Egziabeher yemassagan, Glorify and Exalt Jah Name. Blessed Love, Give thanks. Jah Rastafari, Atse Haile Selassie First.
As an artist, time is often fleeting. I am excited to share the new works and show how the art is changing and developing. More impressionism and attention to backgrounds with an emphasis on landscapes.
At this particular time, having a broken arm, typing and describing the art is a slow process however the drive to paint has increased. So here is to less words and more visuals. The show will be running for a month, and there will special pieces to be announced that are exciting and unreleased work.
I hope you enjoy, inbox in the contact link if anything catches your eye. Brand new works for a brand new day.

From where we start and finish. 24″x12″ $450.

H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and President Nassar of Egypt by the Nile.

“girl walking down stairs” 16×20″ $350.

“Rock Shadows” 16×20″ Acrylic $250.

” Priests on boat with Ark” 16″x20″Acrylic and Indian ink. $750.

” Under the Bridge” 12×12″ Acrylic $250

“The Truth” 36″x36″ Acrylic and Indian ink. Original 2,500. Akae Beka and Pacific Vibration Single cover.

“The King in Beige” 16×12″ Acrylic 175.

” Priest Praying” 11×11″ Acrylic and Indian ink, original $225.

“Blue Elephant.” Acrylic and Indian ink 11×11″ original 200
Lots more to come plus surprises. Hope to see and hear from you. Jah Bless, Rastafari. Haile Selassie First.