Prints and Original available here:
Prints and Original available here:
” In Her High Place” is a new piece just completed. 18″x24″ Acrylic and Indian Ink
Reflecting on the power of faith in Ethiopia, the common Ethiopian Woman is one of the first thoughts that comes to mind. The prayerful manner of the women and the personal relationship they have with the Most High, stands out with poi’s unique to Ethiopia.
The importance of expressing the mood meant I needed to highlight the simplicity of her complexity. The brown dress and top, was done so that it was clear that she was living her everyday life, that she wasn’t going to church or in a formal setting. It is a country rural environment, high in the hills, and being in pure white was too easy for the symbolic expression of faith. Still it was important to have the traditional Ethiopia head wrap, and the church in the background, being it is intrinsic to the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Culture, and a part of daily life. Couple with that, is the very familiar small wooden cross around her neck. This cross is the cross that is most common, especially around children, as a way of enforcing the faith humbly, where the cross is small, easy to make and a sign of understanding of an unpretentious christianity.
The Lion and Lamb, on the Ethiopian Solomonic Seal, represents the Power and Prophecy of Iyesus Christos return as the Conquering Lion of Judah in His Kingly Character. The relationship of Ethiopia to this declaration and eventual actualization, is its own foundation in each person based on faith. In oneness, this woman represents that embracing of this holy land, the prophecies and prophets. That a Lion and Lamb mind state is native to Ethiopia and naturally would become a part of the social structure of the collective mind. Likewise the three doves, representing the Holy Trinity, are flying in the background as a further reminder of the divine unity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as God the Lion and Lamb through the Holy Spirit that dwells in the Heart of flesh. Both would reveal themselves in the Same Name, through the fulfillment in the personage of Qedamawi Haile Selassie. (First and Forever, the Power and Virtue of the Trinity) Who is the Conquering Lion of Judah, King of Kings, and the Root of David. Emperor of Ethiopia, Throne of Zion and Beta Israel.
In the Ethiopian highlands there are flowers all about, and because it has 13 months of sunshine, in their remarkable calendar, it felt appropriate to make different forms of sunflowers.
I hope you have enjoyed this piece, and will share it with others. The original piece is for sale for $625. plus shipping for the original. Prints are also available, please send a message if interested. $30 for 8×11″ signed bagged and backed or $60 for 11×17″ signed and in a hard plastic case. This piece is also available for shared rights an album cover or t-shirt, let I know soon before it someone wants to use it. Thank you for supporting, and there will more art coming soon. Jah Bless you all and stay focused on doing your best, expand your love capacity and build for tomorrow. One Jah, One Heart, One Love, One Blood. Holy Emanuel I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.
“In Her High Place” Video and info!
Greeting Rastafari Family and those who research Emperor Haile Selassie I and Ethiopian Relations. In this time of great tribulation, we need to remember the King of Kings, and have a moral compass within that we can trust. This is a serious topic of Biblical proportions, where the ancient and modern meet. We will talk about the Emperor’s position and a little about the dynamics that brings us to this present time. Ethiopia’s relationship with Israel, as well as His proposed solutions and guidelines for the two state solution for Palestine and Israel.
Rather than showing the history of the countries relationship, let’s start with this as an intro: That the recent destruction of Gaza and the constant war crimes being committed by Israel and Hamas goes against Geneva Conventions and Rome Statutes, and The UN Charter, all of which the USA and Israel have ratified. The use of chemical weapons that are banned on dense populations by Israel are illegal under international law. All war crimes need to be investigated and parties held accountable on all sides. We as the Rastafari community at large, mourn the lives of all innocent lives lost, from all religions, nations and races equally. We demand, that food, water and fuel be given immediately to Palestine, so that those who are starving, dehydrated, and sick may be tended. A immediate ceasefire as demanded by the 2/3 of the UN General Assembly in their recent resolution is the moral cry from the world, in order that loss of life and war crimes cease, we support this call on behalf of international morality. We also agree the need for the release of all innocent people being held without charge or considered hostages on both sides. The murder of over 9000 Palestinian civilians, the majority being women and children is an assault on all of humanity. We also demand justice for the journalists and over 65 UN workers who have been killed by Israeli bombs.
Most of the information has been gathered in the book ” Alliance and Alienation, Ethiopia and Israel in the days of Haile Selassie by Haggai Erlich and cross checked by InI. I will say that though the information is incredibly telling it also has hints of the same anti- Arab sentiments that have contaminated the entire world view. With that said, the history of the creation of borders by the British after World War 1 and the diverse reactions and forms of Islam that were in set regions, the distinction of those who were considered moderate Muslims and those that were considered fundamentalist were important on a global level. Islam has existed in the region in and surrounding Ethiopia since Islam’s inception, which Ethiopia is apart of. The very real attacks, threats and history of Muslim Christian relations in Ethiopia also have impacted the decisions made by Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in regard to Islamic countries in the area. Like most of Africa, and the so called Middle East, had been colonized, recently became independent and in the latter 20th century were ripe for proxy wars due to the need for financial assistance from outside nations. The dynamics of being in such a region, and situation, His Imperial Majesty being a Christian King surrounded by Islamic countries made the importance of being aligned and non aligned, trying out create or explore relationships, public and private that would take books to cover.
To get to the point that most want to know when it comes to the disintegration of relations between Emperor Haile Selassie I and the Israeli Government, where Ethiopia stood in the Israeli- Palestine conflict has to be seen as the decision of the Emperor. Ones may speculate on how much coercion was present severing of all ties with Israel, however the decisions presented by Ethiopia, are very conscious of the long term impacts and history’s judgment regarding the importance of long term peace.
In 1967 Ethiopia was a non permeant United Nations Security Council, and it a rare moment, all permeant and non permeant members agreed to UN Resolution 242, after the 6 six day war and the illegal expansion of Israeli territory. Internationally the borders were agreed on, in which Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Syria were to be protected from illegal occupation. In this the set borders of Palestine was outlined and that Jerusalem be shared, with East Jerusalem be the capital of Palestine. His Imperial Majesty thought it best that Jerusalem be an international city, in which the world saw it as a religious capital for all. This idea was not entertained, nor did Egypt’s President Nassar accept the Emperor’s Help in developing a peace plan. We have many ideologies that conflict or are simply are not realistic that were coming into play, a few of them is the Zionist desire to expel Palestinians from their land, not thinking that there should be any repercussions, the other is a Pan Arab movement, that was not in alignment with African Unity being it based on Islamic unity rather than a Continental Unity. Another being by those in Ethiopia, that Israel as a people and that Israel as a government was the same, and that Ethiopia should always defend Israel because of Biblical and historical links, not realizing that the Jews occupying were foreigners to the region.
Israel refused to adhere to the UNSC Resolution 242, October 25, 1973, during the Yom Kippur War, further resolutions were passed and ignored, 338 and 339 leading to resolution 340 which also passes 14 to 0. It goes as:
In UNSCR 340, the Council demanded that the belligerent parties cease fire immediately and completely, and return to the positions occupied by them at 1650 GMT on 22 October 1973.
The Council also
The resolution was adopted with 14 votes to none. The People’s Republic of China did not vote or formally abstain.
Ethiopia also saw along with the world community that accountability was needed for Israel, though it had been assisting Ethiopia and its military. In agreement with AU it was stated that Africa needed to sever ties with Israel in order to push for the human rights of Palestine and their right to their land. Ethiopia severed ties Oct. 25 1973 on Oct. 29th all Israeli’s were asked to leave Ethiopia, and the Embassy was shut down.
At the time of His Imperial Majesties disappearance, when it came to the issue of Palestine, That there should be UN troops on the ground, and that there should be implementation of the 1967 borders agreed in UN Resolution 242. This is still the position of most of the world when they speak of a two state solution based on the 1967 borders. In recent years both the US and Israel have become more conservative and hawkish, and will not allow human rights investigations, nor peacekeepers. It is written “Alliance and Alienation” that Emperor Haile Selassie I suggested that the most Orthodox and Religious Leaders of both sides, Muslims, Jews with Christians work together, being that the root of many of the beliefs are rooted in religious matters and the rhetoric spoken by the Mosques, Temples and Churches more than influential than political leaders. These ideas still hold legitimacy in the eyes of both religious and non religious people.
There is a rich and long history that is very important to understand the climate of the times, and how Ethiopia politically moved and dealt with different decades and events. In order that we share simple facts, the context, pretext is up to the reader to investigate, rather than speculate. It is a fact, that no embassy from Ethiopia during His Imperial Majesties Reign was ever set up in Israel, nor was there ever a state visit for Israel. That secret relations were kept between The King of Kings with Israel, and that Israeli government worked with those both who wanted to see His Majesty succeed and those who did not. Israel was working with the DERG Murderous Communist Government and were in Ethiopia again arming the military in 1975 and trying to prevent Muslim Eritrean Independence.
The relationship between Ethiopia and the State of Israel after 1948 is complex and layered, some of which will take ones back hundreds of years before the state of Israel and to the presence of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. There are two Churches in Jerusalem that Ethiopians have run for years, Debre Genet was founded by the Emperor Yohannes IV (r. 1872 – 1889). Yohannes, it is said, funded the venture with war booty from his battles with the Ottomans and Deir Sultan, the other is in the Old City, located on the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The relationship to King Solomon and Queen Makeda Candice of Ethiopia, thru to the life and times of Christ, is recorded in the Scriptures where ”Then the angel of the Lord said to Philip: Start out and go south to the road that leads down from Jerusalem to Gaza. So he set out and was on his way when he caught sight of an Ethiopian. This man was a eunuch, a high official of the Kandake Queen of Ethiopia in charge of all her treasure.” (Acts, 8:26-27)
In the book of Amos, chapter 9 we see that Ethiopia is the elder or Father of Israel and that the Ethiopias are known to be loved by the God of Abraham:” Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?”(KJV)
Ethiopia’s presence in Jerusalem and Judaism, is at the heart of the faith, which is why Ethiopia is also known as Beta-Israel, and well as the Tribe of Judah. The Ethiopian presence from Genesis to Moses to King David and King Solomon, on to Christ is integral in the identity of the people and country of Ethiopia. Ethiopia considers it’s King, an Emperor and King of Israel, anointed and divinely touched by God. The continues to present, in which the customs of both Judaism and Christianity are ancient and public. With this in mind, that until 1948, Beta Israel, and the King of Israel came from Ethiopia alone, in which Emperor Haile Selassie I sat on the “Throne of Zion.” Being that a new nation of people calling themselves Israel, didn’t consider Emperor Haile Selassie I, their King, and were aligned with British and other European nations who had colonial exploits of the time. Emperor Haile Selassie I, just after regaining His Country from the Italians, in 1941 was also working with the British and allied forces, and saw that He couldn’t trust the British due to the colonial mindstate that was still in their agenda. Likewise, a lack of trust was apparent for the state of Israel, and yet relationships with both the British, USA and Israel were secretly and publicly were explored.
Thank you for reading, and I hope it was more than insightful. I hope that we realize like in 1973 the World needs to take global action in this time. We need to find permeant solutions that do not support genocide, war crimes, forced displacement, or further escalations. Rather than being pulled into religious polarities, let us look at the topic of human rights, and the evil of collective punishment and the dangers the world faces if they do not tackle injustice. The problems that face the Middle East can not be solved with violence, we encourage all efforts internationally to find a peaceful end through compromise and mediation. Our Prayers are with the Whole World, That the naked be clothed, the hungry be fed, the sick be nourished, the infants cared for and the elders protected, that the ignorant be instructed, O Jah, Let the words of I mouth and the meditations of I heart be acceptable in Jah Sight. Emperor Haile Selassie I in His Christ, Rastafari.
Big Coronation ORIGINAL SOLD.
Grateful to be included, AFRIKIN, a non profit organization based out of Miami, Florida, has lead years of events to help educate and innovate African Culture across the globe. For the month of February it is a privilege to share an art exhibit brought by AFRIKIN to the world virtually.
This is the first virtual show I have ever had, and it is set up the same way as if you were walking around a gallery. There will be 24 pieces on show and some will be accompanied by poetry. Others will have explanations about the painting and an insight into the process. The pieces were chosen special for this show, and are a mix of new and old pieces, some that are published and some unseen. I hope you enjoy, and if anyone would like to work on a project and collaborate please feel free to link.
Tune in starting February 1st:
Jah Bless, and Give thanks.
It is a great joy and honor to announce the book release of, ” Mankind’s Last Hope ” The urgent need to reform The United Nations Now. The book approaches the topic of reforms in this modern day by bringing forth new ideas and a draft proposal. Addressing many topics concerning the updating the United Nations for the sake of the future, and for the legitimacy of the Organization. The counterproductive veto power of the UN Security Council is the first obstacle to be challenged and will be the beginning of real change. The book looks at sociology and Black Liberation Theology as a method to formulating a pragmatic approach.
We are excited to now be able to share and invite the public to be involved with the launch of the book, and a new coalition called R.U.N.N..Through the development of an international coalition of like minds started the N.G.O, R.U.N.N. (Reform the United Nations Now) was formed. This group was founded after the AFRIKIN conference in Miami, last year. The enthusiasm and positive attitudes propelled the need for action and organization with a Pan African approach. Looking at the common goals of the majority of Mankind, we have formed a draft proposal for nations to build on, and for dialogues to open further.
We understand the gravity and weight of the topic, and humbly approach each subject with a perspective of needing to learn more in order to be of better service. Being collectively aligned and in communication with other NGO’s, Human Rights and Environmental Activists, and with the UN representatives themselves, inspires a further call to action. Centralizing around the power of collective security, through vigilance and will, changes can be made. We hope you will check it out and join us in this effort. It is a duty and responsibility of both nations and individuals to work for a more peaceful world. Through education and inclusion, the push to reform the United Nations can unite the general public to protect and update the greatest body for peacekeeping ever assembled in human history, possibly preventing humanity’s self destruction.
Register and get involved at:
The book is officially being released November 1st 2020 !!!!
If you would like to order a signed copy from the author please go to:
Edited by Just James, and Hugo MakePeace.
Livicated to the great teacher, Hon. Vaughn Benjamin.
Let the Prophecy be realized.
Glory to Jah.