Tag Archives: Light of the World

Work to be done:Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Rastafari Movement.


Many ask why we are different than the Ethiopian Orthodox Church or why we do or don’t join the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Here are some crucial points. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church was given freedom from The Egyptian Orthodox Coptic Church By His Imperial Majesty and Alexandria in 1959. Both previous and later, The Ethiopian Orthodox Church worked against His Imperial Majesty on several matters, that the Church though very old is still in an infancy when it comes to self governance in accord to their Ethiopian Patriarch, The King of Kings. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has created turmoil during and after The Emperor, and participated in the “DERG coup” by the issuing a pre-cursor of excluding the Emperor from daily prayers in 1974, for this sin, the Church lead the people to the God-less Red-Terror that would starve and humiliate Ethiopia and Her historical greatness. This is a major reason why the Rastafari movement has made the call that remission of sin of the Church is to return to their set mandate that Haile Selassie I is the God Head, and that songs and prayers should be continued to The Conquering Lion of Judah and the fulfilling of Ethiopians divine legacy. From the 80′s and after, we saw the infiltration of gentile christian faiths that started to change the ancient relationship of Man to God by integrating thoughts and paintings of a Gentile Jesus and a White Mother Mary. This is another massive sin. In the historical context of an unconquered people, the oldest Christian Kingdom, and House of Israel, The thought that it would allow Roman white-washed images with a foreign language to express the spirituality of African People is absurd. Further to defend any picture that depicts anyone from the Scriptures as being from Europe is treason. Why? Because the Scriptures is about Africans when ones realize that there is no middle east, that this is Africa, full of Africans as it has been for Hundreds of thousands of years. Anyone that would do this is selling out Africa. People choose their Faiths, but we didn’t choose to be African. God made it that way, for a reason. He made us as people from Her, for us to ever make her achievements that of outsiders or some romantic rendition is selling out our ancestors. We are African First, that is our State, Our Faith is personal and should not trespass against Our African foundations for collective progress. The Scriptures known as the Bible are reactions or active African historical perspectives and parables. To look to Rome for interpretations or images, is idol worship. When there is no longer a White-Jesus and Mary in a Church, then they would not be starting service by insulting ALL African People. The truth cannot be insulted and be revered at once. It is our Duty as Rastafari to visit and reason with the Orthodox Church, in order so that they may grow in their loyalty to God, Emperor and Africa. We have much to learn from each other, let us sit in true reverence of the Creator with out idols and foreign gods. May Our daily lives reflect the Oneness with Jah, and Our Words be in-tuned With Earth’s Rightful Ruler, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Jah Rastafari.


It was brought up to me that blaming the Church is unfair when it is leaders and clergy are the ones that have lead the flock. To this I agree, that the guilt is on the leadership,  sadly all of the World suffers for their decisions. Like any army or school, it is only as good as its teachers.  When describing the Church I purposely didn’t write EOTC, because it is an Orthodox Christian issue at heart. Also it is important to note, that this not an attack on Christianity, it is a call for Restoration of Divine Order. If it doesn’t happen in Ethiopia first then the rest the Abrahamic Faiths will not follow.  Thank you for reading, and for sharing your thoughts. One Jah. R.7.


” The Gong ” Bringing awareness to Pinnacle JA in Collaboration.



As Rastafari expands to all corners of the Earth, Our beginnings must be honored and respected. This piece and movement to save Pinnacle and restore it to be a historical and future rallying point for Rastafari has united many ones. Dub Iration with a brand new tune to raise up the awareness and support for Pinnacle in Jamaica, the starting point for the Rastafari Movement. The purchase of the four track album as well as prints will go to Pinnacle. You can the album here: www.dubiration.com/thegong
Dub Iration Sound System.

Big Up and respect to Donisha Prenderga, for being an active leader, organizer and representative for the preservation of Pinnacle. Check her video here:https://youtu.be/mHRGAQuixBE


The Original Painting is also for sale and the proceeds will go to Pinnacle. It is 2000 dollars for the original (18″x24″) and I look forward to seeing the funds go to educate and preserve/ and build the future for Rastafari next Generation. please inbox here or at lionartproductions@gmail.com for inquires.

WE would like to thank everyone who is involved and concerned. The beginning of Global impacts and movements comes when Our House is in order. Respect and honor to the Elders, and gathering up the youth. Pinnacle to Shashamene, From South Africa To Puerto Rico. Rastafari Unite for the Time is upon us, His Imperial Majesty Kingdom on Earth as it is in Zion. Haile Selassie I, for His Name Sake. ONE.R.7.


Emperor Haile Selassie I Coronation Fine Art Digital Expo 2016

It is a Honor and Pleasure to share the Meditations Of Our August Emperor  whom has Granted Us this Day to Celebrate the Union of Heaven and Earth in the Personality of His and Her Imperial Majesty. Presented before the Earth in 1930, Emperor Haile Selassie and Empress Menen Asfaw of Ethiopia was Crowned in a Triple Crown and Presented with the Scepter and Orb. He was pronounced Globally as the King of Kings, Root of David and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. It was the First time an African King and Queen had been recognized and given total authority to claim the Earth as Rightful Ruler. In the midst of colonization at its height, Emperor Haile Selassie I had the World witnessing Sovereignty from origination and entered the world stage. This would transform and elevate the Earth and World to answer a moral question. One we have yet to answer collectively, and a question that will either answer the future problems or explain the failures we accumulate while trying to avoid international human rights concerns.

While African Unity is the Crown Jewel and Mission of The Emperor, His Word speaks of the pains and concerns for all of Humanity. We still echo the need for Nuclear Proliferation and Global Citizenship and We all seek International Morality, and as His Majesty said,                The stake of each one of us is identical – life or death. We all wish to live. We all seek a world in which men are freed of the burdens of ignorance, poverty, hunger and disease. And we shall all be hard-pressed to escape the deadly rain of nuclear fall-out should catastrophe overtake us.”

DSCN2807                                                                       ”Waiting and Watching”

His Imperial Majesty saw the World and Time as One. That problems are solved together and made worse together. There is so much to say about the King of Kings, The Father of Fathers, and many will give witness to His Ability to Guide and Lead Us Today. His Depth is without end and His Meaning to History and Humanity has yet to be appreciated. In this Offering of Art and Feeling I hope we can go beyond words and to the Heart of Hearts. Where the Zeal meets the brush and history is being made and also remembered. Where a revolutionary African Art presents itself as modern, future and ancient culture. Rastafari Art to inspire as We are inspired, By The Most High as a Living Man, The Most High as the Fullness of Earth and All those who dwell in it. A Cosmic King who Holds Universal Truth. 86 Years ago today, was the greatest moment of Human History. One no one has or will ever live up to that day, and why HIM Haile Selassie I stands Alone. Still widely unknown, and misunderstood, yet He has ushered in Time and Space as we know it. On this special occasion InI Thank The Creator, Almighty Jah Rastafari for Bringing this Life for I, and filling Our Vessels with His Love.  Thru the Power of Trinity, Haile Selassie I. One In His Everlasting Kingdom.

DSCN2370                                                                           ”Addis Coronation” 

DSCN2813                                                                      “Planting for the Future.”

13555818_10206683857831160_1557657047_o                                                                                 ” Rastafari fillin in. “ 

14875047_331140503927578_1267934441_n                                                                              ” Pinnacle Gong “

A piece for Pinnacle and Dub Iration to bring forth awareness for the preservation of a Sacred and Holy Historical site, where the Rastafari Movement Began. Soon come, Prints will be available with all proceeds going to Pinnacle. Jah Bless The Hon. Leonard Howell on this Coronation!  www.dubiration.com/TheGong

Haile Selassie I Reading1                                           “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”

modern Selassie Coronation                                       ” Look To Africa For the Crowning of A Black King! “

onthebomb!                                                                            ” On The Bomb. “

in8ras1                                                                                        ” In 8.”

This piece is one that is about The Creation of Man as a Galactic Occurrence as The Lion Constellation Meets the Sirus Star System to pull together the polarities of Man and Woman, Sun and Moon, and the Portal of Above and Below into a Golden Arc of infinite relations as one of the feet stands on the Earth and another above. Center is the North Star and within the body is another portal. A Trinitarian Painting to express the Union and Formation of Heavens in the Flesh By King Alpha and Queen Omega. The personality in the middle is purposefully both man and female.

DSCN2299                                                                  ” Four Pillars and Tassel “

Selassie and Son on bomb                                             ” Selassie I and Son, Today and Tomorrow “

InI wrote previously about this piece, done this year and Standing For All Time.

Selassiestairsand door

 ” Selassie is the Door and Stairs.”


“Keeping the Cubs Safe.”


“Bleeding World on My Back.”

First I Thank The Most High Jah Rastafari Emperor Haile Selassie I for Giving I Everything. Year after year He sustains I and InI Family and Friends. Many of these paintings were painted in Puerto Rico and My Heart Bleeds for the Island as its lasting impression intensifies the passion for Justice and Human Rights. Their Love of Rastafari is beyond measure. I would like to thank many others who allowed in the experience of sharing these pieces, many of which will be used for future projects.  InI look forward greatly to sharing and contributing to the Global Community. This is not all the 2016 works, just some that High Lite the Emperor’s impact on this day 86 years ago. Many of these images will be cleaned up and will be available for purchase at a later day. Some Originals are still available, please inbox for info. Nov. 2nd In Albuquerque NM, InI as Well as Ras Zakarias will be showing Rastafari Fine Art and hosting a celebration in Honor of Coronation Day. 6pm-1am at 3901 Central.

 For Now and forever, Let Us Learn and Build on what His Imperial Majesty has taught, and Give thanks for Us to Bear Witness and Behold, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Jah Rastafari Haile Selassie I.


“ When I spoke at Geneva in 1936, there was no precedent for a head of state addressing the League of Nations. I am neither the first, nor will I be the last head of state to address the United Nations, but only I have addressed both the League and this Organization in this capacity. The problems which confront us today are, equally, unprecedented. They have no counterparts in human experience. Men search the pages of history for solutions, for precedents, but there are none. This, then, is the ultimate challenge. Where are we to look for our survival, for the answers to the questions which have never before been posed? We must look, first, to Almighty God, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in Him, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He created in His image. And we must look into ourselves, into the depth of our souls. We must become something we have never been and for which our education and experience and environment have ill-prepared us. We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”

Emperor Haile Selassie I 1963 New York U.N.


The force of self examination and realization.

As a servant of the Most High and vocal remember of the Rastafari Community I greet you in the Most Precious Name in Creation. Behold the Lion of Judah Emperor Haile Selassie I. As InI sit in awe of the Most High and this present time, many thoughts of redemption enter into thought.  Allow InI to start before beginning where it really all got sparked off.  Creator is ONE, One with all, all the time. The Soul that carries our bodies are Eternal. We were given Eternal Life the moment Life was given before time, that it is all a continuation of The Most High’s Power. The Soul does not just contain intelligence but wisdom, and as we grow and expand eternally, we learn collectively and uniquely, experiencing over and again the birthing pains of the ever- growing soul. With this cycle in mind, let us begin with  we are all here together forever. That no one dies, that we are here for eternity learning to be fully embrace our selves which is all of Creation. That acquired Oneness is the basis of Total Love, Eternal Love, the Love of The Almighty, in which We are.

In Awe no wordsA

Our Community of Rastafari Internationally has varied beliefs and ways of expressing itself,  and is a bit of a mirror of how diverse both Jamaica and Ethiopia is within their cultural developments respectively. What is the bond and foundation is that we are built from the ancestors of many cultures, that we have not dismissed them and have built on that which marks the Life of His Imperial Majesty to be Holy and Significant, Historically and Spiritually. Because we are a ” Way” of Life and not a religion doesn’t mean that His Imperial Majesty didn’t prove that religions are also a way for people to remember their ever lasting link to the Supreme Creator. He also is the evidence that works of Love and Human Rights are a Holy Duty to be fulfilled by every person as the moral pretext to existence. There is a pre-established understanding that we all have a soul in which the law of Right and Wrong has been written. He is a teacher that the Power of the Most High is within and we need simply to focus and clearly communicate. Deep within all Life is what is called Inspiration, simply ready to bud. Let us be inspired…


There comes a sober awakening when we realize that we are stuck with each other for eternity, also an ability to see that our relationships with each other will travel on and we will inevitably have to find the voice to speak to one and all in non partial clarity. It is with that clarity we can say every knee will bow to the force of self examination and realization. That this moment is simply another moment to help the collective in which we are. We are made to be servants to service. As we are served all day by the water and air, the immune system and the brain. All we are is due to the care of the eco system and The Mercy of Jah daily. So we are liken to the warmth the fire created, here to be as the fire has been, an echo of warmth non partially. To be as close to the Most High’s Flower that we are the scent it produces. To be the virtue to the Trinity. The Father and Son, and Mother of Creation. To be the Darkness, Light and Waters from the Deep. To be solid, liquid and the gas of the total origin.  Itinued Energy. Itinued Power. Haile Selassie I. The Power and Virtue of the Trinity First. Emperor Haile Selassie I showed us this and more from His Throne in Zion Ethiopia. In Eternal Life and existence we celebrate in the expulsion of fear and the knowing the Jah is Love.  We are the building of the best of humanity to explode into a better here-after. As The Lion of Judah is the David of the future and Greater Solomon, He is The Truth of Moses and the Example of Christ,  so we are to embody His Imperial Majesty. He has been the evidence and the crowning of He that is before and ahead of Time. The Alpha and Omega. In the Soul of Souls, we are ONE with HIM, and ALL. When and what we do with it is only a matter time. Rather than look at time as limited, realize that this reality we live, is a world without end. No reason to fear, every reason to Love.  Be Love for that is who we are centrally. It is also where we must start when looking at the present situation. So many are in bondage, so blow the trumpet and gather the lost sheep, and see the Lion come out of us all. Free the souls of men from the fear of death, and they can do anything. When we look at how to introduce a new Earth without war, how to reboot and upgrade, we need to start with that no one can ever rid the earth of anyone. They existed and will continue to exist, for us to insure a better existence we need need to look at becoming something greater than we have ever been before. Members of a new race. Creators of a New Earth, and Conquerer’s of exploitive ideology.

Jah Marcus I, Holy Emannuel I, King Selassie I-Jah Rastafari.

Ras Elijah Tafari.




In the Mist of the People a King is Crowned to Mark a New Age.


In the splendor of His Imperial Majesty , The Lion Awakes. Haile Selassie I marks the pivotal moment when He would take the Throne of Zion and usher in the end of colonialism and Human Rights to be the pinnacle of Spiritual entrance. He showed the World what it meant to be an Ethiopian Christian who would and does embody the Name and Power of the Father. His Name being given to us and to be called by, Is that of the Trinity. More so, the Virtue of the Trinity, The Power it creates. The Great actions and words spoken and shown, brought hope to Millions of Africans and humanity by revealing that Justice and Peace is worthy of aspiring and living for. That we have from the Highest Himself a completion of Prophecy, a completion of Man and Head of State, to be Love in Flesh, The Creator Manifest, and the Father of Humanity. It is written in every holy book that He would come, and that some would call HIM Prince of Peace, Some would call HIM Almighty God, Some would call HIM a wonderful counselor, He would be called Immanuel, that Jah is with is,  and it is self evident that the Government rests on His Shoulders. His and Her Imperial Majesty are the faces of Africa’s Great wisdom that we would be fools to not know and love. Lion Time. Hola Emmanuel I, King Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.DSCN2003
This piece is available, and the image open for ones who may be interested. prints available as well, for 20.00

*July 23rd HIM Earth Light Celebrations in Puerto Rico 2016*


Give thanks for the opportunity to celebrate The Birth of The Emperor! We make a call to Puerto Rico for a gathering in Rincon July 23rd, for Rastafari to Sing Praise and Drum to His Imperial Majesty, Negus Nagast, (King of Kings) The Conquering Lion of Judah, Haile Selassie the First. The Power of the Trinity.


There will be from early a Fire lit, Ras Martin will lead the Nyabinghi Order and begin the day. Service, Psalms reading and reasoning will Itinue through out the day, where then at 6pm, Prophet Luis, E.A.B.I.C. Bobo Ashanti Melchizedek Order, will read and lead the evening service.  Drumming, and the reading of Psalms will ring throughout the night. Service will be in both Spanish and English. All Who Love Rastafari are welcome, All House of Rastafari are Honored. Unity is Strength.


Protocol: This is an Official Rastafari Event, If possible, please dress in white. We ask that Ras dress modestly, Men in pants, Women in dresses. We ask that alcohol or meat products are not present. This is a family friendly event. If able, please bring food and drinks to share. It is a joy when we can celebrate together with Clean and Natural Foods and Fruits!

For RSVP or Directions Please Call:


(Spanish) Prophet Luis 787 567-7933

(English) Ras Scatti and Empress Nicole at 619 536-9033

or email at lionartproductions@gmail.com



” Hold De Faith.” Remember King Selassie I. New Painting.


In this time of pressure,turmoil, and fascism remember Our Mission. Indiscriminate  bombings by un-manned drones, and millions trying to escape corporate elitism, I pray we remember King Selassie I. In all the perils He faced it always seemed that the odds were gravely stacked against HIM. It always seemed like Africa would be Conquered by Military Might, only because of the Will of Jah that we make it. The Right would show it self evident and permanent.  Lift your heads, and know that no matter what the enemy throws at Us if We Hold the Faith, God will Judge Justly. Jah is real, it is that Force of Truth will eventually overcome and inspire, as We are called by His Name in Every Nation, creating a global community and ideology. Step on the Bombs, and raise your children to do the same. For the Lion in Man, the Son of Man, and King of Kings is within Us all.  One Jah. Rastafari.           Haile Selassie I Forever and Ever. Amen.


Indian Ink and Acrylic.  16×18 inches. This painting is for sale, as well as the use of the image. please link any way that works for you, Lionartproductions@gmail.com / Or Ras Elijah Tafari on Facebook, or on this site.

Triumphant Entry – Victory Day (1941- 2016) 75th anniversary!

What a special day in-deed. Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Ethiopia from Italian Fascist occupation. On this day 75 years ago, Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and the House of David, was seen as the first and most important country to be freed by the allied forces at the start of World War 2. His Imperial Majesty was the first King to return to His Position and Kingdom that He Himself never relented or redacted from. To be fair this bit of history could and has been afforded books of important information that will give a great glimpse into effort, works and sacrifice that the Ethiopian people and the Emperor went through so that this day could be.


What can I add in all modesty, perhaps one of the most important things is to reflect that after a terrible war, where loyal subjects fought for years without pay, barefoot, and through chemical weapons and modern tanks, survived to live to see Their King honor and crown them with the respect to be remembered and uplifted for generations. That against all odds the people themselves could unite in their Ethiopian Identity and common desire to progress Ethiopia and the World. Many will think fondly to that time, where Ethiopian Unity was so strong and their relief so great, they knew together they could collectively do anything.  Here is a video that is great: The Truth About May 5th – The Day That Changed The World Forever!

At this point of history, The Words and Warning of Conquering Lion of Judah was fresh in the ears of the west, and it was clear that Haile Selassie I was correct. Europe was not ready, especially when the Gulf of Eden being controlled by Nazis or Fascists would result in the famine of Europe. Across the world to nearly ever family at least one would go because the plea of the Emperor was ignored. As a Bloodbath ensued globally, The Emperor ascended the Throne and began to repair, and plan. He would have a great message in an interview with ” The American” magazine 1941, where He is noted as a prophet and asked on what else was to come..He mentioned the founding of the United Nations. Ethiopia would become the 13th Founding Member years later.  When I hear the name United Nations, ( as bad as they have become) I still hear, Ethiopia’s Vision for the World. His Imperial Majesty would likewise scold the UN later in order to make them remember, and prepare for its challenges in moral standards.

In 1941, May 5th Prayers were answered, they were answered by the personage and place of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie, On the Throne of Solomon. Globally Africans fought for Ethiopia, as well as sympathized and organized. This was a day that Our Prayers for Freedom was answered. It was also day that a very special speech was made.  In this Speech, the King of Kings would speak of reconciliation and how governments that lead the people poorly are the criminals not the common people. That forgiveness is crucial and as a people we must show what makes Us as Christians. No other nation forgave the countries they were at war with in WW2, and to this day most dislike each other because of that. This was the first time that both Ethiopia as well as the World witnessed a King that did not seek revenge. Just Progress, Kindness and Love.  The Speech is Called, “Triumphant Entry – Victory Day” This is the closing paragraphs.

A New Day

People of my country, Ethiopia!

Today is a day on which Ethiopia is stretching her hands to God in joy and thankfulness and revealing her happiness to her children.

This day, on which the people of Ethiopia are freed from oppressive foreign yoke and eternal servitude and on which I am enabled to rejoin my people, whom I love and have longed for, will be honored as a holiday to be commemorated annually as a Great Ethiopian Anniversary. On this day we shall remember those heroic warriors who, determined not to surrender the great charge passed on to them by their Father, became sacrifices, shedding their blood and breaking their bones for the freedom of the land they loved and for the honor of their Emperor and their flag. The history of Ethiopia will be witness for these our warriors.

The tribulations and afflictions which befell us during the past five years and which cannot be recounted and numbered in detail will be a great lesson to us all, and with industry, unity, co-operation and love engraved in your hearts, will be a great incentive to you to be my helpers in the affairs of Ethiopia which I have in mind. In the New Ethiopia I want you to be a people undivided and endowed with freedom and equality before the law.

You will have to join me in my efforts for the prosperity of the country, for the riches of the people, for the development of agriculture, commerce, education and learning, for the protection of the life and resources of our people, and for the perfection on modern lines of administration of the country.

It is my firm wish and purpose to merit the blessing with which God in His mercy has visited us, first, by showing our gratitude to our Allies, the British, by the release of the Imperial troops to fight the common enemy on other fronts, and by supplying them with troops whenever they may be needed; secondly, to do work beneficial to the people and the country by establishing in our Ethiopia a Government which will protect the Faith and cause it to be respected, and by guaranteeing liberty of the people and Freedom of conscience.

What I would finally announce to you, my people, is that today is a day of rejoicing for us all. Today is a day on which we defeated our enemy. Therefore, when we say let us all rejoice with our hearts let not our rejoicing be in any other way but in the spirit of Christ. Do not return evil for evil. Do not indulge in the atrocities which the enemy has been practicing in his usual way, even up to the last moment.

Take care not to spoil the good name of Ethiopia by acts which are worthy of the enemy. We shall see that our enemies are disarmed and sent the same way they came. As St. George who killed the dragon is the Patron Saint of our army as well as of our allies, let us unite with our allies in everlasting friendship and amity in order to be able to stand against the godless and cruel dragon which has newly risen and which is oppressing mankind. I charge you to consider them as a brother and a friend and to show them kindness and consideration.

H.I.M. Haile Selassie I

Celebrate with Us that Good conquers Evil and that Ethiopia may stay as a symbol of Freedom for the World for years to come. On This Day of May 5th 2016,  I hope we all read more about the Emperor, and read more of our Scriptures, because we cannot know one with out the other. Jah Bless and Keep You, May His Face shine upon You, Peace be with you.

Ras Elijah Tafari




The Trod of Emperor Haile Selassie I.

There seems to be a space outside of time when I think of The Emperor. A feeling that everything we do, everything we feel will be written in history and perhaps shape it. A strange affirmation that to be present and balanced, to be solemn and dignified will precede us as did the His Imperial Majesty. That the nature of God follows us, leading us into perils unknown, to realize over and over Good conquers. That Jah is with Us. It seems we are a odd moment of truth. Where humanity is being ushered in by the divine to evolve. To progress in terms of mental and spiritual alignment. To realize that all governments are systems and therefore illusions, that even the idea of a King that thought themselves better than others is illusion. Emperor Haile Selassie I in every way opens thru His teachings and Life, that sadly, we are not there as a whole,.. that we dont have peace, nor do most respect the Universal Laws of Right Ruling. To have true peace, to have everlasting peace, the nature of a man must change. The battle between the lazy, selfish “self” and the Working harder for everyone including “self” will conclude. It is the ultimate choice if we will be savages, or rise above angels. We also see in The Emperor’s Life that tragedy and pain are teachers, cold elders, that wait for us to understand their old school. That His Majesty also received His Honorary Doctrine in Struggle, Pain and Sorrow. Still, now in this day they deny HIM His place in countless books and movies, altering and denying this and future generations. Malcolm X, J.F.K., NIXON, Selma, The Butler, The King of Scotland, Mandela..movies…,Robert Kennedy movies, even Mussolini got his own movie. countless WW2 movies, the history books are all missing the greatest mind to ever live.The Light Of World, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Even in this time we are lacking, while illusions continue, recess ended. All but a few haven’t stopped playing. We must become still greater than we have ever been, and to learn that which we were not educated in. To answer questions that have never been asked. It is the time. Sometimes it may seem like we are alone, however who ever made up this word was also trying to tell us something. How can one be “alone” and at the same time All-One?.. Even in a foreign land, know that the King of Kings has walked there before you, and has paved the way, for a better today and tomorrow. I cannot imagine Life without His Example, without evidence, one based just on the faith that One day…Yet today we are here in a greater Light and Darkness, asking each other if we can have faith we can be better than we have ever been. Until that day..and On that day. One Perfect Love. Jah! Rastafari, Haile Selassie I IS. My Lord. R.7.