafari #raselijahtafariart

Once again, give thanks for checking out the art! If anyone is interested in an original, a print that may not be up yet but is in the post please email InI. Lionartproductions@gmail.com or leave a message on this website. If you are interested in a logo, album cover, tattoo design, or commission a personal piece likewise just let I know.

I Pray Jah Bless You, Keep You and His Face Shine On You O Children of Jah All the Days of Your Life, That We May Be Saved and Redeemed. Let Righteousness Reign. O Most High Jah, Rastafari! Negus Nagast, Qedamawi Haile Selassie, The Power of the Trinity ,One Almighty God.






Miles Davis: Kind of Blue…New art and thoughts.

Life is full of ups and downs, and for an artist sometimes the extremes are intense. As I look around the world, it seems that most people are dealing with subjects that make most of our lives look like heaven. I think about my loved ones locked up, my loved ones who aren’t here. It then makes I meditate on how special the ones we have here are. There are spiritual dynamics at works all the time, and the movement of the chakras upward allows I to see how high are we reaching when reasoning and interacting.  My Mind is multi layers that are being worked on and it is the point when the picture is composed that I can show the fullness of the vision. Will it even be fully composed, is a painting or song ever really finished…

I went to a show downtown Albuquerque the other night and someone through a large rock through my window. A thieve came and took all my poetry books, and art prints, my cd’s, and herbal oils and tinctures, my tools,  knife and cash.  Of course it felt terrible, but I had to look at the symbolism of myself in a suitcase, and the Rastaman being proud that he was the creator. And while there may be some addict selling my art on the street right now, I am blessed to know that the prints are copies of the vision, the music same way. Every poem pretty much I recorded even if it was rough, and though priceless, because I believed in the vision it too had been archived. And so I will rewrite the mediations from the songs, print more prints and CD’s,  and continue creating. When I got to my truck to see the glass shattered all over the inside and outside, I held my art pad in my hand and my last pencil, and felt an odd feeling. One of being here before, messed up with nothing but my art..and it was a reminder, that the relationship between an artist and art cannot be stolen and limited. That I am a creator, and as I drove home with freezing air blowing in my face I had to give thanks. That as much as my heart is attacked or robbed, it seems to regenerate and produce so that it can give it more. Without the emptiness I cannot be full, and its purpose is to give and then give some more. The Heart Chakra is one of the hardest channels for alignment. Challenges the levels and layers and looks to see if the composition is orderly,..up-full or down-full.

Miles Davis. Blue.

Miles Davis. Kind of Blue.

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With so much going on, some old art came my way that I hadn’t been able to get reproductions of..this is one. In my brothers art private collection, was ” Miles Davis, Kind of Blue.” I got a great photo and now I can share it with you. Miles Davis is such a perfect and powerful artist for when things are tough, his paintings influence me, and his music has changed generations. Like the ghetto, we reflect our conditions, and like the ghetto there is a genius hidden away dancing and singing and painting the inner conflicts of humanity. Even if its kinda blue..

Prints are available : in the shop area at the top of the site..or you can email I at lionartproductions@gmail.com  This piece is only 25.00 plus shipping. Little lower price…

For everyone out there, keep your head high, and make something out of the day, your creative vision and life. Give thanks we are here together and build from the heART. Miles to go….

Rastafari Love.