Tag Archives: Aug. 4th 2017

DuttyBookMan Tour. AUG 3-4 Rastafari Reasoning and Art Show. NM

The New Mexico Rastafari Collective is proud to present  Brother Dutty BookMan, Jamaican Rastafari, activist, teacher, author and DJ. His books include:

“FATIDIC” Selected Duttyisms  and

TRIED & TRUE : Revelations of a Rebellious Youth (2011)

He has worked close with the Marley family and foundation, and founded his own Arts and Culture foundation “Manifesto Jamaica” based in Toronto which is a youth empowerment non profit leadership organization . DuttyBookman will be in New Mexico for several days, making a stop in Las Vegas and Albuquerque. We will be proud to have him at “The Sector” in 122 La Veta Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 From 6-8pm. InI and Ras Zakariah will be showing Our art and will enjoy the reasoning with our big brother. Expect a High Vibe of Social and Rastafari Livity Culture. Clearly from His Name, honoring the ancestors thru Our Purpose and works to be channeled for our nation. The Event is free, any donations will be welcome so we can also contribute to the Youth programs sponsored by DuttyBookMan. He will be in Las Vegas NM Aug. 3 at New Moon Fashion back yard. 5-9pm.

AFTER THE REASONING ON AUG. 4TH we will be going DOWNTOWN to join The Hip Hop Community and we will be at 4th and Central at the Cypher that is held on the First Friday of every month. It LIVE and FREE, with DuttyBookMan spinning and live art and dancing…if you have been there you already know. If you haven’t its real, check it. 20120817_1554044271334461_1659429975_n

You can learn about DuttyBookMan and check his books and works at: http://duttyism.com

and here is a great reasoning: https://youtu.be/dHrthWCNVJE


Thank you Ras Zakarias for all the hard work and organizing. Thank You every one at the Sector for helping the community with Culture and Art to uplift the community, likewise thank you New Moon Fashion for Itinual support! Big Up to Cyrus for bringing Hip Hop back to the streets.  Las Vegas, Albuquerque, lets get together and feel alright. Its going to be a revolutionary Sabbath. Please share and tell a friend. Roots and Culture time.

Jah Bless, One Perfect Love.

Ras Elijah Tafari.