Tag Archives: Ethiopia and the United Nations


Pan Africanism Webinar NOV.2nd.2021 The case of Ethiopia today.

Pan Africanism for Defending Sovereignty in and of Africa:The case of Ethiopia today. 

In this time when many are celebrating Ethiopia and the 91st anniversary of the Coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Asfaw, let us be aware that Ethiopia is in crisis. Let us think as Pan Africans about what we can do to see peace increase. We have seen Ethiopia be in arrested development due to poor leadership for decades, and we as Ethiopianists want to see the best for all of Ethiopia. Join us tomorrow Nov. 2nd for a webinar, presented by Defend Ethiopia Task Force Europe, and the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute for a Pan African Presentation. Moderated by Mahlet Ayele Beyecha of Connect Africa Network. Our prayers, attention, words and actions are what is needed. Give thanks.

Join us on tomorrow’s webinar: keynote speaker: Teferi Melesse Desta, Ambassador of ETH UK and Ireland, Dr. Desta Meghoo, Laison to the African Union, Diaspora African Forum ( DAF) Nyave Yahaya Salifu, Executive Director, Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, Mahlet Ayele Beyecha, Moderator Defend Ethiopia Task Force Europe. Tamerat Negera Feyisa, Political Commentator & Founder, Terara Network, Terara Network. Ras Elijah Tafari, Reform the United Nations Now, ( RUNN ) Representative, RUNN. Jeff Pearce, Historian, Investigative Journalist, Author, Independent Journalist. Pan Africanism for Defending Sovereignty in and of Africa: The case of Ethiopia today Great speakers are lined up to speak! 2nd Nov, @7pm (CET) @9pm (Ethiopia), 2pm (DC), If we want to go far, Pan Africanism is the way for all Africans! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88424413218… ID: 884 2441 3218Passcode: 630192#EthiopiaPrevails #PanAfricanism #Africanunite #AfricanUnion
