Tag Archives: Jah Umbrella

New Painting! ” Jah’s Umbrella “

What a Joyful Meditation it is to think of Emperor Haile Selassie I. This painting spoke to who His Imperial Majesty is to INI, because it is of HIM alone holding His Royal Umbrella. In a Fatherly walk He approaches, where the Heaven and Earth are indistinguishable. Water and Rain everywhere and it looks at first He walks on water, which we all do when He rains.

The Umbrella is special for many reasons, including it represents the Heavens protection and His Imperial Position, usually a Head of State and certainly the Emperor has a trusted one hold his Umbrella, and this was a rare photo that was used. The Rasta-Man aka Priest and Prophet, ( the trusted ones)  holds the umbrella as do they crown the King, for no King can Crown Himself.  This Great King, can carry His Own Umbrella, He is all of Man’s history and future walking towards you. An Emperor who doesn’t believe in classism, and is joyful carrying the weight as Earth’s Rightful Ruler.  Walking in way that reminds I of any good father, with the confidence that He was sent to help Us weather the storm. Thank You Jah for watching out for us, and walking with us, as One of Us.

“Jah’s Umbrella.” Acrylic and Indian Ink.

Jah's Umbrella. Haile Selassie

This Painting will be shown for the first time Sept. 10th at Da Base Camp in Denver for Ethiopian New Years Celebrations. The Original and Prints are available and ready.  25. for a print, and the original is 700. 26″x20″ on Canvas. Shared Rights are available for reproduction. Email or inbox.