Tag Archives: Emperor Haile Selassie I


What did His Imperial Majesty say about UN reforms and survival.

A formal Invitation to Rastafari adherents from R.U.N.N. Reform the United Nations Now. 

Greetings in the precious Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie the First. King of Kings, King of Zion, The Root of David, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Power of the Trinity.
Our chief aim as RUNN is the removal of the veto power for the United Nations Security Council. We are a global non profit that pushes for education and pressure to advocate for a democratic United Nations where all nations have an equal vote, without any one nation able to veto or table a subject.
The following is why Emperor Haile Selassie the First encouraged the reform of the United Nations urgently. Why He stood for equality of vote, and why it is a matter of human survival that we move into action as swiftly as possible.

” Today the Great Powers should also wake up to the realization of the fact that the key to their own destiny and future happiness does not lie in their own hands alone. There is no peace without cooperation. Be it known that the principles enshrined in the Charter and the resolutions adopted by the Organization are not there only for the small nations to respect and to implement. In efforts being made to ease the gravity of world problems, the small nations should have a say. Their voices should be heard. An atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence cannot be established when the rights of small nations are not accorded the same respect as those of the Big Powers. In order to accomplish these tasks, it is essential to rouse the conscience of mankind.”
This quote speaks clearly to the fact that the UN needs reforms in order to have cooperation, without which there can be no peace. The King of Kings also speaks to the issue of an imbalance of respect for voice, and abiding to resolutions in regard to small and big nations. He finishes the paragraph with ” It is essential to rouse the conscience of mankind. “.. Not just those who work for the UN, but all of mankind. 
He closes that entire speech to the UN in 1965 June 27th, with these words,

“Once we are able to do what is humanly possible, the rest could be left to the Almighty God. So that man whom he has created in his own image may not be destroyed, let us repose our faith in God.”

Closing of UN speech 1965

We must do all that is humanly possible in order that we can leave it to God, and pray for His Mercy that we may not be destroyed.

In 1963 The Conquering Lion of Judah spoke to the UN saying, “Here, in this Assembly, reposes the best, perhaps the last, hope for the peaceful survival of mankind.” He reminds us that the UN and mankind’s peaceful survival are interlinked. By 1970 The Emperor of Ethiopia’s words called for more action and brought all three points together. That The UN is (1) validated by its principles and should be defended, (2) that it needs reform and this is a global responsibility through enacting reforms (3) that will be the determining factor in mankind’s collective survival or collective extinction.

” The choice of this age and the very future of our humanity is simple: collective survival, or collective extinction. When the stark choice is thus revealed in all its naked horror, dare we hesitate as to our choice? The choice we know; the means we can rediscover in a reinvigorated and mature United Nations. The will to act, and the courage and determination to implement the decisions we must take, matter. Let this session be the rebirth of the United Nations, and the reaffirmation of our faith in the ever-continuing validity of the purposes and principles for which it was established. A grave responsibility rests upon us: to ensure our own collective survival, and the future of unborn generations. May the Almighty grant us the wisdom, courage and determination to rise to this supreme challenge and reap a rich reward!”

Emperor Haile Selassie I, UN Address for the 25 anniversary.

We at RUNN are ready for the task and supreme challenge. Our reward is everyone’s reward, collective survival. We feel now is the necessary time to act and are building global alliances in solidarity with as many as possible. We are not a theological organization or a Rastafari organization. We stand united with all that advocate for the removal of the United Nations Security Council Veto Power, which is the first step to removing first class and second class membership from within the UN. We stand for Human Rights and Justice for All. Many of Us have been inspired by The King of Zion’s words, we believe in action and education over theological rhetoric. This is an invitation to those who are livicated to manifest Haile Selassie’s expressed aims and wishes on the world stage, and by this livity we prove that what He taught usis beneficial and useful to all.


We invite you to join us and learn more, we have 8 speeches made by His Imperial Majesty to the United Nations on our website. Please register there and we will reach out and discuss ways we can build. Many of those within the organization are Rastafari and we want to encourage and welcome our Rastafari family to a new movement that loves Emperor Haile Selassie I and seeks Africa’s place on the world stage, equal in rights and voice as any other nation.

Thank you for sharing your time, and we hope to hear from you.


Give thanks for all Jah has done, is doing and will do for us.

Power of the Trinity. One Jah.

Heart of Reinvigoration.

Ras Elijah Tafari

on behalf of R.U.N.N.

Reform the United Nations Now.





Nick Sefakis meets Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

New Musical Projects and Album Cover Art!

Greetings and Bless! Please to announce new projects coming out or just released:

Akae Beka The Draw

Akae Beka The Draw

Coming out March 25th and available on all musical platforms. Brought to you by Rebellion City Records via Bobo Rems. Seriously Powerful tune.

Sebastian Franks Hollow Ground

Sebastian Franks Hollow Ground

Now out! check out the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TijDPNFsGQw

InI wanted to make mention of those who should be acknowledged as we are inspired by their works, and that by their work that we can inspire others. When InI got the call from Jah Solid Rock Music I was honored to be included on this project and I loved the idea that came from the company. Many of us have a great joy and memory of iconic comics and covers, and he wanted I to make Jamaican super heroes to replace the iconic comic cover of Captain America and Falcon on Captain America issue 193. I thought it was cool and fitting for a blast from the past, legend Coxone Lloyd in an epic Trilogy Record burning Babylon down with his team of hero musicians! In that, I wanted and remember and acknowledge Jack Kirby, profound and iconic creative influence in many lives. He penciled and wrote that issue, and I tried to follow in his line work exactly as well as the colors on the original. The entire piece wasn’t included on the album cover, and the traditional manner of honoring the artist before was not seen. I wanted to honor the man right away, and give thanks for his inspiration and all those who made Captain America such a power figure in the imagination. In the comic world, we write “after” when we are doing a different version of a previous cover. I wanted to share the original and full piece, and a say humbly that this piece is after the Great Jack Kirby. Respect. 1917-1994…and still going. Big Up Jah Solid Rock Music, Ras Teo, Tuff Gong, and everyone involved and included. It will be epic because it will be ” SIR COXSONE CHAMPION SOUND!”

King of the Dub Rock 3

King of the Dub Rock 3


Album Cover King of the Dub Rock 3

Album Cover King of the Dub Rock 3  COMING OUT IN JUNE!!!!

Victory Fikir Amlak

Victory Fikir Amlak

Victory Fikir Amlak


Underwater Nick Sefakis and Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

Underwater Nick Sefakis and Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

Nick Sefakis meets Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

Nick Sefakis meets Elliot Martin of John Browns Body Out on All Musical Platforms now!

With lots more to come, including from Ras Teo. Check this tune, now out on Vinyl as well! Blessed Love!

Ras Teo and Pablo Gad


Thank you to everyone worked hard to put these testimonies out, as collective witnesses to the Greatness of Jah. I am humbled and grateful to be included in these worthy projects.

Jah Bless you all and keep you safe. Glory to the Father of Creation. Power of the Trinity.  Emperor Haile Selassie First.



Announcing The AFRIKIN Art Exhibit, February virtual show!

Grateful to be included, AFRIKIN, a non profit organization based out of Miami, Florida, has lead years of events to help educate and innovate African Culture across the globe. For the month of February it is a privilege to share an art exhibit brought by AFRIKIN to the world virtually.

This is the first virtual show I have ever had, and it is set up the same way as if you were walking around a gallery. There will be 24 pieces on show and some will be accompanied by poetry. Others will have explanations about the painting and an insight into the process.  The pieces were chosen special for this show, and are a mix of new and old pieces, some that are published and some unseen. I hope you enjoy, and if anyone would like to work on a project and collaborate please feel free to link. lionartproductions@gmail.com

Tune in starting February 1st: https://store.afrikin.org/ras-elijah-tafari/

Jah Bless, and Give thanks.




Mankind's Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari The Urgent Need To Reform The United Nations

Intro to R.U.N.N. Why we need organize to reform the UN.

As we all are in the winds of the whirlwind of the times, I wanted to slow down and give thanks. First Give thanks to for Life and the Opportunity to share this moment.

I wanted to give thanks for those who are excited about the book and organizing, it is a joy to be able to organize publicly and gather strength internationally. We are opening up a dialogue with both Rastafari and human rights/ environmental justice advocates about why we must push for reforming the United Nations. Many are already likeminded, how to remove the veto power from the UN Security Council is the beginning uniting in the name of Collective Security. Without removing the veto power of the UNSC, the lack of environmental justice, the lack of human rights, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons will continue. We address this as an urgent matter, and have created a new group to address it from an all age, international and pan African approach. As we explore and journey into this endeavor, the guidance of those around us is crucial. In many ways, whether one is very educated or not, the simplicity of the topic will arise the more as is it directly approached. It is also complex, which allows us all to look at multi faceted solutions that are creative and beneficial for all. Having polarized positions are a hinderance, and as the truth comes out, the truth reveals exactly what is helpful and what is hurtful.
No nation will be able to assure its own survival or freedom without the commitments of their neighbors. That is a reasoning I am happy to elaborate on, however, ones can support local, be a patriot nationalist, and think internationally about threats faced globally and strengths that happen with Global solidarity. Beyond rhetoric this movement is about actualizing and having the will power and determination to make change by any means necessary. It is important for Africans together with the Caribbean to take the lead in presenting the importance for UN Reforms, that our representation can be accounted for by our own leadership and example. Looking at solutions with a Black Liberation theology ingrained, allows a special advantage.
Working with social movements and bridging different groups builds on the message that this will take a global effort. I hope that this resonates and is something you’re interested in learning more about building. It is the duty of everyone to work for our collective survival over collective extinction. Many have expressed the desire to bring their spiritual education higher to build for real peace and security. Logically and Spiritually the United Nations represents the greatest body for peace keeping in human history, it therefore has the greatest potential that need those who believe in justice, human rights, dignity, and environmental protections to push for those principals. Thank you for reading and I hope you will want to join us and build as One. Learn more and register at www.reformtheunitednationsnow.com and you can order the book for there as well. Jah Bless the whole Earth. Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari
Founder of R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.


Inside Reforming the United Nations Now,R.U.N.N.and the new book!

  As we all are in the winds of the whirlwind of the times, I wanted to slow down and give thanks. First Give thanks to for Life and the Opportunity to share this moment.

  I wanted to give thanks for those who are excited about the book and organizing, it is a joy to be able to organize publicly and gather strength internationally. We are opening up a dialogue with both Rastafari and human rights/ environmental justice advocates about why we must push for reforming the United Nations. Many are already likeminded, how to remove the veto power from the UN Security Council is the beginning uniting in the name of Collective Security. Without removing the veto power of the UNSC, the lack of environmental justice, the lack of human rights, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons will continue. We address this as an urgent matter, and have created a new group to address it from an all age, international and pan African approach. As we explore and journey into this endeavor, the guidance of those around us is crucial. In many ways, whether one is very educated or not, the simplicity of the topic will arise the more as is it directly approached. It is also complex, which allows us all to look at multi faceted solutions that are creative and beneficial for all. Having polarized positions are a hinderance, and as the truth comes out, the truth reveals exactly what is helpful and what is hurtful.
   No nation will be able to assure its own survival or freedom without the commitments of their neighbors. That is a reasoning I am happy to elaborate on, however, ones can support local, be a patriot nationalist, and think internationally about threats faced globally and strengths that happen with Global solidarity. Beyond rhetoric this movement is about actualizing and having the will power and determination to make change by any means necessary. It is important for Africans together with the Caribbean to take the lead in presenting the importance for UN Reforms, that our representation can be accounted for by our own leadership and example. Looking at solutions with a Black Liberation theology ingrained, allows a special advantage.
   Working with social movements and bridging different groups builds on the message that this will take a global effort. I hope that this resonates and is something you’re interested in learning more about building. It is the duty of everyone to work for our collective survival over collective extinction. Many have expressed the desire to bring their spiritual education higher to build for real peace and security. Logically and Spiritually the United Nations represents the greatest body for peace keeping in human history, it therefore has the greatest potential that need those who believe in justice, human rights, dignity, and environmental protections to push for those principals. Thank you for reading and I hope you will want to join us and build as One. Learn more and register at www.reformtheunitednationsnow.com and you can order the book for there as well. Jah Bless the whole Earth. Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari
Founder of R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.


!Official Book Release! Mankind’s Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari.

It is a great joy and honor to announce the book release of, ” Mankind’s Last Hope ”  The urgent need to reform The United Nations Now. The book approaches the topic of reforms in this modern day by bringing forth new ideas and a draft proposal. Addressing many topics concerning the updating the United Nations for the sake of the future, and for the legitimacy of the Organization. The counterproductive veto power of the UN Security Council is the first obstacle to be challenged and will be the beginning of real change. The book looks at sociology and Black Liberation Theology as a method to formulating a pragmatic approach.

The Urgent Need to Reform The United Nations Now.

The Urgent Need to Reform The United Nations Now.


We are excited to now be able to share and invite the public to be involved with the launch of the book, and a new coalition called R.U.N.N..Through the development of an international coalition of like minds started the N.G.O, R.U.N.N. (Reform the United Nations Now) was formed. This group was founded after the AFRIKIN conference in Miami, last year. The enthusiasm and positive attitudes propelled the need for action and organization with a Pan African approach. Looking at the common goals of the majority of Mankind, we have formed a draft proposal for nations to build on, and for dialogues to open further.

We understand the gravity and weight of the topic, and humbly approach each subject with a perspective of needing to learn more in order to be of better service.  Being collectively aligned and in communication with other NGO’s, Human Rights and Environmental Activists, and with the UN representatives themselves, inspires a further call to action. Centralizing around the power of collective security, through vigilance and will, changes can be made.  We hope you will check it out and join us in this effort.  It is a duty and responsibility of both nations and individuals to  work for a more peaceful world. Through education and inclusion, the push to reform the United Nations can unite the general public to protect and update the greatest body for peacekeeping ever assembled in human history, possibly preventing humanity’s self destruction.

Register and get involved at: https://reformtheunitednationsnow.com

The book is officially being released November 1st 2020 !!!!

If you would like to order a signed copy from the author please go to:http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/book-mankinds-last-hope-by-ras-elijah-tafari-autographed/

If you would like to buy an E-book or get it a paperback copy asap please check: BUY FROM AMAZON/ MANKIND’S LAST HOPE BY RAS ELIJAH TAFARI

Mankind's Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari. The Urgent Need to Reform The United Nations Now.

Mankind’s Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari. The Urgent Need to Reform The United Nations Now.

Mankind’s Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari. The Urgent Need to Reform The United Nations Now.

Edited by Just James, and Hugo MakePeace.

Livicated to the great teacher, Hon. Vaughn Benjamin.

Let the Prophecy be realized.

Glory to Jah.



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Turning a new page.Art/clothes Collaborating with Positive Works!


Greeting in the Name of the Most High King. Emperor Haile Selassie I. In an effort for further unity and professionalism, it is a joy to announce some good works. We are collaborating with Word Sound and Power Collective WSPC to share 15 percent of the retail proceeds of the “Tears of the Struggle” Jersey to Rastafari Elders who need medical help and strength. InI, as Lion Art Productions have launched a new Facebook page that is all art and joy-tings. That way people can look at art anywhere. On the rootsnculture website we have all the details of what groups we are working in the benefit of the all. If you receive an invite, that’s InI bringing forth the art page and “shop”. Please take a look, lots of art will be posted weekly, and thank you for supporting the new clothing line.It is a honor to be here and able to share the art of our culture in the present. All Praise to Rastafari. Love and Life. Thanks unto the King.


We have started a new page at the  Rootsnculureshop that starts with the following introduction, so all questions can be answered and others who want to help can explore further.

It is our honor to present a new line of clothes that are here to inspire and incorporate the art and unity of Rastafari through apparel. We have many new designs, and for our first release of our jerseys we want to share the vision.

First, it is important to be transparent, so we want to acknowledge that the ” ALL HAIL ” Jerseys are official and proceeds from every shirt go to the Akae Beka LLC, owned and managed by Adrian Bluford, Akae Beka Management. We are also proud to share proceeds with a Gambian orphanage, in the process of being renamed to the One Family Education Center. Their contact can be reached on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/abraham.bojang.9. Our good friend, Ebrima Bojang is the land owner and supervisor of the project and is diligent and professional.

The ” Tears of The Struggle” jerseys are proudly bring a strength by giving 10 dollars of every retail sale, to the Word, Sound and Power Collective (WSPC), whose mission is to take care of the elders in the Rastafari Community. WSPC is a non-profit organization and you can learn more at: https://www.facebook.com/wordsoundpowercollective/. We give thanks for the works initiated by Elliott Leib, Elder Advisor to WSPC.

Our jerseys are ethically sourced, polyester and spandex knitted mesh brought to you by Chalice Row Unlimited. Thank you for your support, and we hope to make a little art go a long way together as One Body.

Jah Bless!



“ALL HAIL!” HAS BEEN RELEASED! Akae Beka and Ras Teo New Single!




For a single, It packs a punch! ” ALL HAIL ” a collaboration of epic modern roots singers. Akae Beka and Ras Teo bring Roots Reggae once again into the present day with a hard hitting gallop drums, on a stepper roots reggae riddim, produced by Roberto Sanchez.  Presented on 7 inch Vinyl with full color art work on the cover. It also contains a dub version that shows exactly why Roberto Sanchez has been a name in the Reggae world for decades.

To see JahSolidRock Music and Roberto Sanchez join together for the first time, meant the best musicians and production were to come.. It was an amazing journey watching the song being built to honor and respect the message of Akae Beka to the fullness. Ras Teo has been studying and listening to Vaughn Benjamin since 2003, and was a regular at Midnite shows. It was important that this song would reflect the power in the Word and Sound of the singers. The Message, the meaning, and we let that saturate the journey musically. The message was simple, ALL HAIL Emperor Haile Selassie I and be in awe that He Is in the time,  as prophesied,  He is real, true and factual.  Hosanna!

AllHail! credits!

The best musicians came, and Roberto kept putting more and more in. With the back-up vocals sang by Caveman and Monique the harmonies were exquisite, and then great organs from Reuben Telford. Dubby Ambassah, A-Lone Ark Muzik Studios,  who has done percussions for Roberto Sanchez for over 20 years, played the Kiente Drum, and also transcended shortly after recording on this tune. We would like to honor his life and send prayers to the family for Strength and Innerstanding. His Heart Iration pulses in this and many tunes, Give Jah Praise for such an up full one. Jah Bless his Eternal Soul.

This tune was deep and been cared for by time it arrived for InI to listen to. With excitement the piece brought into visualization the way the song makes InI feel. I loved the lyrics so much, I wanted to push artistically and think of new ways to express creatively the message in the song. It was time to bring in a new style, I have never done for an Akae Beka album art, and to use computer coloring. This allowed 250 plus colors to be absorbed accurately, and using realism and comic style, ( Vaughn would say, Street Saga’s) and aerosol art techniques with NYC letters, I attempted to do something new. Pouring out love for the project was an honor, and everyone cared more about doing their best, likewise pouring out love.  ALLHAILBLWHTPOSTERJSR

JahSolidRock Music and Marc Bronner said we need a music video and made it happen. Sherkhan videographer in Jamaica, found a wonderful group of youth, and an insightful elder and went to work. The video shows, the elder, taking the youth out of the city, and teaching them about the Earth and plants, the fish and rocks, and the Water, to the Teachings of His Imperial Majesty and poetry from Vaughn Benjamin, Akae Beka.  I wanted to send a royal salute to the Youth in the video, thank you for being here. We also would love to see more of Vaughn Benjamin’s the Koll Pekude reprinted so more people can have a copy, since it is out of print and circulation.


We reasoned on shirts and Ras Teo and InI were left in charge. I linked with a good Ras named Tom Sierra in Miami, who is also a bit of a fashion designer. For years, the printing of shirts has been a difficulty, never full color really or bright enough, and very hard to get the art all over the shirt, ect… Tom brought his skills to the table, and we had something to build on. We had been working together for a while already, so hashing out the details on the shirts was fun. After agreeing to the finale design, it was a joy when was ready to present. In an up full Kings Spirit, Ras Teo wanted his portion of the proceeds to go to an orphanage we work with in Gambia. ( Big Up Ebrima!) So 13 percent will be going their way. You can get shirts Here: “ALL HAIL” Jersey Akae Beka and Ras Teo

The song comes out today on all music platforms, and the 7 inch Vinyl will be available around Sept. 11th depending on the pressers in the present time. Vinyls copies will be available through Dub Vendor, Control Tower and Lion Vibes and many more places. Check A-lone Ark Music Studios Shop at: Vinyl “ALL HAIL”

World of Reggae has the new music video up, and thank you! You can see it here: World of Reggae




Howard Campbell will be writing a piece for the music entertainment section in the Jamaican Observer, so look out for that!

If you would like to get a poster of the album either 11″ x 17″ or 11″ X 8″ signed, bagged and backed click here: ALL HAIL PRINT

Give thanks for everyone who came together, this tune is a great inspiration to put aside the negative and look to the King of Positive. Words cannot express the apprecia-love that we hold for Akae Beka and those who carry the principal. Gratitude every lasting.  All Hail!  Emperor Haile Selassie I. The Almighty Creator In Flesh.  Jah Rastafari.





Ras Elijah Tafari creating next to Akae Beka in Williams, Oregon

Honoring Akae Beka 51st Earth Strong.

Some people fade away while some become more closer and closer over time, whether present with the person or not. To sit or truly hear the Hon. Vaughn Benjamin in this time is to behold Haile Selassie I powers. His words opened up minds to the Emperor like no other. I thanked him for this, for speaking more about the Emperor and teaching us the multi-facets Atse Haile Selassie First occupies within and around us more than any ever had. Akae Beka showed everything runs off the Power of the Trinity. He simply closed his eyes and smiled. I see that smile, that Iration in those he touched, ways of solving problems, increasing compassion, solemn work ethic, and most prolific heartical praises. I can see how no one is letting him go, they are bringing him closer to them. They are holding on to anything they can, and see it as holy and sacred. That is good, value his time, and teachings, don’t forget, remember now more than ever. Keep it all alive, and pass it on. I see the I in the in InI and IhI’s. Let that solid firmness in His Imperial Majesty intensify. Let the Powers transmute and be transferred through our Faith and Action. May Jah Bless All is offspring, and cover a blanket of Love on his parents, extended family, band members and the musicians who stood with him. All fi One. One fi All. Let Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen be Praised for the gift to have met a man like he. The Heart stays where his heart stays, and yes it stays. Akae Beka and the word “Forever” are already interlinked. So nuff said, My Lord is still strong in the Earth, and strong in the Heavens. Blessed Earth Strong, Hon. Vaughn Benjamin. The Kingsiples and Principals stay. To a man who would gladly be rained on as he held an umbrella over The King of Kings. Thank you Jah for sharing with us such a one. Praise Jah! Rastafari.

"Haile Selassie and Akae Beka" Acrylic and Indian ink.

“Haile Selassie and Akae Beka” Acrylic and Indian ink.

"Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch," Acrylic and Indian ink painted on wood.

“It is in His Faith He is Justified” Selassie Meditation.

A moment of praise, a meditation, a  Reasoning. Remember that many want to tell the World about How Great Emperor Haile Selassie the First is, and we tell them about His Deeds, and we exclaim His Words, and the results of His Visits, however these are not the Highest Credits in the Eyes of Men or God. It is in His Faith He is Justified, as ones debate the actions, or question some of the translations, their is no question that The King of Kings was the Defender of the Faith. A title that even the Orthodox Church acknowledges and vested on His Imperial Majesty. Let us reflect on His Faith, that He openly prayed before the Earth, that He quoted men of Faith, and proclaimed that by Faith He would Conquer.

Romans 5:1 “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” The Subject of Faith would come up when ones would ask the Emperor about Rastafarians, and the words of, ” Don’t disturb their faith,” or ” No one should question the faith of others, for no human being can judge the ways of God” – Haile Selassie. The Conquering Lion of Judah spoke of Faith from the perspective of God and not in the usual manners. This is what many who criticize the Rastafari faith don’t understand, that the Emperor does want us to have faith in HIM and He doesn’t question the faith of others for He too has Faith in Us that We can do more than we think we can. For Jah is with Us.

We have heard the famous scripture, Hebrew 11, ” Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. … And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” This is what Christ spoke of, The Ancients like Abraham, and Noah who were not perfect men, they had faith. In the Book of Mathew, Christ said you have to become like children, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No matter what ones think, a child’s faith reminds I of many Rastafari in their jubilee, who Exalt Emperor Haile Selassie I! Many who can’t read, or write, and that doesn’t matter to Jah. It was because of Faith, Hebrew 11:5 tells us “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death:”
No one is getting close to Jah because of intelligence or because of deeds, or how much Scriptures you read, your actions are separate from your Heart. In the Heart is where there is a voice that you listen too, or don’t. When you do, that is the Holy Spirit, that is there to see if you will earnestly seek with faith from the Heart which overruns the mind, and please the Father.
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” – Romans 10:17, listen not in your head with your ears, listen to your heart through the unseen ears that listens to your Soul and God speaking. The events that brought His Imperial Majesty here were not like the usual ways that people come, it was from unseen, unforeseeable powers that only Jah could manifest. He calls us to understand the difference of fear in our head, to the fear in the Heart when the soul knows Jah Is. Like Noah had, Enoch and Job. It is Reverence in the Highest to the True Head. The True Head is the Almighty, and Fear of Him is the beginning of Wisdom. Ras is a word for Wisdom and for Head, Tafari means in Amharic, Fear or Reverence. Ras Tafari, ” Head worthy to be feared.” The Man and Message of Wisdom, Gave us by acknowledging us by His Name, His Name. “Make Prophecy realized” as Hon. Vaughn Benjamin sang. When we see The Emperor Display Wisdom as His Crown, He is Feared and Revered because He knew who He was before we did. We beheld His Words Come to pass. In Reverence our Spirit Is caused to move. When He and the Orthodox Church told Us He is the Power of the Trinity, as Revelation said He would, in a Name that only He would know, He Is. Emperor Haile Selassie, before the world, was seen on His White Horse and it was as He went to war..Revelation 19 “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.”
Our Faith isn’t in a Roman Construct of a Deity, it based on the Faith we saw actualized, the Prayers made and answered, Witnessing that against all odds, Good conquers over evil. The Results of Loving The Emperor Loving and Being The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The One God. He is a Living Bible, that has allowed us to be here, today, now, ushering in a new testament of the Word and Scriptures. We are that evidence of His Faith. And He still believes in Us, whether we believe in HIM. As sure as the Power of the Trinity is Everlasting, Haile Selassie I is here, to renew your spirit so you can feel the peace and righteous and blessed assurance of Jah in Your Heart. That As the Defender of the Faith, Emperor Haile Selassie I showed that even in the 21st Century, with Faith, Courage and Just Cause, David will still beat Goliath.
Give thanks and Praise to the Almighty One, Egziabher, Qedamawi First, Haile Selassie I, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Root of David. King of Kings. Power of the Trinity . God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God.

"Selassie I and Priest" Acrylic and Indian ink. Original Available

“Selassie I and Priest” Acrylic and Indian ink. Original Available. Go to shop section to check out prints and originals for sale.