Tag Archives: Egyptian Saints

The Christian Comic Collective: Gebre Menfes Qeddus Project.

Gebre Menfes Qeddus: Christian Comic. Ras Elijah Tafari

Gebre Menfes Qeddus: Christian Comic. Ras Elijah Tafari

Melkam Genna for all those who are celebrating the Orthodox Christian Christmas. We give thanks for the Birth of Eyesus Krestos and the Holy Fulfillment of Jah in Flesh. We have seen it many times, and because of the Power of Haile Selassie I, for I personally, The Scriptures has had more than relevance but foreseen answers and results. It depends how the Spirit speaks to your soul at the time. Having a personal relationship with the Creator is one where He doesn’t just always reveal the Book. He loosens it, and it is up to us see the seals. The fantastic journey into Coptic and Orthodox Christianity as a whole has brought many blessings and insights. Part of that is knowledge of the Saints and Martyrs, many of whom are living out the old battles of non violence and humility that we can see today. To show the mystics of the ages who lived in Africa is helpful in many ways…more than InI could say,..so Working with some wonderful people, including Tekle Selassie, and GebreSelassie Tafari, and Ras Teo Hartoonian, whom all played a hand that planted the seed to attempt to make a comic line that could involve young people in the Ethiopian Orthodx Church and other Churches that have the same Saints and Martyrs internationally. To build ties and congregations while involving youth on a Christian artistic collaborations that celebrates the Great teachers and examples of the Faith. By working together, we can create more issues that can be as expansive as a group decides. We have the script written for this issue and I will happily send to anyone who can correct or advise of the scripting of Holy Saint Gebre Menfes Qeddus. Right now it has been sent to a deacon to be looked at, and Jah Willing Blessed in time. Likewise we are able to use the pencils and to be shared with whomever to practice and submit so we can build a Christian Comic Collaboration. This issue, the pencils are finished and anyone who wants to ink or give a young person a story to ink is welcome to email or inbox InI, Lionartproductions@gmail.com to get a high quality scan that can be inked right away. We would like to see the Comic reach as many Orthodox Churches and Communities as well, inside the comic will be a proposal for efforts to unify in multiple manners. This book about the Holy Saint, Abune Gebre Menfes Qeddus is only 8 pages in total (that includes the cover ect..),  So we can make it low cost and share and send it out as an example. I would like to have a crew and Churches who are willing to collaborate on a full length black and white comic about Moses the Ethiopian, where we can include as many congregations as possible in the creation process. This can be more than a Sunday School exercise, it can be a form of witnessing and engaging in a new way consistently. I will be happy to speak about workshops and more details for those who would like to be involved. To Celebrate this Day, and honor The Holy Spirit that has brought us to the Truth and Mercy of Eyesus Krestos, This is also the day of the Birth of Gebre Menfes Qeddus, 868 Ethiopian Calendar. I look forward to seeing who responds and can see the need for creative people in every element of publishing. Young and Old. Those who love letters, we need letterers, those who love to ink, we need ya, I would like to form a core crew that can make history and new artistic ways that will venerate Righteousness, human rights and Pan African Ideology. This is the beginning and there are many projects and inspirations to arrive. Please forward this to your local ( most likely Orthodox) Church to see if they would like to be involved, though anyone is welcome in the Spirit of Eyesus Krestos. Jah Bless you all. In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, One God. Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.

Gebre Menfes Qeddus: Christian Comic. Ras Elijah Tafari

Gebre Menfes Qeddus: Christian Comic. Ras Elijah Tafari

Page 1 pencils, Gebre Menfes Qeddus Comic, low quality photo.Ras Elijah Tafari

Page 1 pencils, Gebre Menfes Qeddus Comic, low quality photo.Ras Elijah Tafari

Page 2 pencils, Gebre Menfes Qeddus Comic, low quality photo.Ras Elijah Tafari

Page 2 pencils, Gebre Menfes Qeddus Comic, low quality photo.Ras Elijah Tafari

Page 3 pencils, Gebre Menfes Qeddus Comic, low quality photo.Ras Elijah Tafari

Page 3 pencils, Gebre Menfes Qeddus Comic, low quality photo.Ras Elijah Tafari


More to come.. Inbox InI for any questions or to collaborate or sponsor.  Lionartproductions@gmail.com