Tag Archives: English Translation of the Amharic ” The Peoples Faith

The Peoples Faith.Prayer of Freedom: Cover

The People’s Faith, Prayer of Freedom. English Translation.

Greetings In the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie First.  It give us much joy and thanks giving to be able to publish in both English and Amharic Emperor Haile Selassie I’s administrations ” The People’s Faith, Prayer of Freedom.” This is the first time that this Holy Prayer has been published in English that we know of. We would like to livicate  this publishing to the Patriots, nurses, warriors, and soldiers,  who fought for Ethiopia’s Freedom. The World, Ethiopia and We, Ourselves are in your debt.



I firmly believe that the world as we know it would not be the same if not for the bravery exercised by these Ethiopians, often very young, who never gave up on Freedom and the King of Kings. Honoring May 5th, Liberation Day, On This 79th anniversary of Ethiopia’s regaining of Her Country from Fascist Italy’s occupation, may this Prayer inspire all generations everywhere to Stand for Freedom, and for Ethiopia to preserve and protect their cultural history.  This little book, titled ” The People’s Faith, The Prayer of Freedom.”  Was issued by the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I’s Government. It was put into the pocket of every soldiers uniform on the heart. I thought of how many died, with this book on their heart, and the long nights where it was the only thing they had to read or to find comfort in. How many memorized it,.. how many learned to read from this.. 5 long years, many without pay, shoes or blankets, fought night and day until they reached Freedom again. Some died in battle, and their sons picked up their guns and kept fighting, for Freedom, for Ethiopia, For the King of Kings, for God.

Kegnazmatch Azbite Habtemariam’s  father joined the ancestors in battle, and though he was just 13, he fought for five years with the Faith that Good over evil would prevail. Without food, water, and rest, unless from nature, he and many others fought. The evidence of faith and the vigilance of these great men, women and children are seen in the Ethiopians of Today. If it weren’t for men like  Kegnazmatch Azbite Habtemariam and so many others, Ethiopia would not be as glorious of a nation with Her courage and Her Love of God, Country and Freedom. These photo’s are about 5 years old commemorating his works in Chicago.

Ethiopian Patriot. Kegnazmatch Azbite Habtemariam

Ethiopian Patriot. Kegnazmatch Azbite Habtemariam

Ethiopian Patriot and his wife. Kegnazmatch Azbite Habtemariam

Ethiopian Patriot and his wife. Kegnazmatch Azbite Habtemariam. We thank you for your service.

This publishing is livicated to these great ones. May The Most High Bless You Eternally.


We would like to thank Weyizero Seble Yemenu , and her husband Kabir Daitz for the translation and transcription. We would also like to thank Muluken Abegaz for his contributions in the study of this Holy Prayer.

First Published on the 13th of June, 1936. The Original Amharic text is included from the original publication.  It has been translated to express how it is meant to the Amharic reader, and has been presented in that manner in it’s translation. It is the wish that the English reader is able to conceive the idea’s and prayer in a way that suitably expresses what His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I wrote.  Mrs. Yemenu is from Ethiopia and speaks Amharic fluently as her first language, she has graciously written from an Ethiopian perspective in order that a proper Ethiopian interpretation is rendered in an English translation. It is provided on this platform so it may be free for all to read and see. Our goal is to enrich our collective Ethiopian culture and preserving our spiritual history, and prayers for future generations.

None of this would be possible if not for His Imperial Majesty, The King of Kings, Atse Haile Selassie I, The Conquering Lion of Judah, and Root of David. It is thru His  Faith, Courage and Leadership. Thank You for comforting us till this day, Worthy to praised, yesterday, today and forevermore. In Your Name let it be Known. Power of Trinity.

Original Text and photos of the  whole book and written In Amharic.

“The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom.”

The Peoples Faith.Prayer of Freedom: Cover

The People’s Faith.Prayer of Freedom: Cover

The People's Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Inside cover

The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Inside Cover.

Prayer of Freedom: page 1

The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Page 1

Prayer of Freedom: pg2-3

The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Page 2-3

The People's Faith. Prayer of Freedom:: 4-5

The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom: 4-5

The People's Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Page7-8

The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Page 6-7

The People's Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Page 8-9

The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom: Page 8-9


English translation of  ”The People’s Faith. Prayer of Freedom.”

Translated by Seble Yemenu.

Haile Selassie The First, King of Kings of Ethiopia

The People’s Faith, Prayer of Freedom

This book is published in the 10th month and 4th administrative year of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I King of Kings Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, 1936 Year of Mercy. 6, 13, 36, 1333, 3000

1.   We Ethiopians believe Ethiopia is only created for Us.

2.  We believe that Emperor Haile Selassie I Is a King by the Will of God, and His Life is only for Our own benefit.

3.  We believe that He is Our Brain Leader and We will follow on the ways that He will direct Us.

4.  We believe that the safety of Our Country will be protected only if We obey.

5.  We believe that if We serve, We can protect Our Unity.

6.  We believe that there is no full and joyous life without Our Government.

7.  We believe that there is a Divine Soul that carries freedom in Our blood which won’t betray Us to slavery.

8.  We believe that if We are not willing to serve Ethiopia selflessly, then We will be confronted by the God of heroes on the day of freedom.

9.  We believe that if We are willing to serve Our country selflessly, then We will be crowned by history which is the judge of the righteous and the wicked.

10. We believe that We don’t want to see, hear or do wrong in Our current returned Heaven Country.

The country with a King born from the people is blessed, respected and thriving with freedom. Among the greatest treasures that was given for the world is freedom. A country that has freedom is wealthy, respected and perfect.

Societies with no freedom are poor and disrespected, even if they are financially wealthy.

There are no contemptuous people than those who are embarrassed to speak of where they are from.

People without freedom even if they are rich, they still poor, if they make a speech they can’t be heard, if they are developed, they still backward, if they are educated, they still illiterate. They are always dehumanized and used as objects by wealthy chauvinists.

What differentiates superiority between humans? Knowledge? race? Country? History? Its freedom. Those that don’t have it are like a body with no soul.

Our forefathers counted their population as one, and when they assigned ranks, they divided as Graazmatch, Qegnazmatch, Fitawrari and Ras, and this is one unit. The leader of this unit is The King of Kings Haile Selassie I. As the body who doesn’t have a soul counts as dead, the country that doesn’t have a King is not alive. Therefore, the Life of Our King of Kings is a guarantee of the Life of Our People. Long Life for Our King of Kings. May Our day and night dreams be about Our freedom.

Money can buy us everything We wish for except Our freedom. The cost of freedom is very expensive, We cannot buy it even if We have millions and billions. The people that know the value of freedom would rather die than losing it. We have to be vigilant.

The person that refuses to carry his own weapon will suffer and carry the weapon of the enemy. We learned that during our past times of slavery. The shortcut for buying one’s freedom is deeplyknowing the value of it and sacrificing life without hesitation. By doing this, we will remove the scars of slavery which entered to Us deceitfully.

As history told Us, in Israel’s tradition, slaves were released in the 50th year, but for Ethiopia the 50 years were reduced to 5 years.

Deuteronomy 15; 16-17

“And it must occur that in case he says to you,’ I shall not go out from your company!’ because he does love you and your household, since it was well with him while with you, you must also take an awl and put it through his ear and to the door, and he must become your slave to time indefinite.” Remember the word.

The child who doesn’t love his father is not a child. Instead of living as a rich slave in the master’s house, it is a treasure to live poor in the Father’s house.

Translated by Seble Yemenu.

In closing, I would like to express how this Prayer opens the minds of what Freedom truly is, and Our collective duty to attain it. That these principals as expressed are true for all nations, that money doesn’t free your soul. True Freedom comes from sacrifice and vigilance to the cause of justice and to end subjection. That we should never sell Our honor and dignity, it is better dying in defense of it. May We be found acceptable to the God of Heroes, on that day when it is asked did we run or confront those who would want Us as slaves. I Pray The Most High Guide and Protect you all. That you are filled with His Holy Spirit, and remember that we are His Children. I pray that We forget not, Emperor Haile Selassie I leads our brains, if We let HIM. The EverLiving King of Kings. In the Name of Trinity. One Creator.