Tag Archives: Coronation Day Rastafari

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Asfaw Menen. Queen of Kings, Coronated by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I.



Today is the 88th Anniversary of the most important day in History. Many do not know about this day, and it is a joy for Rastafari across the Earth. Nov. 2nd 1930 marked a shift that was seen to come and was a moment of the accumulation of the ages. We have watched the Spiritual nature of man develop and reveal itself throughout time, however that nature in fullness had never been seen on the Throne of Zion and Leadership exalted in the way that confirmed and pivoted the reality of God in Man and Woman Internationally. Coming from an unadulterated source, this was the last free land left in Africa, She, Ethiopia, represented the African’s last strong hold. In 1930 Nov. 2nd for the first time, the Name, which is a New Name as written in Revelations was pronounced. Upon this pronouncement which was internationally witnessed and public, Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Menen were Crowned, King and Queen of Kings, That He is the Conquering Lion of Judah and the Earth would know, That This Ethiopian by Divine Right, Davidic Protocol, and in unity with Ethiopia that they are one and are Earth’s Rightful Ruler. Before this moment, no African Leader had been respected internationally, this was the beginning of a Mind State that would rebuild a broken world. First by Standing by the Traditions of Ethiopian Sovereignty as pronounced by the Scriptures in Her personnel relationship the One Creator. 2nd. By Crowning a Man and Woman at the same time to represent God in Flesh, which had not been done in any Coronation any where. 3. Reshaping Religious thought and Colonial perceptions founded on the Faith of Right and Wrong being inherit in Our desire to develop. 4. Creating a collective vision of World where international human rights would usher in the end of colonial exploits. 5. Defining the evils of Fascism and the importance of fighting against fascism with every drop of blood in honor of all that is right. 6. Being a Kingdom that loved Freedom and fought for the entire World to be rid of oppressive colonial forces. 7. Ushering in a time where White Supremacy would be replaced by the call to create a new race that does not owe its allegiance to nations but to the world at large. 8. Never denying His Divinity or the Divine in everything. 9. Showed the world how to merge ancient cultures in modern society, in situations that are incredibly difficult. 10. Promoted and pushed Education in order to be self sufficient and to off shoot the centuries of poverty of mind and nations by vigilantly promoting and creating schools and universities all over the planet. 11. To Give Name to a people who had been robbed of our homeland and a face to a Father of the Fatherless, and Mother to the Motherless, Those people are called Rastafari, and truly all those who wish to see the Face of God. 12. One of the Founders of the U.N. in order to bring in World Peace in the methods that are distinctly in line with His Imperial Majesty being the Rock that is the light of Christianity in Global law and affairs. fulfilling Scriptures 13. Would inspire countless leaders and revolutionaries to be who they are, such as Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela, as well as JFK, President Kenyatta, Bob Marley and countless more.. 14. Would inspire Jamaicans to create a new music, “reggae” that in latin means the Kings Music, this would later develop into Hip Hop which would give voice to the under privileged and ignited a whole other cultural identity internationally. 15. Would bring millions to the Bible to have a rational study of the Word in a manner that is Ethiopian and Orthodox in contrast to strictly Roman interpretations…16. Expanded the Trinity. For Millions of Us we seen H.I.M., His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty as the Almighty in Unison in HIM. His Name means the Power and Virtue of the Trinity. For those who are Trinitarians this is crucial in understanding and inner standing the relationship of God in Creation. Without being prejudice, The Trinity is far from a modern concept in which is 1000′s of years old and not a product of the Catholic Church. 17. His Imperial Majesty found value in all people and compassion. He is a Proud African Elder Head of State who wants want is best for Africa, and not what isn’t helpful and useful. He made it clear that black and white are not appropriate forms of describing a person. 18. He called for us to wake up out of illusions and to use that which is useful and beneficial for the All. Part of that is to realize all political systems are flawed and also can be integrated and used in a manner that best fits the people. There is not one size fits all, or a quick fix, He see’s Our Uniqueness as a valued quality that is what in part makes people the greatest resource the World has to offer. He has a faith in Us that we will bring out from within that which Jah put there to over come and stand up for the basics that make us Good, and caring people. For that and many other reasons we praise H.I.M., He saw the Power in Us and We See Jah Power in Him. Behold the Conquering Lion of Judah has Prevailed, Root of David, and Light of the World. 225th in the Linage of King Solomon, and Earth’s Rightful Ruler. Emperor Haile Selassie the First, With Empress Asfaw Menen, Holy Mother of Africa, Defender of the Faith, Order of Sheba, and the Embodiment of Earth in Flesh. To Honor this Holy Day, Let Us mediate on being a Royal Example of His Nature. Rastafari. To Give thanks in an artistic way, this is the first Oil Joy-ting I have shared ever, and it is of the King of Kings on His Throne. All Glory to Jah, Our Praises must never cease.