Raise Up Jah Umbrella
16×16″ Acrylic and Indian ink
Prints and Original available here: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/raise-up-jah-umbrella/
Raise Up Jah Umbrella
16×16″ Acrylic and Indian ink
Prints and Original available here: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/raise-up-jah-umbrella/
” In Her High Place” is a new piece just completed. 18″x24″ Acrylic and Indian Ink
In Her High Place. Acrylic and Indian ink
Reflecting on the power of faith in Ethiopia, the common Ethiopian Woman is one of the first thoughts that comes to mind. The prayerful manner of the women and the personal relationship they have with the Most High, stands out with poi’s unique to Ethiopia.
The importance of expressing the mood meant I needed to highlight the simplicity of her complexity. The brown dress and top, was done so that it was clear that she was living her everyday life, that she wasn’t going to church or in a formal setting. It is a country rural environment, high in the hills, and being in pure white was too easy for the symbolic expression of faith. Still it was important to have the traditional Ethiopia head wrap, and the church in the background, being it is intrinsic to the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Culture, and a part of daily life. Couple with that, is the very familiar small wooden cross around her neck. This cross is the cross that is most common, especially around children, as a way of enforcing the faith humbly, where the cross is small, easy to make and a sign of understanding of an unpretentious christianity.
The Lion and Lamb, on the Ethiopian Solomonic Seal, represents the Power and Prophecy of Iyesus Christos return as the Conquering Lion of Judah in His Kingly Character. The relationship of Ethiopia to this declaration and eventual actualization, is its own foundation in each person based on faith. In oneness, this woman represents that embracing of this holy land, the prophecies and prophets. That a Lion and Lamb mind state is native to Ethiopia and naturally would become a part of the social structure of the collective mind. Likewise the three doves, representing the Holy Trinity, are flying in the background as a further reminder of the divine unity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as God the Lion and Lamb through the Holy Spirit that dwells in the Heart of flesh. Both would reveal themselves in the Same Name, through the fulfillment in the personage of Qedamawi Haile Selassie. (First and Forever, the Power and Virtue of the Trinity) Who is the Conquering Lion of Judah, King of Kings, and the Root of David. Emperor of Ethiopia, Throne of Zion and Beta Israel.
In the Ethiopian highlands there are flowers all about, and because it has 13 months of sunshine, in their remarkable calendar, it felt appropriate to make different forms of sunflowers.
I hope you have enjoyed this piece, and will share it with others. The original piece is for sale for $625. plus shipping for the original. Prints are also available, please send a message if interested. $30 for 8×11″ signed bagged and backed or $60 for 11×17″ signed and in a hard plastic case. This piece is also available for shared rights an album cover or t-shirt, let I know soon before it someone wants to use it. Thank you for supporting, and there will more art coming soon. Jah Bless you all and stay focused on doing your best, expand your love capacity and build for tomorrow. One Jah, One Heart, One Love, One Blood. Holy Emanuel I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.
“In Her High Place” Video and info!
Tears of Struggle
JAH BLESS! Lots of new works and projects, thank you for checking out the artworks. The art started to pile up, so I am releasing a lot together. Some have explanations and some don’t, full joy the explosion of work with just enough context… If you have any questions, or are interested in a print please send a message since many of these aren’t yet on the print section. Give thanks to the Most High, The King Creator and Master Builder. Rastafari. Power of the Trinity. Emperor Haile Selassie First.
New Album just released!
You can hear a tune here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85QE-CGNZsg or hear samples of the whole album hear for purchase: https://www.reggaespace.com/fikir-amlak-dre-z-real-man…/ . Give thanks for the pleasure of Ilastrating the music. Rastafari Lead. Right over All.
New Single Now Out!
Young Shanty Album Art: Acrylic and Indian ink
New Piece for Young Shanty, for his next album NOW OUT! ” All Natural.” I wanted to try a capture the feeling of Jamaica, and honor the balance same way. I-Man-go sey, bless up all the Rastafari ambassadors, sharing His Imperial Majesty in our own unique ways. Keep it old school like the Schwinn bike.
Emperor Haile Selassie I and the Tree on Wood : Acrylic and Indian ink
Empress Menen Asfaw : Acrylic and Indian ink
Ethiopian Eve. Small. Acrylic
This is a piece that I have enjoyed making before, and making small updates or changes. This is the mini version of Ethiopian Evening. Acrylic 20×16″. The piece highlights that even in total unity we still are one of kind. This is highlighted by the man in the center, wearing jeans and blue shirt with a red gold and green beanie.
Emperor Haile Selassie I and President Nassar in Egypt. : Acrylic and Indian ink
The Emperor in The Garden. : Acrylic and Indian ink
How good it is to start the day with a mediation of simple goodness. Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you, But to do justly,
To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God.”
Brand New piece of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of Judah. This is based on the last known photo of HIM and invoked lots of emotions. One is that the sun isn’t setting, neither does His Reign End. That this Garden was more of a place of peace and family, not a place of recluse or arrest. His Majesty is the brightness and solemness of the Garden and it is an expression of His Life. The feeling was more important than detail, and movement was focused on through using impressionism.
The King of Kings lives up to His Title, by being humble in times of adversity, one who taught to us to love mercy and fought for Justice for all Mankind. Glorify and Praise that which is Good. Rastafari. Prints are available, inbox if interested.
Thank You Justyn for commissioning the piece and having a great moment and glimpse worthy of remembering. Egziabeher Yemasagan
The Soul of the Church : Acrylic and Indian ink
The Living Church is the Living Body, The Temple of the Most High. The Cross is the world, the world that we are in but not of. We have risen from worldly ways of control and power, we are a walking resurrection. Like the Church in background, there is space that goes through, like how everyone will carry their own cross whether they asked for it or not.
King Selassie I and the Tree. : Acrylic and Indian ink
Ethiopian Presence : Acrylic
Kool Elephant : Acrylic and Indian ink
” Girl Walking Down Stairs.” : Acrylic and Indian ink
The Law Giver : Acrylic and Indian ink
CreekPriest : Acrylic and Indian ink
The Kings Plateau : Acrylic and Indian ink
To BeeThankful : Acrylic and Indian ink
Lion and cub : Acrylic and Indian ink
Shadow Priest : Acrylic and Indian ink
12×18″ ” Shadow Priest” acrylic. A piece about Ethiopian Priests in quiet meditations. Wanted to capture the feeling of sunlight and contrast, with a simple sky. All of which allows the stillness and contemplation of the priest reading to be felt.
Remembering Solidarity : Acrylic and Indian ink
This piece is symbolic of the way elephants protect family and the adaptation of new situations. Liken to how a blind man will describe an elephant differently based on where he is standing, so we must realize there can be many truths that exist at once. This will allow us to end tribalistic thinking that declares one version of history the only history accepted.
ELEPHANT BOXING Acrylic and Indian Ink
JEMEZ BOUND Acrylic and Indian ink
Ethiopian Girl in Purple
Still Creating Acrylic and Indian ink
Selassie I Rising
Once Again, Give thanks for the Mighty Life Giver, Who Rules in the Heart of All Flesh. In this time, to be able to express through art and life, the Ivine King within ALL that is evident in the personage of The King of Kings is the Highest Honor a person can share. We do know that the Word in the Scriptures has been upheld in that His Face does Shine upon Us, All the Days of Our Lives. To be a witness is to behold, The Conquering Lion of Judah has Prevailed. Forever we do give thanks and praise. Qedamawi Atse Haile Selassie First. Jah Rastafari.
First and foremost InI Give thanks that the Most High has given us the blessing to link and complete these works. InI give thanks for the love shown and the kindness and teachings of the entire Island of Jamaica. Most High Jah Rastafari be Praised in a Mighty Sound!
” A Shared Vision “
It was evening, and there was a diversity of people in Judgement yard. I was taken back by a child that was watching Miguel and Chaz together drumming and on the guitar, with Dre-Z Melodi peering in back. All those around can see when music is a central point of being, a perfect place. Everyone seemed to be in a perfect place, and so it seemed perfect to do some sketches and take some photos and be able to reflect and meditate on it. I like the sketch with a little ink, it seemed to capture the ease and casualness of being in harmony. Click here for a print: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/miguel-and-chaz/
” SonLight Living Room “
One of the joys was to do a mural in Sizzla’s Living Room at his compound in Judgement Yard. Lots of experiences on the stairs and with his nephew who helped do some of the painting too. It was a piece of Africa with a tear where the Nile River is on the face of a lion. The energy of the living room and the patio had a certain radiance when the sun hit. The color and hours spent watching the gradual changes made it worthy to try and recreate. I can feel the morning, and the excitement of the day, amongst the children of Jah. Click here to get a print: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/sonlight-in-the-living-room/
” Miguel’s guitar “
Using a different palette and technique to try and add a uniqueness to Jamaica air, trees and earth, this piece is a tribute to Miguel’s love of things to come and traditions of old. From the Tabernacle, which is not heavily decorated to the contrast of the torn jeans and perfect tie and shirt, told a story of a work and person in progress. A place where the spirit and Foundation can sing itself into any place Jah sees fit. A place where the man is there for the world to see rather than hidden in the Tabernacle. click to get a print: http://blog.raselijah.com/shop/products/miguels-guitar/
Album cover of the Grammy nominated reggae artist Sizzla Kalonji. In this piece Sizzla described exactly what he wanted in detail. The appearance to make it look like it was done quickly was part of the intention. In true art, the flow and vibe is more important than making it photographic. The raw and aggressive lines, and the clear message carries an impact the sublime does not. It is meant to hit the viewer. This included the letters, which are all hand done. He wanted it to feel Rastafari, and also show real street letters that ones could read and are true to form. Something we could see on a wall and smile. I was very pleased listening to the album and that the art and the album also flowed, it was a work of art in perfect balance, clear and upfull. Raspect.
Give thanks for the breathe of Life, Give thanks for the Life Giver who allows us to sing to HIM, O Jah Rastafari. The Power of Music is such a blessing, and to be able to hear new music and gain inspiration is a true joy. Here are some new albums that are now out or coming soon with InI art work. Give thanks for the ones that move in harmony where we can express the same thing in two different art forms. One frequency. Let Jah Be Praised!
Akae Beka: Need Our Love to Talk
Ras Biblical : Ameseginalehu
JahSon featuring Last Disciple: 7 Times
Chalice Row Records: Chant Riddim
Mister Kali: Father of the Fatherless
Ancient King: Seh Selassie I
Pacific Vibration featuring Akae Beka: Truth
Ras Ceylon feat. Timbo King and Tragedy Khadafi : Frontline Generals
Ras Teo: A Luta Continua
Fikir Amlak meets Brizion: Medhane Alem
Jah Myhrakle: Rama Dub
Jah Myhrakle and Bigga Haitian: What We Need.
Sebastian Franks: Consequence of Reward
There is more album art to come, Give thanks for viewing. In each piece the music is the message that pushes the visuals. If you like or want to know more about the art, check out the music. All the music and artists are on all musical platforms. Seek it out, its worth it! I will soon have a collection of the music videos and interviews that feature art as well. Peace with you all. Hail Selassie I First, The Word made Flesh. One Jah.
Egziabeher yemassagan, Glorify and Exalt Jah Name. Blessed Love, Give thanks. Jah Rastafari, Atse Haile Selassie First.
As an artist, time is often fleeting. I am excited to share the new works and show how the art is changing and developing. More impressionism and attention to backgrounds with an emphasis on landscapes.
At this particular time, having a broken arm, typing and describing the art is a slow process however the drive to paint has increased. So here is to less words and more visuals. The show will be running for a month, and there will special pieces to be announced that are exciting and unreleased work.
I hope you enjoy, inbox in the contact link if anything catches your eye. Brand new works for a brand new day.
From where we start and finish. 24″x12″ $450.
H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and President Nassar of Egypt by the Nile.
“girl walking down stairs” 16×20″ $350.
“Rock Shadows” 16×20″ Acrylic $250.
” Priests on boat with Ark” 16″x20″Acrylic and Indian ink. $750.
” Under the Bridge” 12×12″ Acrylic $250
“The Truth” 36″x36″ Acrylic and Indian ink. Original 2,500. Akae Beka and Pacific Vibration Single cover.
“The King in Beige” 16×12″ Acrylic 175.
” Priest Praying” 11×11″ Acrylic and Indian ink, original $225.
“Blue Elephant.” Acrylic and Indian ink 11×11″ original 200
Lots more to come plus surprises. Hope to see and hear from you. Jah Bless, Rastafari. Haile Selassie First.
Greetings and thank you everyone with Defend Ethiopia Task Force Europe and the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, for organizing this webinar and thank you Mahlet Ayele and Connect Africa for hosting this most important forum.
Representing R.U.N.N.