Tag Archives: African Unity

"Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch," Acrylic and Indian ink painted on wood.

Mediation: The Scroll of Reasons. Akae Beka Evah Loving Jah.


Scroll of Reasons Drawn by Ras Elijah Tafari

Scroll of Reasons Drawn by Ras Elijah Tafari


” The Scroll of Reasons”
“Evah Loving Jah 411 Psalms 114 The Reason” Akae Beka / Rastar Records 2020
Evah Loving Jah
“411 Psalms 114 The Reason”
Akae Beka / Rastar Records 2020 Akae Beka
Produced by Vaughn Benjamin & Ras Elyment Records for Rastar Records
Single available on January 1, 2020 at rastarrecords.com
from the forthcoming album DEFENDJAH releasing January 21

Artist Statement from the illustrator, Ras Elijah Tafari:
The Scroll of “Reasons”, to accompany ” Evah Loving Jah.”
The Hieroglyphs of Ras Elijah Tafari.
Besime ?bi Wewelidi Wewelidi wemenifesi k’idusi ???du Amilaki? ?nidi Amilaki.
In the Name of the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God.
Jah Rastafari, Haile Selassie I.

This is one of the most serious pieces I have done and the experience and meditation taught I. Praise Jah.
Prelude: It was after the Afrikin Conference in Miami when I received a phone call from, one of the producers of Akae Beka’s music, Mr. Bonitto, known as Ebna “Naciamaj Uhuru” Makonnen. Head of Rastar Records. He was moved and encouraging and spoke of how Akae Beka knew all this would happen. That he left works and mediations, as well as message. The Message was the “Reasons” or 411. I listened to what the Rastaman said, Genesis (Bereshith) 4;11, Psalms 9 (Tehillim) 114 and Revelations 11;4. I noticed that the numbers where in sync with the day Akae Beka transcended, and I inquired, ” did Akae Beka know the date?” his response was ” does that sound like I, he knew, and he wrote a book and has left a message to decipher. He also said he wanted this song released that Akae Beka and Ras Elyement created. Called ” Evah Loving Jah “. Read the verses and draw…it will come to you.” …and so it began..
The Scroll of ” Reasons “:
This is a map of humanity and it a specific vein, and view.. It begins with a War in Heaven, where angels fell and angels rose. The angels sketched in the scroll are as seen in the mural Emperor Haile Selassie I had created in His University of H.I.M. on His Throne and Babylon weeping as Angels are at War in the background. It is perhaps the most powerful Mural/ fresco ever painted.The War in Heaven in where it started and is written on in the Book of Enoch. The Scroll then has on each side a tree that is a Genetic strand of the Tree of “R” Life and the Tree of “X” Knowledge. The tree’s are markers in the history of Biblical brothers that have had conflicts that would alter the future.It then begins on Earth as Abel and Cain. As I draw out the brothers I reflect on Genesis Chapter 4 verse 11. “Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.”…A polar reality had entered the Earth, one which altered the genetics of man and mankind. One where in time the term “brothers” would be symbolic and applied to nations as bredren. This family line would morph into evolutions of jealously and deception. What I found interesting and profound was as I mapped out each brother, I came to Abraham, and remembered that Akae Beka had asked the same questions, ( last hour, Oregon show 2015 I think) where he asked about was it right, Issac being chosen over Ishmael, was Sarah right and Haggar wrong,..was it fair..this would birth a whole philosophy that is the foundation of Islamic Abrahamic views…It was a judgement that was made that InI certainly couldn’t condone, without seeing through Jah’s eyes for thousands of years. You may also see two mysterious people linked to Issac and Ishmael, these are the 2 brothers not followed in Bible, and are links to others books, and histories including India. The Genetic chain continues to Moses and Aaron whom had different conflicts, and again the younger brother would lead. It would take days to go into the all the ways that each story of these brothers would reflect two opposite views that through the Scriptures reflect mankind personal and national struggles. What I learned is like Jacob, many actions by each side is intermixed. Jacob, though would be the father of Israel, was full of distrust and distain. As a thief, I drew him holding onto his brothers heal. There is a Yin and Yang effect and more. There is good in the bad and bad in the good, it is bigger than that. It would reach a peak with King Solomon’s Sons.

According to the “Kebra Negast” Solomon had three sons, One would destroy Israel (Rehobam), and one that went to Rome (Jerobam) . Though Ethiopia and Rome after this point would be known as a brother to its sister Italy, however they are brothers in that same view and continued in that step for hundreds of years. Menelik, only Son of the Queen of Sheba would establish Ethiopia as Judah and Zion. After both nations had become Christian nations that we would see them in battle with each other, including about Christianity theology and which books to promote, in its debates established the Orthodox Church separate from the Catholic Church. There is a clear clash and Rome wanted to be Ethiopia literally rather than symbolically. (See. Kebra Nagast “Concerning the King of Rômê and the King of Ethiopia”) . They sought to colonize Ethiopia first in 1896 and later in 1936.
Upon the Coronation of the King of Kings, We witnessed That Which Had Always Been and Always Will Be Elected the Body of Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Menen as Its perfect representatives. Through their genetics they have linked both sides of the tree’s and have the Ark Angels by them historically and in present. Hence why The Emperor in His Peaks has the mountain presence of Ark Angel Michael and the Ark Angel Gabriel. H.I.M. and .H.I.M. (His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty) joined the blood of King David, and Prophet Mohammed PBUH, continuing the Oldest Monarchy and Christian Kingdom on Earth with the Power of the Ark of the Covenant with the Legacy of the instructions Ark Angels. This was the gem of the Earth that many nations coveted, and after participating in the First Solomonic Coronation in 1930, first witnessed by the World and upon hearing His New Name, Emperor Haile Selassie I is Earth’s Rightful Ruler, and The Conquering Lion of Judah, Light of the World, Root of David and King of Kings, many nations began plotting against H.I.M. which would change the Earth as it was known.

Psalm 114 KJV ” When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language;
2 Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion.

3 The sea saw it, and fled: Jordan was driven back.

4 The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs.

5 What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest? thou Jordan, that thou wast driven back?

6 Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams; and ye little hills, like lambs?

7 Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob;

8 Which turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

The Spiritual and Physical bondage of the African Man , Women and Child has been the motive for a renewed people for along time. The idea’s of Egypt due to bondage in the West has made it polarized yet part of the prophecy. For Egypt has been in bondage for the last 2500 years while Ethiopia has been free until invaded for 5 years in 1936. When in 1930, Ethiopia had publicly stretched forth Her Hands Unto God and All Nations heard that Emperor Haile Selassie I is the Conquering Lion of Judah. Psalms 87, Revelations 5;5. In 1936 when Italy attacks, a spiritual awakening to the World happens as a Powerful Christian Empire drops bombs on the Oldest Christian Country who are defenseless. It was witnessed in its gruesomeness as the Red Cross was bombed with all races attacked and burned on film. Due to the disease of Racism and inaction, the warnings made in Geneva were ignored and the World fell into World War 2. The Africans across the Earth would see Haile Selassie I as their Father and they as Princes to come out of Egypt. The death of Mussolini is a time marker and reminder of the fate that no one saw coming for Fascism’s head, as the reality of collective security was realized and His Imperial Majesty was restored to the Throne.

The relevance to the verse in Psalm 114 to the ” Reasons” now are such, remember Moses, and remember his transcendence revealed that Jah People were enabled though he brought His Security and see Joshua will raise them to find direction through guidance. As waters move and mountains skip so That Which Always Was and Always Will Be is given and turn rocks into water. The Heads of Leaders are mountains, and sometimes they skip out. However Haile Selassie I stays and the Earth Trembles at the Presence of God.

The Image Below His Imperial Majesty speaking to the League of Nations, reflects the period of 1945 to 1974 and the building of The United Nations. The sudden death of President Roosevelt left a gaping hole between the poor nations and the old money of colonial nations. The USA was supposed to be a middle man so to speak as it was a new country and didn’t see a future in colonialism or world war..this was until President Truman who followed. After dropping the first Nuclear weapons he changed the reality and power objectives and agendas of the USA and the World. This would slow the importance and weight of the United Nations from inception, and would pose a bigger problem that would be addressed as “Human Rights” in the streets and the emergence of the Separate body founded by Emperor Haile Selassie I as well called the Organization for African Unity, now the A.U. During these 29 years between 1945 and 1974 the world witness the emergence of over 74 free nations many of them due to His Imperial Majesties Collective Efforts. You may see a small figure walking up the stairs with an X as a shadow and that is Malcolm X when he was in Ethiopia and was given direction to create the O.A.A.U. During this period Co-intel-pro and secret clandestine missions were exploding is reaction to a new world that wanted rights and representation. The Military industrial complex was in full effect. As nations fought for freedom, war became a monopolized method of building economy and determined as necessary by Western powers. Arms races and competition for control became a neo colonial force that would use capitalism as a weapon. The powers of the Eagle, Dragon and Bear carried out their plan. This would mark a new period, which is from 1974 after Atse Haile Selassie I disappeared.

The Part has the words ” Red Terror” on a wall representing the “War in Zion” that spread across the Earth, and the protesters became fewer. The period of the late 70′s and 80′s was a resurgence in genocide and extermination through multiple avenues. Ethiopia experienced terrible suffering and wickedness of the Earth that had reached her gates. The birth rate begins to decrease , and prison rates soar. Individualism becomes the new religion. One Island becomes louder for their call for Justice and Human Rights, that is Jamaica with the Voice of Bob Marley, also known as Berhane Selassie who would create International explosion of Rastafari minded and centered youth. This voice would be a witness and reminder to where we must go, and as a collective Jamaica became the voice of a dispersed Beta Israel that wailed the message of Moses. A message that was united in the Spirit of Christ as Christ was united with Moses in Mathew 17, Bob Marley would become an Olive Tree and Lighthouse. Years later, The Solomonic Dynasty would speak about how Rastafari people and Bob Marley lit a fire for the World and Ethiopia to remember what they stood for, and respect the Power and Purpose of The Conquering Lion of Judah. Rastafari would evolve and live the Ethiopianist and Pan African perspectives making them reality in any opportunity presented.

As the 80′s becomes the 90′s the International Snakes have formed a globalist movement of control using banks, oil and fear to strangle the Earth. The beginning of Climate change is felt and it is approaching Midnite. It is now the Early 90′s and technology is exploding. The beginning of a new era has begun and the Band Midnite has been created. At this point is when Vaughn Benjamin began teaching and witnessing of the Greatness of Our God and King, and expanded on the teachings and meanings of all of creation and its relationship with the King. He would open out the inner and outer, and the reasons for polarity. The Bridges build and broken, and the Ancestors within. He would elaborate about the planets and the moon’s reflecting the face of Emperor Haile Selassie I, and that Woman holds, carries and reflects the King within. In that time Vaughn Benjamin unceasingly worked and taught, and made families all across the Earth, that became strong and built together. People across the Earth began rising up, Ethiopia toppled the Communist DERG.

Into the 2010′s enters the period of self reflection and revolution internationally. In 2012, Ras Sadiki-I has a vision from Jah and goes to Ethiopia to speak to the Guardian Monk in Axum Keeper of the Ark of the Covenant. He shares the vision and the Guardian Monk speaks with the Creator and allows him to paint the fence but explains in order for the dome to be fixed, he must build a new church to hold the Ark of Covenant. Ras Sadiki-I accepts and is the only person to be baptized by the Guardian Monk, who welcomes him as his son. The Ras would call on the Ras of the Earth to come together to build the new church. The Church was completed in 2015 and symbolized a collective effort to build the Body of Humanity. The last Ones to build the Church or temple for the Ark was Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Menen. The Biblical and Spiritual importance of they building The Body of Christ which is what the Church symbolize, The Ark is the Heart and the Commandments the Living God in Ones Heart. The importance of fixing the Head or Dome, and rebuilding something new, from us all collectively is long and worthy mediation. I choose to use a real photo for this part only to venerate the reality of it and that this is a new photo, one where you can now see the dome of St. Mary’s of Axum being repaired. Which also means the Ark of the Covenant was moved recently, to the Church next door, which you can see.

This period in which marks 2015 till now, it is when the name Akae Beka is heard and seen for the first time in Human History. It is now past Midnite and the hour glass of time is broke. Waters are rising, and the storms are coming. Amist this Akae Beka stands and those who are his producers stand and circle around him. They are symbolized as suns that orbit around Akae Beka. The Beginning and End are all present in the Book of Enoch in which we are in the middle of. In a multiple of witness formats, he creates more than 72 albums, combined with written word and poetry. He teaches of His Imperial Majesty being announced by Christ and more. He reminds the people of the Words of John 16, and sings of being a lampstand, or a lighthouse. He explored the inversions of names and letters and pointed it out ever where, and well as the Name of YWH, of the Trinity on Everything. It was pre written. And as a olive tree and lighthouse he is drawn, which leads us to Revelations 11;4. “These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.”

As Berhane Selassie was voice and movement of Moses, so it is for sure That Akae Beka is the voice and movement of Enoch/Elijah/ Eliah..(Haile). In the Quran, Elijah and Enoch are the same person. The name becomes translated into Idris, and contemporarily means “Student”. It is because he is the first student of Jah that was taken to the Heavens and came back to Earth and they see the same movements from Elijah. That the Ark Angels spoke and directed Enoch, wrote for him. Today the Arabic word for School/University is linked to this teaching, “Madrassa” from Idris or D-R-S.

InI are his students and Akae Beka is our voice in his Song. Many feel the same about Berhane Selassie. There are two witnesses.

As Emperor Haile Selassie I is Our King of Kings in this time and forever more, So is Iyesus Christos, who stands forever with Lord of Hosts and with the Oath of Michael the Ark Angel, as Akae Beka. An Unchanging Covenant. The Alpha and Omega. That which forever was, is, and will be. Evah Loving Jah.

Praise Jah!

In the Name of the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God. Jah Rastafari, Haile Selassie I.

Ras Elijah Tafari.


“Scroll of Reasons”

Scroll of Reasons Drawn by Ras Elijah Tafari

Scroll of Reasons Drawn by Ras Elijah Tafari





Ras Elijah Tafari Speaking at Afrikin 2019 Maimi FL.

Unified in Vision.Building on that which has been established.

Ras Elijah Tafari at AFRIKIN 2019

1 min clip of Ras Elijah Tafari speaking at Afrikin 2019

So many topics to touch on, I will stay with what is pertinent. I learned a lot on this journey, one being that we as African people in our diversity are torn in many directions. Sometimes they compliment a holistic life, sometimes we are in a routine of normality that undermines African Unity and our ancestors.
I could reason on the beneficial elements of Reggae and Herb as well as the great times and people we met in Miami while attending and before the conference, however that is secondary, I wanted to touch on what I feel needs to be said, what comes first is the clear awareness of our ability to unify like never before and in a time that it is needed most.

In the interest of African Progression in the setting of a Pan African agenda, African Unity is a stand for a United Africa at home and abroad. Many felt at the Afrikin 2019 Conference The Art of Conversion that It is past time that together we work together to reach out for a United Africa that can stand on more than commercial gain. In Light of Prime Minister’s Nobel Peace Prize let us be inspired that unity is strength, and as a united front, in conjunction with the African Union, we can offer a concerted effort to reform the United Nations so our voices are heard and matter, that the whole of Humanity can improve and stand as a collective. The World Bank has done it, the EU does it, and the G-8 and G-20, Africa with all its Nations deserves to choose its own destiny and have a voice that carries weight and response. We are not respected because of the Big 5 Security Council Members that work for their interest, and have a permanent seat.

Africa uniting for a few causes on simplistic subjects is enough for a seed to take root. Africa Uniting for the benefit of peace and climate justice, over monetary desires alone is what will separate Africa from all other unions. Only we can free ourselves, and as we do, we know in turn our duty is to help all others have the basic rights given by Jah to be protected and guarded together.
This is more important than what album is coming out or what new painting I made..this is about why we do this to begin with. We often are so entangled with messengers we forget the message. So on blast, I need to learn and reach out to ones who do care and want to build in Africa with their governments to align for the benefit of all Africans at home and abroad. Our Expectation is still in Ethiopia, and as Ethiopians we know the voice of a United Africa is present in the African Union. There is a whole new generation of Rastafari and Loving People who want to see Africa Lead on the world stage a new way of working together fairly. If ones know how the UN works then it is clear that it needs reform due to colonial vestiges that exist. We who over stand how colonialism works, need to remove it, and be able to offer the evidence of its limited and outdated philosophies. We have our own ways, and teachings, where we don’t hand over power to oppressors. This is a massive topic and one together we can share how to use the platforms and opportunities given by His Imperial Majesty to sight that the OAU now the AU and United Nations are His Creations, where His Children certainly should have a place in the orderly movement towards a peaceful planet. Where are we..Give a shout out, and if you work with any Pan African, African Liberation Movement in Africa or abroad, lets link, share ideas and what can be done by us and for us all. If you don’t that fine too, anyone with a drive for justice and equality reach out.

These are the subjects that I spoke on, when asked to speak at the Afrikin Art of Conversation conference. It was a gift from the Holy Spirit and from the Ancestors, to Rise to the Mission, To the Occasion. I thank those who called I and to those I am calling. I am honestly tired of self exaltation, and business schemes, I am thirsty for substance and true works for African Liberation. I am not an artist for any person except Emperor Haile Selassie I, and it is in HIM I rejoice. Further I nor anyone else needs to justify why their voice has relevance in the works, if it has merit, that will stand alone. Focus on the message and mission over the messenger. I met a lot of ones who are ready to build, and realize we as Rastafari must make our voices One, with a clear vision that can be seen as tangible. If your interested in being involved, sharing skills, information, suggestions, insights, contacts, or any other support, Please link up. Send your email address and location and We will keep you informed and build together with those who are new and those who have been on the mission for years in Africa. Giving a fresh generation the tools to make a difference for the future of humanity working with Africans who stand United and will lead with one voice and vision. Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing from you. God Speed.

Rastafari. Ras Elijah Tafari. lionartproductions@gmail.com


Honoring: Vaughn Benjamin, Legendary prolific speaker and singer songwriter of Midnite and Akae Beka from USVI; 

David Banner, American rapper, record producer, actor, activist, and philanthropist;

Amara La Negra, Afro-Latina recording artist and reality star from Dominican Republic;

Mutabaruka, Jamaican dub poet, actor, and educator from Jamaica;

Jah9, artist, activist, certified yoga instructor and dub poet from Jamaica;

Dr. Julius Garvey, son of Pan-African activist Marcus Garvey from Jamaica;

Aja Monet, American contemporary poet, writer, lyricist and activist of Cuban-Jamaican descent;

Mary Spio, author and developer of innovative content solutions and tools for distributing virtual-reality;

This is the entire conference:

AFRIKIN® 2019 ART OF CONVERSATION: Love Is The Way Forward


All Haile Selassie I Magazine Collectors.Consolidate to Educate!


Blessed Love Rastafari Family! The New Mexico Rastafari collective is preparing a database of Emperor Haile Selassie I magazines that have the articles/cover scanned and open to the public on one site. We have quite a few magazines, however we don’t have them all! I will list what we do have and if anyone has a magazine we don’t have please scan the article and cover so we can include it for all to see. InI feel it is important historically for many reasons, one for the preservation of the accounts and interviews that haven’t been read or seen by the masses in decades or ever and also to understand the growth of journalism. The way the articles are written are very telling, and often reflect the views of the country and people reporting. It speaks on the bias and sensationalizing of the day without meaning too. In this time, many of these articles are like the stories of Christ at the time He was alive, whatever we may think of them, they are, and should be preserved for generations to have a glimpse of the times we have come from and how the Conquering Lion of Judah spoke to so many people. We will include the name of the person who is sharing the article and I thank you in advance. The next step will be translating the articles from their respective languages to Amharic, Spanish and English. We will need good translators for this Holy Work, and their translations will reflect on our diligence to the sharing of Our Great King and Queen. If you have a magazine not listed please scan it and send the file to Lionartproductions@gmail.com 

The next step will to be scanning newspaper articles. This will be a continually growing project because of the immensity of the project, we look forward to working together. This is for the importance of historical archives, spiritual virtue and journalistic integrity. Preparing a database that can teach each and every one of us is a collective joy and duty. Please share with those who may have a gem of a testimony of the times and life of Our Great King.  Rastafari.
I would like to thank Ras Kabir, Ras Zakarias and my daughter Tana for their hard work and networking to make this project a reality. Jah Bless and Keep You. Please Inbox if you have any questions. We will update the list as we receive new entries.

the list: Time – The King of Kings – November 3rd, 1930
The Literary Digest – November 15th, 1930
The National Geographic Magazine – June 1931
News week – August 10th, 1935
The Literary Digest – September 14th, 1935
Liberty – Behind the scenes with major bowes and his amateurs – November 9th, 1935
Time – Man of the year – January 6th, 1936
News week – The illustrated News Magazine – April 11th, 1936
Time – Yales James Rowland angell – June 15th, 1936
The Literary Digest – October 3rd, 1936
Time – Mr. Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis – November 15th, 1937
Newsweek – The magazine of news significance – January 27th, 1941
Time – Gertrude Lawrence and dream figures – February 3rd, 1941
The war illustrated – June 20th, 1941
The American Magazine – June 1942
The Ethiopian herald – Special liberation anniversary edition – May 10, 1948
Readers Digest – July 1954
De post – Het weekblad dat u op de hoogte – November 20th, 1955
Time – The emancipation of Moslem woman – November 11th, 1957
Reader’s Digest – January 1960
Ethiopian Mirror – Ethiopia mourns – March 1962
Life – The case of a new Anastasia – October 18th, 1963
Ebony – The Negro who founded Chicago – December 1963
Menen – October – November 1967
His imperial majesty visits Asia, the Far East, and Australia April 28th, May 27th, 1968
Epoca – A colori ll negus in Italia – November 6th, 1970
Ebony – The black male – August 1972
The plain truth – Haile Selassie Emperor of Ethiopia – December 1973
Time – Ford under fire – September 23th, 1974
Story – story vertelt alles – 1974
_Ethiopian review – His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I broadcasting to the empire from the imperial palace – no date
_Charles River editors – Haile Selassie – no date
_Semainen Du monde -Michele morgan A l’aube d’un Grand Amour – No date
_Le 17 Juillet, l’empereur Haile – Selassie sera l’hote de la Belgique Hailie Selassie l’uitimo imperatore nero


Fighting the Beast Within, The Competition That Fuels Capitalism

Fighting the beast within called competition that fuels capitalism.  After seeing it around and within myself I realize there is a sociopath jin or spirit that is encouraged in people globally. Some of it may be primal instinct yet other behavior is taught and fostered. This development of the idea of winners and losers goes right into the dynamics of religion and classism being another doctrine of set winners and losers, chosen and damned.The seed of idea of first and second class citizens that we as “progressives” seek to eliminate. I am going to speak on how things we all have seen around us concerning competition reflect  the global issue that is at the seeds of War.

Perhaps you have heard “it’s not about who wins or loses, it’s how you play the game.” This is absolutely true because it speaks about the integrity maintained, self worth and dignity, something when lost cannot be regained easily. It also serves as an example of conduct of what is considered goods sports conduct. In sports, where competition is refined, there are rules and behavior that is seen as becoming and that which is seen as arrogant. When someone thinks they are above the rules they are dealt a time out or foul. There are penalties for grievances. In the modern world, especially in business and politics, music industry to every day behavior it seems this concept is lost.  It seems that to the masses in a capitalistic thought pattern care only about winning, and do not care about who gets hurt on the way. The drive to succeed over shadows any drive to be compassionate.

Perhaps you have seen people put their business before friends and family, those who desire to compete makes it where they are never satisfied. It is linked to all kind of things, including not feeling good enough. One of the worst feelings is to be put down or mocked because you have less, and a spirit enters that wants to prove the person wrong, and be so successful you could mock them..I am sure we have laughed as actors do it in the movies..Still, what does it prove, what did it change, and is the exchange of mockery progressive. It is not kind in any way, it is a desire to be arrogant and standing above another so one could belittle another. It is to be the oppressor or the master. This inferiority complex often reflected to others as superiority complexes, over compensation and over confidence.  I could be describing someone we know or the USA government, and that is the point. This is about us, about Trump, and the history of the world and often nationalism at its worst hour. This is how the world works, by breaking rules and trying to profit no matter the cost to life, the planet, the future, or the soul. It is about a few winning, the rest losing and the winners thinking they deserve it because they have always been smarter than the rest..

This state of mind of competitive capitalistic views are interlinked with several subjects and by ones looking closely and humbly at how this related to racism, speciesism, tribalism, religious animosity and ethic divisions, ones can see that thinking we are better than others is at the heart of an inner and outer war, that leaves billions of dead bodies a year on this planet.  There is a constant “us” and “them” which is in the interest of governments, who do not represent everyone on Earth.  What governments try to be are the worst gangsters, meaning that competition leads who can dominate the other by any means. The is why the US has privatized the war as a utility for mankind. No matter who wants to prove they are better the US wins. They encourage wars as a way to profit off the weakest nature of man, competition for resources and control. They also teach it to the World as far as personal exploits and relationships. Their religious doctrines often are taught to think that there is a competition to get to heaven. I cannot go into all the religious or political avenues to show as demonstrations because there are so many and it is up to us to look and see when we are subconsciously driven to beat someone at something for the sake of winning, or more often to kill for the sake of killing. It goes from the food we eat, the books we look to for guidance and truth, to the way politicians use force over diplomacy without the desire to accept correction.  People don’t like to apologize, nor do governments, they want to carry an air of incorruptibility, which is at the heart of the issue. When rules its seems don’t apply to some, and there is no recourse, others will revert backwards and replicate those same methods against others. Not only does the cycle continue, but the eye for and eye concept still doesn’t prove what is more worthy than not in a logical manner, it is revenge based.

I wrote earlier about how Religious Theology clashes with Human Rights, and that it was more important how we react to set violations that the violators being violators. This is basis of African American Political Science when it comes to embarrassing your challengers by exposing the methods that they wished others didn’t know because they are unlawful and shameful by most peoples standards. Internationally and National Morality is a powerful. We know the success the civil rights movement had internationally because Africans and all collective races within the USA  were able to use non violent resistance against a brutal army and further the cause of peace. Likewise the resolve to not emulate the racists racism with racism, religious dogmatic thought with counter religious dogmatic thought, ect. is to study our own problem solving techniques. It is up to us to find new ways of reacting and speaking when it comes to how to reach each other  peacefully and respectfully on a stage where we share and listen. We shouldn’t be surprised, upset, and ostracize those who are bigots, racists, anti environment or sociopathic, it is part of the make up of how societies have operated for thousands of years. It is learned often beaten in psychology, a mind state, and attitude  we together must look at in order for us to hear ourselves.  Ask if this state is a form of domination without  boundaries or care to who or what is damaged.  When we pay attention,  the voiceless get noticed, and those who are helpless,  learn how to stand up to a bully, empowered not to be hindered by others insecurity or be a bully in return.

How do we get rid of the demon of revenge, that can boil and run deep in people and nations? This needs to be addressed from the start of any desire to reform and uplift a collective. Sometimes space is needed which why the respect of borders and sovereignty needs to respected, often we wish to attack a group because of the actions of their government or one person, sadly it is almost instinctual. To avoid bitterness to an entire group is to be clear who or what is the real issue rather than to chastise the whole. Collective punishment is asinine.  Many have had difficult issues with certain groups, let’s use Palestinians and Israelis to a point where they think all of one side is just wrong and evil. When the reality is that most people are pawns in a big chess game where they simply are trying to live and raise a family. The real offenders are usually blaming the others for what they have been accused of, and often are not to hard to figure out whether in front of or behind the curtain so to speak.

Here are stratagems in an effort to stay focused with resolve to find solutions and not be caught into diversions.

First, keep religion out of problem solving. Poverty and war make ones more religious and also desperate, and that is when it used to make the people feel they have a religious crusade to accomplish. When looking at religious tensions, look at the facts, look at the money. Look at the proportionality of the reactions, and victims. Look at the laws, and understand the history.

Second, avoid affirming or denying others religious bias in order to stay focused on the future. When finding resolutions neither encouraging or discouraging religious sentiments is the best solution because the purpose is creating harmony, knowing that others will bring their sentiments with them no matter. It is useless to offer a spiritual platform if one is a mediator, our ability to be non partial is our ability to be just.

Third, Transmutation. Look at how to make things that are negative positive. What can be learned, what is savable, what changes benefit new possibilities. Whether with a friend or on an international stage, nations that learn to adapt and make the best out of their hand create new avenues never before imagined. This process can be used to overt tariffs and sanctions and punish those punishing others by freeing themselves from an economic strongholds. This is a popular method of non violent protest using the free market and public opinion to have the power to not be bullied by those ones rely on financially dominion or thru trade. It can also be as simple as using the garbage around to assist in the plantings  of trees and the building of roads. Make bad shit, high grade manure, nutrient rich ready for any garden. It just a process, Transmutation.

Fourth, The Power of Breathe. It is instinctual to get emotional and want to react in a manner that wants to bully the bully. There are few exclusions, but for the most part it is an innate in the desire to achieve a set goal, to break through resistance. Social dynamics are not the same as hunting, and yet the way societies treat employees to how they act in every level is all part of the desire to use hunting instincts rather than dignified methods based on merit and virtue. The power to Breathe isn’t simply physical, its the power to take the time to think rationally. The faster we think, the more mistakes are made. People who react quick and jump on opportunities are often rewarded but are only tools to the sharks that employ them.  Mean while those who work and think on their own time, create the environment mentally and externally to have the proper time to look at the issues one by one and be fair to themself and their judgements. Stay vigilant but don’t rush, the same mistakes we make in our daily lives governments are making in policies.  People are not as dumb as ones think, they are just pushed and then asked to make a decisions in unfair conditions.  When we breath, sometimes we can beat the game by realizing we don’t need to play it.



" Be Strong."



Before Auto tune, Before dancing singers there was ROOTS REGGAE, Before there was Hip Hop, before there was Reggae there was Nyabinghi. Nyabinghi and the sound of the Heart is imperative in understanding Roots Reggae and the prophetical experience that has been part of an Oral legacy handed down by Major Prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah,  and Iyesus the Christ. When speaking of Akae Beka, and previously as Midnite, in his own words, ” Isiah wasn’t an entertainer.” When looking at the difference of musicians rarely will you find one that is a voice in the wilderness that cries both warnings and insights into the realms of Jah.

Some will call his “fans” cult followers due to our love and honor of the man, Vaughn Benjamin. If Cult is short for Culture, I have no problem with that. His change of name to Akae Beka will inspire thousands to read the book of Enoch and think about the meanings and messages. He music demands ones read in order to be educated, both religious works as well as secular and to choose the right. He brings to attention the call to be ONE and unchanging in our oath to the Creator. Few reach the heights he calls us to look at in reference to who we are and can be. His coming to New Mexico is a momentous occasion and one that will bring together the Children of the King and Queen of Kings. I my short life, I have never have I seen the magnetic pull and words to bring a sound of truth so liberating that I have to be there..It is beyond a joy, his words bring peace and inspiration to that which makes I create. If my art had a sound track it would be his poetry. I and many rank him as the greatest poet that has ever lived, and though it may take refinement, when ones actually hear what he is saying no one uses words more carefully and eloquently. We get entangled into the sound of sharp and healing tones and often miss the sober and serious recognitions of the time and call he brings. The show in Taos Sunday, Dec. 16th will be historic in our common bond that Emperor Haile Selassie I has been placed in our lives to be a beacon and light, a personal call from Himself and from the four corners of the Earth.  One that many have submitted to, and to be in the presence of those, is to be in the presence of Greatness. It is those who are humble enough to sit and know that on the streets, we know who is for us, we have allies, through Jah, Akae Beka across the Earth has been there in the sticks. In New Mexico, 9 Albums have been made for Midnite to Akae Beka. It is through the hard work of so many that it all comes together. Big Up and thank you to everyone who has helped and nurtured good relations. Thank Roots and Wire, Jerry and company, FifthSon Records, and Dre-Z Melodi and company ( you know who you are!).   It is Our honor to Salute the whole Crew and each other in acknowledgment that Jah is with us, let us do His work.  Haile I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.

Here are a few pieces that done in honor of the Emperor, Our Jah and King, and those who are singers and players of instruments of Zion. All I Springs are in thee.

In Awe.

In Awe.

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, "Standing Ground" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, “Standing Ground” by Ras Elijah Tafari

" Be Strong."

” Be Strong.”

" Mystery River "

” Mystery River “

" On The Bomb "

” On The Bomb “


"Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch,"

“Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch,”







Triple Crown King


Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I. Power of the Trinity. King of Kings and Conquering Lion of Judah.

Each of those titles and His Name are very important in this reasoning. It will be for the clarity of the subject that we will reason on the importance of why understanding the Trinity is crucial and why H.I.M. being the Root of David which is what makes H.I.M. Imperial. It is also imperative that we understand that He is the King of Kings. It was and is His Official Title internationally recognized. In His Name we will find many answers that so many are looking for that will repair the breach that has been torn between Humanity and to Christianity.

There is a difference between “Christafarians” and Rastafari that are Christian, Orthodox or otherwise. The same issues can be found in many Christian churches in principle that can be seen in our different houses. That issue specifically being whether to exalt Jesus Christ above or as the Supreme Head and Father, or to Praise the Father who is the Creator of the Son and the Power Absolute…at the heart of both groups this essentially the same topic that creates a rift. In the Rastafari, we have some that see Jesus Christ above Haile Selassie I. ( some consider this a Christafari) While in Majority, Rastafari believes Emperor Haile Selassie I is the Supreme Head Creator and Father.  Churches have it as well, whether they are Trinitarian or not, and ones could include Islam in that as well in its own class of Christ as Prophet and God as separate and supreme, yet Christ will return and rule. These positions are not Trinitarian even if they may profess it. ( Islam obviously does not.) The nature of understanding who and why Jesus Christ is important in being one of 3 personalities of God is connected in general to why many will not say God is a man ever. Those who do believe in Christ as the Son of God will see God as a man, and that man is in oneness with God thru the union of excepting the message and example of Jesus Christ is Salvation. Those who do not see God in a man I will not address in this article at this time respectively.

That was a lot, and I will stay on topic when it comes to why the Trinitarian perspective is crucial in the understanding why Emperor Haile Selassie I is concise in being the Power of Trinity and why that is a Christian redemptive teaching in itself, to be applied presently with His Imperial Majesty and in the Holy Bible.  The Trinity, being God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit as One God. This Trinity is distinctly Christian and not understood by Hebrews though it is the God of Abraham, with Abraham, the God of Ethiopia, in Ethiopia, that is the Father of the old testament and the Trinity. This is important to understand, because the Trinity being a central concept that is at the heart of Christianity whether Catholic or Protestant, yet Judaism does not accept the Holy Trinity. It is part of the telling of the teachings of Christ. As it was part of His Teachings so it is in His Name of Emperor Haile Selassie First. Simply. The One God of Ethiopia, The One Son of God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit are The One God of Christianity is the Name “Selassie” in Amharic. To acknowledge H.I.M. is to acknowledge and hail all three in the Trinity.  Haile meaning the Power is to Glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit even more. To simply say His Name is to Glorify HIM. In the Movement of Rastafari, it is crucial to seek continual insight into the Bible and the difference of why The Son is The Son, and how The Holy Spirit different than The Father. If they are the same why a need to have specialized names so to speak. Likewise we must also see what makes it so The Father wouldn’t be under or over the Son or the Holy Spirit. Why the are One.

If it were not for Jesus Christ the Western World would only believe in an invisible God that was taught by a different region and culture. The reality of the Bible being a collection of  African Books, about Africans in Africa seems to pass people by, as well that Judah, aka Ethiopia, aka Kush, is the root of the Book as well the Redemptive factor in seeing the evidence of the fulfillment of the book in modern times. While the lack of true understanding of the Trinity varies from Church to Church, the duality and polarizing of the attributes of the Divine have left them in a space without balance. The Trinity is many things, including a balance of Oneness between the Three. Example: Some Churches frown on yelling, while others say this is the Holy Spirit, others frown on only talking about Jesus and how He is the Son of God, and missing the Power of the Love of the God that sent Him. Some get upset because they see people praising God and rarely mention Jesus. These same issues you can see in the Scriptures in the difference between Paul and James. One a foreigner and murderer, the other Christ’s Brother and Indigenous. Paul makes the subject about Birth, Crucification and Resurrection as the reasons He is God. Imagine for a second that we taught about Haile Selassie I, by talking only about His auspicious birth, and His Blood Line and His Titles and Disappearance..could you see as Rastafari we would be missing out the most important thing..The message! James taught about the Message of Christ, which is the message of His Majesty that goes into helping those who are suffering most and to have faith in God, to inspire us to not have fear but willingness to allow God to help us Free the captives from mental and spiritual bondage. In this article, we must look at both, the message and miracle. They are intertwined, in the purpose of revealing the Living God that is with us.

The Awareness of THE Holy Spirit or the The Spirit rather than spirits is important in understanding the position that Bible takes. The Holy Spirit is set apart and not a simple spirit, which we are taught to be careful of in order to not be possessed. Isaiah speaks about The Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirit of Wisdom in Isaiah 11:2 . He also makes mention of the Root and branch of Jesse, David’s Father will rise again. Crucial in understand the Root of David in Haile Selassie I, and the Spirit of the Lord that rests in H.I.M.. The Prophet Isaiah, who lived in the mountains of Ethiopia, knew the difference between the Holy Spirit and spirits. Let it not be confused, and also look at other old testament verses to understand why the knowing of the Holy Spirit is and was controversial. Many in the Western world have turned from the Father have no knowledge of The Son, and the Holy Spirit is what really is guiding them, it takes a certain eye to see what is not seen, to what is the Holy Spirit.

Leviticus 19:31‘Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.Deuteronomy 18:10-12

“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. “For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you.

When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Leviticus 19:31 ’Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 ”There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. “For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you.

This is a great place to move to the Son of God, and how many ones do not see the relationship to H.I.M. or the the Almighty when it comes to His Word and how there is One that came to put fulfill certain prophecies. Notably, that Christ came to offer Life after Death through understanding and believing that the Father and the Son are One. In a sense He brought God to Earth and Man by reestablishing our oneness. The importance of taking God out of the Sky and into your heart and soul is why Christ said many laws in the Old Covenant had to be broken to make a point of what is Melchizadok Order rather than Levitical Order. The Verse you see above from Deuteronomy 18:10-12 is Levitical and Christ by God’s Glory in His Son, Lazarus’s Faith rose him from the dead 4 days after his death to send Christ’s last message and miracle that He has come to reveal before Crucification. This was again to show that Melchizadok Order, The Order of Judah and the Trinity would be the new social structure ( the original that was forgotten) that the House of Jacob and the Gentiles knew not of in Flesh. It was theory before Christ, to the Jews and others,  some would say it was still ideology or theology Until Emperor Haile Selassie. The Emperor brought it All to Earth and now by being the evidence in Flesh of the Living God of Ethiopia, Father and Mother of Israel, by Being the Lion and Lamb By His deeds, thats mirrored the Bible.

Due to the lack of education that modern institutions give, their students in religion and ministry have not taught about THE KING OF KINGS AND CONQUERING LION OF JUDAH, they have not taken care of their flock. It is now up to every Christian to be at least be able to know something about the KING OF KINGS and ROOT OF DAVID that Sits on the Throne of Zion on Earth. This was Front page news for 50 years, and either due to ignorance or racism, the subject and fact of who Emperor Haile Selassie I is not even shown as being the answer to their prayers and faith that Christ will return. They say they believe, and when told, they jump to the conclusion before earnest study that, no it can’t be..Like how Christ saw the Gentiles and Jews of those days, of that the people look for a God in the sky, rather than the God and Kingdom Within and Around. When you tell them God is front of them and they would rather tell God who He is and what He will do, is what Christ dealt with. Emperor Haile Selassie I Is, and the World will have a test to rather they know His Message and Name when it comes to understanding why God,The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit are One. Why it is, that some lean to one more than others and by doing so are missing the keys the others offer in unison. When proper study of Emperor Haile Selassie I  is underway, We will see what Christ meant when He said Greater Works shall come..

John 14:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

As Christ is in Veneration of the Father, The Father, Emperor Haile Selassie I is in Veneration of Christ. Any one who has children they love and loves them will understand the “why.”  It stays though, that the Father is the Father and the Son is the Son, and this is why they are different personalities. Emperor Haile Selassie I was called and lived as King of Kings, Jesus Christ did not. Jesus Christ was never King of Judah or King of the Jews, others said that, He never did. Emperor Haile Selassie I is the King of Judah, and King of Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Masons by LAW and Protocol. Internationally recognized as The Conquering Lion of Judah, Ruler over Beta Israel.  Any Abrahamic faith has the same God Head, The God of Abraham, who offered one tenth of his spoils to the King of Salem, Melchizadok, who is a Trinity King. All concludes their book that Christ/ Messiah as a King shall return and there will be Judgement and Redemption.  In Islam it is similar. :

Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 43: Kitab-ul-`Ilm (Book of Knowledge), Hâdith Number 656: After the death of al-Mahdi, ( (lit. “the rightly guided one”) Jesus will assume leadership. This is a time associated in Islamic narrative with universal peace and justice. Islamic texts also allude to the appearance of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (known also as Gog and Magog), ancient tribes which will disperse and cause disturbance on earth.

If one is Rastafari, If one is a Christian, be aware that a Trinitarian Mind, Heart and Life is at the Center. That is a Haile Selassie Mind Heart and Life is the center by His Name and literal meaning. That the knowing The uniqueness of Each Attribute is to understand the fullness and completion of its counterpart. An example would be A Father and Mother would be incomplete without a child. All Three were One and in Jah’s Perfect way as they always have been, simply to revealed in its times as it was destined. It isn’t a competition and measuring match, each of the Three are cooperative and co-equal. They are reflections of the same Loving Truth, making them ONE.

There is no end to learning from the Bible or from The King of Kings Emperor Haile Selassie I.  It is a gift from Jah to have an infinite amount of Revelations given, though it is our choice and call to receive it. There are mis quotes of His Imperial Majesty against religion that couldn’t be more inaccurate with study, In truth, like the time of Christ, The Father was with them, but most, including religions were against H.I.M. It is our duty to be ambassadors of the Conquering Lion of Judah of the Power and Virtues of the Christian Trinity. There is a Cross on His Crown for a reason. To Carry His Crown is to Carry His Cross Our Cross and The Cross. It is up to ones who really have faith in Christ to study and research for themselves, to Pray, and seek the guidance of the Father, The Son and Holy Spirit. One God is One God. ONENESS is the Key. When you walk the walk Truth recognizes Truth talk.

There are many things that have relevance to this topic, like Ethiopia being the Oldest Christian Country, or about the Ark of the Covenant. It is up to you to find out more..though I will write more in time.This reasoning could go on and there is much about the personal experience of hearing the different voices of the Trinity. That isn’t for now, it is for you to find for yourself and in The Word. Some mysterious should not be revealed so openly. There will be lots more reasonings, and I pray this article opens up a view point of Trinitarian Thoughts that broadens horizons. I pray that the Lord Jah Bless you and keep you; Let His Face Shine Upon you,and be gracious to you. The Lord lift His Countenance upon you, and give you peace. In Name of God the Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit. One God. Haile Selassie I.

Emperor Haile Selassie I Calling

Emperor Haile Selassie I Calling





Lion Movements in the Lion Month. Akae Beka, Art and Oregon.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majestic, Emperor Haile Selassie I. The Power of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. One Jah. Give thanks for Life. The Lion Month has been a great journey, with much to report. It has been renewing and invigorating to be in this time on a holy mission. There has been immense learning and dynamics to true inner-standing. As much as I would love to go into the details of mystic transformation, it may be quicker and simpler to share the photos and video’s made on the Oregon Tour and with Akae Beka. I would like to take a moment to thank the entire band and crew for years of diligence in a tone and message that has healed and nurtured so many. We have been fed by his insight and his poetry is a witness to the power of the King of Kings, vocalized and seen in this time, right now. The importance of words spoke, especially a certain number of them demands a reply, it issues correspondence. As long as We know we are of The Word the more clearly we can see ourselves in the Words and Spirit of others. Prolific words of truth requires attention, it is an honor to be at attention. In Praise of the King of Kings, behold the voice in the wilderness. The Kingdom is at hand.

Aka Beka has a new album, ” Nurtured Frequency” that is great and there are NEW T-shirts with Ras Elijah art available on his website. It is an honor to be a part of this series. The shirts are a great quality, please check it and support. https://www.akaebeka.com/merch/sm-white-akae-beka-lion   https://www.akaebeka.com

Here are some of the Highlights.. Ras Elijah Tafari creating next to Akae Beka in Williams, OregonRas Elijah Tafari and Akae Beka in Oregon.Ras Elijah Tafari art Akae Beka show in Williams Oregon.

This is the Original photo that was the inspiration. Many of us now want to know where exactly is this Tree. Emperor Haile Selassie I in the Redwoods..

Emperor Haile Selassie I in the Redwoods


in the mix,.. I was reasoning with Akae Beka, and he said, ” Elijah you don’t make paintings, you make Joytings.” Hope you enjoy the Joy-tings, Rastafari relieve you of your pains… Big Up Chrissy aka Ummah for being a strength. Love to the whole Oregon Massive. Thinking about ya!

On the Road!

These are some additional great experiences.
“Going to see the Lion” Symbolic the inner and outward journey to see the Lion. This was done in Eugene, Oregon for a good brother, it is about 13 ft tall and was a spiritual piece. Everyone gave a strength, with ideas and feeling. Hope you feel it, and check the video if you have a chance. Heart of Creation and Reverence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz_i0DMTKv0&feature=share

"Going to see the Lion."

Estimated at 13 ft tall, this is a painting about ascension. About going to see the Lion. Honor and Raspect to Adam for the wall, Ed Avina for the call. The Mystic Spirit made it so by Jah Grace, all things were in motion. Thank you Eddie and Helina for making this happen in so many ways. Give thanks for Akae Beka for being the Master over Ceremonies and Shepard of a Mighty Flock. For Brother Jacob and Chrissy thanks cannot be uttered that can express our gratitude. 13 Pure Hands Productions. Big Up to One named Tobias Herskind Sorensen, aka Rocker T and Bill Bill DeWitt inna de mix. Bless everyone who InI was Blessed to cite, Oregon, Royal Salute. Lastly Big Up Diles, aka Colin Diles Hazelbaker, for the producing the tune on the video. ONE JAH.

This Next on was done for the Pizza Research Institute in Eugene. Give thanks Ras KarrI and the Royal Family. Check the video as well! Give thanks for Bringers. Jacob and Chrissy!

Ras Elijah Tafari in the art mix. Eugene Oregon.

Enjoy the Time Lapse Video!


Lion mural finished.

some more from the Trip. This one is Called  ” Zen Lion”..

Zen Lion

This is the final piece of the trip. 3 in 1. One man three personalities, in the Son. Father, Grandfather and GreatGrand Father. Michealzadok order…

Three in One.

“Painting for the Crown” Rastafari Art Exhibit in Taos. July14th!

Wanted to share the space and some of the works that are coming together for July 14th at Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery. This is an amazing spot, that has more space than any art gallery in Taos. They feature at least 9 artists at all times, and have only been open a short time. This is a politically aware, streetwise, and spiritual centered Art Gallery. The man in charge is a brother named “Scriptures” who is an amazing painting in many mediums. Here is a glimpse of his work and the gallery…

Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery

as you can see there is Heart in every inch of the spot…Vagrant Heart Taos Art Gallery

This will be a special event worth coming forth for. We will be showing art that has never been shown publicly. “21 Diamonds” piece will be one painting from Midnite’s Standing Ground, as well as the Cover from Midnite and FifthSon Records “In Awe”. The Cover art of “Current” and “New 1000″ will be there Lots of Special pieces, including Artist Ras Zaharias showing new Rastafari art, that is all part of a presentation, “Painting for the Crown.” Its just part of a whole day of events. Check it out, with a Sound System from Sgt.Remo Ortiz with lots of musical artists coming forward. Mister Kila Kali, Dre-Z Melodica, and much more..All ages, free, Taos NM, July 14th.”

JULY14TH 2018

Jah willing we will see many there of all ages and backgrounds, as well as a video made. One of the most insightful elements will be bringing in over 25 magazines from 1928-1974 about Emperor Haile Selassie I. This reasoning will explore journalism and its relationship to Revelations and prophetic undertones despite its partiality, based on the times and ignorance of the media. It should be a very exciting day, and enlightening as well. Give thanks for everyone involved. Glory and Praise to Our Majestic God and King. Emperor Haile Selassie I.

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, "Standing Ground" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, “Standing Ground” by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album cover for Midnite and Fifth Son Records "In Awe" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album cover for Midnite and Fifth Son Records “In Awe”
by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album Cover for Midnite and Mystic Vision Collaboration "New1000" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Album Cover for Midnite and Mystic Vision Collaboration “New1000″ by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inbox about questions or if you would like a print of anything you see.

Much More to come, Heart of Love. Rastafari.






In the Spirit of Fredrick Douglas, speak today about liberty.

I would be unjust to not speak today about liberty. To address you in the spirit of Frederick Douglas, and ask where is liberty for Puerto Rico on this day of celebration. Why are United States citizens denied the right to vote, or to be represented in Congress on this day of Independence. Where is their independence… There is a tide of intolerance today that demands the scorching irony be addressed. It is not light that is needed, but fire, when we see the blatant hypocrisy of this United States has created worldwide, by demanding injustice be the status quo and that in their celebrations they mask their adornment of dictators. It is no secret that the National anthem itself is racist, as well as the Fourth of July, when we as Africans in bondage, shackled and beaten were asked to celebrate freedom, and liberty..for over a hundred years while enslaved, it was and is a very sick reminder of the disconnect and mockery of African Lives, and Natives Lives, Mexican Lives and indeed life itself. I dare say it is ungodly and savage to revel in a dream that is a nightmare for the masses of Africans that have stood watch as you boast of democracy, when to this day it is washed in elite corruption. Don’t delude yourself into thinking your free, when our grand mothers are insulted who were torn from their children to breast feed the slave masters. Who today our Fathers and brothers are torn from their children to work for pennies in the US correction system. It would be unjust not to speak of Life, Liberty and Justice for all, in this cruel joke of a nation in denial of their addiction to depriving the poor and to this day refuses to address their own human rights violations internationally. The World watches the savagery of the US and awaits its accountability and attendance in the subject of Racism or Human Rights. The U.S. is no party to Liberty and Freedom internationally or nationally. All of Nations known as the United Nations, await to see when the USA really believes these ideals for all, or a select few. In the Spirit of Frederick Douglas I speak, a patriot and voice of the voiceless, not to debate. To speak of the irony, that perhaps has been hidden by pool side bbq’s, and religious and nationalistic rhetorics, and fireworks, that freedom isn’t free. What will we do for Freedom…?

Free Puerto Rico

Great Reasoning with Ras Sadiki-I, Rastafari Visionaries Review.

Greetings in the Most Holy Name of Emperor Haile Selassie the First. The Conquering Lion of Judah, Supreme Head of Humanity and the Sign and Seal of these times. The thoughts that have been inspired are for the benefit of international salvation. Today wasn’t a day like any other, it was the first time I was able to reason with Ras Sadiki-I, whom The Almighty chose to build the New Temple for the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia. This is a man that I have long felt was a vessel of The Most High on epic and prophetic levels, that his calling was a blessing to Rastafari internationally. He was chosen to humble everyone, by being himself, and allowing himself to be used to bridge the East and West. I will not go into his history, I will allow the reader to learn for themselves of the under and inner takings it took for the Temple to be completed, and how symbolically it represented and represents a change in the presence and importance of Rastafari spiritually for the redemption of the World and Ethiopia.

We reasoned on many things and contextually came to the same place of where and why we as Africans abroad are stuck in a social construct of pagans. We believe that the workings of the pagans have the same basic objective, which is the subjugation of the majority and especially the true children of Israel. We also believe that colonialism is the foreign and domestic policy of the devil. The historical advances of humanity in different regions really show that The Scriptures and the God of Israel are relatively new and foreign to most of the world to this day, and whom most culturally continue the practices of those that are polytheistic, local and often full of demons. In many areas of the world, reading is new to masses, and until recently information in general was controlled by those who control circulation.  We shared similar thoughts on the advantages and dis-advantages of Christianity and how it has also allowed a Gentile philosophy be introduced since the teachings of Paul. I hope you are following.

The blatant contrasts of seeing the battle that is part of the Biblical context is reflective in the confusion of how and why Rastafari is misunderstood and still overstands. Europe has controlled the Bible as well as education in general which has made it so that a Euro-centric perspective has made the Scriptures both widely available and widely misunderstood. It is difficult but this is the method in the madness.

It was prophetic, and divine destiny that Iyesus Kristos be born from before the Creation of Humanity. It was prophetic and divine destiny that has Emperor Haile Selassie I with us as a fulfillment of set Prophecies. It is divine prophecy that Africans Unite and lead humanity into a peaceful co-existence. Starting there, we have the Vision of Jah from Jah, and the adversary is all that stands in the way of this Vision complete. Understanding that this destiny was not up for discussion, there were Angels that resisted the importance of Christ as a Man and Son of God, to be over them as angels. The attack against the least was already underway before we were created. The Earth is the Most Highs, and not the playground for angels and demons to dance, it is the foot stool of God and is here to embrace His Children. In His Fatherly Love, the desire to first try and explain to satan ( an angel),  why that Jah has made Christ to lead men, made satan disagreeable. Jah shall make Himself known as a God of Love, Protection, Righteousness, and Non-partiality. To be just, this didn’t get thru so well either. 

From the first books until the last, we can see that satan has a certain amount of freedom and attention from the Most High, which is partly what separates the God of Abraham from other deities. The God Of Abraham has a Fatherly Love to create understanding even in the face of stubbornness…It was destined that Christ come for the Gentiles as well as the house of Jacob. There has been a Unity factor at work from the beginning, despite the known obstacles that were also pre-destined. This is moving from before man to present, to understand why from a Scriptural point of view why we are here now, and the importance of The Root of David, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I’s work in the cause of peace and co-existence.

Being in the west, we haven’t learned that spiritual atonement is about listening more than telling…that it is about reminding and learning over converting and outward affirmation. We do right for right sake, not for a reward in the after-life. We as Rastafari have a Livity, which is to say we do not divide the spiritual from the material. Religion is like a college, what you show reflects only your diligence, not that of the school. In short it is not about the outcome, it is about the attempt, and experience in the work to make it as good as it can be, to study for ourselves and build ourselves in education…Hence, what comes forth is not to be seen as doom, but of the repercussions from set behaviors. We can either choose to stand far from destructive ways, or with them. The Knowledge of the times that we live through and the lens of secular and spiritual leads to the journey of Rastafari in a new phase.

In this modern time, Rastafari is in the Third and Fourth generations of H.I.M. We have seen the space and distance ones can go when not listening to the Word of the King of Kings, and the example of Iyesus Christos. The United Nations, in which man’s last hope will be for world peace and collective security has great power. The importance of representation by the Ethiopian World Federation in the U.N. is that we have a public, and constant view and statement for the world on behalf of the diaspora. It is to bring a people who share the identity of African Heritageat home and abroad into the discussion. What has been labeled as a “Pan African” perspective needs to have international ears and representatives working together internationally. The United Nations in InI’s view is a crucial player in the re-working of a system that has been designed to give voice and reason on behalf of Peace Loving Nations, most notably Ethiopia, its thirteenth founding member. We as Rastafari, must do our best to be ambassadors against nuclear proliferation, and for human rights and justice as so set by The Root of David, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. Our goals are common goals for most nations and people.

  There are those that stand in the way, and this is why the restructuring of the U.N. is essential in order that permanent members of the security council do not have the ability to override or overtake the majority. It is also essential for enabling the cause of peace and implementation of collective security.It is appropriate, in due time, and is spiritually a duty for Rastafari as children called by His Name, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie Ito have a permanent space at the UN and to have a voice in international issues, for the benefit of all humanity at large. Africans in the diaspora who do not have a government other than that of Ethiopia, as a World Federation, must see the E.W.F. is the avenue for representation and a world voice. These are some of InI thoughts shared on the purpose of what we must do, in order to try and encourage a future where we do not bring on a nuclear war or other reckless and unnecessary dangers that are posed on each one us.

We have a duty internationally as those who follow in the example of Christ and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. We are here to Love Ethiopia as Zion, and to also show how nationalism in Ethiopia encourages redemption and love to all the world, for Our Creator is not localized, He sits set apart. We have an Ethiopian Perspective of God, the same perspective that was taught to Moses and would create what are ” The Children of Israel.” The same God, that “Arabs” would embrace as well as Europeans in their congregations. It is the God of Ethiopia, from Genesis to Revelation. it is a North and East African Our-story. We have reached a time when saying you’re a Christian means little, and this goes for most faiths, including ours. What is important is the action of doing and showing, and if the judgment does hit tomorrow, our voices were not silent. As much as many of us would like to make it a better world, it may not happen, it may get worse. With this in mind, remember this isn’t about an outcome that is pre-destined, it’s about your part to play. It is about your conscience, which both Ras Sadiki-I and I agreed is Jah, and let your conscious guide. Jah’s Evidence is an inborn inception that is why all of humanity has the potential, it is up to us to have faith even through the illusion of death, for we have faith in Jah, The Ruler above and below.

The Importance of Global Redemption by the God of Israel is about getting closer to the God of Ethiopia, of Abraham, Isaacand Jacob. We see Zion as Ethiopia, and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie Ideclares that He sits on the Throne of Zion. Jah Loves the Gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. (PS. 87) The Blessings in the Bible differ from the Blessings of the Church, the organization as a whole is not the Word. BEING THE WORD INDEED, IS IN DEED BEING THE WORD. We see Rastafari as a Word Event, beyond a world event. We See Rastafari as the repairing of the breach and Judge. In that judgement and from His Throne we cite the modern need for African Unity and Redemption, Repatriation and self-determination. We reasoned on the importance of repatriation, and how Caribbean governments are becoming more welcoming of having Rastafari in governmental positions and with the opportunity to expand within the government. The ushering in of Africans abroad into Africa is a vision that is happening, but the challenges of community remain an issue. That issue has at large to do with the state of the identity of Africans in the diaspora and the importance of African sovereignty and representation in the future. We see Africans leading, but few African leaders, and as those who have seen the corruption of the West, we can help our brothers and sisters not to be fooled by state of the art corruption which is Babylon in the East.

We agreed that we have a duty to see that the influx of information and the privilege to learn of His Imperial Majesty and African History has changed rapidly and that the difference of exposure to education has set us on a new course. Highlighting the importance of encouraging ones to read in order to have an understanding to African problems and solutions is crucial including the learning of Amharic. The learning of Amharic is offering of God, to speak in His Kingdom as a Free, emancipated, and un-colonial being. Self-appreciation of our culture can benefit the world and be an example to others of a rising sleeping giant, embracing itself. Africa is what makes Blackness have relevance. Without Africa the western construct of the idea of Black is void. Black and Black identity is at its heart based on African Unity due to the loss of language, land and culture, making the collective bond.It is revolutionary because of the importance of African Unity, without a love for Africa, Blackness becomes the reaction to European dominance and social designs through allowed stereotypes. Our roots cannot be that of the United States ( as well as other nations) conquest for our bodies, but the Soul of Africa that preserves us and calls us forward to Her.

Our reasoning of why Africa is where we as those loyal to the Word should go is because of the Bible and the end of times. That Nuclear states will war with each other and those nations that do not participate in satan’s nuclear war will survive. That due to the ignorance and greed of satan’s colonial ways, the world will follow in the reckless example of a heartless bully disguised as whichever country puts its trust in nuclear weapons. That we have not yet seen how the Anti-Christ will try to subject us into bondage in this time, it has yet to happen. That it will get worse and many will try and leave at the last moment to no avail. Whether or not we like it, it has looked that way in many regards since the day I was born. That the warning continues, and cries, we need to move toward a more civilized society as Rastafari and humanity at large as quick as possible.

We reasoned on the Crown Council of the House of Solomon, and the Monarchy in present times. After hearing Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie I speak in Chicago about how we may have to accept that HIM Haile Selassie I is the last king we may see, the importance of working together in every ability for the betterment of mankind is what is needed in a world that is in a state of emergency. We found that the building of African Unity, and Ethiopian Unity is more pressing than restoration of The Monarchy. Ethiopia needs strength and leadership on a ground level, with the clarity of equality, human and environmental rights in an Ethiopian way. The importance of Rastafari as a common bond throughout most Ethiopian tribes is important but the social politics makes it that trust and understanding is build by Ethiopians for Ethiopians, a result of hundreds of years of not trusting foreigners.The best thing we can do is to be watchful, supportive to positive change, and to learn Amharic.

  The new phase was started in 2012 when Ras Sadiki-I was told by Jah via the Guardian Monk in Axum to launch the building and to set the stones for the New Temple For Ark of Covenant. As a collective, we were asked to build a new temple and work to repair the dome (head) of the St. Mary’s of Axum Church, the House and Temple of the Ark of Covenant built by Her Imperial Majesty Empress Menen Asfaw and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. The literal and symbolic healing and bridge began there. It was also when the internet and the abilities to have access to worldwide Rastafari and African current/past events increased, a new time where those who use technology can speed up the ability to educate themselves and others. Allowing more perspectives and broadens a bigger view of reality. Due to that, and the generation Ras Sadiki-I is in has allowed the process to be filmed and shared with the world through the internet.  For the most part, especially those who have studied Rastafari for years, remember when getting Black books was hard, and many were made illegal by Jamaican governments and South African governments, as well as seen as contraband in the United States.Most of us were getting oral accounts, passed through years and across miles. We had photocopies in the west of H.I.M. Speeches, and that’s because there were photocopier machines. I still have InI large manila folders full of copies from the “Beat” magazine of the one page in each issue with a new speech from the Emperor. We saw very few videos, in contrast to today. Still new videos and photos are posted of His Imperial Majesty every day that have not been seen. We are in an infant age of learning, and the ability to really research is like never before. The generation that has become computer literate will benefit from the expansion of African thought and history like never seen before on this planet. Likewise, our ability to find out, be involved and come out of the mountains has increased to the level where the building of a larger and more international audience in unity is at our fingertips.

The challenges we face in this time are several, first being the damage done by the lack of mature meditation on the Scriptures. Many Rases have had the experience of being at odds of having a biased perspective of the Bible, due to etymology and interpretation. Many are not aware of the controversy of the teachings of Paul and that the first Christians had issues with the doctrine that Paul was preaching, and its place in the furthering of understanding. Both human understandings as well over a thousand years of theological reasonings have occurred where the dismal of the entire book was not an option. Neither should it be for us, who also should have active reasonings about esoteric and clear meanings in the different books of the Bible individually. The importance of understanding the pagan mind and the difficulty of foreigners,to comprehend the depth of the Word is not something for us to look down on western prespectives about but to realize how their environment has ill prepared them to look at their actions in a moral way. When reading the word and looking at Rastafari through a prophetic and Biblical lens, It brings African Liberation to the Children of the One Jah, and the breaking of the bondage of Babylon in modern times. Liberation theology is redemption and salvation theology at its heart, which is why putting God back into the process is key, internationally for success in being truly liberated. Our expansive awareness of God in Flesh, and in the Body of Emperor Haile Selassie I, not only affirms Christ and the faith held in Him, but also calls us to heal and share with the masses a Creator that has chosen to be with us, as one of us, for all of us. When Ones stop telling God how He should be, we can open up to the mysteries that we still are called to have an open mind to matters that are beyond human comprehension, like Angels, Ark Angels, and the devil.  It is wise to walk softly in order to learn something no book or the internet can show you, the Spiritual World that is running all of it. We need to gather in reverence of that which we can’t explain away which has called us to reason on these heavenly matters. We can call it the Holy Spirit that need Us to heal together and rise together.

Ras Sadiki-I shared some experiences from the Panama gathering of Rastafari, and the importance of Panama logistically for the continual spread of Rastafari through South America and the World. It still has held the flame that helped shape Marcus Garvey and Leonard Howell. There have been continual gatherings and meetings there for decades and it is a hot spot for the Rastafari community. I was pleased that Ras Sadiki-I spoke to a congregation in Panama and would encourage ones to link with everyone from colleges, churches, and Rastafari festivals who have a vested interest in the works he has done and is here to do. I think men like Ras Sadiki-I should have the proper respect and audience given and elevate him to be a representative teacher and example of how the Most High is using us here and now. That like ones like Akae Beka, the word, sound and power of the truth from a holy plateau should been widely heard and prayed on. These are teachers first, musicians second. We have Kings amongst us, we have a duty to listen and heed when the conscious speaks.

These are just a few of the topics that were touched on, and the Mission Itinues. I thank you for reading and hope the topics mentioned move us to take to heart the great responsibility to preserve, expand and implement the Teachings of His Imperial Majesty in a sure and courageous way. In a legacy of Ethiopians that have lived and given their all so that we could stand today. For the Children of the Diaspora, to show them the promised land, and to help get home. For Humanity to see that its destruction is its own fault, and it is up to us become something bigger than we have ever been. Members of a new race. This is a new day, let’s take a moment to see what Garvey would have done if there was an internet, what would Emperor Haile Selassie I say or watch. What would the King do..? .let’s do that. We give thanks for the opportunity and blessing to be here today, We thank You Jah for all the Love You have shown humanity, may our works be acceptable and fruitful in Your Sight and for Your Namesake. Give thanks for the presence of the Conquering Lion of Judah in these last days, that we have seen the face of Jah. We Thank You and pray for the renewal of humanity and the birth of an age of Righteousness in Your Perfect Way. In the Name of Jah the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. One JAH. Be Seme Ab, We Welde We Menfus Kiddus, Ahadu Amlak Amen.

Judgement Day. Inspired by Ras Sadiki-I

Judgement Day. Inspired by Ras Sadiki-I

Special thank to Ras Kabir for editing this article. How good it is when bredren can dwell in Unity.  Jah Bless, inna Heart of Love.