Tag Archives: His Excellency Demeke Mekonnen Hassen


R.U.N.N. Article, Ethiopian Government with the African Union.

Greetings everyone, Global Citizens, Rastafari, Pan-Africans, Ethiopians, R.U.N.N. Members and those who are interested in Reform the United Nations Now.

We are proud to announce the publishing of our first group article about the current developments in Ethiopia and how it relates to the power of collective security. Collective security both from Africans within Africa and those abroad who see the advantages of working together with what is best for Ethiopia with nations that understand the geo-politics and history of the area.
This is the first of a series of articles and letters that we are sharing that will help in counteracting the disinformation war and encourage peace-making and unity in Ethiopia. The current issues with the United Nations make the importance of Ethiopia’s relationship with the African Union more important than ever, while long term solutions are addressed, both with the UN and through the Ethiopian Constitution.
We hope this public article of encouragement promotes the dignity and foresight of the Ethiopian Government to find like-minds within the African Union. We hope to see them expand and create a new dialogue on a world platform about how Ethiopia and other nations can overcome tribalism and succession. Ethiopia can be a higher example when aligned with the wisdom of others that respects the sovereignty of Africa.
This article will be published on multiple websites today, and if it seems sensible to you please share and pass it on. Ethiopia is close to many of us, and we look forward to seeing a new horizon.
One Ethiopia, One Africa, One God.
Representing R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.
Ras Elijah Tafari
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