Tag Archives: FifthSon Records

Ancient King " The Earth is Egziabeher"

Brand New Rastafari Albums and Single Releases featuring new art.

Living Testament Dub

Living Testament Dub

Yes the Akae Beka works Itinue. Coming Soon “Akae Beka, Living Testament Dub” from Trinity Farm Music, Go A Chant Productions, look for it on I-Roots Records. Big Up Akashic Records Reggae.
This piece is a Itinuation of the original cover. The ” Living Testament” album cover is the Earth, this is the Heavens. When you get both albums together it should fit like a puzzle. Give thanks for all the players of instruments, all I springs are in thee says the Lord of Hosts. Rastafari. Haile Selassie First and Forever.
????AKAE BEKA-LIVING TESTAMENT DUB!???????????????? coming December 7th
Pre-order the LP & digital album: iroots.bandcamp.com or www.irootsrecords.com where over 50 Midnite / Akae Beka titles are in stock.
This album includes 11 new deep meditative dubs from the album LIVING TESTAMENT. These interpretations were live-analog mixed by Good Over Evil in Tortosa Spain. Players include Manuel “Go A Chant” Guerra, Ras Pulse, Walker Pillow, Scott Lynwood Davis, Befekadu Assefa and Tuff Lion.
Limited edition vinyl LP and digital album releases on December 7th. Bandcamp pre-orders get DUB ON A MISSION instantly. The beautiful cover art by Ras Elijah Tafari references the Coronation of Haile Selassie and Empress Menen.
#AkaeBeka #VaughnBenjamin #LivingTestamentDub Akae Beka @goachantproductions @trinityfarmmusic @goodoverevilprod @raspulse @irootsrecords @bignatty83 @tufflion_ Ras Elijah Tafari
Ras Fraser Jr. "I am Conscious"

Ras Fraser Jr. “I am Conscious”

NOW OUT! A great dynamic album.. Get ready. ” I am Conscious ” from Ras Fraser Jr. aka Ras Fraser Badbreedbobo. An album worth picking up on release day… for sure. Jah Bless. Heart of Love. Rastafari.

Jah Myhrakle "He Is Strong"

Jah Myhrakle “He Is Strong”

Now out on all musical platforms!

Ras Kawintseb, featuring the one and only Jah Den. "The Gathering"

OUT NOW????????????????????Greetings,Blessed Coronation day to all

the Rastafari Family all ova.
New single From Abja”Behold the King” and Ancient King”The Earth is Egziabheer”available now in all music media platforms.
Full Album coming soon!Stay Tuned
Abja "Behold The King"

Abja “Behold The King”


Ras Elijah Tafari "Commitment"

Ras Elijah Tafari “Commitment”

Blessed Coronation Day! Here is a new tune, “Commitment” mixed by TSIHION IHIYHTHZH Music and the riddim was made by Dre Z Melodi. Vocals from Ras Elijah Tafari 2024. Big to up to Dr. Roots. Rastafari. Available on all musical platforms.

Jah Myhrakle "1 Bannah"

Jah Myhrakle “1 Bannah”

For the Cause of inspiration and education, RUNN, Reform the United Nations Now is proud to announce a new single highlighting the importance of spreading awareness that unless the UN is reformed, it will remained paralyzed and weak, that it shouldn’t be abandoned, but made to reflect today and represent the nations of the Earth fairly and democratically. This Supreme Challenge was laid out by Emperor Haile Selassie I repeatedly, and it is our duty as Children of His Majesty to fulfill the works both in and out of the United Nations. We give thanks for all the artists who have brought forth music, and in our second single after the first single released 7 months ago, “Mankind’s Last Hope” The RUNN Artists United. Give thanks Jah Myhrakle for this powerful anthem, which we hope every one can enjoy Nov. 3rd. Proceeds go to help the movement, and if you are interested please link up on our Facebook book page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/reformtheunitednationsnowofficial



Akae Beka RIGHTEOUS SYNERGY. In-depth:the message, music and art.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari. Our King and Creator for whom we owe everything. For His Love is Everlasting and endures forever.

It is with a full heart we are proud to announce to the release of Akae Beka’s new album Righteous Synergy produced by Fifth Son Records. The listener will be moved and reminded of the memory within that we keep alive and takes us back millennia’s.  Akae Beka brings a heavy message that brings the meditations to approach the task of redemption. His melodies carry the truth and message that is sensitive and focused. The deliberations into every note, and the accompaniment of the instruments make this work a musical and a lyrical gem.

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy album cover.

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy album cover.

The Cover represents a number of topics, and to share a few, is the space in which His Imperial Majesty stands. The fountain are His Words that Bubble up… this bubble up is both in the region of being underwater and in the heavens of space. Within that dynamic is the birth of HIM on the rising of Sirius ( July 23rd ) and the day that countless cultures hold in reverence. What is called the “Dog Star” Sirius star system is mapped out above His Crown. He and the Heavens align with where Ethiopia and Native tribes link with the Leo Constellation and Sirius Rising in many cultures including the natives in Chaco Canyon, NM.  The King of Kings is both a reflection of that which is seen and unseen. He holds the World in His Hand as She holds the moon in Her on Earth. Reflecting the sun that He moves by His Fingers. Bringing forth children of the son.  Whaling out..Reflecting on the book of Ester, “She became a Queen” on this album, touches on the plight of being a refugee, and how the fate of a people lay in her ability to accept the call from Jah that would jeopardize her safety. Accepting the tides of what will be.

This act of faith, travels, in the joy-ting and on the album. The song, ” Manger ” takes us up to the pyramids as a geographic location, in order to know that the basket, representing the manger is not at its destination. That it is going further north east toward the North Star. The reason a basket was used is because like a turtle it carries memory and still it was the same grass that Christ had to flee too, in a very similar situation, where from birth the government that wanted to kill him. That the reverberations of the God Man on a holy mission, is like the grass laid down in a manger for us and Christ to rest in.

” Covenant Ark ” is represented by making a clear unity of different races by the  4 women with children, representing the four corners. Above the woman on bottom left are the priests carrying the Ark of Covenant.  There are also Native Americans standing together on the bottom right on the cliff above the women who are looking to the Ethiopian Emperor. Displaying Heart, rather than a John Crow heart, the lowest form of humanity .

At one point, it was thought we may release the tune, ” Do my best ” as a single. In that moment, I was asked to make a piece of art in 2 days as a single cover. It was decided it would be best to not release the single, and the piece went on the inside of the album. You can listen to “Do my Best” right here, and that will help ones understand this piece more throughly…“Do My Best” Akae Beka Righteous Synergy.


The album for many reasons had the feeling of the deep in it, it has joy and sorrow, looking at life as a people, as a collective. The energy of be renewed and rebirth, through the water, of the Holy Spirit, brings the immensity of being in this experience by invoking the ocean. Our connection to the creatures of this planet is a link to Jah, from the smallest to the biggest. As well as the bones and souls of our ancestors and that be reborn again. ” The Spirit of Love ” takes us there. As Akae Beka touches on how we take for granted the toil and pressure that makes us alive. He also speaks on the power of Quietude  to see in contrast to making no sound. It is a powerful and humbling tune that seemed to keep my emotions balanced while we worked on this endeavor.

The back cover was done with oil, and had been released previously. It seemed to feel proper, and have the orderly nature of honoring the works of everyone involved. Honoring The God of Ethiopia, the roots of humanity and the home of the Ark of the Covenant. Igziabeher, Atse Haile Selassie, The Power of the Trinity.

Every song on this album has shaped the art and InI meditations, each song is powerful to the gut. I pray we hear the message and exemplify the care that the Hon. Vaughn Benjamin worked to bring the world. Give thanks for everyone who worked so hard to make this album happen, notably Juaquin Wilson of Fifth Son Records, whom has been diligent and vigilant showing everyone respect along the way.  The following are the credits and the back cover of the vinyl record that will be coming out soon.  You can get more information and order a hard copy album from http://fifthsonrecords.com 2021RecordartAkaeBeka

In a tradition that goes back several decades amongst some reggae artists and DJ’s, is to have a quote from His Imperial Majesty on the CD tray. The following is the full quote as well as a photo of The Root of David, Emperor Haile Selassie First, The King of Kings and Conquering Lion of Judah at His Coronation Nov.2.1930. This photo, though there are many that were taken within the same minutes, has not been published to my knowledge. I acquired them by accident when purchasing a package of old photos taken in Ethiopia from Ebay. It was a small photo, 1×2″ and I will include the original below. I doubt that the film exists, and I wanted to share a little about the photo and how it came to be on the cd tray.

Original photo of Emperor Haile Selassie Coronation 1x2"

Original photo of Emperor Haile Selassie Coronation 1×2″


Back of Coronation photo

Back of Coronation photo: ”  The King leaving cathedral after his coronation. He is in the rear with the ball.. ( still?) in his hands. (underlined) The old man (?)  in front with glasses is the one who inducted the service. Y(?)…? Church.”

Cd Tray:

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy CD Tray

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy CD Tray

The full quote of His Imperial Majesty’s words to the United Nations in 1970:

“The choice of this age and the very future of our humanity is simple: collective survival, or collective extinction. When the stark choice is thus revealed in all its naked horror, dare we hesitate as to our choice? The choice we know; the means we can rediscover in a reinvigorated and mature United Nations. The will to act, and the courage and determination to implement the decisions we must take, matter. Let this session be the rebirth of the United Nations, and the reaffirmation of our faith in the ever-continuing validity of the purposes and principles for which it was established. A grave responsibility rests upon us: to ensure our own collective survival, and the future of unborn generations.

May the Almighty grant us the wisdom, courage and determination to rise to this supreme challenge and reap a rich reward!”

October 24, 1970.

The Final Testament: the Important Utterances of H.I.M 1963-1972. Research Associates School Times, 2010. Page 514.

If you would like to read the full speech, and learn about Reform the United Nations Now    (R.U.N.N.) please go to : https://reformtheunitednationsnow.com/speeches/

Emperor Haile Selassie I work Itinues. Give thanks for the honor to be able to be included on the works and in the journey. We send Our heart felt love to everyone in Vaughn Benjamin’s family, and to everyone in the Akae Beka band.

I pray Jah guide and protect you all. Rastafari Bless. In the Name of the Power of the Trinity One Jah.

Ras Elijah Tafari




Emperor " Haile Selassie I at the Root." By Ras Elijah Tafari. 26"x 36" Indian Ink and Acrylic on Canvas. for the Original 500.

NEW RASTAFARI Fine Art: Winter 2019/2020 “Out of the Dark”

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty, The Light of the World, Conquering Lion of Judah, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Your Inspiration is Everlasting.

Welcome to the Winter Series, “Out of the Dark.” It is title so because of the many changes that have happened this Winter. Lots of those we Love have completed their cycle on this plane, and we all have had life teaching and challenging us. Let Jah Light Beam In. This series documents Nov. to Jan. of the art that has been made. Special for this presentation are many paintings never published will be shown today for the first time. I will not include the Scroll of Reasons because it has already been shared and written on in detail. All the pieces below are available as prints and some of the originals are available. I would like to thank everyone who collaborated in the visions and the art itself. 4 Joy-tings are collaborations with others, and that is super cool and special. I also have received many ideas from others that I have put into the art. Thank you everyone for the support and strength. You will be mentioned with the piece!

Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas.

“Christ On the Rock “Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas.

This is the first piece I did after I received a surgery on my spine. It was an interesting point, because I had to see if my motor skills were good after having my spinal cord decompressed. This would allow my nerves to work on my left side of my body which had been giving me problems. The Joy-ting was that. The feeling of doing the stretches involved in painting and feeling muscles work again was what I needed. The Joy-ting came out with ease and effortless. A too effortless, and that is why I decided to put a more dramatic background than I previously had. My son’s and I worked on it together and made a video about painting techniques. You can check it here.  Ras Elijah Painting   The first canvas came out lovely after the surgery and it was time keep up the works. The Original was sold to Mr. Greg Tate and I thank him for the huge support in the efforts to make the art spawn the vision to reality. Get a Print here: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/on-the-rock/ Rastafari.

"Roaring Elephant" Acrylic on Canvas. 36" x 28"  350.00

“Roaring Elephant” Acrylic on Canvas. 36″ x 28″ 350.00

This is a larger piece that was made to get out the pent up energy. Its a piece that would be one of  many that tuned into the feeling and joy of painting rather than a complicated and detailed state. The Original is for sale and low cost. Shipping isn’t included. Link if interested. Prints are also available! http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/roaring-elephant/

" From Heart To Mouth " by Dre-Z Melodi and Ras Elijah Tafari. Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. 20"x28"

” From Heart To Mouth ” by Dre-Z Melodi and Ras Elijah Tafari. Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. 20″x28″

This piece is for a special upcoming project, to be announced..It was a very heights project, that focuses on Rastafari. Here Emperor Haile Selassie  I is shooting energy into the Lion Man on the Earth. His Imperial Majesty shooting it from the Orb is to show that is the Energy of the Earth and the Fullness there-of which is that The Lord shoots into him. Out of the Lion Man’s mouth is the river that flows through the gentle land scape of New Mexico, symbolizing the Words of the Rastaman. Dre-Z took the lead with this piece and made the landscape perfect for New Mexico. His pueblo design is great and colors captured the New Mexican tierra perfectly. Likewise composition and layout was Dre-Z at the lead. This is the second Joy-ting we have worked on together, looking forward to lots more. The triangle designs are a traditional native design once again brought by Dre-Z. We would like to also give InI daughter, Tana Tafari-Morgan a hail up for painting in the pyramids. The original is available and prints as well.  http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/from-heart-to-mouth-by-dre-z-melodi-and-ras-elijah-tafari/

" Ethiopia, Lifts the World." By Ras Elijah Tafari and Dre-Z Melodi. Acrylic, Gold, and Indian Ink on Canvas.

” Ethiopia, Lifts the World.” By Ras Elijah Tafari and Dre-Z Melodi. Acrylic, Gold, and Indian Ink on Canvas. Original sold, prints available.

This piece is the 3rd I have done with Dre-Z Melodi. It is for a very special upcoming project…Placed on a New Mexico landscape, it goes with the last piece. This piece says          ” Ethiopia ” in Amharic, in a whirlwind. On the Whirlwind are the ancestors praying and singing for our resurrection and transcendence throughout the rising times. Seven Priests in Black represent each of the Seals placed on the Book, and the 9 priests below represent the everlasting order of Melchizadok.  The Man and Woman are the Balance of the Earth in their decision to use the Fire and Heart of His and Her Majesty to fly like hot air balloons but higher.  In their levitation/ livication to the King and Queen of Kings they are able to be the purple lotus. The lotus symbolize the Royal Children of Jah that have not been forsaken in the mud and moss, but grow like beauty for ashes. The Power of the Heart illustrated by Dre-Z goes off the page to reach out to go beyond the image. This is the most detailed I have gone into painting the Crowns of His and Her Majesty, Haile Selassie the First and Empress Asfaw Menen.  St. George is proudly shown on His Crown as is The Madonna on Her Crown. This piece has been spoken for, however prints look good and are available. This piece hasn’t been seen till today and we are excited to see this get out to the World! Prints available here:  http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/ethiopia-lifts-the-world-by-ras-elijah-tafaridre-z-melodi/

" Foundation " Album Cover for Nick Sefakis by Ras Elijah Tafari, inks contributed by Tana Morgan

” Foundation ” Album Cover for Nick Sefakis by Ras Elijah Tafari, inks contributed by Tana Morgan

Long awaited album by Nick Sefakis is being released 2/21/20 Every where, you can pre-order it on iTunes. Excellent Reggae with great guests. This piece reflects the polar zones of a sustainable future in HIM and an unsustainable future with Babylon. In HIM is a New Earth and Heaven, where all can live and do what they are supposed to. In Babylon is ruin, floods and environmental disaster. Respect to my daughter Tana Morgan for hours of hard inking work. She is 14 and getting better everyday. It is an honor to work with her and see the progression. For the Future. Nick Sefakis, BIG UP!  For a Print, Link Up! http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/foundation/

Babylon is Burning! Ink and computer colors. Done for     "The Last Apostle"

Babylon is Burning! Ink and computer colors. Done for “The Last Apostle”

Seemed like a good follow up to the last, that was also colored on the computer. Message hopefully is clear, the House of Ba’al is burning, the Lions know get the youth out! Honor to the Last Apostle for the ideas, and his single “Life Forevermore” is now out.  Prints are available! http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/babylon-is-burning/

" House of the Lord." By Ras Elijah Tafari Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. 18"x24"

” House of the Lord.” By Ras Elijah Tafari Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. 18″x24″

“Truth with puncturing lighten ray” Akae Beka. Alms out in the Emperor’s Name. DEFENDJAH back cover. This piece reflect the House of the Lord in the Earth and at Once in the Woman. That the Children of Jah are amongst InI, that Our House is in His Rock and Guarded by His Set Apart Ones. That Ethiopia is the Mother and Father, that the Oval reflects the birthing of the mirror of the Heart. An Oval like your Head, Eyes and mouth..For the Seven Seals to be open to have all of these gates open to Jah Truth. With that, let us reason on how many know the story of St. George and Dragon. Its on the Kings Crown and the Church He was Crowned and coronated in is named after him..how many Ras can tell you what it right in front and on top…Understand the powers of Angels and Saints, Ark Angel Micheal and who to many nations came.. St. George and in this time Again.. Akae Beka and three men at the gates entering. Empress Menen is the Madonna in realtime frame.

Respect to Rastar Recordz for the call. Honor to share and give a Testament. Quantum patterns for sure. This album and all the art works involved mystically all are intertwined. Prayers of Power and Protection to the Family of Akae Beka. Give thanks to have his Gemstone words inspiring still and forever more. http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/house-of-the-lord/

" Selassie INIght" Acrylic and  Indian Ink on Canvas. 18"x 24"  Original 200.oo

” Selassie INIght” Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. 18″x 24″ Original 200.oo

Recent meditation that reflected on His Imperial Majesties Exile and time in Europe. I had painted another piece years ago call, ” King in Exile.” and I missed it. I decided to work on a series that reflects this period of Night and War. Prints and the original are available. http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/selassie-inight/

"The King in Bath" Acrylic and indian ink on Canvas. For the Fair Field House.

“The King in Bath” Acrylic and indian ink on Canvas. For the Fairfield House.

One of 5 pieces going to the Fairfield House in Bath, England. This Original will be shown in the House of His Imperial Majesty in Bath that He and His Family spend 5 years in exile. Today it is a home for the elderly, and I am proud of the Ras maintaining and respecting the legacy and up keep of the estate. This piece is for sale, and all proceeds go to the estate. However it will need to be in the show that will be held in July of 2020. If interested, message and let I know what we can do to be a strength. Minimum price is 400.00 http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/the-king-in-bath/

"Greetings Bath." Painting of Emperor Haile Selassie by Ras Elijah Tafari.

“Greetings Bath.” Painting of Emperor Haile Selassie by Ras Elijah Tafari.

Greetings Bath! One of 5 pieces going to the Fairfield House in Bath, England. All proceeds go to the estate. Likewise it will be in a show in July and if interested prints and original is available. Message if interested!http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/greetings-bath/

" Biblical Bath. " By Ras Elijah Tafari. Indian Ink and Acrylic on Canvas. 18"x24

” Biblical Bath. ” By Ras Elijah Tafari. Indian Ink and Acrylic on Canvas. 18″x24

” Biblical Bath ” is titled so because what happened in the period of 1936-1941 was prophetic and a judgement warned by the Emperor. Who fought from an old Roman town that had freed itself from Roman rule hundreds of years before. Bath, England.  They never realized He was the truly the King of the Earth and More.. One of 5 pieces going to the Fairfield House in Bath, England. All proceeds go to the estate. Likewise it will be in a show in July and if interested prints and original is available. Message if interested! http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/biblical-bath/

Emperor " Haile Selassie I at the Root." By Ras Elijah Tafari. 26"x 36" Indian Ink and Acrylic on Canvas. for the Original 500.

Emperor ” Haile Selassie I at the Root.” By Ras Elijah Tafari. 26″x 36″ Indian Ink and Acrylic on Canvas. for the Original 500.

Painted on Gena, The Ethiopian/ Orthodox Christmas, it was a joy-ting. Full of celebration and love for the Roots of Imanity, of Christianity, of the Nile and much more. Good to know your roots. The original is available as well as it is open if someone needs album art. Prints available as well!http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/haile-selassie-i-at-the-root/

"Coronation of the Covenant." by Ras Elijah Tafari Acrylic and Indian Ink. 18x24 on Canvas.

“Coronation of the Covenant.” by Ras Elijah Tafari Acrylic and Indian Ink. 18×24 on Canvas.

In the period of January many Ethiopian Services and celebrations are held. As I stayed in the meditation I listened a lot to Aba Yohannes Tesfamariam sermons and they inspired this piece. It may be on an album, but I am not letting any details out now.. For now prints are available. http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/coronation-of-the-covenant/

 Haile Selassie trodding through Babylon" By Ras Elijah Tafari. Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. 18"x24" Original Available for 200.00

Haile Selassie trodding through Babylon” By Ras Elijah Tafari. Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. 18″x24″ Original Available for 200.00 and Prints!

2020 Version of HIM in Babylon by night. Part of a series that has begun. Rastafari. Original available for only 200. Get prints here: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/haile-selassie-trodding-through-babylon/

" King and Queen of the Tropics." By Maximo Crotty and Ras Elijah Tafari

” King and Queen of the Tropics.” By Maximo Crotty and Ras Elijah Tafari

This long awaited piece is going to be on the republishing of Akae Beka and Fifth Son ” Homage to the Land ” Vinyl and Cds. It will be on the actual cd and vinyl in a perfect round balance. For a long time I have wanted to work with Maximo Crotty, a Rastaman who lives in Puerto Rico. This piece is lovely and was drawn by him and darkened and cleaned/ with computer graphics by InI. It has 2 other ways it will come out on the cds and vinyl and it is a joy to be working with Fifth Son Records. Let the words of Akae Beka be spread. Prints are available. http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/king-and-queen-of-the-tropics/

" Bridge to Ethiopia." By Ras Elijah Tafari 2020. Acrylic and Indian Ink, 24"x 36" on Canvas.

” Bridge to Ethiopia.” By Ras Elijah Tafari 2020. Acrylic and Indian Ink, 24″x 36″ on Canvas.

” Bridge to Ethiopia.”Celebrating Ethiopia’s Rock Churches in the Northern Highlands. Original has been spoken for, however prints are available! http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/bridge-to-ethiopia/

"Selassie I Blue Night" By Ras Elijah Tafari. 18"x24" Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. Original Available for 300.

“Selassie I Blue Night” By Ras Elijah Tafari. 18″x24″ Acrylic and Indian Ink on Canvas. Original Available for 300.

Just Finished, and part of the Selassie In Exile series by night. This piece is different and I like the energy, and glow. By night and day, Emperor Haile Selassie I is the Light of the World. Original and Prints available. http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/selassie-i-blue-night/

"Move in Balance" Painting of Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen by Ras Elijah Tafari. Acrylic and Indian Ink. !8"x24". For Michael Leslie.

“Move in Balance” Painting of Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen by Ras Elijah Tafari. Acrylic and Indian Ink. 18″x24″. For Michael Leslie.

What a Joy! Getting to know brother Michael and hearing his thoughts was a joy. He came up with many ideas for this and it was a joy to work together. In the Center is Christ and His Essence continuing to Mariam Magdalena and the children that come forth after. The Elephants represent to the love between Man and God and Man and Woman. How the contrasts of light and dark reflect in the personality of the King of Kings and Queen of Kings, and Brother Leslie said, paint a futuristic city of Jah. This Original piece is Mr. Leslie’s and will come out on his album in time. I am very thankful to be able to share this piece now, and be able to offer prints with you. Give thanks for this very special experience.  http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/move-in-balance/

"SELASSIE I DRIP." By Ras Elijah Tafari. Indian Ink and Acrylic on Canvas.18"x24"

“SELASSIE I DRIP.” By Ras Elijah Tafari. Indian Ink and Acrylic on Canvas.18″x24″

I greatly enjoyed doing this piece. Starting with gentle drips I gradually kept moving the drips into each other, after a time, InI put His Imperial Majesty in the center to see what it would look like without red. It worked well and with a little highlights it came together. This piece is for another under cover project, and will be published soon. For now, here is the art, and power of the message. Know Emperor Haile Selassie I is the Fullfillment. Selah. Prints available. http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/selassie-i-drip/

Thank you for reading and looking at the new works. Believe it or not, there is still more I am not showing for various reasons. Since my surgery I have more energy and I look forward to bringing more works on every level. Thank you every one who has supported InI over the years, because of you I feel the strength of many as I walk on a strange journey. Every day people tell me visions, and ideas, some of which are not worth sharing. In this journey, the act of creating, whether in visual arts or music allows I to cypher through what is real and illusion. Thank you everyone for strengthening and helping I expand to exalt the Most High through out. Encourage the Good. Give Jah the Strength of your Life. And Full Joy Your Process more than the product. Its all a gift. If your interested in getting an album cover/ original art / t-shirt ideas or having I participate in an event please message InI and we will link up. Anything that is good, I can be a strength too, please dont hesitate to link. ONE.


In the Precious Name of Our God and King. Emperor Haile Selassie I. Power and Virtue of the Trinity. Hail the Almighty in our goings in and forwarding out. Most High Jah Rastafari.











Akae Beka FifthSon Records present Homage to the Land in Vinyl.


TRS Records

Coming in 2020, we have teamed with Fifth Son Records to release all their exceptional Vaughn Benjamin (the voice of Midnite) and Akae Beka albums through the years, and for the first time ever on Vinyl. Starting things off with their most recent collaboration called ‘Homage To The Land’. Get treated to unique live instrumentation with some truly interesting twists which is a testament to passion. As lead singer for Midnite, the legendary roots band from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Vaughn Benjamin holds a special place in roots music, with an expansive lyrical catalog of righteous tunes and haunting vocal tones. Reacquaint yourself with the words, sound and power of V.B before his recent transition only last month, but the works continue. ‘Homage To The Land’ is a visually stunning album redesigned by Ras Elijah Tafari (consistently genius artwork) with special inner sleeve lyrics. An album not just for more seasoned of listeners, but one for the ages and generations to come. Coming soon!
Akae Beka FifthSon Records present Homage to the Land in Vinyl.

Akae Beka FifthSon Records present Homage to the Land in Vinyl.



" Be Strong."



Before Auto tune, Before dancing singers there was ROOTS REGGAE, Before there was Hip Hop, before there was Reggae there was Nyabinghi. Nyabinghi and the sound of the Heart is imperative in understanding Roots Reggae and the prophetical experience that has been part of an Oral legacy handed down by Major Prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah,  and Iyesus the Christ. When speaking of Akae Beka, and previously as Midnite, in his own words, ” Isiah wasn’t an entertainer.” When looking at the difference of musicians rarely will you find one that is a voice in the wilderness that cries both warnings and insights into the realms of Jah.

Some will call his “fans” cult followers due to our love and honor of the man, Vaughn Benjamin. If Cult is short for Culture, I have no problem with that. His change of name to Akae Beka will inspire thousands to read the book of Enoch and think about the meanings and messages. He music demands ones read in order to be educated, both religious works as well as secular and to choose the right. He brings to attention the call to be ONE and unchanging in our oath to the Creator. Few reach the heights he calls us to look at in reference to who we are and can be. His coming to New Mexico is a momentous occasion and one that will bring together the Children of the King and Queen of Kings. I my short life, I have never have I seen the magnetic pull and words to bring a sound of truth so liberating that I have to be there..It is beyond a joy, his words bring peace and inspiration to that which makes I create. If my art had a sound track it would be his poetry. I and many rank him as the greatest poet that has ever lived, and though it may take refinement, when ones actually hear what he is saying no one uses words more carefully and eloquently. We get entangled into the sound of sharp and healing tones and often miss the sober and serious recognitions of the time and call he brings. The show in Taos Sunday, Dec. 16th will be historic in our common bond that Emperor Haile Selassie I has been placed in our lives to be a beacon and light, a personal call from Himself and from the four corners of the Earth.  One that many have submitted to, and to be in the presence of those, is to be in the presence of Greatness. It is those who are humble enough to sit and know that on the streets, we know who is for us, we have allies, through Jah, Akae Beka across the Earth has been there in the sticks. In New Mexico, 9 Albums have been made for Midnite to Akae Beka. It is through the hard work of so many that it all comes together. Big Up and thank you to everyone who has helped and nurtured good relations. Thank Roots and Wire, Jerry and company, FifthSon Records, and Dre-Z Melodi and company ( you know who you are!).   It is Our honor to Salute the whole Crew and each other in acknowledgment that Jah is with us, let us do His work.  Haile I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.

Here are a few pieces that done in honor of the Emperor, Our Jah and King, and those who are singers and players of instruments of Zion. All I Springs are in thee.

In Awe.

In Awe.

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, "Standing Ground" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, “Standing Ground” by Ras Elijah Tafari

" Be Strong."

” Be Strong.”

" Mystery River "

” Mystery River “

" On The Bomb "

” On The Bomb “


"Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch,"

“Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch,”