Tag Archives: Environment justice

Mankind's Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari The Urgent Need To Reform The United Nations

Intro to R.U.N.N. Why we need organize to reform the UN.

As we all are in the winds of the whirlwind of the times, I wanted to slow down and give thanks. First Give thanks to for Life and the Opportunity to share this moment.

I wanted to give thanks for those who are excited about the book and organizing, it is a joy to be able to organize publicly and gather strength internationally. We are opening up a dialogue with both Rastafari and human rights/ environmental justice advocates about why we must push for reforming the United Nations. Many are already likeminded, how to remove the veto power from the UN Security Council is the beginning uniting in the name of Collective Security. Without removing the veto power of the UNSC, the lack of environmental justice, the lack of human rights, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons will continue. We address this as an urgent matter, and have created a new group to address it from an all age, international and pan African approach. As we explore and journey into this endeavor, the guidance of those around us is crucial. In many ways, whether one is very educated or not, the simplicity of the topic will arise the more as is it directly approached. It is also complex, which allows us all to look at multi faceted solutions that are creative and beneficial for all. Having polarized positions are a hinderance, and as the truth comes out, the truth reveals exactly what is helpful and what is hurtful.
No nation will be able to assure its own survival or freedom without the commitments of their neighbors. That is a reasoning I am happy to elaborate on, however, ones can support local, be a patriot nationalist, and think internationally about threats faced globally and strengths that happen with Global solidarity. Beyond rhetoric this movement is about actualizing and having the will power and determination to make change by any means necessary. It is important for Africans together with the Caribbean to take the lead in presenting the importance for UN Reforms, that our representation can be accounted for by our own leadership and example. Looking at solutions with a Black Liberation theology ingrained, allows a special advantage.
Working with social movements and bridging different groups builds on the message that this will take a global effort. I hope that this resonates and is something you’re interested in learning more about building. It is the duty of everyone to work for our collective survival over collective extinction. Many have expressed the desire to bring their spiritual education higher to build for real peace and security. Logically and Spiritually the United Nations represents the greatest body for peace keeping in human history, it therefore has the greatest potential that need those who believe in justice, human rights, dignity, and environmental protections to push for those principals. Thank you for reading and I hope you will want to join us and build as One. Learn more and register at www.reformtheunitednationsnow.com and you can order the book for there as well. Jah Bless the whole Earth. Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari
Founder of R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.


Veganism isn’t the most you can do its the least you can do.

Veganism isn’t the most you can do its the least you can do. It is moral base line, like don’t torture creatures. If people did the bare minimum, the world would be different. Its simply arrogance to think we are better than other creatures, taught to us by doctrines that teach us poorly about what in means to be human and being here to take care of the planet. We over feed animals, while we let humans suffer and die of starvation. When people think Vegans care more about animals that humans, think about how animal agriculture is the leading cause of environmental destruction, thAniat the addiction to their tastebuds is placed at the cost of killing the oceans, air and land. Cruelty is a stain on our species that claim they are civilized. Humanities consumes fear, pain and suffering, without a need, and act in ways I doubt any cave men behaved. Cave men never confined pigs in a crate and pump them full drugs. People can grasp the importance of making car emissions lower, but can’t see own up to the own destructive emissions. When people want to say vegans are forcing their ideas, let me correct that as well. We aren’t forcing anything, meat eaters force their knives into innocent creatures throats, simply to have an unhealthy snack. Meat eaters want ethical treatment from others, yet don’t realize that what the meat industry does is worse than what most presidents could ever do. Its the elephant in the room, and if people had to treat the food they eat as the people they pay others too, they couldn’t look them selves in the mirror. When I hear responses that defend something abhorrent it simply is sad. Because they will continue to support killing and torturing animals while complaining someone was rude in traffic. I have no idea how someone could support female rights and feminism and not be vegan, female animals are raped and have their babies taken away so feminists drink milkshakes. For those who defend small farms, an prefer local murder, there is no humane way to murder, like there is no humane to steal, there is no human way to rape. There is no such thing as a humane holocaust. There is nothing ethical about killing a happy cows or miserable cows. There is no right way to the wrong thing. If your happy that doesn’t give someone an excuse to kill you..!    Thank you to the Ruebonic Plague for helping prepare this commentary.”

The way that Africans were sold on the block as stock in New York as the original stock market, dehumanized all people, this is like how the killing of animals became a massive industry that is destroying us all, people and animals. Now compare that to the Military industrial complex, that took war and made it their profession, monopolizing it, killing the World and people and animals, that also is threatening us all. What injustices were done in the past, methods to weapons of war, has been exploited to the point of chattel slavey for the masses, animals and humans. We want to say we are better than animals when it is humans that have caused every problem on Earth, while animals have caused none. We have face the fact that our destructive ideology is taught, that as children we are desensitized to violence to both people, animals and the Earth. Like the ideology that is hidden, are the 150 billion animals that are slaughtered a year, and the mind state that has been conditioned to say we love animals while hurting them. This is a form a dementia. To consider milk a part of the human food group is as absurd as to think human milk should be part of a panda’s food group..rat milks is for baby rats, dogs milks is for baby dogs…cats milk is for baby cats.. and they want to tell me cows milk is for humans..wtf.. its for baby cows. humans are the only species that drinks milk after infancy, it is abnormal and infantile, let alone to drink another species milk.How is it normal to drink the breast milk of a beaten, battered, mutilated drugged animal? It would be more natural to put human milk into your coffee than an animals, which would be more humane than taking an animals milk without consent, however most people would find that gross. hmm..insane. Why is normal for nations to continue to profit off exploiting the poor and helpless? How can we harm those who are less powerful than us, and complain when it happens it to us?…People defend might is right when it comes to eating animals, however we don’t defend might is right when it comes to humans. Are we as people turning our stomachs and the planet into a cemetery, festering in the secretions of the piling of bodies on top of bodies needlessly? For those who are vegetarians, that isn’t enough, you are consuming blood in you milk and cheese as well as a lot of puss…if you really want the honest truth, graphic as it is, I challenge you to sit thru the 5 min video called ” Dairy is Scary ” by Erin Janus on YouTube if you want that red pill and leave this matrix of propaganda and break away from supporting meat and dairy industries, which are one and same. If you understand that you should think for yourself, and not just listen to what your parents say, then apply that to your food. Don’t just eat it because your mommy and daddy told you too, think for yourself so you don’t pass down the same destructive tendencies. Like Akae Beka says, ” don’t say the word “Love” until you know Love. “.. Don’t just tell me Peace, live it.