Tag Archives: African Union


The Case for Ethiopia Today: Presentation on behalf of R.U.N.N.

To watch the whole Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfDy9ac-YUM
 I Wanted to share this webinar in a manner that will help ones who want to understand what has happened in Ethiopia recently and what is unfolding is critical. It is critical for Africa, as well as the future of Ethiopia. On behalf of R.U.N.N. Reform the United Nations Now, it was an honor to speak with such distinguished guests and speakers. Each one shares an important element of the swift actions needed to help Ethiopia stay as one nation and support The Ethiopian Government. Any thoughts and comments are welcome, and we would like to thank Defend Ethiopia Task Force Europe and Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, as well as Mahlet Ayele with Connect Africa.
Ethiopia, Africa and the U.N. Strategic Solutions Addressing the Root Cause.

Greetings and thank you everyone with Defend Ethiopia Task Force Europe and the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, for organizing this webinar and  thank you Mahlet Ayele and Connect Africa for hosting this most important forum.

 When I speak to you it is not for or as myself, it is on behalf of R.U.N.N. Reform the United Nations Now, a new and passionate organization that is raising a global call for the removal of the U.N.S.C. veto power and a democratic United Nations. In order to see a functioning and mature United Nations we need to see accountability on part of all nations, and to not allow the US, Russia, China, Great Britain or France to have the final say. The current policies are from a colonial era, and for Africa, who holds the majority of seats today, it is counter productive, for us to be marginalized. Many of us are Pan Africans and we can see how these superpowers threaten to recolonize Africa, and how a system of permanent ruling class and discrimination is the root cause for both what is holding the UN, and Ethiopia from its potential.   
  Let us make it clear why we are here. We believe Ethiopia is being attacked on many fronts, internationally led by the maverick entities within the United Nations, influenced by foreign governments and the TPLF.  When the United Nations falls short of providing the assistance that African nations need, then groups like the African Union have to step up. The  African Union, through rising to the challenge to be honest peacemakers, can be a globally needed example and add legitimacy to the purpose and will of the African Union. Why is the African Union important in this topic? Because Ethiopia is not only its headquarters but in the middle of sophisticated domestic and foreign attacks, both in armed conflict and in an information war, one that Africa  will either collectively suffer from or collectively conquer. 
  We are also here because Ethiopia is the Heart of Humanity, and like many nations across Africa we see Ethiopia as a beacon of hope.  Following the death of Meles Zenawi, those who watched the fall of the TPLF after 27 years of documented brutal rule were hopeful. Their hope rested on a new Prime Minister that was there to repair the damage, and could bring Ethiopia into a new era. PM Abiy Amhed made sweeping changes and angered those who benefited from war and division from all sides, resulting in assassination attempts.(1.) The TPLF have, over their 27 years in power, consolidated the country’s weapons, ammunition and have stolen over 30 billion dollars from the treasury while building international relations. (2.) They built on the communist instated Ethnic Federalist Constitution left by the DERG, exploiting ethnic discrimination to benefit Tigrayan business interests and military power.
  We, as RUNN, have been studying the complicated chess moves that the international community is doing, what the TPLF is doing and what the Ethiopian Government is doing. In the interest of a secure Ethiopia we want to acknowledge some important facts.
1. This civil war was initiated by the TPLF through having a non-state sanctioned election during international covid 19 lockdowns. Then the TPLF attacked and murdered Ethiopian Troops on the Northern Command Base while they slept in Mekelle, and TPLF General, Skeuture Gatchew Nov. 4th 2020 proudly confessed that they took a ” pre-emptive strike.” (3.)
2. Global Terrorism Database recognised TPLF as a terrorist organisation since the 1970s. Countless Genocides have happened under TPLF rule on the Amhara people, Afar Tribe, Oromo Tribe, protesters, and journalists. The TPLF cannot be negotiated with by a government that doesn’t want to take a country backwards or be divided. (4.)
3. Ethiopia is in a process of both reshaping its government and military, independent of TPLF influence,The TPLF is not looking for independence, it is attacking its neighbors, forcing locals to fight for them including children. (5.) The elected Ethiopian national government has the right to defend themselves, as well as local tribes and militia where the ET Government cannot defend them.  
 When Ethiopia willingly decided to work with the African Union it was clear it would be Ethiopian led in respect to sovereignty. The importance of the AU to show itself to be a cooperative partner, with proper leadership that can work with the Ethiopian Government. (6.) The importance of food assistance, proper reporting and investigation, need a third party in order that it can be monitored and transparent . We have seen from the missing UN food trucks and fuel provisions, that the TPLF are using the UN to help provide for their army, without the interest of the Tigray people in mind. All UN reports (and those who are involved in their writing) also need review after the leaked reports of UN officials being infiltrated by TPLF lobbyists and expressing fear of the TPLF, UN, and foreign reprisals. These are things we believe the African Union can be helpful in. (7.)
  Strategically, we have both an armed conflict and an information war to overcome. It will take more than the Ethiopian Government to move world opinion because of the damage done by misreporting from the BBC, CNN, New York Times, Facebook etc. The US, which is widely believed to be indirectly arming the TPLF, has led the misinformation campaign, and appear (together with the UK and EU) to have sanctioned the TPLF’s attack on Ethiopia. (8.) In order to counteract that, the African Union and African leaders need to be able to stand with the Ethiopian Government.
   The danger of succession cannot be understated, nor the importance of amending the Ethiopian Constitution to remove the ability of any tribe to succeed from Ethiopia. The policy of Ethnic Federalism needs to be removed and a new unified national agenda needs to be pursued. In the case of any conflict, the energy and cost of war can weaken national resources and resilience, and hinder the solutions to come. The Prime Minister and the Ethiopians are well aware the Constitutional reforms need to happen and soon. The global awareness of the need to remove this system of discrimination also needs a pro-active media campaign, that the African Union should be encouraged and willing to actively support and facilitate. 
 The African Union can secure important routes and roads in Ethiopia that are critical for both commerce and for food aid. Positions in which the AU can help and not hinder are critical, for both Ethiopia and the AU who need to show they can rise to outsmart a sophisticated attacker that has little to lose and everything to gain. The TPLF has purposely agitated the Ethiopian Government and declined ceasefires and continued to attack neighboring provinces and tribes. They want the Ethiopian military to attack, and are using the UN and other groups to write exaggerated reports accusing the Ethiopian government of genocide. The Ethiopian Government are currently involved in airstrikes. The current operations are to attack key strategic facilities of the TPLF. There is no doubt that the TPLF will try to exploit any innocents that are harmed, which is likely even with precision aerial strikes. (9.)
 Ethiopia needs an end to the assault by the TPLF and the global media when it comes to protecting the people and dignity of Ethiopia. Ethiopia has now awakened out of the oppression it has collectively felt by pro-marxists since 1975. Her vision of a peaceful nation that wants to bring revitalization to the country and Her neighbors, and reconnect to the Red Sea, which will benefit the whole Horn of Africa. The question is, can and will the AU be able to resist foreign interests that favor dictatorships over democratic governments. Can the Ethiopian Government and the AU realize that in this moment of global misperceptions is the opportunity to make it clear that the UN, international NGO agencies, and mainstream media can all be used or manipulated, and do make mistakes? That the manner and systems of international interest are built on a western structure of approval or concerns.
 Overt and covert operations are taking place continentally to destabilize mineral rich areas of Africa. The motive of the TPLF,  and some foreign governments, is to keep Ethiopia from maximizing her potential, and maintain poverty and division which creates insurgencies, enabling the war machines to profit off proxy wars. So called NGO’s like the ”Sahan Research” group located in Nairobi Kenya (having been expelled from Somalia) have been outlets for misinformation that have influenced the UN in the past, and Matt Bryden, the former Chairman of the Somalia-Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) was also later discharged from his duties by the UN under compromising circumstances. (10.)
The TPLF promised a dam and purposely did not deliver it, and knows that a changing economy in Ethiopia could offset their invested interests in control and historical partnerships. The TPLF still poses a significant threat to the dam, being that the GERD dam is in the Amhara region close to Tigray.  In this last year we have seen the United Nations used to interfere on behalf of the US and Egypt with mediations and negotiations that the African Union was already holding between those in dispute over the Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam. The topic and position of the US regarding the dam, then with the Trump administration, and now with Biden’s, has remained with Egypt being their primary ally with little changes in the support of Egypt’s military government. (11.)
  Ethiopia knows the UN has been a strength in the past, but that it needs reforms. Ethiopia knows The African Union is good, but also needs reforms, Ethiopia knows that its country is great, but its Constitution needs reforms. The Ethiopian people are in support of removing Ethnic division policies (the vast majority being of mixed heritage), and dissolving the legal mechanisms by which Ethiopian groups can claim independence from the nation as a whole. We are aware of some of the challenges to making  those changes with certain tribes that want anatomy. For the sake of a Unified Ethiopia that can help usher in a more stable and Unified Africa, Ethiopians will have to come together to create their own unique form of Federalism. The African Union needs African guidance both within and abroad to realize that this is a challenge that will either add legitimacy or seriously harm its reputation. It is also an opportunity for Ethiopia to demonstrate how collective security works, and why Ethiopia has been key in helping other African nations with their internal issues as peacekeepers. The potential to transmute the situation is present, to show that many foreign interests do not include the interests of the majority of Africans. The US, Russia, France, The UK and China will have relationships with Africa but they need to be strictly regulated and restricted. R.U.N.N. can see the same narrative as the underlying issue with the United Nations, that there needs to be strict scrutiny of the agendas of the Big 5 in contrast to that of the world and the global problems that need global solutions. We know that Africa must lead the way, and that they represent 28 percent of all UN votes, that we as Africans are being denied a voice and control of our destiny. (12) Can we see that what is happening in Ethiopia is a microcosm of what is happening in Africa and the World. We have to change the narrative, and it starts with the framework of the system. 
We would like to commend the approach of The Crown Council of Ethiopia under the guidance of HIH Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie, who has gathered international solidarity through Churches and Ministries for a unified Ethiopia. (13.) His meeting with the Pope of Rome, 50 years after Emperor Haile Selassie the First made His last state visit, proved to be fruitful in building Christian Unity for the cause of Ethiopian unity and solidarity. We would also like to commend  Mr. Methos Obang, Executive Director of the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia, for years of service in the interest of unifying Ethiopia without a political bias. We would like to thank Connect Africa for calling together a wonderful panel to address such an important task. May the Almighty continue to bless you, and May His Wisdom and Mighty Hand Guide Ethiopia to conquer all obstacles.

Representing R.U.N.N.

Reform the United Nations Now
Ras Elijah Tafari
                1. “Ethiopia charges 5 with terrorism over assassination attempt “By ELIAS MESERETSeptember 28, 2018
  • 2. FORBES MAGAZINE,David Steinman MARCH 3, 2017 BASED ON 2015 UN REPORTS.
  • 3. VOX NOV. 28 2020 CAMERON PETERS.
  • 4., AUGUST 16, 2021
  • 5. ORGANIZATION OF WORLD PEACE, “The Recruitment Of Child Soldiers By The Tigray People’s Liberation Front In Ethiopia”Briana John SEPT. 14 2021
  • 8. DISSENTVOICE.ORG  Ethiopia: TPLF Terrorism Expands, Civilians Massacred by Graham Peebles / September 18th, 2021
  • 9. ORGANIZATION FOR WORLD PEACE. 2021 Tigray Forces Say Air Strikes Hit Ethiopia’s Mekelle, Government Denies BY HAAKON LEHN OCT. 31 2021
  • 10. JAN. 31 2017  IGAD’s Inappropriate Submission on Eritrea to the UNSC ; TESFA NEWS
  • 11. REUTERS.ORG FEB 20TH 2021
  • 13. WORLD TRIBUNE; Spurned in Ethiopia: Samantha Power met (only) with peace and health ministers. 2021


R.U.N.N. Article, Ethiopian Government with the African Union.

Greetings everyone, Global Citizens, Rastafari, Pan-Africans, Ethiopians, R.U.N.N. Members and those who are interested in Reform the United Nations Now.

We are proud to announce the publishing of our first group article about the current developments in Ethiopia and how it relates to the power of collective security. Collective security both from Africans within Africa and those abroad who see the advantages of working together with what is best for Ethiopia with nations that understand the geo-politics and history of the area.
This is the first of a series of articles and letters that we are sharing that will help in counteracting the disinformation war and encourage peace-making and unity in Ethiopia. The current issues with the United Nations make the importance of Ethiopia’s relationship with the African Union more important than ever, while long term solutions are addressed, both with the UN and through the Ethiopian Constitution.
We hope this public article of encouragement promotes the dignity and foresight of the Ethiopian Government to find like-minds within the African Union. We hope to see them expand and create a new dialogue on a world platform about how Ethiopia and other nations can overcome tribalism and succession. Ethiopia can be a higher example when aligned with the wisdom of others that respects the sovereignty of Africa.
This article will be published on multiple websites today, and if it seems sensible to you please share and pass it on. Ethiopia is close to many of us, and we look forward to seeing a new horizon.
One Ethiopia, One Africa, One God.
Representing R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.
Ras Elijah Tafari
R.U.N.N. article Ethiopia and A.U. pg1R.U.N.N. article Ethiopia and the A.U. pg 2

Mankind's Last Hope By Ras Elijah Tafari The Urgent Need To Reform The United Nations

Intro to R.U.N.N. Why we need organize to reform the UN.

As we all are in the winds of the whirlwind of the times, I wanted to slow down and give thanks. First Give thanks to for Life and the Opportunity to share this moment.

I wanted to give thanks for those who are excited about the book and organizing, it is a joy to be able to organize publicly and gather strength internationally. We are opening up a dialogue with both Rastafari and human rights/ environmental justice advocates about why we must push for reforming the United Nations. Many are already likeminded, how to remove the veto power from the UN Security Council is the beginning uniting in the name of Collective Security. Without removing the veto power of the UNSC, the lack of environmental justice, the lack of human rights, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons will continue. We address this as an urgent matter, and have created a new group to address it from an all age, international and pan African approach. As we explore and journey into this endeavor, the guidance of those around us is crucial. In many ways, whether one is very educated or not, the simplicity of the topic will arise the more as is it directly approached. It is also complex, which allows us all to look at multi faceted solutions that are creative and beneficial for all. Having polarized positions are a hinderance, and as the truth comes out, the truth reveals exactly what is helpful and what is hurtful.
No nation will be able to assure its own survival or freedom without the commitments of their neighbors. That is a reasoning I am happy to elaborate on, however, ones can support local, be a patriot nationalist, and think internationally about threats faced globally and strengths that happen with Global solidarity. Beyond rhetoric this movement is about actualizing and having the will power and determination to make change by any means necessary. It is important for Africans together with the Caribbean to take the lead in presenting the importance for UN Reforms, that our representation can be accounted for by our own leadership and example. Looking at solutions with a Black Liberation theology ingrained, allows a special advantage.
Working with social movements and bridging different groups builds on the message that this will take a global effort. I hope that this resonates and is something you’re interested in learning more about building. It is the duty of everyone to work for our collective survival over collective extinction. Many have expressed the desire to bring their spiritual education higher to build for real peace and security. Logically and Spiritually the United Nations represents the greatest body for peace keeping in human history, it therefore has the greatest potential that need those who believe in justice, human rights, dignity, and environmental protections to push for those principals. Thank you for reading and I hope you will want to join us and build as One. Learn more and register at www.reformtheunitednationsnow.com and you can order the book for there as well. Jah Bless the whole Earth. Rastafari.
Ras Elijah Tafari
Founder of R.U.N.N.
Reform the United Nations Now.