Tag Archives: Midnite art

*High Grade Canvas Prints Now Available*

Greetings in the Name of the Almighty King, Qedamawi Haile Selassie. 

It is a joy to now be able to offer canvas prints that are large and the highest grade. This is the first series of joytings (paintings) that are available, where each one will be numbered and signed.  Made with the highest resolutions images, each canvas is crystal clear without pixelation.

The canvases are on a 2 inch wood frame, and are available at the following sizes are prices. 18″x24″(inches) – $300, 24″x24″ (inches)-  $350, 2ft x 3ft (feet) – $450 and 3ft x 3ft for $500.  Shipping and handling not included.

The titles of the pieces are below the image, let InI know which one speaks to the I.  Due to the size and shipping differences it would be great to receive an email or message letting InI know where you are located so I can figure out an estimate of how much shipping will be.  You can send an email to lionartproductions@gmail.com or call 1-505 203-5614.




Ten Heavens of the Book of Enoch

Ten Heavens of the Book of Enoch

In Awe

In Awe



Color of Sound








Living Testament

Living Testament

At the Alter.

At the Alter.

Mystery River

Mystery River

Who Will Go For Us

Who Will Go For Us



" Window to H.I.M. " By Ras Elijah Tafari

Powers of July! Visual journeys within as we trod to Oregon.

Give thanks first for His Imperial Majesty who is the usher of the motions and movements. What a joy to be Rastafari in this time. Our Hearts are so overjoyed we must sing, extol and praise in every way.  So much works are happening that I will have to keep it brief. InI will be going to Oregon to link up with the Ras and pay homage to all the covenant keepers.
Give Thanks for the presence of Akae Beka, in that sound, lots of art is coming forward. Here are the new works inspired by this month and the powers of the Lion. In Right and in Love I give thanks for this day and opportunity to present the pieces below. Haile Selassie I.    Alpha and Omega.

Window to H.I.M.

” Window to H.I.M.”  Acrylic and Indian Ink. 16×14″ 550. prints available, just send a message. (often I don’t have the time to put it right up on the products page.)

" In the Spirit of Water"

“In the Spirit of the Water” 8×10 Acrylic and Indian Ink. This painting touches on the oneness with the water above and below, that we are a vessel in which our rain is His. The Spirit of water, never ending purification. One of the pieces that is going to Oregon. Original is 300. prints are 20 plus shipping. Inbox for details.

"The Emperor. Mighty Root"
Looking forward to heading up north. This is a new piece ” The Emperor, Mighty Root. ” was a joy to create. Give thanks Ras Kabir for the photo inspiration. The piece is 14×16″ Acrylic and Indian ink. Original is 500, prints are 20. Let I know if you would like one. Give thanks for Rastafari Love and Power. HIM Haile Selassie the First.

"Ethiopian Priest In the Rock of Word"
“Ethiopian Priest In the Rock of Word” 8x 10 acrylic and Indian ink. Original 300.usd. Prints are 20 plus shipping.

" High on you."

Give thanks for Love in all forms. Nothing is more satisfying than finding your soulmate. This piece is livicated to my Empress, its called, ” High On You.” 8×10 Acrylic and Indian Ink. It is our 10 year anniversary today! Love you Empress Laura Tafari! ..if anyone wants a print for 20.00 inbox with your email address! Blessed Love for real.

Oregon Lion
“Oregon Lion” Livicated to the Oregon Massive dealing with fires. This is a lion in the tone of rain and clouds. Lets get some Lion rain on ya! 8×10 acrylic and indian ink, 225. for the original and 20 bucks for a print. Jah LOVE!


This piece has been spoken for, however this will be available for prints. This is based on a dream I had, It was Jah, and the Light was so bright, that all I could make out was the outline of the Emperor Haile Selassie I. It was like He is a clear window into Jah, the transparency of the Father, and the in and outs as One. Solid and not, Himself yet greater than words can place on the radiance of the Almighty’s Love. “Vision King” is 18×14″ and is done with acrylic and indian ink.

by Ras Elijah Tafari

by Ras Elijah Tafari

New painting of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I to commemorate 126 years of a job well done. Father of the Fatherless, ” Selassie I is the Peak” is 14×16 acrylic and indian ink. Original is 400. prints are available for 20! Inbox I with an email if you want one~ JAH BLESS! Rastafari.

By Ras Elijah Tafari

By Ras Elijah Tafari

“Praises in the Evening” new! 8×10 Indian ink and acrylic. This piece is 200. prints available. Bless!

"TRANE" By Ras Elijah Tafari

“TRANE” By Ras Elijah Tafari

This piece is inspired by John Coltrane, humble and spiritual humanist, one of the greatest musicians of all time. I feel his life and music transcends most because it is for Jah. He experiences lead him to realize that everything can be used to extol the Most High. That the Almighty is the greatest inspiration and in the thoughts of Jah is the greatest space to explore. I had to keep it abstract yet also somewhat minimalistic, only placing a color or shape with a purpose. The essence is that Coltrane is a door that will take you from the known to the unknown, to bring you a taste of the waters of the universe, a door into Jah. Hope you have a taste of “Love Supreme” and this painting encourages you to listen to him again, close your eyes and see what you see…”Trane” is 14×16 acrylic and indian ink. Original is 400. prints are 20 plus shipping. Message I if you would like one. One Perfect Love.

" Hawkeyes. "
this was a piece that just came out…I love hawks, one of my spirit animals so to speak, this piece is called ” Hawk Eyes” is is 14 x16 and acrylic and indian ink. Original is 175. and prints are 20 bucks. message if interested! Blessed.

" Tangled 4. "

You know it had come…” Tangled 4″ Because we all got some elephant love in us.. 8×10 original 200. acrylic and indian ink. prints 20 bucks plus shipping.

HIM in the dark
not sure if I am done with it,..its going in the suitcase anyway..who knows what will happen. Heart of Love. Hail the King of Kings, who sits on the Fire Throne in the Heavens.

These are just some of the pieces I will be bringing up, there are lots of new prints and other originals hidden and to be created. InI look forward to celebrating this Holy Day, Time and Age of Haile Selassie I Truth and Inspiration. Come with your best colors, up-full in the daily doings. Jah Bless all the bringers, you know who you are. Salute to Akae Beka for the prophetic words and tones in this here trod. Haile Selassie I Powers.

There are the two shows that are going on in Oregon. I will be at this one for sure, ( Jah Willing)



“Painting for the Crown” Rastafari Art Exhibit in Taos. July14th!

Wanted to share the space and some of the works that are coming together for July 14th at Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery. This is an amazing spot, that has more space than any art gallery in Taos. They feature at least 9 artists at all times, and have only been open a short time. This is a politically aware, streetwise, and spiritual centered Art Gallery. The man in charge is a brother named “Scriptures” who is an amazing painting in many mediums. Here is a glimpse of his work and the gallery…

Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery

as you can see there is Heart in every inch of the spot…Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery

This will be a special event worth coming forth for. We will be showing art that has never been shown publicly. “21 Diamonds” piece will be one painting from Midnite’s Standing Ground, as well as the Cover from Midnite and FifthSon Records “In Awe”. The Cover art of “Current” and “New 1000″ will be there Lots of Special pieces, including Artist Ras Zaharias showing new Rastafari art, that is all part of a presentation, “Painting for the Crown.” Its just part of a whole day of events. Check it out, with a Sound System from Sgt.Remo Ortiz with lots of musical artists coming forward. Mister Kila Kali, Dre-Z Melodica, and much more..All ages, free, Taos NM, July 14th.”

JULY14TH 2018

Jah willing we will see many there of all ages and backgrounds, as well as a video made. One of the most insightful elements will be bringing in over 25 magazines from 1928-1974 about Emperor Haile Selassie I. This reasoning will explore journalism and its relationship to Revelations and prophetic undertones despite its partiality, based on the times and ignorance of the media. It should be a very exciting day, and enlightening as well. Give thanks for everyone involved. Glory and Praise to Our Majestic God and King. Emperor Haile Selassie I.

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, "Standing Ground" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, “Standing Ground” by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album cover for Midnite and Fifth Son Records "In Awe" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album cover for Midnite and Fifth Son Records “In Awe”
by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album Cover for Midnite and Mystic Vision Collaboration "New1000" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album Cover for Midnite and Mystic Vision Collaboration “New1000″ by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inbox about questions or if you would like a print of anything you see.

Much More to come, Heart of Love. Rastafari.