Tag Archives: Albuquerque Rastafari

"Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch," Acrylic and Indian ink painted on wood.

“It is in His Faith He is Justified” Selassie Meditation.

A moment of praise, a meditation, a  Reasoning. Remember that many want to tell the World about How Great Emperor Haile Selassie the First is, and we tell them about His Deeds, and we exclaim His Words, and the results of His Visits, however these are not the Highest Credits in the Eyes of Men or God. It is in His Faith He is Justified, as ones debate the actions, or question some of the translations, their is no question that The King of Kings was the Defender of the Faith. A title that even the Orthodox Church acknowledges and vested on His Imperial Majesty. Let us reflect on His Faith, that He openly prayed before the Earth, that He quoted men of Faith, and proclaimed that by Faith He would Conquer.

Romans 5:1 “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” The Subject of Faith would come up when ones would ask the Emperor about Rastafarians, and the words of, ” Don’t disturb their faith,” or ” No one should question the faith of others, for no human being can judge the ways of God” – Haile Selassie. The Conquering Lion of Judah spoke of Faith from the perspective of God and not in the usual manners. This is what many who criticize the Rastafari faith don’t understand, that the Emperor does want us to have faith in HIM and He doesn’t question the faith of others for He too has Faith in Us that We can do more than we think we can. For Jah is with Us.

We have heard the famous scripture, Hebrew 11, ” Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. … And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” This is what Christ spoke of, The Ancients like Abraham, and Noah who were not perfect men, they had faith. In the Book of Mathew, Christ said you have to become like children, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No matter what ones think, a child’s faith reminds I of many Rastafari in their jubilee, who Exalt Emperor Haile Selassie I! Many who can’t read, or write, and that doesn’t matter to Jah. It was because of Faith, Hebrew 11:5 tells us “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death:”
No one is getting close to Jah because of intelligence or because of deeds, or how much Scriptures you read, your actions are separate from your Heart. In the Heart is where there is a voice that you listen too, or don’t. When you do, that is the Holy Spirit, that is there to see if you will earnestly seek with faith from the Heart which overruns the mind, and please the Father.
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” – Romans 10:17, listen not in your head with your ears, listen to your heart through the unseen ears that listens to your Soul and God speaking. The events that brought His Imperial Majesty here were not like the usual ways that people come, it was from unseen, unforeseeable powers that only Jah could manifest. He calls us to understand the difference of fear in our head, to the fear in the Heart when the soul knows Jah Is. Like Noah had, Enoch and Job. It is Reverence in the Highest to the True Head. The True Head is the Almighty, and Fear of Him is the beginning of Wisdom. Ras is a word for Wisdom and for Head, Tafari means in Amharic, Fear or Reverence. Ras Tafari, ” Head worthy to be feared.” The Man and Message of Wisdom, Gave us by acknowledging us by His Name, His Name. “Make Prophecy realized” as Hon. Vaughn Benjamin sang. When we see The Emperor Display Wisdom as His Crown, He is Feared and Revered because He knew who He was before we did. We beheld His Words Come to pass. In Reverence our Spirit Is caused to move. When He and the Orthodox Church told Us He is the Power of the Trinity, as Revelation said He would, in a Name that only He would know, He Is. Emperor Haile Selassie, before the world, was seen on His White Horse and it was as He went to war..Revelation 19 “Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.”
Our Faith isn’t in a Roman Construct of a Deity, it based on the Faith we saw actualized, the Prayers made and answered, Witnessing that against all odds, Good conquers over evil. The Results of Loving The Emperor Loving and Being The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The One God. He is a Living Bible, that has allowed us to be here, today, now, ushering in a new testament of the Word and Scriptures. We are that evidence of His Faith. And He still believes in Us, whether we believe in HIM. As sure as the Power of the Trinity is Everlasting, Haile Selassie I is here, to renew your spirit so you can feel the peace and righteous and blessed assurance of Jah in Your Heart. That As the Defender of the Faith, Emperor Haile Selassie I showed that even in the 21st Century, with Faith, Courage and Just Cause, David will still beat Goliath.
Give thanks and Praise to the Almighty One, Egziabher, Qedamawi First, Haile Selassie I, The Conquering Lion of Judah. Root of David. King of Kings. Power of the Trinity . God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God.

"Selassie I and Priest" Acrylic and Indian ink. Original Available

“Selassie I and Priest” Acrylic and Indian ink. Original Available. Go to shop section to check out prints and originals for sale.



Newest Pieces for July 2020. ” Lion Heights.”

 Give thanks for the Day and the Month, the Lion Frequency is flowing fine. I liked what Buju Banton said on the Breakfast Club a couple Strongs (weeks) ago, paraphrased, big things happen in July and August, it is part of the alignment of all of creation to a cosmic renewal that translates through the powers of the Lion. It is also the time to celebrate the Birth of Emperor Haile Selassie I. July 23rd 1892 Our King was born.

These are a some of the joy-tings and drawings /art that I produced this month. There are more, however I can’t share them yet. Some really hard work was put into art, and the powers in the moment and time were capsulated. We are still in the Lion constellation now, so expect big output  from many Ras and Likeminded Hearts. There are descriptions of where these pieces have gone on the last article. This is the art solo, in which prints will be available. Reserve one by inboxing that you’re interested and I will make sure the first round of prints go to ya. Give thanks and praise for Life! Thank you for checking out the new works, and Full Joy. Rastafari. Power of the Trinity.

"King of Kings"

“King of Kings” pencil and computer graphics and color.

"King of Kings" Black and White

“King of Kings” Black and White ( pencil)

" Igziabeher "

” Igziabeher ” Acrylic and Indian ink with computer graphics.


MamaAfrica20202 Acrylic and Indian ink.

" Head Fountain." Acrylic and Indian ink

” Head Fountain.” Acrylic and Indian ink with gold.

" Raining King 2020 " Acrylic and Indian ink on plastic.

” Raining King 2020 ” Acrylic and Indian ink on plastic.

" Raining King 2020 " Full Piece Acrylic and Indian ink

” Raining King 2020 ” Full Piece Acrylic and Indian ink

"Weep'n and Wail'n" HIM in Exile. Acrylic, Indian ink, computer clean up.

“Weep’n and Wail’n” HIM in Exile. Acrylic, Indian ink, computer clean up.

Once Again Give thanks for feeling the vibes. If anyone would like some original art or art for a project, free up and link, lionartproductions@gmail.com. Pray everyone is maintaining and shine their light. Head Up, Head High, and Be Safe.

Rastafari. HIM Haile Selassie I First.









Celebrating Emperor Haile Selassie I Being. July 23rd 2020.

July 23rd 1892- 2020:Celebrating Emperor Haile Selassie I Being.

As many of you know, today is a special day for Rastafari World Wide. It is day Our God and King was Born, 128 years ago. Many may ask, how can God be born? The answer is that in actually affirming that God is Everything and in Everyone, That which is unseen creates all that is seen. That birth is a manifestation into flesh from the unseen where the soul and God forever is. He is the same that was, is and will forever be. When we see HIM and we see Ourselves and God, that which was previously unseen, and now seen. It is the meeting of the original self, and all of history embodied in One, paraphrasing Nelson Mandela description meeting Emperor Haile Selassie I. That He is time itself, and yet Greater, He is mortal and immortal. He also propelled Humanity in a new direction, ushering in a greater cry for justice and peace than had ever been. In a Great Oneness with the Creator We have been invited into the Power of the Trinity, (Haile Selassie I) which teaches about the relationship of God and Mankind. It is in this African Emperor, that clarity and compassion is used wisely and for all. So that the expanding of Our relationship, and duty to The Almighty and Each Other, He has crystalized and capsulated the communion of Oneness.
This is a day of prayer and reflection, a day to give praises to be called by His Name as was prophesied in Revelations 22. ” 3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.”
The term ” Ras ” means Head in all Semitic languages, and to be called Ras Tafari is a Holy and Magnificent Honor. This is why we are not ” Rastafarians” or “Rasta” We are called by His Name. Ras Tafari. We also can see the Unity of the Lion and Lamb without confusing the two, In their Oneness, also is the knowledge of distinct properties, all of which are displayed in the Life of His Imperial Majesty.
On this day, We reflect How Mankind was and is graced with perfection, and strive toward it, now it has been seen. The owning of the times, is the acceptance of the King and Queen of Kings. That Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Asfaw is who they say and really they are. This is Reality, He is the Conquering Lion of Judah, that is officially recognized by every world government, how we see it, is your choice. For InI, it is the affirming that the Bible is living itself out in Our Time. Will we remember the Garden, will we remember who we still are? Rastafari, and the New Name Haile Selassie I, is an assault on the lexicons of Europe. It transcends definitions, because of its multiple forms of jubilation in its expression. “Haile Selassie First” in it’s meaning, is both mathematical, a symbol, an expression of the Energy of God in Man, A Supreme Authority of Human Inclusiveness, He that sits on the Throne of Zion, Modern David and Greater Solomon, and this and much more, simply in the Name of Emperor, Haile Selassie First. He represents Order in Chaos, Defense of Faith, Freedom and African Sovereignty. He is the Father of Africa and Humanity, yet also is the Ushering of in of a ” New Race ” as He put it. Nothing and no one compares to what the World witnessed in the Life and Teachings of Emperor Haile Selassie I. He has saved Billions of Souls from a World that could have been in subjugation, and He has Restored the Souls of Millions who have felt His Love, and share His Peace.
Thank you for reading, and in  2020, We Give thanks for the Highest Call, That of The King of Kings. It is a Joy and Honor to give thanks, To His Imperial Majesty on this Good Day. One Perfect Love. Let His Name Be Praised. Emperor Haile Selassie the First. Negus Negast, Jah Rastafari!

Emperor Haile Selassie I and African Liberation Leaders. Can you find Nelson Mandela!

Emperor Haile Selassie I and African Liberation Leaders. Can you find Nelson Mandela!

Our Emperor Speaks:
It is a matter of bitter disappointment to Us, as it must be to all Africans, that in [Zimbabwe], in South Africa, in Mozambique, Angola and Portuguese Guinea racist regimes continue to oppress our brothers and to deny them the basic human rights to which they are entitled as free men. New ways must be found and new techniques must be devised to bring these governments to their knees, if not their senses. The alternative is the use of force, and however abhorrent this course may be, Ethiopia stands ready to act if this be required.
- H.I.M.Haile Selassie Nov.4, 1967

Tears of Struggle

“Tears of Struggle”. Newest Painting. Juneteenth Joyting. 2020

What a Joy to create from the Heart to the Heart. It is a great time for reflection and art. It seems life itself has more value as it becomes more in peril. Music likewise, the message and substance is becoming more critical to the masses that are tired of seeing hypocrisy from each other, especially when it comes to culture versus pop culture.


Beginning the Joyting Juneteenth

Beginning the Joyting Juneteenth

As an African, there is a feeling that is beyond joy when I see us all united. It is a good feeling to see we are not just the entertainment but the event is geared to educate. It is important to see ourselves as Africans because it bings a geographic location of source and place, when we say “Black” we are describing ourselves by a color, in which no one else does. There is always context when the European created title “White” speaks on heritage, they know where they come from, and can elaborate. We must elaborate, and realize that Africa is where and why we are, and to embrace Africa is to embrace the Lion and the Times.  The Lion within, the Lion of Old, and the Lions of Tomorrow. Lions have represented Africa from  long time, and even though, many nations call themselves lions that don’t seem to show it when it comes to African Pride. We as Rastafari sight the Biblically referenced Conquering Lion of Judah as The Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie the First, and so it holds a Spiritual and Religious significance. The Unity of the Lion and Lamb is shown in Our works in what we call Livity.

In the process of Painting..

In the process of Painting..

Tears of Struggle

Tears of Struggle By Ras Elijah Tafari

This new piece, is done with Acrylic and Indian ink, represents the Victory and Pain of Our Walk as Africans. To paint it live was to be in touch with the collective pulse that made it vibe further, and also reminding I of the struggle we still are in as Humanity. The Struggle is to see that life isn’t about conquest and domination, and that many have to rise in true leadership. In this trod, Africans across the world have inspired the World to be better people and aspire to peaceful solutions. From Nelson Mandela, to Colin Kaepernick, countless Africans have encouraged humanity to attain the rights and dignity we all deserve. In this legacy there is a shared trail of tears. A shared African Experience. That shared journey is one in which Native Americans and Africans were mixed up and disenfranchised for multiple reasons. Many Africans in America have Native American blood and like the Indigenous of most nations, forcefully deprived of knowing their Native and African connections and families.

Still in the Joy-ting

Still in the Joy-ting

As people are learning that it took two years after the Emancipation Proclamation for Africans to learn of the end of slavery in Texas, here in New Mexico it took another 2 years after that. It wasn’t until 1867, after Congress passed the Peonage Act on March 2nd 1867 that Slavery was addressed in Territories. It specifically addressed NM having widespread slavery of Africans and Native Americans. The Humming bird in painting represents the Native Communities of the Past and present, who we share our blood and tears with, and pray that the struggle can bring us strength to continue to be beautiful warriors,  like hummingbirds, standing strong and fighting.

 Live art at Juneteenth, Albuquerque

Live art at Juneteenth, Albuquerque

it was a great experience to attend Juneteenth celebrations in Albuquerque this year, it was the best turn out and gathering in Juneteenth memory. Lots of new faces that truly need to  feel collective security and unity in the cause to further freedom.  Our Liberation is still in the process of truly becoming as humanity, each generation needs educating of the great ones that have come before. InI family and I met a lot of new ones, and I was able to reason on the importance of the King of Kings, sharing and making live art.  The joy-ting developed with passion and I look forward to it being shared and having a sound track for it..The original has been sold, and prints are available. The image has also be spoken for, and it will be used..trust that. Jah willing we can get some lovely posters and shirts made. I will have it in the print area soon. If you would like an original based on the same Icept let InI know.

Ras Elijah Tafari with New Joyting

Ras Elijah Tafari with New Joyting

This is an interesting and insightful time, the media and society at large has a long way to go to truly explore the the nature of the serious destruction, that is the status quo. We have a duty to make more than non bias journalism or propaganda,…we have a duty to be authentic. To be real, keep it raw and also professional. We represent all those who came before and will come after, and to lively up the area using the powers that dwell within, spark a fire of real creative culture and innovation – inspires others to open up and look within. With music and art, you’re allowed to be emotional, it’s good, and the way we deal with them, to respect the messages in the emotion is worth reminding others through artistic drive. With a Heart of Joy, I thank you for reading and checking the art. Lots more to come, and give thanks for Life. It is an honor to be here and help be a strength to those that need more art and love and culture.


Tears of Struggle

Tears of Struggle

Hail the King of Kings. Jah Rastafari.

Ras Elijah Tafari



Ethio Evening

The Cry for Justice. New Times with New Artwork! Ras Reasoning.

In the required precision of words in this time, InI had to take a time and meditate on the moment and thoughts that haven’t been said that could be a strength. I also am joyful to present new art that InI have produced in the last couple of months in conjunction.

At the Alter. Oil.

At the Alter. Oil.

We have globally entered a new time, and it is one that asks us to be more than we have ever been. The Covid-19 Pandemic challenged the politics and manipulation of words and truth. More of the World realized the power and weaknesses of being a world interlinked and somewhat reliant on each other. The ideas of rightwing governments clearly does contribute to a larger death rate than necessary. The wild conspiracies that have been unleashed fall apart easier because of the need for evidence in which there is none supporting the arguments, examples: that masks are political or that Antifa is behind the social unrest resulting in International Protests.  There is a need to express that though many are manipulating the narrative, Covid-19 is real, and it is important to realize that no matter who started it, it is a global threat and should be taken seriously.  What also needs to be taking seriously is learning opportunity that has been placed on the World to receive in order for humanity to evolve, concerning blatant racism, systematic racism, institutional racism, and environmental racism. All of these will come down to the methods of Empire, both modern and classical. The moment and timing may seem scripted or produced, keep in mind that the media’s job is to script and produce, it’s supposed to appeal to an entertainment quality not a accurate or true narrative. Journalism since its inception has strived, yet rarely achieves a non bias stance. Alright, next subject, True Liberation..

African Tears2:2020

African Tears2:2020

Rastafari as a movement is based in Black Liberation, it could be said that all faiths are based in liberation theology in order to have a liberating appeal and affect. Rastafari as a movement as diverse as we are, that realize that purpose of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I standing against Fascism and Colonialism, was that of a Spiritual war that attacked Foreign domination, resulting in the call for collective security, international morality and human rights. It was the moment when an African Voice would usher in a greater humanity if accepted. We look from an African perspective about ambitions that nations propose, and whether it is based on true unity or exploitation. For the most part, it seems that the methods of capitalism that most nations export is fostered on exploration of the poor and the destruction of the environment. Hence why looking at the treatment of the poor, who will be people of color in majority internationally will lead ones to conclude that attacking racism will conclude in the attacking of the foundation of capitalism and empire as we know it. Mystery Babylon.



There is difference between African American Political Science and Black Liberation, a difference between Political Pains and Prophetic Pain. What is happening within and around the Black Lives Matter movement is addressing the micro in the macro. Slowly the reasoning is expanding to the inherent relationship between Empires and the racism in many forms that exist locally where ever people live. It is not a solely American problem as international protests reveal, it is also not a new problem. When in my hometown of Albuquerque N.M. where a statues of Don Juan Onate were either forcefully removed or the removed by the city, reminded the world that racism was brought over by the Spanish, in which many were themselves were running from the Spanish Inquisition masking their Jewish identity. Sometimes in the case of Onate, the Spanish themselves found Onate to be a monster and told never to return to NM. The State has agreed, that it is backwards. Likewise the actual multi-national corporations that were involved in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade were not of one nation or nationality.  Extraordinary things are happening right now, as English Banks admit their guilt. Many corporations across the Earth as well as Banks are simply accepting that they have profited from Black Suffrage and want to make amends in some way. For the first time reparations are being spoken about in European countries that may result in action. Rastafari as a movement hold that Reparations, and Repatriation is part of the Redemption of Mankind. Being part of the process no matter where ones are from is a work for humanity at large and a Glory to God.

A Song for the Fire.

A Song for the Fire.

Though I am skeptical of ” Allies “, we indeed are a people that are all in the same boat and it is in truth that we will be better off as humanity working together. There is a great hypocrisy in the midst of the ignorance of the general United States population. Not to be condescending, coming from an African perspective, the United States is the Policeman that has had his knee on the neck of most of the world for decades. Except when Trump’s favorite dictators see dissent they use live bullets given by the United States to kill their citizens. The importance of the US citizens to be aware of the military industrial complex and the methods of control used by the super powers of the world, will conclude that there is no desire what so ever, to have accountability in the course of violent domination. Journalist as often seen as the enemy, and no one is exempt from being beaten. This was made very clear by Trumps Administration rejection of The International Criminal Courts investigation into human rights violations by US soldiers in Afghanistan on US soil. Afghan lives don’t matter to this government or the majority of its tax payers. The same Knee of the USA is on the necks of people of Yemen, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Libyans, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Muslim Chinese, Haitians, Cubans, Venezuela, and many more where their lives are discarded and the US is majority responsible.  These proxy wars, and drone attacks and sanctions, result in mass numbers of innocent men, women and children dying. Europes and the United States Foreign Policy is based on Military strength and has taught other nations that the law is about domination. The illusion of ” Freedom ”  and “Democracy” and Human Rights are a vague concept to most the world, this is because it is usually the US or another foreign power/ corporation that exercises their will on that population to feed that entities needs. They buy warlords, mercenaries, and politicians. This is the status quo, it has been so for thousands of years.

Ethio Evening

Ethio Evening

When I see the present day, the realities of how some are in totally different worlds are becoming more apparent. It has caused a great amount of introspection about how this can be addressed in a just way. There is no bad place to start when it comes to proper policing and governance, where ever it starts is positive, and that it is built on is even more crucial. We have heard ideas grow, and even enacted when it comes to defunding the police, ( which doesn’t mean eliminating policing). The history of why there is so many police, the drug war, and racism is all connected and should be looked at internationally as a form of a war on the poor, and also a reflection of their governments reliance of military power over peaceful forms of communication. There is a need for proper peace keepers to be empowered, and this is often where Spiritual meet Political. The call for Justice will only open up the serious wounds that are carried by indigenous people, it will also bring to light the global bias and disempowerment of women. As a human race, the fight for true equality and basic respect has only just begun, and no matter where the spring arises, it should be utilized to water as many plants as possible. We cannot forget that the fight for Justice and Rights is one that is rooted in Spiritual thought, and part of why Emperor Haile Selassie I presents so many solutions for the World to actualize. That this is a battle of Empire, a battle of the nature of what makes of the Kingdom of the Most High, or that of Babylon.



For Us as Rastafari, the way you see the Creator reflects about how you see yourself, and how the I see the I self, is how others will also see you. We are a reflection of an African King and Queen, and it is in the Order of the Conquering Lion of Judah, The King of Kings and the Queen of Kings we walk. Ethiopia is a beacon for the world to learn of perspectives and teaching that is not Euro-centric and yet also embracing of others. We see Earth as being both Heaven and Hell, and that this time was given as a challenge to live up to the Words of Emperor Haile Selassie I, that these are the last days of Babylon and that the Root of David, The Lion and the Lamb have already come to prepare us for this day and the days to come. Let the Earth be cleansed, and restored, as well as Our Hearts and Minds.


young priest in the dark

I had the pleasure to speak with with organizers,  Keiran Freeman of Black Voices and Nakia Russ of Black Lives Matter and Activist Frankie Grady, hosted by Brother Jasper of Oh Lawd, We reasoned on the African Experience, mental illness, Empire, Spanish imperialism, and much more.. A fun and serious look at where we are and what needs to done for our internal and external liberation. Hope you enjoy..Reasoning on Empire and Black Liberation within Black Lives Matter Move.



There is more art that has been done however its not quite time to show them. If anyone would like a print or inquire feel free to link up. I will be adding these into the print area asap and the originals that are available. Give thanks for reading and I pray thee safety, walk in a wise and loving mind and heart. Give thanks for this day, All Praises to His Imperial Majesty. Jah Rastafari. Haile Selassie First.








All Glory to Emperor Haile Selassie I. The New E.P. Titled ” Selassie Run The Earth” is officially out !  This album is special to INI because for years many have watched as I grow musically, and its been full of poorly mixed and some tunes that are rough. Thank you for the focusing on message rather than production. In the recent years, since working with Diles real serious, we were able to make the studio a church where prayers just come… And the Sound is clean and clear. As time moves we see what has a really nice feel. Both of us have grown together spiritually and musically, this album is some of the tunes that we wanted to share now. Its important to let the blood flow, and I am very proud to share this work and present a work that represents unity in the name of the King of Kings and the Mission. It is a joy if any DJ’s or Radio folk want to play any of the tunes, and spread the message of Patience,Resurrection, Salvation. Thank you Dre-Z Melodi, Hakim B, Mike Gerdes, and especially Colin Diles who works tirelessly for the community to have a voice. Its a responsibility to speak and I am pleased to be able to put the brush down and break the chains with a chant every now and then. To keep balanced I have to come out the art cave. Blessed Earth Light Bob Marley aka Berhane Selassie. “Selassie Run The Earth” produced by Diles at Central Root Studio. You can hear the album here: https://visceralview.bandcamp.com/al…/selassie-run-the-earth …. or anywhere you listen to music..applemusic, spotify etc.. Hope you Full Joy. Jah Be Praised! He is the Alpha and Omega.Praise HIM in all your doings. Rastafari.





HERE IS A LINK TO THE VIDEO: JAH IS I ROCK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBkbD-IVp1o&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR08nuKvmskcZIw6warf4Ny7S1rDfSEUG983LEtjP4Al8nC4wDS1ZV7B3QY



“Jah is I Rock” is a new tune featured on the just released Green Chile in the Air volume 9 produced by Colin Diles. :@dilestellem. It is also on InI E.P. Titled ” Selassie Run The Earth.”! This video is filmed at the World’s Largest Scales, measuring 36 ft High. On it are inscribed words about Justice and Law Everlasting in 30 languages. It was a joy to film with Brother Diles, and features a mural painted by Ras Zakarias , Mike ThreesixtyDora Chavarria and InI. You can get the tune on various outlets by clicking here: https://ampl.ink/VDwGX check out the full history and works of Green Chile in the Air and Visceral View at: https://visceralview.bandcamp.com/…/green-chile-in-the-air-… and at : Diles

ALSO WE HAVE A COLLABORATION TUNE WITH ILLUMINATI CONGO TITLED EVERYTHING BLESSED, LISTEN HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGEwlnM524w&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0GDYHdNUyupcSW5k3w5KyY9swMx5OaWzJTmoAYOyt3lhYwU7aS9ypAaZs


Illuminaticongo: InnerSpace produced by DILES

Illuminaticongo: InnerSpace produced by DILES

Give thanks for the Day! Part of how I have learned how to live is to move with the current, which allows fluidity. Many of us have learned to do what we love, and though to some this is a luxury. Let us reason on time. IF you love what you do, you dont keep track of hours or expect to be paid for them. It is a Itinual act of protecting the moment, and hence being present. In that presence are opportunities that can not be sparked unless willing and able to address it in that moment. It is how good music is made and art, you let the moment teach you. When it comes to both art and music, it is about the Spirit and listening. It like dancing with Jah, and sometimes, my moves may be off beat for sec, and then I get back into pocket. Life is here to praise The Most High. IF the art and music isnt what others want thats ok, its about what I do, and why.. In this journey less has to with what others think or do, and more about what we do and what we think, otherwise the communion has interference. When I create art or music it is for Jah, and it will have various textures that were tools in the moment to use for Rastafari. It is photo of a vision, a glimpse into feeling. When we put words or form to something we actually denigrate that from its original source. The best we can hope for is to produce an upful impression being that these ideas cannot be fully spoken or illustrated. Lots of art and music to come, because that what comes naturally. It is only a part of it. The fullness is to see how all these components can help propel us into a more just and conscious environment. It is all part of good to make a greater good. Let your Love Light pour out colors and embrace the oddities that will allow a gem to come out that is crystal clear in message. Thats the message, Let Love Rule. Rastafari Present.

We got Green Chile thumb drives that are filled new music. Green Chile in the Air Volume 9. This is the 9th edition in the Green Chile In The Air series which is annually produced by Diles (ABQ) has featured artists from around New Mexico, The United States, and the world. This years batch is a focused and cohesive collection of songs by an all star cast including the likes of Hip Hop pioneer Sadat X (Bronx) and underground notables such as Z-Man (Bay Area), Mahogany Jones (Brooklyn), and Krudas Cubensi (Havana) with local New Mexico and regional heavyweights such as Jungle One (ABQ), Ras Elijah Tafari (ABQ), Che Bong (Colorado Springs), MO SPKX (Denver), Alphounce Wolfe (Phoenix), Simatic (ABQ) and Ras Illy (ABQ). There are some bright new young artists featured as well in upcoming Denver star Edwina Maben

Green Chile USB thumb drives available at www.visceralview.com loaded with #Music #Videos #GreenChileRecipes and more… #GreenChileInTheAir #GreenChile#GCITA #Merch #VisceralView @ Albuquerque, New Mexico


Ras Elijah Tafari Speaking at Afrikin 2019 Maimi FL.

Unified in Vision.Building on that which has been established.

Ras Elijah Tafari at AFRIKIN 2019

1 min clip of Ras Elijah Tafari speaking at Afrikin 2019

So many topics to touch on, I will stay with what is pertinent. I learned a lot on this journey, one being that we as African people in our diversity are torn in many directions. Sometimes they compliment a holistic life, sometimes we are in a routine of normality that undermines African Unity and our ancestors.
I could reason on the beneficial elements of Reggae and Herb as well as the great times and people we met in Miami while attending and before the conference, however that is secondary, I wanted to touch on what I feel needs to be said, what comes first is the clear awareness of our ability to unify like never before and in a time that it is needed most.

In the interest of African Progression in the setting of a Pan African agenda, African Unity is a stand for a United Africa at home and abroad. Many felt at the Afrikin 2019 Conference The Art of Conversion that It is past time that together we work together to reach out for a United Africa that can stand on more than commercial gain. In Light of Prime Minister’s Nobel Peace Prize let us be inspired that unity is strength, and as a united front, in conjunction with the African Union, we can offer a concerted effort to reform the United Nations so our voices are heard and matter, that the whole of Humanity can improve and stand as a collective. The World Bank has done it, the EU does it, and the G-8 and G-20, Africa with all its Nations deserves to choose its own destiny and have a voice that carries weight and response. We are not respected because of the Big 5 Security Council Members that work for their interest, and have a permanent seat.

Africa uniting for a few causes on simplistic subjects is enough for a seed to take root. Africa Uniting for the benefit of peace and climate justice, over monetary desires alone is what will separate Africa from all other unions. Only we can free ourselves, and as we do, we know in turn our duty is to help all others have the basic rights given by Jah to be protected and guarded together.
This is more important than what album is coming out or what new painting I made..this is about why we do this to begin with. We often are so entangled with messengers we forget the message. So on blast, I need to learn and reach out to ones who do care and want to build in Africa with their governments to align for the benefit of all Africans at home and abroad. Our Expectation is still in Ethiopia, and as Ethiopians we know the voice of a United Africa is present in the African Union. There is a whole new generation of Rastafari and Loving People who want to see Africa Lead on the world stage a new way of working together fairly. If ones know how the UN works then it is clear that it needs reform due to colonial vestiges that exist. We who over stand how colonialism works, need to remove it, and be able to offer the evidence of its limited and outdated philosophies. We have our own ways, and teachings, where we don’t hand over power to oppressors. This is a massive topic and one together we can share how to use the platforms and opportunities given by His Imperial Majesty to sight that the OAU now the AU and United Nations are His Creations, where His Children certainly should have a place in the orderly movement towards a peaceful planet. Where are we..Give a shout out, and if you work with any Pan African, African Liberation Movement in Africa or abroad, lets link, share ideas and what can be done by us and for us all. If you don’t that fine too, anyone with a drive for justice and equality reach out.

These are the subjects that I spoke on, when asked to speak at the Afrikin Art of Conversation conference. It was a gift from the Holy Spirit and from the Ancestors, to Rise to the Mission, To the Occasion. I thank those who called I and to those I am calling. I am honestly tired of self exaltation, and business schemes, I am thirsty for substance and true works for African Liberation. I am not an artist for any person except Emperor Haile Selassie I, and it is in HIM I rejoice. Further I nor anyone else needs to justify why their voice has relevance in the works, if it has merit, that will stand alone. Focus on the message and mission over the messenger. I met a lot of ones who are ready to build, and realize we as Rastafari must make our voices One, with a clear vision that can be seen as tangible. If your interested in being involved, sharing skills, information, suggestions, insights, contacts, or any other support, Please link up. Send your email address and location and We will keep you informed and build together with those who are new and those who have been on the mission for years in Africa. Giving a fresh generation the tools to make a difference for the future of humanity working with Africans who stand United and will lead with one voice and vision. Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing from you. God Speed.

Rastafari. Ras Elijah Tafari. lionartproductions@gmail.com


Honoring: Vaughn Benjamin, Legendary prolific speaker and singer songwriter of Midnite and Akae Beka from USVI; 

David Banner, American rapper, record producer, actor, activist, and philanthropist;

Amara La Negra, Afro-Latina recording artist and reality star from Dominican Republic;

Mutabaruka, Jamaican dub poet, actor, and educator from Jamaica;

Jah9, artist, activist, certified yoga instructor and dub poet from Jamaica;

Dr. Julius Garvey, son of Pan-African activist Marcus Garvey from Jamaica;

Aja Monet, American contemporary poet, writer, lyricist and activist of Cuban-Jamaican descent;

Mary Spio, author and developer of innovative content solutions and tools for distributing virtual-reality;

This is the entire conference:

AFRIKIN® 2019 ART OF CONVERSATION: Love Is The Way Forward

40x24" Indian Ink and Acrylic.

New Works! Hail the King of Kings. Lion Eyes.


When we Rise let us Reflect the Goodness and High Honor to be called by His Name and to declare Emperor Haile Selassie I is the King of all Kings. As a Ras, as well as personally, My entire purpose is to exclaim and proclaim that the King has Come. That Our Redemption is at hand. As I have said before, His Name, Emperor Haile Selassie, Ras Tafari is an unadulterated name. A Name of Jah that is uncorrupted by Babylon and the multiple languages that make up English. It is Older than all that and yet was given so we can see the relationship of Jah to Man. The Power of the Trinity. The importance of having found the Original Source. It is that source I want everyone to know, it is that source that I tap into every morning. Bless Jah, Give thanks for Jah, Keep a Pure Heart for Jah, For He is. Say what you will, but no one can remove Emperor Haile Selassie I as being the Conquering Lion of Judah and the King of Kings, no one can change that we all came out of Ethiopia and humanity will always be the children of Ethiopia. Children of Jah, in His Likeness and Image. In HIM is everyone. Jah Rastafari! Hail the King, and be honored to live and know His Name, Emperor Haile Selassie I.  ” The King in Thought.” 11×14″ acrylic and Indian Ink. Inbox for a print if interested.

11x14 Acrylic and Indian Ink Original Available.

11×14 Acrylic and Indian Ink
Original Available.

New Cleaned up version. This is a very new piece, ” The King awaits at the Table.” Prints are available, Prints are 25.00 for 8×11 bagged, backed and signed. 11×17 is 40.00. There will be 3 versions. One close up another the full piece. This is the full piece. Jah Bless, Give thanks for His Imperial Majesties Meditations.

40x24" Indian Ink and Acrylic.

40×24″ Indian Ink and Acrylic.

HIM at Awaits at the Table.

HIM at Awaits at the Table.

Haile Selassie I awaits at the Table.

Haile Selassie I awaits at the Table.

I now have new prints of ” Lion Man ” with or with out the white borders.
Prints are available, however rights to the image are not. Prints are 25.00 for 8×11 bagged, backed and signed. 11×17 is 40.00.

prints available. Acrylic and Indian Ink

prints available. Acrylic and Indian Ink

on the easel..

Let InI know if you would like a print, they come bagged, backed and signed. 25.00 for 8×11 and 45 for 11×17 in a hard plastic protective case. Also if there is a need for Up Full Art~ free up and link. Its a joy to hear the visions and works and to be a strength. Jah Bless. Hail the King. Rastafari. Haile Selassie I First.







Events and Positive Gatherings Worth Checking!

These are some of the events that are going to be worth checking. There are 6, 4 of which have flyers~ the block party down town (4th and Central) Albuquerque Sept. 6th, where it is free and I will be painting live doesn’t have a flyer yet but will be live, big up brother Cyrus. There will be a flyer soon with all the artists and happenings.   We are also organizing a Reggae Block Party for Oct. 4th that will have a flyer at the same location. Everything else has a great flyers and I hope you see the unity and positive gatherings happening. One is in Oregon and another in Colorado, 2 in NM, so I hope we are close to you and we can see each other. Jah Bless the Bringers.

I will be painting live this Saturday in Albuquerque at Sister Bar.. 







Ras Elijah Tafari all rights reserved.

A Glimpse of the New Artworks and Visions.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Thank you for visiting the site!  As an Artist who feels that his work is never done, it is joy to express in a creative manner the visions that are given to or thru InI. One’s call or write regularly with their dreams and visions of the Emperor and Empress, and ask if I can materialize a visual rendition. It always has a life of its own and there is a special insight to paying attention and meditating on the message being shared with InI and for I to share properly. If you would like something made, don’t hesitate to link, either here or lionartproductions@gmail.com.

Here are some of the new works, pencils, inks and joy-tings that are in there own stages of development and will have color added. On top of the books I am working on, I feel that it would be fun and simple to make a Rastafari Coloring Book. I have the material and there is a lot more to come. Just one of many meditations. In the book, I was thinking of having a quote on each page from The Emperor. If it sounds like something you would like to collaborate on please let InI know. BLESSED LOVE! Hail the King and Queen. Rastafari.

Prints available.

Prints available. 25.00 inbox.

Coloring Book of Emperor Haile Selassie IEthiopia’s Emperor Coloring Book Sample.

Mighty King.

Mighty King. Ethiopia’s Emperor Coloring Book Sample.

King of the Heaven and Hills.

King of the Heaven and Hills.

"7 Priests" Acrylic and Indian ink. 5x7. Prints and Original available.

“7 Priests” Acrylic and Indian ink. 5×7. Prints and Original available.

In the works..Computer coloring,

In the works..Computer coloring,