Tag Archives: Haile Selassie I New Name

Spiritual insight and up and update.

Blessed Love to one and all, it has been a minute due to the immense velocity in which InI have been learning. As Spiritual people often we think we have reached the place, we have been delivered. Yet in the pursuit of further oneness, we see our deliverance is small when it comes to the power to deliver others, problem is I can’t do that..I can help. We are in a time where the true subjects of our newness to the precepts of “freedom” “unity” or “human rights”. For thousands of years these were but romantic fantasies that were utopian, the evidence is in governmental systems that intrinsically don’t want to share power. The poor are looked as wretched and carry the burdens for the rich. Still we have this dream and vision.


I took a mental and soulful trip to try and understand and inner stand more. I wanted to study the first Christians and what happened to them. It seemed that it is an understatement to say, they were all murdered, and what does that really tell me anyway. We are looking at a concept that is the fulfillment of a growth process. In the living example of Eyesus Kristos, we saw clear lines that were drawn that some compare to Buddhism because of its simplicity. But it is more, because while Wisdom (buddha)  requires love to be, it doesn’t require the healing ability to send demons away. There are many that are healers and many that are wise, but none like Christ when it comes to His attack against the devil, bluntly and with sense.

After going on a mission to learn the history of the Name of Jesus all the way back through Nubia and Ethiopia, I learned that I had seen with my eyes the Father of Fathers, as promised in Mathew 5:8 and has shown InI in real time what Ethiopia was whispering to InI about thousands of years ago. That the word is alive,  All words.. that they came from a root and that root knew what tree would grow. When one of the seeds flew to its original pasture the roots and garden recognized it and knew it before it was born. Like wise the name of Yeshau, (Joshua) was one that was Given to Him from the Holy One of Creation. This name is the branch from the tree that would bring forth a new flower that would be known across the Earth as Jesus. In real time, We can see in 1892 July 23rd A Child is born in which the Government would rest on His Shoulders. He would be both a PRINCE of peace and also Everlasting FATHER.  When His Imperial Majesty (H.I.M.) was born His Name was Tafari Makonnen, and later Ras Tafari Makonnen. The World did call Him as Ras Tafari Makonnen, but did not know who He would be. In 1930 As His and Her Imperial Majesty were crowned, He took up the Name, ” H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of Judah, King of Kings, Sovereign of Sovereign, Root of David, and Earth’s Rightful Ruler.” After Nov. 2nd 1930 No One internationally called HIM Ras Tafari Makonnen again. He was the resurrected Prince and Father. He did not say this of Himself, but showed it, and let others announce the He is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Action. This is the meaning of the Name, which is the Name of God. It is “Haile” meaning “Power and virtue” and “Selassie” meaning “The Trinity”. He does not need to prove who He is, because it is self evident, He is that He is that I am that I am. If there is Truth in you, you will see it outside of you. This Name, “Haile Selassie the First” is written in the Bible, as the New Name in Revelations 3, that only He will know until that time. Haile, (Heli), is also the Grandfather of Jesus.  Eyesus0

I am  writing this, to show first like the two names Jahshua, and Jesus, both the name Ras Tafari and Haile Selassie I are similar in that one Name the whole world would know. That it was known in Ethiopia that The Name would be “Jesus” roughly, as they knew roughly when and where Christ was born. They also knew that He would come again to Ethiopia before and after the Resurrection. That is why the Lion of Judah is on the flag. When His Imperial Majesty sat on the Throne of Zion as King of Judah and Beta (house of) Israel, That was the only free African Country, Has the blood of David and the Word of God in every land that requires that all know that His Seed shall prosper and is anointed. HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I would bring the essence of Christian Values to the world stage and test every bit morale in every human then and to come. He challenged the challenger to check himself. To summon and muster the best within for the small to biggest, to the local to the foreigner, in the interest of peace, and humanity. I am not making a case for the Divinity of HIM, that not something I need to prove, what I can say is Haile Selassie I is helping InI learn more about the supernatural and extra ordinary message and movements of Jesus Christ, because it is beyond relatable. Though there are 1000′s of years between them, the experience and repercussions, the life of those who witness of HIM, and the persecution and blessing we receive, are all right there, in the Bible, and surrounding HIM.

I am learning and enjoying the Scriptures more, feeling like I can absorb the message more, now this is not a research paper, or a study of words. His Imperial Majesty is very clear, and yet so much to take in. The Words of Christ are different, they are cloaked and yet thinly veiled. The ability to see, is based on insight not eyesight.  The message of non violence, of forgiveness, of justice, and truth telling. Of respecting and caring for the weak and suffering, to have compassion for the afflicted. To share all you have and be willing to give your life up for God in defense of the defenseless., to confront the wicked and tell the devil he is a liar and murderer.

On this journey, it is getting thicker. Things are speeding up, Life is getting better and harder. More than every I need peace and focus. I went to a Church yesterday, because my soul needs to see people in prayer, others who know that we have to trust Jah. The preacher was honest and meek, as were those around him. There were human without apology, and knew the difference between being human and sinking to carnal levels. Their humanity was shown in their desire to make the world a better place by loving each other with a fiery bluntness, and honesty. To yell and be loud for Jah, to surrender all in order as an offering for all that was given to us. Many of us have been voices in the wilderness, at this point I am being called to go to town.

The Tucson trip was good, and the mystics were there. The opposition popped up regularly and it seemed that we all were able to avoid any issues, using the understanding that we have to expect ones fears to invade and we will have to be aware in the best ways to create strength and encourage unity. Jah Love can move mountains.  I will post some pics and an article about the Tucson trip next. For Now, this is were I am at..that no matter where I go or what I do, all things only allow InI to have more to offer Jah, and the movement of Rastafari. Really looking forward to sharing the new art, all of which are part of the process of Growth. Hope your experiencing a rising your self, we need it, all of us. Renewal and Resurrection time. Spread Life. SelassiegreencrossCU

Give thanks for the Love  and Mercy of the Almighty One, whom watches InI’s and protects Us. Give thanks for being able to be called by His Name, and In His Name let Us Be Joyful, for He is Jah. Deliverer and Guide, Strength and only Law. Holy of Holies, Living God, and Everlasting Father. Holy Emmanuel I King Selassie I Jah, Rastafari. In the Name of the Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. One God. Amen.