Tag Archives: Elephant paintings

Elephant crying

Feeling Elephant Art.

Remembering Solidarity

Remembering Solidarity.  Indian ink and Acrylic.

Wanted to share some Elephant art with everyone, all the these have been sold as far as originals, however prints are available. I love elephants, and there are more than this that InI have completed, however these are some I wanted to share for now together. Hope you enjoy. Jah Bless.


Elephant crying

“Elephant Crying” Indian ink, and Acrylic. 16″x20″.

" Mighty Elephant " Acrylic and Indian ink, 24"x24" Original $500 plus shipping.

” Mighty Elephant ” Acrylic and Indian ink, 24″x24″

Elephant Hard Times

” Elephant Hard Times” Acrylic and Indian ink, 16×20″



Kool Elephant

Out of the Water; description: Give thanks For Jah who is the Iternal Water of Life. For Water is Life and Life is Jah. Out of the Darkness Jah First brought the Water, for in the Water is the Spirit of the Living Jah. Remember Jah, Remember Water, that a person without it, is dehydrated and missing the spirit, drink your water, and wash up. Cleanse and renew, for Jah has given us the water so we are filled his His Essence. Holy Emmanuel I, Selassie I, Jah, Rastafari is the Water that is forever a Spring. Their rests the balance of Man and Woman, Lions and Elephants, of all.

“Together” Acrylic and Indian ink.


“Washing” Acrylic and Indian ink 16″x22″

Be Strong 2018

” Be Strong.”

Mystery River

“Mystery River”

" Listening to the ancestors " by Ras Elijah Tafari

” Listening to the ancestors ” New Joy-Ting. Glory to Jah!

Want to know what I am thinking?  GLORY TO JAH. Want to know why I can’t stop making art? GLORY TO JAH. Want to know what coming up more..GLORY TO JAH. This piece about how good it feel to GIVE TO GLORY TO JAH.

Listening to the ancestors

Listening to the ancestors

This Joy-ting is 3 and half feet by 2 feet. Acrylic and Indian Ink. On Masonite. We have taken the Pain out of Painting. More Joy.

It started as an Angel and became a Man in Joy felt from the Collective Security of Being with Jah. Elephants are big on Collective Security which is one of the reason I joynt them. GLORY TO JAH.

Original goes for 450 plus shipping. Prints available soon. Inbox for a pre order.

Listening to the ancestors

Listening to the ancestors


More Lion Art and Meditations.

In this journey it is a blessing to see how art speaks for so many. In a time where everything seems like its muddled up, often art makes the bridge that words haven’t yet. Words are funny, leave a few out and the story changes, with art, if there is something missing you can tell. The composition is off, the feeling is confused..with words the feeling may be on but the story is incomplete. When I see people get high on art it really hypes me up, there is something about being understood that is priceless. Here is the next batch of work. Many different subjects, I hope you enjoy. One Perfect Love.

"Tangled 2 You" 8x10" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 175. Prints available

“Tangled 2 You” 8×10″ Acrylic and Indian Ink. 175. Prints available

"Shiprock" 8x10" Acrylic and Indian Ink, only $120!

“Shiprock” 8×10″ Acrylic and Indian Ink, only $120!


 "Woman in white." 4ft x 2.5ft Spraypaint, acrylic, indian ink. 700. prints available!

“Woman in white.” 4ft x 2.5ft Spraypaint, acrylic, indian ink. 700.00 and prints  are available!


"Cbow the Blue Maasai" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 8x10 only 130.

“Cbow the Blue Maasai” Acrylic and Indian Ink. 8×10 only 130.

"Pueblo Monk" 8x10" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 150.

“Pueblo Monk” 8×10″ Acrylic and Indian Ink. 150.

8x10" acrylic and indian ink, " Lightening over the mountain." only 150.

8×10″ acrylic and indian ink, ” Lightening over the mountain.” only 150.


"EarthLion". 8x10. Mixed media. Sold already. Prints available soon.

“EarthLion”. 8×10. Mixed media. Sold already. Prints available soon.

So many works in the mix, I have enjoyed doing some landscape pieces, of NM, feels like giving homage. Give thanks for the Life Bring, Preserver and Comforter, The Most High Jah Rastafari. Give thanks for the Inspiration,  I pray it inspires further goodness. All for the One. Haile Selassie I.










"Red the Elephant" 16x24" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 500.

New original canvas works: centered spiritually and affordable.

Mother of Gaza. Acrylic and Indian Ink. 400.00

Mother of Gaza. Acrylic and Indian Ink. 400.00 22x 26

This piece was left open and abstract to allow the viewer to see what they will when it comes to this Muslim woman’s thoughts and feelings when it comes to the future. With faith and inspiration, I hope this painting encourages the viewer to meditate of the plight of millions, from refugees of Syria and Africa to those who are under occupation in Palestine.

Burning Stillness Acrylic and Indian ink. 8x10 $200.

Burning Stillness Acrylic and Indian ink. 8×10 $200.

This piece is based on the feeling of being both in prayer and preparation. That the soul is in deliberation of the bravery and courage needed to actualize the meditation. Revolutionary Love burns hot…

"Royal Mamma." 26x16" Acrylic, Gold, and Indian Ink. 500.00

“Royal Mamma.” 26×16″ Acrylic, Gold, and Indian Ink. 500.00

I had a lot of fun with this one..Sometimes certain feeling emerge that comes from identification..you have to have know it to recognize it. From the start of this painting I could see the attitude and power in the face and the lines..I didn’t want that rawness to go away. This piece took a lot of work to make it look so easy, and it was demanding that the woman in the painting be respected and not exploited..The eventual decision to make her pregnant seemed most fitting, for what can make a woman more royal than to adore and care for our future kings and queens, artists and musicians, fathers and mothers, in the tradition of Our ancestors.

Bright Future 16x24 Acrylic and Indian Ink. 250.00

Bright Future 16×24 Acrylic and Indian Ink. 250.00

Rastafari Youths on the rise. We are the future. Selassie I.

"The Elder." Indian Ink, Acrylic and Copper.  350.00 26x14"

“The Elder.” Indian Ink, Acrylic and Copper. 350.00 26×14″

Bless the power of the Elephant, so graceful and massive..This piece looks so nice in person, the copper really works well with the purple. There is another elephant head at the bottom that is abstract and is reflective of how we are standing on the backs of our ancestors..who are giants! Blessed.

"Red the Elephant" 16x24" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 500.

“Red the Elephant” 16×24″ Acrylic and Indian Ink. 500.

Working with the contrasts of Reds and Blues, This Fyah Elephant erupted. It was a lot of fun and was different that anything I have done in some ways..Has a abstract and southwestern feel, as well as two images of the elephant in combination with the last piece. This time the inner elephant coming forth above the head, rather than below.

Hope you enjoyed the new works, if you are interested in a piece, contact InI please above, or on my email, Lionartproductions@gmail.com. I will get these uploaded on the for sale section, just need some more time..Till then, keep creating, and give thanks for the Powers of the Most High in Our Comings in and Goings Out. Rastafari. The First and the Last.