Ras Elijah Tafari at AFRIKIN 2019
1 min clip of Ras Elijah Tafari speaking at Afrikin 2019
So many topics to touch on, I will stay with what is pertinent. I learned a lot on this journey, one being that we as African people in our diversity are torn in many directions. Sometimes they compliment a holistic life, sometimes we are in a routine of normality that undermines African Unity and our ancestors.
I could reason on the beneficial elements of Reggae and Herb as well as the great times and people we met in Miami while attending and before the conference, however that is secondary, I wanted to touch on what I feel needs to be said, what comes first is the clear awareness of our ability to unify like never before and in a time that it is needed most.
In the interest of African Progression in the setting of a Pan African agenda, African Unity is a stand for a United Africa at home and abroad. Many felt at the Afrikin 2019 Conference The Art of Conversion that It is past time that together we work together to reach out for a United Africa that can stand on more than commercial gain. In Light of Prime Minister’s Nobel Peace Prize let us be inspired that unity is strength, and as a united front, in conjunction with the African Union, we can offer a concerted effort to reform the United Nations so our voices are heard and matter, that the whole of Humanity can improve and stand as a collective. The World Bank has done it, the EU does it, and the G-8 and G-20, Africa with all its Nations deserves to choose its own destiny and have a voice that carries weight and response. We are not respected because of the Big 5 Security Council Members that work for their interest, and have a permanent seat.
Africa uniting for a few causes on simplistic subjects is enough for a seed to take root. Africa Uniting for the benefit of peace and climate justice, over monetary desires alone is what will separate Africa from all other unions. Only we can free ourselves, and as we do, we know in turn our duty is to help all others have the basic rights given by Jah to be protected and guarded together.
This is more important than what album is coming out or what new painting I made..this is about why we do this to begin with. We often are so entangled with messengers we forget the message. So on blast, I need to learn and reach out to ones who do care and want to build in Africa with their governments to align for the benefit of all Africans at home and abroad. Our Expectation is still in Ethiopia, and as Ethiopians we know the voice of a United Africa is present in the African Union. There is a whole new generation of Rastafari and Loving People who want to see Africa Lead on the world stage a new way of working together fairly. If ones know how the UN works then it is clear that it needs reform due to colonial vestiges that exist. We who over stand how colonialism works, need to remove it, and be able to offer the evidence of its limited and outdated philosophies. We have our own ways, and teachings, where we don’t hand over power to oppressors. This is a massive topic and one together we can share how to use the platforms and opportunities given by His Imperial Majesty to sight that the OAU now the AU and United Nations are His Creations, where His Children certainly should have a place in the orderly movement towards a peaceful planet. Where are we..Give a shout out, and if you work with any Pan African, African Liberation Movement in Africa or abroad, lets link, share ideas and what can be done by us and for us all. If you don’t that fine too, anyone with a drive for justice and equality reach out.
These are the subjects that I spoke on, when asked to speak at the Afrikin Art of Conversation conference. It was a gift from the Holy Spirit and from the Ancestors, to Rise to the Mission, To the Occasion. I thank those who called I and to those I am calling. I am honestly tired of self exaltation, and business schemes, I am thirsty for substance and true works for African Liberation. I am not an artist for any person except Emperor Haile Selassie I, and it is in HIM I rejoice. Further I nor anyone else needs to justify why their voice has relevance in the works, if it has merit, that will stand alone. Focus on the message and mission over the messenger. I met a lot of ones who are ready to build, and realize we as Rastafari must make our voices One, with a clear vision that can be seen as tangible. If your interested in being involved, sharing skills, information, suggestions, insights, contacts, or any other support, Please link up. Send your email address and location and We will keep you informed and build together with those who are new and those who have been on the mission for years in Africa. Giving a fresh generation the tools to make a difference for the future of humanity working with Africans who stand United and will lead with one voice and vision. Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing from you. God Speed.
Rastafari. Ras Elijah Tafari. lionartproductions@gmail.com
Honoring: Vaughn Benjamin, Legendary prolific speaker and singer songwriter of Midnite and Akae Beka from USVI;
David Banner, American rapper, record producer, actor, activist, and philanthropist;
Amara La Negra, Afro-Latina recording artist and reality star from Dominican Republic;
Mutabaruka, Jamaican dub poet, actor, and educator from Jamaica;
Jah9, artist, activist, certified yoga instructor and dub poet from Jamaica;
Dr. Julius Garvey, son of Pan-African activist Marcus Garvey from Jamaica;
Aja Monet, American contemporary poet, writer, lyricist and activist of Cuban-Jamaican descent;
Mary Spio, author and developer of innovative content solutions and tools for distributing virtual-reality;
This is the entire conference: